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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Well after some family stuff (related to almost becoming a father last Thursday), finally got back to the iron today.  


HBBS (bold is actually what Smolov calls for).

  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 155lbs x 5
  • 195lbs x 3
  • 225lbs x 3
  • 255lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3

Took me until the 3rd set of 285 to really feel solid again.  Surprising as I thought I'd feel fresh and ready to go with a 6 day layoff.  Oh well.  Felt good to get through it without issue.  

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  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 210lbs x 3
  • 240lbs x 4
  • 270lbs x 5
  • 270lbs x 5
  • 270lbs x 5
  • 270lbs x 5
  • 270lbs x 5

Since I missed Friday last week and Monday, I'm going to attempt to do 4 days in a row to get back on schedule.  Nothing like making Smolov harder.  Although with the weight decrease I did 2 weeks ago, the sets are too bad.  I was pretty gassed on the last set today. 

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  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 185lbs x 5
  • 210lbs x 3
  • 240lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3
  • 285lbs x 3

This whole 4 day in a row thing is starting to get to me.  My left calf really started to cramp up after the 2nd set of 285.  Had to lacrosse ball mash in between sets and then did it for around 3 minutes after I was done.  Good thing tomorrow looks to be a bit lighter with the working sets at only 80% of my max instead of 95%.

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Finally getting back to this.  Couldn't pull the trigger on last Friday.  Body just was saying no, and one of my co-workers was leaving and they wanted to go out for drinks.  Tired Body + offer for booze = Rooks skipping his workout.  :)


Anyway, finally got back at it yesterday.  



  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 185lbs x 5
  • 225lbs x 3
  • 270lbs x 4
  • 240lbs x 4
  • 240lbs x 4
  • 240lbs x 4


  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 185lbs x 3
  • 200lbs x 1
  • 210lbs x 1
  • 225lbs x 1

This was a really light day for the Squats.  Did the whole thing in under 20 minutes with 2 minutes breaks between everything.  Amazing how sets of 240 isn't even a struggle anymore when only 12 weeks ago, that would have been a big set for me.  The Bench work I just threw in to make sure my chest was getting some work.  Felt surprisingly strong for not working chest in over 2 weeks.  


Overall, I really just want to be done with Smolov (2 days left) and see where my Squat is at now.  I'm hoping to hit 340 next Tuesday.  THen move onto something else for a bit.  I'm thinking I may try 5/3/1 next.  

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Sounds like the Smolov work has been paying off at least.  Hopefully you'll see that big increase!


Thanks.  I most definitely has, but I think a lot of the "gains" have been mental and form based.  Just doing that many squats has really got me focused on my form, and also, realizing that my limits are way farther out then I thought.  I said this in my challenge thread, but the day I failed was so far beyond what I thought I was going to get that day.  So yeah... probably still a lot of "noobie" gains to speak, but it's helped a lot.  

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  • 45lbs x 5
  • 185lbs x 5
  • 225lbs x 4
  • 255lbs x 4
  • 255lbs x 4
  • 255lbs x 4
  • 255lbs x 4



It's over.  It's finally over.  I really think I'm beginning to understand this Smolov thing.  It's such a mental thing.  Hell I even had a failure and had to drop weights 3 weeks ago and I'm still just drained.  The last day of taper before taking a 4 day break followed by a PR attempt.  Looking at the weights, I thought it'd be a cake walk.  It wasn't.  My quads ached.  Like I haven't felt before.  But it's over.  Now for 4 days of mobilizing and trying to recover followed by a new PR attempt.  


The thought of having a workout that isn't solely Squats is a very happy thought right now.  

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I am glad you're still tracking! I need to Challenges still to keep reminding me to push and change things up... but someday I will be as diciplined as you!


Yeah.  I still struggle, but my wife motivates me enough where it's not a problem.  Plus I'm beginning to actually like working out again (like I did back in High School).  Also, just noticed that you were on Zombies, Run so I added you to my follow list over there.  Going to start running again soon.  :)  

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1RM Max Squat Day

  • 45lbs x 5
  • 135lbs x 5
  • 225lbs x 3
  • 275lbs x 1
  • 315lbs x 1 (tied PR)
  • 325lbs x 1 (PR)
  • 335lbs x 1 (PR)
  • 345lbs x 1 (PR)

30lb PR.  Good stuff.  I felt strong in all the lifts.  Didn't wobble.  Didn't almost loose it going forward.  Just went down and up with the weight.  


So overall, I started Smolov with a ~275lb PR (I had done 305lbs before, but hadn't lifted in awhile and worked up to 275 which felt pretty heavy at the time).  After the first round (i.e. the Base Cycle), my PR jumped up to 315.  So that would could have been mostly just getting back the strength I had lost.  Then in the Intense Cycle, I had a failure on the 2nd day of the 2nd week, dropped all the weight 5% (i.e. made my 1RM 300 to calculate the weights) and finished out.  Still managed to go up another 30lbs on my Squat.  


So yeah... a 70lb increase to my Squat in 12 weeks.  Smolov is as advertised, folks.  Just be prepared to bring the thunder and have to work the mobility side of your legs a lot.  They will be angry.  

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So yeah... haven't worked out in a week and couldn't be happier.  Why you ask?  I'm a DAD!  WOO!




Currently this is taking all the time I have for anything as could be expected, and I'm finding my body is getting grumpy even without working out since I'm getting so little sleep.  Hopefully I'll get back to the iron soon, but for now, daddy's little girl is hoarding my time.  

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Congratulations man! 



Congratulations!!! She is absolutely beautiful and a fantastic reason to give yourself a break!


Thanks guys!  She's definitely a challenge.  I don't think my wife and I realized just how much of a toll it takes on you when you are getting up after 2 hours for an hour of feeding.  But even though she doesn't really respond or do anything except eat, crap, and sleep, we still love her.  It's really weird.  


But yeah, today, I decided to give the gym a go over lunch.  Started up a 5/3/1 program.  



  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 260lbs
  • 5 @ 275lbs
  • 5 @ 295lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs

Single Leg Standing Leg Curl

  • 10 @ 30lbs
  • 10 @ 30lbs
  • 10 @ 30lbs

Notes:  Stuff in bold is actual program.  I cut out 4 sets of accessory work (2 sets of 10 rep squats and 2 sets of leg curls) as I was feeling really gassed.  Probably a product of multiple factors (didn't eat breakfast, low sleep, Wendler program being a bit more aerobic then Smolov).  But overall, felt good and strong until the 295lb set.  That was a grind.  Got through it though.  The 175lbs sets were surprisingly light, but just were hard due to exhaustion.  Leg curls I wish I could have done at 35lbs, but didn't see a accessory weight for the little cable machine in our gym and 40lbs was too much for a set of 10.  

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So yeah... haven't worked out in a week and couldn't be happier.  Why you ask?  I'm a DAD!  WOO!




Currently this is taking all the time I have for anything as could be expected, and I'm finding my body is getting grumpy even without working out since I'm getting so little sleep.  Hopefully I'll get back to the iron soon, but for now, daddy's little girl is hoarding my time.  

Congrats, Rooks!  She is prescious.  I know what a handful kids can be, but you'll do great.  Take care of those ladies.

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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So much DOMS... I'm hurting today.  Apparently taking 2 weeks off lets the muscles get used to be lazy again.  Didn't seem to sap any strength, but wow, am I sore.  Will have to mobilize a boat load tonight and see how things feel tomorrow, although just sore quads and lower back won't stop me from benching (on the slate for tomorrow).  

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Still sore... but not letting that stop me.  Sleep deprivation may kick in soon, but hopefully I can make it to the weekend and just nap a lot.   :)



  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 170lbs
  • 5 @ 180lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs

1 Arm DB Row

  • 10 @ 40lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 40lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 40lbs (each arm)

Notes:  My pauses were decent, until I got to 190.  Just sort of started panicking that the weight wasn't going up.  Reps 2 through 5 were basically just a regular bench and wouldn't have counted in a competition.  Also, cut out the last 2 sets on each accessory lift (2 sets of bench and 2 sets of rows).  Will be doing that every day from here on out until the amount of sleep improves (only got about 4 hours last night).  Also did 5 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill to try and get the quads a bit looser.  It surprisingly helped a lot.  


Friday should be fun as it will be the first time I've deadlifted anything over 225lbs in over 20 weeks.  I'm excited.   :)

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Well that was terrible...



  • 5 @ 135lbs (Standard Grip)
  • 5 @ 225lbs (Standard Grip)
  • 4 @ 280lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 1 @ 300lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 1 @ 315lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip)

Hanging Leg Raises

  • 4

Notes:  The program was supposed to be 5 reps each for 1 set each of 280, 300, and 320.  Legs weren't the problem.  My grip is completely gone.  Even on the single at 315 I damn near lost it at the top of the rep.  Last time I DL'ed (like I mentioned last time over 20 weeks ago) I set a PR at 375.  Now, I'd be lucky to pull 325, simply because I don't think I could hold it.  I'm going to add some supplemental work like Farmer's Walk and Rice Bucket workouts.  In the meantime, chalk isn't an option, so I might have to pick up a set of straps as my legs weren't even challenged by the 315.  Likewise, I was supposed to do 3 sets of 12 for Hanging Leg Raises, and I just couldn't hold myself up after that DL work.  So so unhappy right now.  But I've known I've grip issues for awhile, so I guess it's time to start addressing them.  


For people who don't know, here's an example of a Rice Bucket Workout:

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(Actually from yesterday)

Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 115lbs
  • 5 @ 120lbs
  • 5 @ 130lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 9 @ 75lbs (failed on last rep)

Chin ups

  • 1 (failed)

Notes:  Back felt really weird from the get go on these.  Did the 5 at 45 and decided I need to use my orange peanut (2 la crosse balls taped together) to work out some stuff.  Got a few pops and definitely some grinding and felt better, but something still felt a little off the whole workout.  Could just be getting back into the groove of things with my back since it's been awhile since I really worked it.  Disappointed I failed on the last rep, but what can you do.  Tried to do chin-ups but just had nothing left in the tank.  I need to start running again soon to try and get my aerobic ability back to somewhat competent.  What I wouldn't give for a full night's sleep...

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That looks like a good workout to me.  


Sleep will come in time.  Patience will be your best friend with this.

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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