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I'm getting too old for this sh**!

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     ...is what I find myself saying more and more. I never believed it would happen, but I started slowing down when I reached my 50's -  eating worse, drinking more, exercising less -  and now I'm starting to get soft around the middle. I've been working out regularly for 14-15 years (ever since my daughter reached dating age) but every year I seem to cut back more and more. I no longer lift weights at all. I need a kick in the butt and that's what I hope this challenge will do.

     About me:  I'm 56, 5'7, 180#. OK, just bought a new scale - the old digital one was getting a little hinky - new starting weight 190# hahaha...  sigh.

Married 35 years, 2 adult children; I backpack with my daughter, and my son and I run (race).  My current "protocol" is run 3x/week, ruck 3x/week and do a Convict Conditioning/Pavel Tsatsouline type pushup/pullup/squat routine daily.  Challenge goals to follow (man, it's tough to quantify them, right?)


Oops, forgot my "nerd creds": Big  Adventure Time fan, and I fought in the SCA for years before my wife made me quit :numbness:

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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Hey man, I'm sure you can find the motivation here. Hell, you're already doing better than a lot of people younger than you! I'm about to hit 30 this August and I'm already almost 30lbs over my recommended weight. I wish you the best with your challenge and I'm sure that you can stay motivated and see your challenge through!


Btw, love the avatar.  :playful:

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Hey New to NF been following for sometime now, very interested in Paelo and ready to play.  I think there is a little nerd in me played D&D when I was young, love all the faries and fighters. Also, approaching 43 and too old for this.  I am ready to start doing something new, tired of doing the same thing and getting the same results...I am working on my motivation and have hope! not sure about all the rules yet.


Thanks for being here! Welcome ;)


oh by the way my goals are:

walk 4 times a week

lift weights 1-2 times a week


by the end of the 3rd week cut out flour and dairy except the occassional glass of milk

by the end of the 6 weeks balance my volunteering opportunties

Walk San Francisco Aids Walk 6.2 miles by July 21

Progress not perfection! <3


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Welcome to the rebellion! We welcome rebels of all ages. :)


By the way, your avatar is what caught my attention. Here's your "after" avatar:




Look at that bicep! HA!


Again, welcome!

90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


Instagram - MyFitnessPal

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Yeah, I was a little disheartened when a young lady I know told me I remind her of the Ice King, but I've since decided to embrace it :rolleyes-new:


Well, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Adventure Time (if you can't tell from my challenge thread...) and think you are awesome for embracing it! 

90+ Masters Weightlifter

Current Lift PRs
Snatch: 93kg/205lb // Clean and Jerk: 113kg/248lb // Back Squat: 170kg/375lb



2016 USAW Senior Nationals - 6th place

2015 USAW American Open - 8th place
2015 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place
2014 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place

2013 USAW Senior Nationals - 9th place


Instagram - MyFitnessPal

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Thanks for starting this thread, Barfly. I'm 50 and relatively fit, but often lack the motivation of a daily work out routine, which is why I joined this site. I ran 4 half-marathons in 2 years and then got a stress fracture in my hip from not strength training, so I started that about a year ago and have since run 3 halfs with much improved times. As the body ages, it is much more important to have a safe and consistent workout. But even though I know this intellectually, looking at the effects of time and gravity in the mirror, I often wonder, as you do,  "am I too old for this sh*t? Will it even make a difference?"

My goals are:

Run 3 x week (2 short, 1 long on weekends with my running partner)

Strength train 3 x week (I have a fitness center at work. I just have to make myself take a break and go.)

Yoga 3x week(2 evenings, 1 weekend)

Reduce alcohol consumption to Saturday and Sunday. I've gotten in a bad habit of drinking when I get home from work. It makes me fat and lazy and I need to stop.


Looking forward to hearing from more folks in the second half-century. :-)



Name: 50Fit

Striving to be: The Khaleesi of Middle Age Fitness

Level 1: STR = 4, DEX = 4, STA = 4, CON = 3

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" - House Martell

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Angela - Finn and Jake rock!!!! They're my role models - they are both righteous and jerks at the same time :-D  And, yeah, that's kinda how I prop myself up in the shower after a workout.


50Fit - I drink more than I should (well, maybe not, I teach middle school math) and I try to rein it in to the weekends.  Remember, as an alternative, a bad day at work translates to a kick ass session in the gym. Especially if you are doing something intense, like crossfit or circuits. Think: you... son...  of... a... with each rep :-D

The past is only smoke in a dream.

Lvl 6 Ranger Berzerker


Barfly ain't even tryin'...


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