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sick of being embarrassed of my body :(

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Hi my name is Jen and the title says it all! I'm 20 years old, 5'2 and about 125 pounds. I am constantly depressed and sad about my body. It's not that I weigh a lot, I'm just very short and stocky. 


I am a full time student who used to be a gymnast of ten years. In fact I did gymnastics with olympian Jordan Weiber. I used to be so crazy in shape I can't believe I have bulging thighs and stomach fat.


I love researching about nutrition but it doesn't mean I always tend to eat the right things (I'm obsessed with chocolate!) I know I should work out harder and I have started taking more classes but I find it hard to balance college lifestyle and eating well. 


I have dreams of being a circus performer, specifically doing Aerial Gymnastics (their arms got nothing on michelle obamas!)


Anywho I'm looking for all the support I can get, especially from younger people on here, but whoever it will be hit me up! If I get some replies I'll add a picture.


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Hey! Good luck! I'm pretty young myself (24) and I just got out of college last year. I know how hard deciding to study or work out is - a lot of times I tried to combine the two (like reading notes while walking uphill on a treadmill, which I figured wasn't as good as running, but the incline worked different muscles..) but it was still really difficult. Making the choice to study or work out can be hard. 


The best thing that worked for me was to add exercising into study or homework sessions - I mean sometimes when you're trying to study your brain kind of goes numb anyways. So when I would notice that happening I'd get up and try to move around my apartment for a while - with squats, lunges, anything that I didn't need equipment for. Then once my heart rate was up and I felt more clear-headed I'd go back to studying. Kept me from feeling too burned out on either, and Id get a lot done. 


Anyways, I know what its like to be in really good shape and then kind of loose it after a while. I managed to stay in pretty good shape (like a size 4, 120 lbs or so) for most of college, and I could run 10 miles without having to stop, but over the past year I gained about 10-12 lbs and stopped running. I know its not a ton of weight, and I still feel mostly in shape, but when I go to run and have to stop after 4 miles, I just end up getting down that its not as much as I used to be able to do. Plus I have a box of cute clothes that don't quite fit anymore, and I just got tired of it all.  


I don't know if you can relate to any of that, but if you do, just know you're not the only one! Good luck! Welcome to NF! I hope to see you around in the challenge next week - its my first one and Im pretty excited!

Lvl 1 Khajit Ranger

Str - 4.5 Dex - 3 Con - 1 Sta - 3  Wis - 4 Cha - 5

It's okay to be happy to see me. Just because you're English doesn't mean you need to hide your emotions.

I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now f*** off.

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Don't beat yourself up about any "failures" just step back, reevaluate your plan of attack, and get back into it.  The last thing you want to do is focus on failures, they are only momentary set backs.

A true warrior does not train tirelessly to fight, or to kill. A true warrior trains endlessly that he may return home alive.
-R. Calloway


Maybe the ultimate wound is the one that makes you miss the war you got it in.
- Sebastian Junger


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Doodlie PVP Johari Window

Epic Quest Character 

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Just keep finding ways to make it a priority. Contrary to popular belief you don't need and hour and a half- to two hours to work out.  15-20 minute workouts are awesome!!  You also don't NEED to do a full workout EVERY DAY.  I find that the mentality of doing something "workout" related is more important. Meaning- I'm busy from dusk till dawn and then some.  Some days I leave home at 7 AM and I come back at 10.   It's absolutely VITAL that I do something that isn't "oh this counts as a workout"  (curling your book back walking to and from class- don't judge me). what I mean is- I'm going to set aside 35 seconds to just do 5 push ups between subjects of studying.  While I'm waiting to microwave my Ramen noodles- I'm going to do squats.

Something specific.  Something you ADDED to your day.  As you do this- you'll find more and more time to squeeze these things in and all the sudden BAM you've actually incorporated a whole workout into your day because you want to. 


This isn't a dig on your- this is a generic statement I just need to say something about: "I'm too busy" esp from students.  Guess what- it doesn't get easier.  Life doesn't suddenly become full of time for you to work out after you graduate and you have no more school work- it gets harder.  If you can't find time for a work out NOW- you'll never do it later and all the sudden you're going to wake up and realize you're 40 and even more miserable then you were before. 


The biggest thing is you have to make it a priority not an afterthought.  I know sure some days it just doesn't happen- LIFE happens.   But everyone you see who is fit- and makes time- they probably have crazy amounts of stuff to do- but their fitness- it's important to them- so they make time for it.  Make the changes now- so you don't have to be THAT guy coming into the gym when he's 50 years old who can't hold a ball and walk.  


These changes happen now!!!  You CAN TOTALLY do it.  Everyone gets the same amount of time in the day lol make the most of it- it'll happen for you I promise!

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The big start is diet! Get into the healthy diet, and you'll feel more energetic and able to workout (: I started with diet change and got into working out as soon as energy levels picked up! Welcome to the Rebellion! (:



diet is key.  I'm TERRIBLE with committing to exercise.  but i shed pounds just by switching over to Primal eating after I found NF. best of luck!!

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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thanks, now i've been exercising a ton and i feel great.


ive already gained lots of muscles and its only been 2 weeks. except now im 7 pounds heavier- ugh


i know i'm more strong which is good but i think the muscle just went right over my fat. i don't know how to lose weight. i eat usually under 1200 cals and plenty of protein. (eggs, protein shakes) 

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Don't focus so much on losing weight, it's just a stupid number.  A lot of people actually get heavier as they get stronger.  Some people take measurements (I'm sure there's a thread somewhere that someone can point you towards).  I'm personally taking pictures daily of myself shirtless from the front and side so that over time I'll hopefully be able to see the progression of things.

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Also under 1200 calories is not good for your body. You need a MINIMUM of 1200 calories per day. Let me reiterate, that's MINIMUM.

Protein shakes are full of sugar and other junk and are not as healthy as they may seem. They should really only be used when it's impossible to fit enough protein in your diet from natural sources (like if you're bulking, trying to gain muscle). Instead, try getting more protein from chicken, turkey, and (gasp!) red meat.

I would suggest doing some reading about BMR and TDEE to educate yourself on nutrition. You don't want to starve yourself, for reals.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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There are a lot of people who do parkour on this site. That might be the closest to aerial gymnastics as a way to get in shape while having fun. Look at the assassins' challenges for inspiration.

Running goal - Dopey Challenge 2015

Training to complete an Ironman by 2017. I can swim .5, bike 112, and run 26.2, separately.


Buckland Hobbit, Level 4 Scout

STR 10.25 | DEX 6 | STA 12.75 | CON 8 | WIS 9.75 | CHA 5.75



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It sounds like you're being very harsh on yourself, ease up on it and accept that you're human!


A lot of the vibe I get from around here is that happiness is vital, inner happiness, not just appearing to be happy. You're a full time student so you have your studies to concentrate on!!


I detest calorie counting, but it sounds like you're under-eating and that's not going to help your quest to get fit. Eat well, eat healthy, no junk!! And exercise!! It's the simple rule for getting in shape. Eat healthy and exercise more!!


I can't find the pictures you posted but it sounds like you're in good shape to start with!


My main point though is go easier on yourself!! You're awesome and you have real priorities!! Happiness IS the path!!

Go BIG, or go home.

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thank you for all the comments! being a gymnast kind of put extra stress on how i feel about my body, if you have ever watched the movie Perfect Body or understand how athletic you must be when you do gymnastics...its kind of like being super athletic and then not for a while you notice how your body changes in a negative way and its hard to deal with trying to get the strength back up again to feel good. but thanks i will work hard to stay on track!

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