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So happy to be here - n00b from OH

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I was asked in the introductory e-mail from NF, "What are you struggling with right now?"and I thought that was the perfect question to use here to introduce myself. 


What am I struggling with right now? I've been overweight/obese (depending on who you ask) as long as I can remember. While I'm certainly not on the morbid side (hell, I ran 2 marathons last year), I've never - EVER - felt good about my body. And now that I'm older (almost 35! *gasp*), I've combined my semi-superficial body image/reality issues with the fact that there are actual health risks involved with continuing to lug around this extra 50-60 pounds that I've never really tried to lose. 


So, my struggle is how do I get the light bulb to not only turn on, but to blow out and launch me full of motivation. I'm a spontaneous person. I act impulsively. I'm what Steve would probably call a "Shiny Object Chaser". I read about something like Paleo and think I can just start eating that way tomorrow, despite the fact that it means turning my diet around 180 degrees from where it's been for over 30 years. And when I do things like that, I usually fail. The marathon training last year was really the first time I set out with a long-term goal and did (most of) the work to accomplish it.


I've poked around NF a little the last 24 hours - and I absolutely LOVE the site. I appreciate the sincerity, the humor and the depth of content inside. I can't wait to start my Epic Quest. I have a beautiful, fun-loving family that I want to take along with me. But I have to lead by example and that's why I'm here.
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You've done the first thing; you've made a decision to change your life. You don't have 100 lbs to lose, but I'd recommend hopping onto this thread, especially the advice at the end of the thread from Waldo, who "only" lost 75 pounds. (Sorry no hyperlink, my browser isn't letting me do that this week. Ack - gotta fix that). You can paste the link into your browser - http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/21533-100-pounds-to-lose/

Welcome to the rebellion.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Welcome to NF!!  :)  Glad you're here.  Sounds like you have a great grasp on some of your own tendencies that perhaps may have sabotaged you in the past.  I am one of those Shiny Object Chasers too.  :)  I read about some new diet or technique, and away we go!  Last year I happened upon NF and the paleo/primal lifestyle, and I have used that as a way to give myself parameters for how to work toward my goals.  Now I find myself not quite so entranced by all the new Shiny Objects that pop up on TV or in magazines.  


Props to you on your marathon success!!  That is huge....you will find a ton of support and encouragement here, to tap into what go you through that marathon training and launch you forward into the next chapter.  :)   Look forward to seeing you around the boards!

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As a fellow shiny object chaser, I feel your pain!! I've also trained for several half marathons and a marathon this past fall (but ended up not running due to an injury late in training). If you've completed two marathons, you know what it means to stick to a training program. Set up your workouts up for the long term, just like a marathon training plan, and you'll be set.


Welcome to NF!! Check out the current challenge (you can start today to warm up for the next one).  

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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