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Got pissed off.What do YOU guys do when you get angry/demotivated/sad?

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Got pissed off today.The emotions went away in an hour,so I'd say they didn't stay too long.Still,would like to know a faster way to deal with my emotions(NOTE:not escape them,that doesn't do anything to solve the problem).What I do when I get angry,demotivated or sad:

Number 1:Breathe.This works best with being pissed off.I just started breathing more slowly and focus on it.It doesn't help A LOT,but it brings you down a point on "The Angry Scale".If let's say 1 on the scale is "totally cool",and 10 is "BAM!I've just exploded" and you're at 9(I'm very near exploding here,people,STAY THE HELL AWAY!),then breathing slowly and focusing on it gets you down from 9(very near explosion) to 8(near explosion).

Number 2:Accept them.If you try running away from your emotions,you leave the problem somewhere deeper in your head and it's slowly rotting in there without you even knowing it(even if you truly do forget about it).If you accept the fact that you are angry,you are already healing and,if you put your mind at the right path,you will start seeing ways to solving the problem.This is both common sense AND experience.

Number 3:Fake a smile and listen to an upbeat song.This is NOT escaping from the bad emotions,it's overriding them with good ones.Example:let's say there's a concert on the street,right?And there are like 5 people at the concert(nice audience,huh?).All of them are mean people and they keep shouting things like This Sucks,Shut Up And Go Home and things like that.Now what happens when you bring in 500 positive people into the concert who are not only enjoying the concert(dancing to the beats,smiling),but also shouting out compliments to the band,things like You Guys Rock and One More.Can you even hear the mean people anymore?

The same is,I believe,is with emotions.Even if you are in a bad mood,you aren't necesarilly in a 100% funk.You could be 80% angry and 20% happy.Now accept the anger and invite some positivity into the party.The bad guys will either leave or just be ignored because hey,it's overcrowded,loud,and the few mean guys are a very small number relatively to the number of positive people(thoughts,emotions,whatever).

My question to you guys:What do YOU do when you get in a bad mood?Anything counts-fear,anger,desperation,lack of motivation,anything that you don't like(I assume you DO like happiness and calmness :)).Please be specific and any examples of how you used the techniques and the results they brought would be appreciated.Thanks and Peace!

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Bad mood is WAY different than being angry. I ONLY curse when i'm angry, I try not to do it any time else, especially at work. I end up finding someone to complain to an talk it out with my raised voice.  Its best to never act on angry emotions because afterwards, you will realize that its not the best way to handle any situation(except for sports and lifting).


Bad moods cause me to distance myself from people. Ill sit at home by myself or sit at work with my headphones on. Music is the cure for any mood!

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I rage.


I'm a total rager.


When I get pissed off- I usually have an epic rage and I yell and swear- a LOT.  I throw things- I'll punch things- I'm a very violent angry person. god help you if I'm fucking driving and pissed- it's REALLY really bad.   I retail therapy when I'm super sad/emotionally distraught- because nothing helps you feel better than putting yourself more in debt (sarcasm)


But if I'm just cranky- I keep to myself and try to keep quiet- go workout- or go dance.


I'm not good at dealing with emotions really.   

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I rage.


I'm a total rager.


When I get pissed off- I usually have an epic rage and I yell and swear- a LOT.  I throw things- I'll punch things- I'm a very violent angry person.


same, although it takes quite a bit to get me to that level.  over the last few years i've developed a nice veneer over my raw nerves to keep from hurting those i care about.

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I'm kind of on the same page as Jo and thirster. If I'm in a place where I can slam my fists against something that's what I usually do. If not I've gotten pretty good at bottling those feelings up and unleashing them on the punching bag I've got at home.


If I'm depressed I find a bottle of rum and a favorite show or movie to pick my spirits up.


Same as thirster though it takes a good bit for me to get to any one of those extremes, for the most part I'm pretty mellow.

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Seems like working out is an answer we can agree on.Get pissed off-do a 100 jumping jacks.Maybe someone did that?I'm doing it either tomorrow or whenever I get angry and will report on it.Would look stupid if I did that just out of the blue on the street lol.

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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I label what I'm feeling.  That alone gives me a huge clue as to what to do about it; my strategy for "I am annoyed at my daughter's age-appropriate but irritating behavior" is different than my strategy for "I have been sad all day because I didn't sleep well," which is different from what I do when "I am pissed off because of something that happened at work."


Then I ask myself, "What would make it better?"  I ask this question to my daughter all the time, too, because there are times that I just don't know.  Anyway.  When I'm mad, I ask myself.


If I'm annoyed at the kid, I want quiet.  So I take her to the park so she can do her kid thing around a more appreciative audience.

If I'm sad because I didn't sleep well, I want sleep. I make plans to go to bed early, and speak to myself kindly until then.

If I'm pissed because of work, I don't want to be there. I take a break, go outside, and find something interesting to look at.


And so on.

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Seems like working out is an answer we can agree on.Get pissed off-do a 100 jumping jacks.Maybe someone did that?I'm doing it either tomorrow or whenever I get angry and will report on it.Would look stupid if I did that just out of the blue on the street lol.

oh I didn't say getting pissed off was healthy- it's just how I deal with it.

I do tend to do push ups when I'm nervous/unsettled- and I will do them anywhere.  And I mean ANYWHERE.

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Guest Dirty Deads

I listen to music that reflects how I'm feeling and I write.


I use to do the rage thing and I didn't like the person I was becoming. I have not punched anything in over a year. Buddhism has really helped me find some inner peace. Also, I try to get laid in the NF forums ;)

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In an ideal world I'd be able to afford a punchbag, and a damned good one. When I get pissed off or angry my first instinct is to lash out, to hit someone or something. Nine times out of ten I can't or won't, so I go out biking or for a walk. If I can, I'll listen to music that matches my mood. Weirdly enough, listening to angry music helps me calm myself...


Other negative emotions usually tend to result in me going for a walk as well. It's a good cure-all, I've found.

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From the ashes a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows shall spring."



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If I'm seriously close to exploding - not just pissed off -  I get seriously angry - but only if I'm alone. If there's nobody around, there'll be some angry music on maximun volume, with me punching stuff, yelling, cursing, shadow boxing, imagining the kind of stuff that would make Jason Voorhees run away scared, and drinking a beer (or more) when the rage wears off.


If there are people around, I bottle my emotions up, which isn't the best thing to do, but I neither want to hurt people, nor do I want them to see me when I'm close to exploding.


This has never failed me, except when some bullies made me hit my breaking point. It wasn't pretty.

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oh I didn't say getting pissed off was healthy- it's just how I deal with it.

I do tend to do push ups when I'm nervous/unsettled- and I will do them anywhere.  And I mean ANYWHERE.


would you do them here or there?  would you do them in a house?  would you do them with a mouse?  would you do them in a box?  would you do them with a fox? 

would you,  could you, in a car?

a train!  a train! 

could you, would you,  on a train?

would you, could you, in the rain?

could you, would you, with a goat?

would you, could you, on a boat?

Lvl 5 Penguin Warrior:  10 Str, 3.5 Dex, 6.5 STA, 23.5 CON, 12.25 WIS, 5.75 CHA

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Guest Dirty Deads

would you do them here or there?  would you do them in a house?  would you do them with a mouse?  would you do them in a box?  would you do them with a fox? 

would you,  could you, in a car?

a train!  a train! 

could you, would you,  on a train?

would you, could you, in the rain?

could you, would you, with a goat?

would you, could you, on a boat?

One fish, two fish, you've a death wish?

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One fish, two fish, you've a death wish?


thirster42- :D what's that?A song you just created or something I don't know about?

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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When someone ticks me off verbally in my house, I do dishes.....I didn't even know I had a habit of this until someone pointed it out.  I also go VERY quiet....mainly because I am trying with everything I have not to throw you out a window.


If I am in a bad mood, I now go for a walk with the iPod, I have some good raging songs on there and briskly walking helps.


If the dishes get done and I am still angry, I go inside my head.  I imagine myself stronger, and I usually go lift something darned heavy, because I have found that lifting heavy stuff makes me feel powerful and more in control.  So, I lift and daydream about being strong. :tongue:


Beats eating my emotions....or beating other family members! :D

Level 3 Pandaren Adventurer



“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.†–A.A. Milne   (Thanks to magi192 for posting this!)

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In an ideal world I'd be able to afford a punchbag, and a damned good one. When I get pissed off or angry my first instinct is to lash out, to hit someone or something. Nine times out of ten I can't or won't, so I go out biking or for a walk. If I can, I'll listen to music that matches my mood. Weirdly enough, listening to angry music helps me calm myself...


Other negative emotions usually tend to result in me going for a walk as well. It's a good cure-all, I've found.

YES.  Walks are good.  I love hitting that meditative (or maybe just exhausted?) point when all I can concentrate on is the feeling of my feet on the pavement.

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I was a Teacher's Assistant for a state-sponsored pre-school program over the last year and I think it was probably one of the best things I've ever done for my temper. Since I was constantly in a situation where I couldn't react naturally to bad behavior, disrespect, for violence, I had to pause for a second, space out, then come back into the situation, which calmed me down tremendously and turned a lot of potentially mean and angry moments into some fairly productive "redirection" that kept the kids progressing in a positive manner emotionally and intellectually.


So yeah, I tend not to get angry a whole lot any more because I habitually react that way now and it neutralizes the initial backlash.


When I get demotivated, a have a folder of motivational pictures, with one in particular, that I reference.





When I'm sad, I try and put things into perspective.  I'm alive, I live in a situation where I can afford to be upset/sad/angry about whatever is bothering me, rather than having to seriously worry about whether or not I'll eat or be alive the next day.  I had a friend in college who paid her way through by working 40 hour work weeks on top of a regular courseload with no car and, at times, no steady residence and never complained.  Despite that she constantly told me how she thought I was such a great person because I offered to give her rides or would get a bit extra from the school buffet and sneak it to her.  So knowing that those little acts of kindness meant so much to her and how little they cost me kept my life in perspective and continues to do so.

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Either I'll work out, or I'll go shooting, or I play a video game where I can just let it all out and not face social consequences.


Exercises tires me out, so I'm quite literally too tired to care. It also refocuses me. A walk or a hike gives me time to get my thoughts together, and usually I see that there's really nothing worth getting that mad over.


If I've been stressed/mad for an extended period of time, I load up my guns and some ammo and head to the range, or I'll go outside in the backyard with the airsoft rifle, blowgun, or (when I get one) bow and fire off a few rounds. The thing is, even with my live firearms I don't just set up a target and go all late-'80s-Arnold-film on it. I shoot with proper technique, focusing on my target, making sure my form is right, and using nice, even trigger pulls (ditto with the non-firearm weapons, but with proper technique for them). Doing so clears my head.


Playing the video games are just a safe way to let loose and cause mayhem. Nothing more to it than that.

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I'm a nag rager - meaning most times I only get enraged when exposed to a constant annoyance.

If it's an all-of-a-sudden thing, I tend to just let the shock of the situation override the initial emotions, leaving me blank until I really sit down and think on it, to which it's easier to simmer down because it's already over. However, if you're constantly poking and prodding... I may end you.

I talk about my problems with a friend who has proven time and again trustworthy. I exercise, play vid games, and cook to blow off any residual steam.

Nothing like a medium-rare steak to put a smile on my face. =D

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 i've done better with controlling my emotions in the past few years. I've grown up a whole lot and I can honestly say I think that and now exercising helped me the most. Now when I get angry I just sit back and let myself calm down and don't make any rash decisions and then if i can't shake the feeling I will go for a run. People will let their emotions ruin their lives. Getting angry and assaulting someone, or killing someone in terrible cases, and for some of the dumbest reasons. What's sad is some will have to spend a portion or all of their lives in a prison because of a emotionally heated moment. No one thing is worth that, in my opinion. 

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

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Some of you guys sound pretty badass,what with the expressions that you can kill people and what not...But controlling your emotions...I personally think that if you are angry at someone,you actually should trust the instinct and go punch him in the face.I know,this sounds bad and insensitive,but I believe that one powerful and on-target punch on the face says A LOT more than just walking around steamy,criticising and swearing at the guy.If you're getting kind of mad,you should ask yourself why?Is it that guy I'm mad at or is it me I'm mad at?If you get full-on rage where it is VERY hard to control yourself,let yourself lose,punch the guy in the face and let him know WHY you did that,why he deserves it.It may put him at perspective.

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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