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Help! My Sleep Sucks!


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I have a problem. I am chronically late to anything that starts in the morning. Yes, this includes work. I am late, late, late. This is a problem, and I HATE it.


Luckily, my boss 1) loves me, and 2) understands having ridiculous sleep problems.


I've never been what you'd call a morning person, but I could get up and into a routine after a few weeks of practice. For some reason, it is not working right now.


Here's the issue:

I do not hear my alarm in the morning. I've tried it right next to my bed, far away from my bed, and it just doesn't matter. Until my body is ready to wake up, I will not hear the alarm.


I've noticed that when I fall asleep to when I wake up is usually right around 8 hours. This is encouraging, because I believe that if I can get the schedule back on track that waking up will become less of an issue.


The other problem: I don't fall asleep until 2am. Not for lack of trying. I'll go to bed early with every intention of making this problem better...and lay there awake for hours. Finally, I've decided to just read until I'm starting to nod off.


Anyone got ideas/tips on how to adjust this sleep schedule so that I'll go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early?

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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Yep, you totally just described me. Have you tried a sunrise alarm clock? It gets gradually brighter over the course of about 20 minutes until your set alarm time. I have one, and it makes all the difference in the world in my mornings. I still use a noise-based alarm also, but waking up to a bright room makes it a lot harder to go back to sleep.

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I'm deaf when I sleep too- so I feel your pain- on so many levels.  I'm a chronically late person- and I feel it's a personality and character flaw in me and I can't stand it. 


Some things I have tried and had reasonable success with:

> phone on vibrate- I did really well in school with the physical reaction not just the audio one.

 If you find it works- or you have the money- look into a deaf alarm clock- they have a little vibrating plate that goes under your pillow or             what not- they are awesome.


> gradual sound alarms (my samsung has that as an option and for whatever reason- I react pretty damn well to it)


> Getting extra sleep has served me very well.   (no duh right LOL)


> Having a project I NEED to have to be somewhere for really helps motivate me to get up in a timely manner.  (not missing a ride to corporate?  yeah that gets me up on time)


I have literally 4 alarms in my room- 3 on my phone (different rings) and one off the bed- that's an actual alarm clock- and it has 2 alarms to schedule. 


After I wake up- I set ANOTHER alarm- ten minutes prior to departure time:  keep me focused and moving toward the door and I know I'm on a clock that I need to get the car loaded up started warmed up and grab last minute items.


Something else that helps- set your clothes out in advance (some times I'm going from 0700- 2200- so literally all day- and I have desk job- gym job- then dance class- and I literally have no room for error as far as clothing or time is concerned.)  So in the morning I'm not running around panicked *still working on this but getting better lol it makes a big difference for me in my departure time if my food is all prepped and just needs loading in the lunch box and all my clothes and things are ready- no hunting down socks or that one shirt I need. It's ready. So I get up- prep face- start coffee- let dog out- pack lunch- do make up- get dressed brush teeth- make protein shake- ALARM- start and load car- collect my things- finish face- leave.  


much less stressful.  I ALWAYS set my keys down in the same spot. My phone stays by my bed until I grab it to go.  That way I know exactly where the last minute things are.  nothing worse than being late and not being able to find your keys. LOL


I really feel your pain- I'm TERRIBLE at it- but one of my goals to being a better person is being on time- by on time I mean like 5 minutes early. not 5-10 minutes late.   

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I can relate to this and i am still trying to find a solution to it myself  , weird question but do you sleep with your tv on ? One thing iv decided that helps me is drinking a TON of water before bed nothing wakes me up more then having to go to the bathroom . 

Half Drow - Level 1 Adventurer                               Stats
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I don't I hate it. I sleep terribly with it on.

M bf loves watching futurama ... leave it on all night. So grateful I don't live with him right now. We would probably be like an old couple and have separate bed rooms! I have read it's ready bad for you in terms of getting good sleep but some people are just really used to it and don't sleep well without it. (Now I do hate complete silence... so i have a sound generator app so I don't have to get a

Weirded out by the lack if sound.

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I started to have problems falling asleep after my night schedule switched to just weekends (weird right?). Also, I got restless leg which sucked!!!!


Here are some ideas I've tried and they have helped:


No caffiene 4-6 hours before bed (iced tea, coffee, soda)

No TV, computer, anything with a screen at least 1 hour before bed

Instead of TV: read a book or if you feel like your mind is swimming with your "to do" list, actually write the list down on paper

Warm bath 30 minutes before bed (i like to read in the tub)


See how it works for you!

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I started to have problems falling asleep after my night schedule switched to just weekends (weird right?). Also, I got restless leg which sucked!!!!


Here are some ideas I've tried and they have helped:


No caffiene 4-6 hours before bed (iced tea, coffee, soda)

No TV, computer, anything with a screen at least 1 hour before bed

Instead of TV: read a book or if you feel like your mind is swimming with your "to do" list, actually write the list down on paper

Warm bath 30 minutes before bed (i like to read in the tub)


See how it works for you!

These are all pretty good- another is to install the program flux on whatever computers you have at home.  Blue colored light stimulates your eyes and brain to keep the body awake.  Flux will adjust the temperature of your monitor automatically at sundown.  Don't watch TV, and use small yellow/orange lights (incandescent work well, if you can find them) to light your room.  Fluorescents and LED's are usually made to be pretty blue, or like daylight, and they will keep you up.


Aside from not getting blue light at night, try to get some sunlight into your room first thing in the morning, and get some during the day as well.  This will help you regulate your sleep cycle.  Don't wear sunglasses during the day unless they are absolutely needed for a safety reason, such as preventing snow blindness or glare while driving.


Some people do well with a workout before bed, others feel more awake afterwards.  No specific recommendation here, other than trying it out for yourself.

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Big tip I have read studies supporting is not watching TV/Computers/ect. before bedtime.  As jfreaksho pointed out the color coming off your screens and lights is not conducive to sleep.  Additionally the strobe effect from screens can mess with your sleep cycle.


I would throw in trying to get a nap in the middle of the day.  We have a low spot in our circadian rhythm right around 1-3 pm when we should be napping.


Lastly, I have an eye pillow/sleep mask that I use when it is too bright to sleep or the TV is on.  The real trick is every time you put it on after you get it, you stop and tell your brain that when you put that mask on, it is time to sleep.  Eventually your brain will get the association and learn to pass out when you put it on.

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I generally do not have those problems you are encountering but here is what I do regularly to counter jetlag(5h+) / f-ed up internal clock FAST:

  • Do not eat anything 12-14 hours prior to your scheduled waking time (which means going to bed HUNGRY).
  • Try to get some sleep.
  • Somehow manage to wake up in the morning.
  • Have an extensive breakfast (eggs, chicken, bacon, you name it)

Works for me like a charm.

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In addition to the recommendations here, try taking a melatonin supplement when you want to go to sleep. I find that it's all I need to push me over the edge from kinda tired to full on sleep, usually within a 10 minute period.


Level 3 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 9 | DEX 2 | STA 5 | CON 4 | WIS 7 | CHA 2


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Yep, you totally just described me. Have you tried a sunrise alarm clock? It gets gradually brighter over the course of about 20 minutes until your set alarm time. I have one, and it makes all the difference in the world in my mornings. I still use a noise-based alarm also, but waking up to a bright room makes it a lot harder to go back to sleep.


As a low-cost alternative, I've also used a reading lamp on a christmas-light timer, set for 30 minutes before I need to wake up.  Just an idea.


Level 1 Rebel Reboot

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Fandoms: Rick and Morty, LotR, Thursday Next, Star Wars (of course!)

Goals: 1) Keep on running, 2) Eat on diet, 3) Read a book

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I'm used to operating on little sleep and even tho I work at 7:30, I get up at 7 and probably went to bed between 2 and 4AM.  Last night I went to bed at 5AM cuz I was up streaming How to Destroy Angels from Coachella heh.  Woke up at 11:15.  My kids are 7 1/2 and 5 and they are capable of getting themselves food and entertaining themselves w/Netflix and will wake me if they need anything.  They are up at 7 daily cuz my little one has an internal clock like that.  How my kids are morning people I do NOT understand :)


I need to get more sleep myself, but my wife and I usually end up watching TV together after the kids are asleep.  I roll out of bed at 7, toss on clothes and run to work and clock in between 10 minutes early and a couple minutes late depending.  Things are flexible enough that as long as I'm making my time my boss doesn't care.  In the morning, my phone goes off at 630, 645, 655 and 7.  My kids alarm is going off at 7 during the week as well.  Keys and wallet just in front of my keyboard, phone by my bed, meals and snacks for work already packed in my bag and in the fridge the night before.  So I can get dressed, grab the food and go and not miss anything.


I can't help you sleep, but I agree w/the multiple alarms (and maybe alarm types if needed).  I almost always play music when I'm going to sleep and I like a fan blowing directly on me if possible.  It's extra noise and the extra cool is nice.  Half the time in winter my wife and I still have the window cracked to force us under our blankets heh.  We both want our heads cooler at night.  Heat is paid by the complex courtesy of their massive double boiler system, which is very nice.  We tend to keep our apartment between 70 and 75 year round.  Comfortable enough to walk around in boxers or boxers and a t shirt no matter how cold it is outside

Level 1 Satyr Adventurer/Assassin    

Age: 36, Height: 5'9", Weight: 238.6, Pants Size: 40Str 2 | Dex 3 | Sta 2 | Con 4 | Wis 1 | Cha 3

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Goals: 200 pounds, the old size 36 leather pants in my closet :)

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here.  You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.


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Another thing I do is feed my dog in the morning when I wake up. She makes sure I wake up. :-)


Level 1 Rebel Reboot

Activities: cycling, running, snowshoeing

Fandoms: Rick and Morty, LotR, Thursday Next, Star Wars (of course!)

Goals: 1) Keep on running, 2) Eat on diet, 3) Read a book

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Great ideas, everyone. Things have gotten a little better lately. I started making myself accountable to answer a phone call at the time I'm supposed to get up in the morning - so I have to be awake enough to hear, pick up, and speak in coherent sentences.


Next challenge is to actually get up during that conversation or right after. Most mornings I find I'm pretty awake, but I let myself fall back asleep "just for 10 minutes" which turns into much longer. I think I've just conditioned myself to let that be the norm...but it's going to be the norm no more!


I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but I'm wondering if trying to make sure I eat something (which means going upstairs to the kitchen) in the morning will help make me more motivated to get out of bed.


I like the idea of a sunrise alarm --- and might go try to find a christmas light timer and try it out! Thanks for the suggestions (low-cost alternatives are wonderful!)

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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I have had a lot of trouble with waking up in the past. Hitting the snooze three times, until I had to absolutely get going or be late. Sometimes I'd wake up to the alarm and try to set a new alarm a 1/2 hour out, vs the 10 minute snooze, but I'd end up setting it for AM instead of PM (I work nights)... not good.

I agree with a lot of what has already been said, but what works for me is...

Having a bedtime routine. Taking a bath with lavender or something soothing. Climbing into clean sheets is supposed to help too, and I think it really does.

I also use a white noise app docked in a speaker... when my alarm app goes off, the white noise cuts out. I actually use the sound called "brown noise" because it seems a little less harsh than the white. But I can't sleep without it. It blocks out all those little noises and sounds that can keep you distracted and awake.

Also, I don't eat 4-5 hours before bed. Any longer than that and I'll be hungry when I hit the sack, and then that keeps me awake.

If I eat right before bed I get to sleep easier but I have a really hard time waking up. 4-5 hours seems to be the magic trick, combined with a healthy diet and now I very often wake up just before my alarm goes off. And feel awake! It's awesome.

I keep my phone across the room, so I'm not tempted to check my mail, Facebook, craigslist, etc... that thing will keep me up hours past my bedtime, then I definitely don't wake up before my alarm.

Reading while in bed can help me recognize when I'm tired enough to fall right to sleep.

I'm not a breakfast person either. Waking up and eating a meal right away makes me sluggish for the whole day.

Sometimes if I can't sleep because of life stuff that is on my mind... I will change what I am thinking about. Instead of thinking about bills, or work, etc I'll switch to something abstract and pleasant, like my dream house. Or I'll think about the characters in a book I'm reading and wonder what they're up too... it doesn't seem to matter what it is, but making stuff up (while lying quietly with my eyes closed) seems to stimulate the dreaming/sleeping process.

"There is nothing permanent except change." - Heraclitus


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My best sleep tips:  


  • make sure your room is dark.  DARK.  No lights.  Shut those down and block them out. tape over the alarm if need be. Get thick curtains if you have to. 
  • Turn the lights way down before bed.  If you can, ditch the computer about an hour before bed. 
  • Amazon will have some really nice amber glasses that help with this.  Check into a computer program called f.lux.  It's magic. 
  • Magnesium before bed helps (I use Natural Calm).
  • A warm shower about 30 minutes before bed helps. 
  • pick a scent and make sure your room smells like it at night (spritz a pillow or something).  Only use it when you're trying to sleep.  You will build up an association and your mind will get used to that smell meaning bed time. 

Level 3 Human Ranger
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I have found that if you haven't done anything to make you tired you wont fall asleep. I can sit home all day painting, drawing, gaming, etc and not be tired until 2.  I can work out in the morning then do the same the rest of the day and still be wide awake past 12. 


The only times I am really tired are when I have done something.  It doesn't have to be super physical.  Perfect example:  I went bowling yesterday from 5-7, wasn't tired or sore afterwards, but I spent the whole time on my feet.  I was asleep by 9:30, and I had to actually keep myself awake past 9 to check something online for class.


I have trouble waking up in the mornings too, getting to sleep at the right time is the best fix.


Good luck!

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

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Routines are awesome for the actual falling asleep part.  We are creatures of habit.  I've found it helpful to reserve my bed for sleeping only (well and one other thing.....)  But I used to lay on my bed to use my computer, read, watch tv, etc.  So when I laid down to sleep, my brain must have thought we were about to do something interesting and kicked into high gear.  Now I've gotten used to the idea that bed=sleep and I zonk out a lot easier.  I like the idea of using a scent to associate bedtime with sleep.


If you have an iphone, there is a cool app called Sleep Cycle.  You set it on the edge of your bed and it uses the accelerometer to detect how you are moving throughout the night.  You give it a 30-40 minute window and the alarm will go off when you you are in your lightest sleep state.  Helps with feeling more rested when you wake up.

Level 4 Amazon Warrior
STR: 16 | DEX: 5.75 | STA: 9.5 | CON: 9.25 | WIS: 7.5 | CHA: 7.5



The best activities for your health are pumping and humping. - Arnold

Quoth the raven "One rep more" - Edgar Allan Bro


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If you have an iphone, there is a cool app called Sleep Cycle.  You set it on the edge of your bed and it uses the accelerometer to detect how you are moving throughout the night.  You give it a 30-40 minute window and the alarm will go off when you you are in your lightest sleep state.  Helps with feeling more rested when you wake up.


Ok that is really interesting.  I may need to check that out


EDIT: So there is a Sleep Cycle app by Maciek Digital Labs, but there are several other similar.  Is this the one you are talking about?

Level 1 Satyr Adventurer/Assassin    

Age: 36, Height: 5'9", Weight: 238.6, Pants Size: 40Str 2 | Dex 3 | Sta 2 | Con 4 | Wis 1 | Cha 3

My tracking thread: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/26623-ssquirrels-list-of-everything/

Goals: 200 pounds, the old size 36 leather pants in my closet :)

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.Cheshire Cat: Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here.  You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.


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My sunrise alarm has made a HUGE difference in my whole life.  I sleep so much better now that I'm actually getting out of bed in a reasonable way.


The light on a timer helped, but not nearly as much as the gradual increase from the sunrise alarm.  Two dim lights, set 10-15 min apart might replicate the sunrise better than one brighter lamp.

Level Four Mandalorian Assassin

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I have a lamp that is one of those "energy efficient" bulbs - so it starts out fairly dim and gets brighter as it stays on. I'm thinking that lamp on a timer might have a similar effect as the not-so-cost-effective light alarms out there.


Note: This morning, I felt super awake when my alarm went off! That was new and exciting. I've recently changed my exercise habits to a more intense workout each day - perhaps contributing to better rest???

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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Ok that is really interesting.  I may need to check that out


EDIT: So there is a Sleep Cycle app by Maciek Digital Labs, but there are several other similar.  Is this the one you are talking about?


Yup, that's the one I have.  Its cool because it keeps a record of your sleep stats and you can see on the graph how long it takes for you to fall asleep (ie stop moving), if there are any points in the night where you tend to wake up and add notes about caffeine/exercise to get an idea of how it's affecting your sleep cycles.  It's obviously not perfect, but worth the couple dollars if it helps you get even one more hour of rested sleep.

Level 4 Amazon Warrior
STR: 16 | DEX: 5.75 | STA: 9.5 | CON: 9.25 | WIS: 7.5 | CHA: 7.5



The best activities for your health are pumping and humping. - Arnold

Quoth the raven "One rep more" - Edgar Allan Bro


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Aw maan, if there's anything that ever made me jealous of people with smartphones, it's this thread and its talking of useful apps.


For my fellow plebeians, check out sleepyti.me -- you choose when you want to go to bed and it will tell you the best times to wake up, or vice versa. It's based on average sleep cycles, so it's not perfect, but it is helpful!


The biggest thing that helped me was ditching the snooze button. Once that alarm goes off, there's no procrastinating the day away.

Lvl 5 Lightbending Bard
STR: 10 | DEX: 10 | STA: 7 | CON: 9 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 5.5
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if you have the money, a Zeo, Lark or Jawbone Up can help track your sleep and even wake you up at a good point. 


++ to: sunrise clock (I use it without sound because my Up vibrates), magnesium, scent (lavender for me) and as-close-to-dark. And f.lux. I was completely like this and with a combination of the above I am now astonished at how alert I am in the mornings. Plus I have to get up (which always helps) 'cos the dog has to get to doggy daycare by a certain time.


I also tried putting my coffee maker on a timer which makes it more pleasant to get up.


One trick I used in the past was a jetlag hack around breakfast. Basically, pick your breakfast time and don't eat for 14-16 hours beforehand. For a few days. This means a ridiculously early dinner but I've found it works really well for resetting wake up time (it doesn't reset me completely but very effectively pushed me from a natural noon to a natural 10am a while ago - I now get up before 7 and feel great - never thought i'd see myself saying that..).


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