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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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I get what you mean. I think part of my problem is that I literally don't like the taste of alcohol itself. So I try a beer or a wine and I'm all "this is delicious, except for the undercurrent of alcohol". So when I make my own drinks, I put so little alcohol in them that all I really taste is whatever extra flavor I threw in.


I think the thing that annoys me the most is when I try to tell people I don't like beer/wine, they think it's because I haven't tried their favorite or their recommended. And then they get all pouty when I don't like it. Or they think I'm crazy for not liking their favorites.

My husband does not like to drink. It's a bummer. I wish he did. Now, don't get me wrong, things could definitely be worse. But what's a drag for me, is that sometimes we're out walking around the city and I see a nice looking pub or something and I want to go in and have a drink or two. Sure, he'll sit there with me, but it's not the same. Like he's more my chaperone than my date. Plus, I get tipsy and he doesn't which is kind of a bore.


There's also the ritual of having an apertif that I miss out on. Sitting at the bar at a nice restaurant for half an hour before sitting down to dinner really draws out the evening and makes it more interesting to me, but if he's just biding his time thinking how hungry he is, that kills it, too.


Also, wine at dinner is a big one. Wine is part of the meal and I can't get him interested in it, so it becomes a lonely pursuit of mine.


Basically, people trying to get non drinkers (not recovering alcoholics mind you! That's a different story.) to join in with the drinking has a lot more to do with camaraderie and sharing in the general mood or spirit. Like going to a dance party and not dancing. Of course people are going to encourage you to get in on it, that's what they're mostly there for.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Yeah but if I know someone that doesn't like Brussels sprouts, I'm not going to prepare Brussels sprouts 20 different ways until I find a dish they like. It's just Brussels sprouts, who gives a crap.

Unless someone is all "oh man I wish I could eat Brussels sprouts but the taste is just ew!" then why should I press Brussels sprouts on them all the time? Usually when someone says "I don't like Brussels sprouts" the response is "oh okay" and then you don't try to make that person eat Brussels sprouts. I mean they're not going to die or have a massive nutritional deficiency without Brussels sprouts in their life, and it's not your job to try to make someone like something. I mean do you seriously go on a quest to try to find a way to prepare Brussels sprouts so that someone will eat them? That's an awful lot of effort for one stupid vegetable! Also, it's kind of ridiculous unless this is your child or other family member and you own a Brussels sprouts farm so you're eating them all the time and they need to learn to like them or they'll go hungry.

Why should alcohol be any different? Unless your one friend is lamenting not being able to drink because of the taste, why would you push it? Why do you even care? Why is it not "fair" for someone to not like the taste of alcohol? Why won't you accept that as a valid excuse?

I mean, I've never heard of someone saying "I don't like ginger ale" and then having seven different varieties of ginger ale pushed on them because they haven't tried every ginger ale so how do they know, maybe they'll like this brand, I mean if you've only had Canada Dry how can you be sure, etc. People get so ruffled when someone doesn't want to drink alcohol, it's ridiculous.

Maybe weird but in my friendgroup we like to encourage each other to try new things. As we eat dinner together at least once a week this routinely involves making new variations of thing someone doesn't like. One person doesn't like cold sauces unless it's garlic sauce or part of the dish. Clearly this is mental more than physical so we try to get him to try different ones.

We do this because, well, i'm not really sure but it's nice to try out different things. I particularly like brussel sprouts, so I want for other people to also enjoy something I love. Sharing the experience.

With alcohol this sharing the experience is a big part as well. That friend that doesn't like the taste does complain about feeling left out, or actually avoids situations where other people drink. Next to me wanting for him to have a drinks he enjoys i also want for him to enjoy the company and have a good time.

And as I-jo said it's just not feasible that you not like the taste of every alcoholic drink as there are so many of them. So if you do not have a dislike of the concept of alcohol, just the taste of some drinks, then I won't feel bad for trying to find something you like.

LEVEL 3 Human Scout - obsessive smiley user 


"That's the best part, the outside is new, but now it reflects what's already in you" - Legally blonde the musical

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Basically, people trying to get non drinkers (not recovering alcoholics mind you! That's a different story.) to join in with the drinking has a lot more to do with camaraderie and sharing in the general mood or spirit. Like going to a dance party and not dancing. Of course people are going to encourage you to get in on it, that's what they're mostly there for.


Yeah, alcohol can be a touchy and complicated subject.  On the one hand, it's a great tool to help people loosen up, unwind, and socialize, but it can also be really scary if misused.


Personally, I like having a drink when I get the opportunity, but I don't go out of my way to drink.  Also, I'm often the DD, so I don't often get an opportunity.  On nights when I'm around others who are drinking, but I'm not drinking myself (by choice or otherwise), I just pick up on the mood and go with the flow.  Even though I'm completely sober, the people around often think I'm drinking right along with them because I always have a cup in hand (filled with water, of course), and I'm partying and dancing and singing and generally having a good time just like everyone else.  I less wish that people would drink to get in on the spirit, and more wish that more people had this skill of having good time without alcohol.  That said, there's a lot of people who don't have this skill, which is why alcohol is pushed on them (as it's the easiest way to get them to loosen up).  Seems like it would better to find an activity they like rather than a drink, but then who else might like that activity who could join them?  'Tis a dilemma.

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I think there's sort of two different angles at play here.  I don't think encouraging someone to try a new dish is the same as harassing them for not trying a new dish.  I think there's a huge difference between "here is this food, would you like to try it?" and "here is this thing, TRY IT. OH COME ON. COME ONNNNNNNN.  Don't be so rude I made it FOR YOU try it or I WILL BE SAD come on put it in your mouth!!!!"


And alcohol is different than food, because it is a drug.  I mean, alcohol can actually kill you.  You need to eat food to survive, but you don't need to drink alcohol.


I get that alcohol is a social thing and it's a bummer for you if your partner doesn't want to join you, but I am just not comfortable with pressuring anyone to eat or drink anything they don't want to.  Foods are such a personal choice, and shaming people for their food choices happens all the time, and it's really pretty awful to be on the receiving end of that.  I mean, seriously, if someone doesn't want to try new foods and broaden their horizons, that's their choice to make, and you can think that they're limiting themselves and missing out, but it's still their choice to make.


There's a difference between encouragement and harassment, is all I'm saying.

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I used to get harassed about not liking Neil Young.

Like people would actually get pissy with me about it. What's up with that?

Sorry, just can't stand the guy. Nope, he's not like Bob Dylan. Nope, I don't care if his lyrics are the anthem of a generation. I just don't like Neil Young and there's nothing you can say or do to change that, so leave me alone.

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Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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I used to get crap for not liking Pearl Jam. "It's Neil Young for babies" was all I would say. Still can't stand them. But I understand why people like them.

Ha! Wellllll..... I don't. Especially since I don't like Neil Young OR babies!

Weird. Just never could figure out what people like about them- either one.

But hey! To each his own!

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Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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I love Neil Young but I shared an office with a guy who would play some live acoustic Neil Young for about 6 hours a day. I don't care how much you like something, it gets annoying after 6 hours! So I totally get why some people just can't stand it. But then again, I never got into Pearl Jam. I also never really liked Bob Dylan other than Nashville Skyline.

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You have no idea how much I wish I'd thought of this...


I'm vegan and I get "How do you get your protein" I want to reply  "By Eating the flesh of those who ask me where I get my protein!"


"Wow that looks so healthy," its usually not, just not meat or cheese. Often a lot of carbs, way too much hummus and a lot of stuff.


"You're vegan, no wonder you're so skinny," a) I'm not, I'm just tall, B) I've been the same weight for three years, only two of those have been vegan.


"I could never go vegan," Did I ask you to? Have you tried? No. Stop saying that, please.



"Wow you are really tall!"


I'm 6'8".  I get this ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME.  


Add in the other favorite:

"Do you play basketball?"


I really love it when I'm in the middle of lifting with ear phones in and they stop me mid set to tell me this.


Yup, solidarity there, and I'm "only" 6'6.


"What is Roller Derby?" is fine, but when i describe it, people automatically go "I'd be rubbish on skates!! My balance is awful!" Which just strikes me as negative. I have developmental dyspraxia, poor fine motor control and I'm tall. Yet I skate 2-3 times a week decently. I learnt to skate in a few months and gods willing, havent broken anything doing so. You probably could skate. I'm not forcing anything on you, so you dont need an excuse but try it before saying that, you may surprise yourself.

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Other favorite Vegan comments? "I couldn't live without cheese." Actually, I bet you could. You don't WANT to, which is your choice. But saying you couldn't is silly. "I'm MOSTLY Vegan." Cool, I guess. I'm mostly Buddhist. "I'm following a Vegan diet, except for eggs and a little fish." No, you're not really Vegan then, are you, silly?


My favorite? "so, you can't eat peanut butter?" WHAT??? Okay, to be fair, I've only been asked this one once, and she might have just been a dim bulb. Or, maybe there REALLY IS BUTTER IN THERE!!!


I think it comes from trying to identify with the person you are talking to, and I know I've been guilty of it with people who follow something in their lives that I don't understand. I've decided that I'm done being annoyed with it, I made the choice to live this way knowing full well that these questions exist!

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I love Neil Young but I shared an office with a guy who would play some live acoustic Neil Young for about 6 hours a day. I don't care how much you like something, it gets annoying after 6 hours! So I totally get why some people just can't stand it. But then again, I never got into Pearl Jam. I also never really liked Bob Dylan other than Nashville Skyline.

Ha! Ok, there you have it. The only Bob Dylan record I don't like is Nashville Skyline.

And to be fair, I find bits of Harvest Moon tolerable. But only slightly more than say, Pearl Jam.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Ooh! Tall people, I got one for ya. I knew a guy who was 6'6"ish and he used to wear this T-shirt that said,

"No. Why? Do you play Miniature Golf?"

A comeback and a preemptive strike all in one!

Oh man I wish I had that one in high school!  And college!


I got "do you play basketball" in high school and "do you row crew" in college.  I don't get comments like that any more, though.  Everyone knows grad students don't play sports! Ha.


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Ha! Ok, there you have it. The only Bob Dylan record I don't like is Nashville Skyline.

And to be fair, I find bits of Harvest Moon tolerable. But only slightly more than say, Pearl Jam.

On another note about something overstaying its welcome:

I had this Peter Tosh disc, Legalize It. It was one of only 3 we had in a 3 month stay in Jamaica and I got soooooooo sick of it, that as soon as we got back to the US, I gave it away (giving it to a Jamaican is like taking coals to Newcastle, but I digress).

But would you believe the guy I gave it to burned a copy for my roommate!!! And she listened to it all the freaking time! Life is unfair.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Ooh! Tall people, I got one for ya. I knew a guy who was 6'6"ish and he used to wear this T-shirt that said,

"No. Why? Do you play Miniature Golf?"

A comeback and a preemptive strike all in one!

Ooh! Feel the burn!

Miniature golf is fun though...

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"Your so funny!"

Ahem. No. "You ARE so funny," contracted is "you're so funny."

And finally plural words are NOT spelled with apostrophes. Why do business owners put this kind of thing in their windows ALL the time:

Haircut's $10

Todays Soup's (<<get it?)

Car stereo's installed

And just a reminder that I'm referring to 'their' shop windows, not 'there' shop windows.




Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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"Your so funny!"

Ahem. No. "You ARE so funny," contracted is "you're so funny."

And finally plural words are NOT spelled with apostrophes. Why do business owners put this kind of thing in their windows ALL the time:

Haircut's $10

Todays Soup's (<<get it?)

Car stereo's installed

And just a reminder that I'm referring to 'their' shop windows, not 'there' shop windows.

There is a restaurant near my work place that made such a mistake:


"If you are not hungry looking at this, then your not human".


It's "you're", you burger flipper!

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There is a restaurant near my work place that such a mistake:


"If you are not hungry looking at this, then your not human".


It's "you're", you burger flipper!

Maybe it's a truncated sentence that was supposed to say, "then your not human ancestors were vegetarians" .... Or something like that.

But I seriously doubt it.

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Don't Chew what you should Eschew!

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Or maybe they're just dyslexic.  In which case, you should have some sympathy. -nod,nod-


Somehow, I doubt it, though.

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Nope, in which case they should know they are dyslexic and ask someone to check before they put something on a sign.

I mean, making mistakez on ze interwebz is fine by me, but it's just silly to do so on you're sign (:

LEVEL 3 Human Scout - obsessive smiley user 


"That's the best part, the outside is new, but now it reflects what's already in you" - Legally blonde the musical

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