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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Overall Notes:  Combined my OHP and Deadlift day since work has been crazy lately. 


Total time:  60 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six
  • Leg Swings

Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 125lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 6 @ 140lbs

Notes:  Holy crap.  I did not expect this.  +3?!?  Apparently Smolov Jr. affected my OHP more then my Bench.  I don't think I've ever even hit 4 reps at 140. 



  • 3 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 1 @ 275lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 325lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 3 @ 345lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 3 @ 365lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)

Notes:  Again, did these beltless.  Also, did these with less then 3 minutes rest between sets.  Guy was waiting on the only barbell we have in our gym so I was trying to be polite and not hog the barbell.  So knowing that, happy I got through all the reps. 


Neutral Grip Pull-ups

  • 1 (with negative hold)
  • 1 (with negative hold)
  • 1 (with negative hold)

Leg Press Machine

  • 10 @ 218lbs
  • 10 @ 308lbs
  • 10 @ 308lbs
  • 10 @ 308lbs


  • 1:15 Plank
  • 25 Crunches
  • 5 Lying Leg Raises
  • 5 Lying Leg Raises

Notes:  Done in succession.  No breaks.


Outside of the workout.  Damn I miss wrestling. 



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Overall Notes:  Combined my Bench and Squat day.  


Total time: 45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six



  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 205lbs
  • 3 @ 215lbs
  • 1 @ 230lbs

Notes:  Ugh... not 2 weeks ago, I do a set of 4 at 225.  Now I struggled like crazy to move 230 even once.  That said, watching the video, the rep at 230 seemed like it was easy.  No idea.  It felt super heavy and as you can tell, since the pause got short, I was feeling panicked.  I feel like if I'm not benching every day, my bench drops right back down to a 1RM of ~225.  




  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 1 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 3 @ 270lbs (Belted)
  • 3 @ 285lbs (Belted)

Notes:  These felt great.  Feel like I'm finally getting grooved into these and I'm getting strong.  Like I'm no longer worrying about the upper half of my body doing the right thing (i.e. abs tight, back tight, etc.)  That is becoming natural.  Probably should have gone for a +1 or even +2 on the last set, but I had a helper (as you'll see in the video) and I didn't want to scare her too bad with Dad's guttural grunts.

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Dude, what the fuck happened on that last bench set?  Your first rep looked so fast and smooth!  I know how you feel though, I hate having my strength backslide even a little.

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Finally got a workout in.  Wife's got hit with a big time cold this past weekend, so I've been on solo parent duty since Sunday.  Everything that is in bold is what I used for the calculation for the current warrior mini-challenge.  I went a little bonkers with this high volume challenge.


Total time:  1 Hour 20 Minutes


  • Treadmill for 1:00 @ 2.5MPH
  • Treadmill for 2:00 @ 6.0MPH
  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • DeFranco's Simple Six

Front Squat

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 185lbs
  • 1 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 235lbs (PR)

Notes:  Added this into my OH day as I've wanted to try and PR my Front Squats for awhile now, but just never could figure out a day.  Seemed like a good time to try.  I probably had 240 and maybe even 250 in the tank, but was happy enough with a PR.

Weight Added:  1050lbs


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 4 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 100lbs
  • 10 @ 100lbs
  • 10 @ 100lbs
  • 10 @ 100lbs

Notes:  Again, added in the BBB sets again because I wanted to get more volume for the mini-challenge.  100 might have been a bit on the heavy side as reps 8, 9 and 10 on the 4th set were BRUTAL.  Figured 40 extra reps was plenty.

Weight Added:  5545lbs


Neutral Grip Pull-ups

  • 2
  • 2

Notes:  Nothing of importance, other then I had nothing left for a 3rd set.

Weight Added: 738lbs



  • 15
  • 12
  • 6

Notes:  Probably went a little too bonkers with my first set.  Such is life.

Weight Added:  6089lbs



  • 10
  • 10
  • 10

Weight Added:  3998lbs


Kroc Rows

  • 24 @ 70lb DBs
  • 24 @ 70lb DBs
  • 24 @ 70lb DBs

Weight Added:  5040lbs


Overall Weight Moved:  22460lbs

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Not sure why I haven't checked out your log before...


When you were running SmolovJr for bench, generally how much time were you spending between sets?


I'm thinking about playing with it between cycles and the number of sets just seem like it will take forever.

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Not sure why I haven't checked out your log before...


When you were running SmolovJr for bench, generally how much time were you spending between sets?


I'm thinking about playing with it between cycles and the number of sets just seem like it will take forever.

I was usually going pretty quick, but I really don't have a good idea cause I never really track time.  I just sort of go when I feel like ready.  If I had to guess, I'd say 2 to 5 minutes but some might have been even closer to 10 if I was really wasted (like on between set 9 or 10 on the triple days).



Total time:  40 Minutes


  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers


  • 5 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 2 @ 285lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 305lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over, Belted)
  • 3 @ 345lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over, Belted)
  • 2 @ 385lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over, Belted)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, Right Over)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, Right Over)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, Right Over)

Notes:  This might have been too much.  Definitely getting suckered into this volume mini-challenge for the warriors.  Everything in bold is what counts towards the challenge.  Either way, wanted to do some leg press stuff, but had to cut it short due to some other commitments. 

Weight Moved:  16275lbs.

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Stuff in bold is what was used to calculate weight moved for mini-challenge. 

Total time:  60 Minutes

  • DeFranco's Simple Six


  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 215lbs
  • 1 @ 240lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs

Notes:  Much better then last week.  Wasn't much of a pause on the 240 rep, probably wouldn't count in a competition, but whatever.  I'm happy that I moved it.  150 was just about perfect as I was absolutely grinding the last 5 reps of the 5th set. 

Weight Moved:  10320lbs



  • 0

Notes:  Yep.  I couldn't even budge myself.  Everything was toasted after benching....


Kroc Rows

  • 24 @ 90lbs
  • 24 @ 90lbs
  • 24 @ 90lbs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.

Weight Moved:  6480lbs



  • 75 second Plank
  • 10 Crunches
  • 5 Leg Raises
  • 10 Crunches
  • 5 Leg Raises

Notes:  Did the Crunches and the Leg Raises on a bench.  Made sure to actually get my butt off the bench for the Leg Raises and holy crap, that makes it a bit harder.  Someday I'll get a Dragon Fly.  :)

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Went really slow today as I wanted to make sure I got through all the reps...

Total time:  90 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • Hops


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 240lbs (Belted)
  • 3 @ 270lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 300lbs (Belted)
  • 10 @ 225lbs
  • 10 @ 225lbs
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Belted)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Belted)
  • 10 @ 225lbs (Belted)

Notes:  This was too much.  I definitely shouldn't have done the 5th set of 10, and probably shouldn't have done the last 3 sets of 10.  Lower back was on fire.  Don't think it was any sort of injury as just sitting down for 10 minutes has me feeling much much better.  Definitely taking tomorrow off.  Hopefully be back at it on Wednesday.

Weight Moved:  15460lbs

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Forced myself into the gym today.  Been feeling "blue" all week, moping around because of bad choices I've been making lately.  Told myself that no matter what I was going to the gym today over lunch.  Wasn't a great workout, but it was at least after Deload Week turned into Off Week and then I never started again on Monday.


Total time:  1 Hour 20 Minutes


  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • DeFranco's Simple Six

Front Squat

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 155lbs
  • 1 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Just wanted to squat.  Threw these in. 

Weight Added:  475lbs


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 120lbs
  • 5 @ 130lbs
  • 7 @ 135lbs

Notes:  Happy with a +2.  OH Press seems to have improved more then bench from Smolov Jr. 

Weight Added:  2670lbs


Neutral Grip Pull-ups

  • 1
  • 1

Notes:  Felt stupid weak on these. 

Weight Added: 369lbs


Klokov Press

  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 115lbs

Notes:  Wanted more Press work, so threw these in. 

Weight Added:  975lbs


Mobility Work

  • 4:00 Couch Stretch (2:00 each side)
  • 4:00 Banded Hamstring Stretch (2:00 each side)
  • 4:00 Tricep Stetching (2:00 each side)

Total Workout Weight:  4489lbs

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Otherwise known as Snatch Grip Behind the Head Overhead Press... but the key to it is you don't do anything during the eccentric part of the lift.  You just drop it on your shoulders.  I guess there is some science there as I've read it would put strain on your shoulders in a goofy way, but yeah... its a fun way to get some shoulder work before doing OH Squats. 

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Otherwise known as Snatch Grip Behind the Head Overhead Press...

That sounds vaguely dirty

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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In the demo I saw he was in the bottom of a squat the whole time


Holy christ almighty.  Yeah... no no no.  That is not what I'm doing.  I'm doing this version.




Total time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • Hops


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 8 @ 220lbs
  • 8 @ 220lbs
  • 8 @ 220lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 1 @ 270lbs (Belted)

Notes:  Nothing of note... except I'm feeling stupid again, and this is Day 1 of the Intro 1 Cycle of Smolov.  Yep... I'm running it again.  12 weeks of brutal Squats.  This pretty much sums up how I feel about this.




Neutral Grip Pull-Ups

  • 2
  • 2
  • 2

Notes:  Nothing.



  • 75 second plank
  • 10 Crunches
  • 5 Leg Raises
  • 10 Crunches
  • 5 Leg Raises

Notes:  No breaks. 

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Haha much much easier to drop the bar back down to your shoulders when they look like his.


Running Smolov again?  Haha I thought once was enough for most mere mortals.

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Haha much much easier to drop the bar back down to your shoulders when they look like his.


Running Smolov again?  Haha I thought once was enough for most mere mortals.


Call me an addict of the gains.  Last time, I went from a ~295 PR to a 345 PR (back down to around 320 after taking a few weeks off).  Hoping to get around ~375 when this is done with a drop off to ~350.  That's the goal.

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Well damn...you are now making me consider such torture.  I start SmolovJR for squat tomorrow.  Not nearly the torture of the full program but I'm hoping it makes my squat respectable

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Total time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • Hops


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 8 @ 220lbs (Belted)
  • 8 @ 220lbs (Belted)
  • 8 @ 220lbs (Belted)
  • 5 @ 235lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 1 @ 270lbs (Belted)


  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs
  • 5 @ 205lbs
  • 4 @ 215lbs

Notes:  Was supposed to be 5 on the last set but I was at work, and really didn't want to get stuck under a barbell.  I really wish they would just get some safeties here... damn cheap ass facilities people.


Neutral Grip Pull-Ups

  • 2
  • 0

Notes:  Bummed that I only got 2 in.



  • 10 Leg Raises

Notes:  Just wanted to be done. 

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Total time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings
  • Hip Openers
  • Hops


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 3 @ 250lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 270lbs (Belted)
  • 2 @ 270lbs (Belted)
  • 1 @ 300lbs (Belted)

Notes:  Is it wierd that the 300 rep felt easier then all the 235 reps did?  Not sure if I just get more into it as the weight gets heavier, I get more warmed up, or because of the belt, but damn.  300 felt super easy today.  Like a 6 or a 7 if I was going on RPE. 

Weight Added:  6580lbs



  • 10 V-Ups

Notes:  Should have done more, but I was running late and works been busy.

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Not that weird, I definitely think that its a combination of all those factors.  I know for me, regrettably so, my form and intensity just isn't there for warm up sets, but when I hit working weights my focus is far more on point.


Curious, what are you doing for your bench (&OHP) while you run Smolov?

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Not that weird, I definitely think that its a combination of all those factors.  I know for me, regrettably so, my form and intensity just isn't there for warm up sets, but when I hit working weights my focus is far more on point.


Curious, what are you doing for your bench (&OHP) while you run Smolov?


I'm just going to pick 2 days per week and hammer out a 5/3/1 workout after the Smolov sets, least that's the plan currently (probably the 4 sets of 9 and 5 sets of 7 days).  We'll see how long it holds up once I get into the true work set days as I remember being just gassed after some of these workouts. 


I know last time I did the full 12 weeks I did nothing for my upper body at all, and it didn't seem to suffer that much.  That said, I've seen gains in both my Bench and OHP lately that I don't want to lose.  So I'm going to force myself to at least attempt some work.  I'm just not going to be that concerned if I don't hit reps as it's not my aim currently.

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That's how I originally asked the question, then edited the question to be more generic, lol as to not seem presumptuous.


That was my same plan for the next 3 weeks.  So far 6x6 and 7x5 days really suck and had me gassed, so maybe no 5/3/1 on those days, but I don't really know if 8x4 will be any better.


I'll try to keep my eyes to see how you trying to balance both.


Keep up the torture!

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Total time:  25 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 120lbs
  • 5 @ 130lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs

Notes:  Got in a quick OHP workout as I forgot to put this into one of my Smolov workouts this week.  Felt good considering I'm going on like 5 hours of sleep (baby girl is teething hardcore right now). 

Weight Added:  2400lbs

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