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Seeking Wisdom (or just "Hi, I am new! <3"

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Hey, peeps. I am new. My name is Agatha, I am 22 years old and from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I have no idea how I found NF, but I have been lurking on the forums for the past two weeks. I just LOVED the 6 weeks challenge concept and I am TOTALLY joining the next one. With that in mind, I already have a draft of what my 6 weeks challenge will be, so if you guys don't mind reading it and telling me where and how I can improve... :)


A bit of my fitness background before anything. I am 1.58m and weight 58kg, meaning I am a bit overweight. Last week I started playing football again (after five years of not playing and sporadic exercises) and decided to change everything about my eating and exercising habits (not the first time, but the whole "got back at playing football thing" somewhat makes things different now). For the last five years, I have been doing some lifiting on and off with a personal trainer and the last time I felt pretty good about my body was 2 years ago. So, yeah, I would like to loose some weight (perharps 10kg of fat) and gain a bit of muscles to help me at football. I am training football twice a week (mondays and wednesdays) and trying to do some interval running on tuesdays and thurdays (I don't think I will be doing any cronic cardio tomorrow though, because I am feeling a bit of discomfort on my achiles tendon and figured it will be better if I just go out for a walk). I haven't started my heavy lifting routine, but I decided to follow the NF Strength Training (even got the book), maybe twice or three times a week. Now here is my challenge. Tips and critiques are appreciated.


(Also, english isn't my first language so please bear with me.)






Human Assassin

STR: 2 DEX: 3 CON: 2 STA: 1 WIS: 4 CHA: 3


1) Be asked to join my college's female football team.

This is my top priority goal that all my other goals will help me achieve. I have been practicing with the team since Febuary, twice a week, but I am not a member just yet since I am not called to compete on the tournments. The thing is, I haven't played football in five years and while I have always considered myself pretty good and skilled, five years of not playing have taken their toll. My endurance sucks and I need to remember how to do all the awesome thigs I used to do. Practice makes perfection. Or so they say.


Point rewards: STR 1, DEX 1, CON 1, STA 1, WIS 1, CHA 1.



2) Eat clean!

Everyone at one point ot another has had this one on their goal list. While my dream it to addhere 100% to the Paleo diet, I know going cold turkey won't help me at all (since I have already tried). So I am settling just to limit my carb intake (fruits, veggies, you know the deal), stop drinking soda and eating anything but dark chocolate as a treat, limit my alcohol intake to once a week and eat enough protein and fat to make me healthy. Yeah, I know. It looks pretty paleo on paper, but I am really trying not to give it any names. Hahaha.


Point rewards: CON 1, WIS 1.



3) Get back on my A game. As I mentioned, I already practice twice a week with the team (mondays and wednesdays), so I will just focus to get better and better all around. Doesn't sound specific at all, I know, but I don't think this is something easily measurable. Everyday after training I will ask myself if I have improved and this will be pretty much my parameter. Of course I will consider my endurance, passing and dribbling skills, goals and all that. Hopefully people (the coach) will start to notice and give me a few pointers too! Point Rewards: STR 1, DEX 1, STA 1.


4) Run for Fun! (with Zombies) Every satuday I am going out for a free style run, listening to that ZombiesRun app for iPhone. Might be an endurance run, an interval one, who cares? What matters is that I keep track of the distance, my pace and heart rate while I run from zombies.


Point Rewards: STA 2.



5) Bodyweight exercise. Hah, I know you people where probably wondering where the hell was the heavy lifitng. Here it is. Bodyweight training two times a week, focusing on exercises that will improve my football performance (squats,core exercises and all that), but not limiting myself only to that. I still need to do some research on programs.


Reward Points: STR 2.




So, what do you guys think? Of course I am doing all of this to also loose weight and look good, but I figured this will come naturally with all I have planned for the next months. Also, any ideas of BW and FW exercises to improve my football performance? Thanks in advance. :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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The challenge is limited to 3 fitness/diet/health goals & one life (level-up) goal.  You've got 5 goals here, but I think you can narrow it down fairly easily.  I would recommend dropping your 1st goal - you have no control over this, the coach has control.  What you can control is how fit you are and how hard you work.  If you take your goals 2, 4 and 5 - you've got 3 measureable solid goals that will help you get back on the game.  By the way, your English is pretty darned good. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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@Laureleye, thanks for the input. What does a level-up goal consist exactly? When I came up with my 1st goal it was with the one life/level-up in mind. While I know I don't have full control over joining the team, in the end it will be up to how much work I put into this. I think I have some pretty good chances, since I already progressed a lot in only four training sessions. The only thing that is holding me back is my conditioning, but I am already working extra hard to overcome this obstacle. Haha. I still have a couple of weeks until the next challenge starts, meaning two more weeks to work on my endurance and four more training sessions. I might even be asked to join before that (or get really close to it), so by april 8th this goal might be moot. 


I do agree with you about sticking to more measurable goals, though. I might drop my 3rd one and come up with something else (a full body stretch 30min a day, regardless of doing some physical activity or not, perharps?). Hmmm, sounds appealing.


And thanks for the compliment. Haha. I do most of my readings in english (something about loosing stuff in translation, I believe) and I still play some text based roleplaying games online (NWN1, to be more exact). I am not clueless when it comes to english, but I do make the ocasional grammar mistake and after 10 years of learning/studying/practising english, prepositions still give me a major headache. Hahaha.






Also, apologies for the huge wall of text. My first post was sent from the iPad app and I had no idea it was going to show like that. Anyway, edited for better understanding. :)


Anyhow, I am currently working on my weight training program. I took Steve's Rebel Fitness Workout and added a couple more workouts to the 1st level (mostly core and inferior members related). I will be starting it next monday, since I already put too much strain on my legs this week and felt some discomfort on my achilles tendon yesterday and the football coach told me to take it slow these next couple of days. I would rather err on the side of caution and just stop any heavy physical exercise and rest untill monday (might go for a walk, though). Nothing some ice and anti inflammatory won't help. I am even feeling a bit better today (just hurt like hell when I wake up and stepped out of bed).

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Hey, Agatha. I'm Amy and I'm from São Paulo so it's nice to see another brazilian girl!


I have the same height and weight as you and plan to loose 10kg as well.


Also, you mean actual football(rugby) and not soccer right? If so, I hope you get on your college team soon! I played soccer when I was younger but I always thought football was a lot cooler, never had the chance to play it though.


(I'm not writing in portuguese so other people can join in the conversation, kay?)

lvl 1 Halfling Aspiring Assassin

Str 0, Dex 1, Sta 1, Con 4, Wis 5, Cha 4 

@psdessa | Instagram | MyFitnessPal | Battle Log


"Should I concern myself over events, which I may never witness? Should I torment myself with problems that may never come to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and I will think of it no more. I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and thank the heavens." Og Mandino

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Ahhhh, come on. It is called football unless you live in the USA. Hahahaha.


What I meant was futebol, yeah. Though I did play some kinda of rugby/american football for a couple weeks some long time ago. I live in Rio so there are some teams who play it on the beach. Some brutal stuff. Hahaha. Didn't last long. I am too tiny and was constantly being owned. :)


Anyhow, good to see a brazilian face here. I have read your introduction thread already and can already relate with the whole "started the primal diet and, out of the blue, a weekend happened". Hahahaha. Well, I love beer (Antartica Original de garrafa, por favor) so I know what you mean. 


I hope to see you on the next challenge (gonna be my first too).

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Hey! Welcome to the rebellion! I agree with laurel on the first goal. The others seem pretty good to me. Just make sure to be specific! 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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