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So an orc, a human, and a troll walk into a bar...

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The gnome walks under it. ba dum ching! :tongue:


Hi, I'm me, and I'm on an apparently endless weight loss journey. I've been pretty significantly over-weight for most of my life, though looking back on pictures of me at 18 now I can't help but think "I want to be fat like THAT again!" I capped out at 347 pounds in 2010 and maintained that weight until early 2012, when I first started making changes. For reference, I am female, 5'9" and 29 years old. I've had a life-long problem with binge eating and emotional binges, secret eating, and obsession with food and dieting. Obviously, no fad diet I tried ever worked. I am Italian  and was raised 'vegetarian' which in my family's case meant 'eat lots of grains and soy and processed bullshit with lots of sweets and a couple veggies on the side once in a awhile and also PASTA PASTA PASTA!'


I decided to give up soda as my 2012 resolution and that worked out really well for me. One day while browsing le internet about clean living I found a website called Mark's Daily Apple. I started reading, and I didn't stop reading until my lunch break (obviously I do all my best net browsing at work. :tongue:) when I decided that this was a way of eating philosophy I could get behind. From there I found other favorite sites like Whole9 and NomNomPaleo, and from then on I was obsessed with paleo/primal eating and living. I had incredible success, and preached loud and long to anyone who would listen.


I lost 50 pounds over the course of 5 months. For the first time in my adult life, I was under 300 pounds. I lost more, and my lowest weight was 287. I tossed out all my old pants that didn't fit and bought 2 new pairs of jeans 2 sizes smaller that actually fit! I was thrilled and things were great. 


Then came some rough times. My long distance boyfriend and I began having some MAJOR problems, which I won't delve into here because we're both in counseling to work through it. But during the holidays of November and December I became a wreck. I started eating fast food... first once a day, then twice, then 2 combos in one sitting with a 40 ounce cherry coke. My skin started breaking out, my hair got nasty, and in just 2 short months I gained back 15 pounds. I felt sick all the time, and so angry with myself. The junk food consumption couldn't be stopped, I was like a walking garbage disposal on a mission to consume all the things. And consume them I did. 


In January of this year my poor behavior continued until this weekend when I resolved at long last to get back to what I know is the right way to be. Eating whole healthy foods and living a purposeful, minimalist life is very important to me, and I can't do that if I harming myself by ingesting poisons willfully and paying for them hand over fist (because believe me, fast food the way I did it is NOT cheap). 


I really want to do Tai Chi and CrossFit, but I keep chickening out and using the cost to justify not doing it. >.< Exercise terrifies me, I'm entirely sedentary and have been my whole life, was always a book nerd, never played a single sport. I did try Yoga last year but I found it incredibly difficult at times and it made me feel ill so I quit. >.<


So here I am, I need some accountability and making it into a game sounded like too much fun to pass up. :3 I play WoW (for da Horde!) and work in the gaming industry as well, so when I found NF I was like, OMG *flappy hands of excitement!* I am also trying to get my boyfriend to eat better as he has the opposite problem from me, he is 6'2" and weighs maybe 120 lbs soaking wet, skips meals all the time and eats a lot of junky carbs. Sugar and processed bread carbs are my absolute kryptonite, so I know those are the things I MUST eliminate.  


Thanks for reading. I like to write lots of TLDR. 


Current Weight: 306

Goal Weight: A soft and curvy but healthy 180 lbs to start

Way of Eating: Paleo (with occasional full fat dairy)

Weight Loss Groove: Ketosis (carbs < 20)

Things I wish I Did: Tai Chi, Yoga, CrossFit



"Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead!" - Buffy Summers 

level 1 Orc Warrior at heart, training with the Adventurers
STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

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Is this a great place, or what?  I see you've started a battle log, but you might want to join the challenge as well.  The nice thing about the challenge is it forces you to commit to 3 short term goals.  Thre are some terrific folks on this thread, so you might want to chat with some of them.  I see you're focused on cleaning up your diet, which is of course, the smart place to start.  But you want to get active, so there's no time like the present to start building muscles.  Again, some of the folks on the above thread might have some great advice.  You can of course, always do the ever-popular beginner's body weight workout (click on the NERD FITNESS tab, and look at the free resources).  Because its body-weight workout, you're going to have to substitute in some easier moves to get started, such as chair squats in place of the squats and wall pushups in place of the standard pushup.  Welcome to the rebellion. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Hi me, I'm me too!! :D So I saw your thread title on zee bottom of zee page that I was perusing and thought "HA!" so I clicked on it and I came to see the beginnings of your awesomeness. I was stupid-excited. Like sitting in my chair here at work giggling and silently clapping like a freak. ^_^

 I loves me some WoWage (been playing since Vanilla) and am 1 inch shorter than you and 1 year older. YARR!! So we have a lot alike. >.>  scary how the interwebs bring ppl together like that, huh? Haha!!

  Glad you found NF and glad you have chosen to share your journey with us! *sends a party invite* I'm really looking forward to watching you level up your life!!! Time to go troll your Battle Log now...  :ph34r:

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Aww hi thanks for the super enthusiastic reply! Life got all up in my bidness this weekend and I totally forgot to come here and read things and do my battle log. :<


"Seize the moment, cause tomorrow you might be dead!" - Buffy Summers 

level 1 Orc Warrior at heart, training with the Adventurers
STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

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Just wanted to wish you good luck with getting back on track. It can be hard when life events mess up the healthy routines you're trying to form. :) Your brain literally has embedded pathways of your old habits just waiting for you to slide back into them before your new habits get as firmly embedded. My only advice on the exercise is to try different things and find the one you like (or at least hate the least) since that will help you stick to exercise. And things like music and audiobooks can make walking and running and such more enjoyable and pass by faster.

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