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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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That looks like a good workout to me.  


Sleep will come in time.  Patience will be your best friend with this.


Yeah I know.  "The grind" is just starting to wear on both of us right now.  I know it'll get better, but the idea of 1-2 more months of only doing 2-3 hour chunks of sleeps is so so depressing.  Plus it being 0 degrees or colder every day and traffic being terrible the last few days, it's all just very trying.  That said, there's nothing to really do but keep going.  Think I'm just going to put this on repeat at work today. Could listen to Angus shred every day, all day.  


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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 275lbs
  • 3 @ 295lbs
  • 3 @ 310lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs

Deadlift Hold (Double Over Hand)

  • 25sec @ 175lbs 
  • 5sec @ 175lbs

Single Leg Standing Leg Curl

  • 10 @ 30lbs (each leg)
  • 10 @ 30lbs (each leg)
  • 10 @ 30lbs (each leg)

Notes:  Squats went well.  The 310 set was fairly tough, but manageable.  Grip training was crap again.  Still disappointed, but I guess I can only improve.  And Leg Curls were Leg Curls.  Might try 40lbs next workout.  See how it goes.  

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  • 3min @ 3MPH
  • 5min @ 6MPH

Bench Paused

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 180lbs
  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 205lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs

1 Arm DB Row

  • 10 @ 50lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)

Farmer's Walk

  • 60sec @ 35lb DBs
  • 30sec @ 35lb DBs

Time:  1 hour


Notes:  I felt great today.  Not sure if it was the run before hand, the fact I had 2 breakfasts (bowl of cereal when I woke up, then 2 quiche things at 9am) or what, but 190 felt super light today.  205 wasn't easy and again, I started to panic and the pauses all but disappeared on those 3 reps, but every thing else felt great.  Good enough where I did the full workout (5 sets of each accesory) plus some Farmer's Walk.  Up the DB Rows from 40 to 50, then 50 felt light so went up to 55.  That was right on, as the last reps were brutal, but I got them done.  I was gassed by the end, but that was partially due to the fact I wore a hoodie the whole workout to make sure I got a good sweat going.  All around, very pleased with today's workout.  Now to recover this weekend, and attempt some Deadlifts again next Monday.  

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  • 2:30 @ 3MPH
  • 2:30 @ 6MPH (left knee felt a bit wonky so stopped at 2:30 instead of going up to 7MPH for 2:30)

Lower body Warm-up (Leg swings; front, side; Hip Openers, 30 sec of hopping)


  • 5 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 1 @ 275lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 300lbs (Switch Grip, 2 with left under, 1 with right under)
  • 0 @ 320lbs (Switch Grip, Failure)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)

Hanging Leg Raises

  • 9 (with Overhand Grip)
  • 7 (with Neutral Grip)
  • 7 (with Neutral Grip)

Notes:  Grip was still the limiting factor on things.  My hands turn into a swampy mess so I feel like chalk would help greatly, but I already know without even asking it wouldn't be allowed here.  One thing I was a bit concerned with was on the 300 reps when my right hand was under, my arm wanted to curl bad.  So I'll have to keep on eye on that as a bicep tear is not something that I want on my to-do list.  Straps arrive today in the mail, so next DL workout should be fine.  I also played around with my hook grip on the 190lb sets and I couldn't even hold it for a single rep.  My thumbs just popped out into a DOH grip mid rep.  The Hanging Leg Raises went much better as the forearms had more in the tank, but again, they were the limiting factor.  Hands would slip off before abs would really get gassed (although it was close).  So grip is improving.  Just need to keep working at it and it'll come back.  


Non-Workout Notes:  Seriously debating taking some measurements and attempting to start tracking my diet a bit as terrible as it sounds.  Weight has been steadily climbing since I finished Tough Mudder in July.  Not much (200 at the time of race to 215 now) but my diet has been far from stellar.  Loads of sweets, loads of bagels and donuts, and loads of beer.  The weight training is the only thing keepinp me from balloning hardcore, but I'd like to get back down to around 200, if not finally climb down towards 190 since I know I could maintain that weight without too much trouble with a much cleaner diet.  Plus weighing a bit less for the upcoming Virtual Lifting Meet couldn't hurt my odds.   :)

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  • 2:30 @ 3MPH
  • 5:00 @ 6MPH

Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 120lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs

Chin ups

  • 1
  • 1 (Failed)

Notes:  Really disappointed with the chin-ups.  I know I'm pretty gassed in the shoulders and what not after that press workout, but I was doing 3-4 chins post workout as close as 6 months ago.  Dropping weight will help drastically with that.  Another reason to start watching the diet closer... which yeah... terrible today.  Stupid free lunch buffets here at work.  Loaded up on so much sweet breads.  

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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 260lbs
  • 3 @ 295lbs
  • 1 @ 330lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs

Single Leg Standing Leg Curl

  • 10 @ 40lbs (each leg)
  • 10 @ 40lbs (each leg)
  • 10 @ 40lbs (each leg)

Notes:  Forgot my workout clothes.  Had to lift in blue jeans and my thermal that was under my sweat shirt.  Wasn't as bad as I thought, but didn't love it.  Also was our work holiday "party" day.  So the hat got thrown into the workout.  Didn't feel comfortable on the treadmill so did an extra set of warm-up squats to be sure the legs were warm.  The 330 rep I thought felt good until I watched it on video.  Butt came up way too fast (which I believe is what they call in the biz 'butt wink').  Gotta focus on form on those heavy ones.  Otherwise, squats felt good.  The leg curls might need a substitute as I feel like my form varies so much on the single leg version (upper body can swing and sway so much).  We'll see what I can come up with a new exercise next go around.  


Today's workout attire:



The 330 rep (with a festive Ho Ho Ho at the end!): 

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Hmm... no comments for my festive workout garb.  Figured that would have got something.  Oh well... onto the next one.



  • 2:30min @ 3MPH
  • 5min @ 6.5MPH

Bench Paused

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 170lbs
  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 1 @ 215lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs

1 Arm DB Row

  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 55lbs (each arm)

Farmer's Walk

  • 60sec @ 35lb DBs
  • 30sec @ 35lb DBs

Time:  1 hour


Notes:  Upped the warm-up to 6.5 MPH to see how it would go.  Thought I felt something funny down near my Achilles half way through, but it was just a split second and didn't come back.  Have to keep an eye on that.  Not sure this workout was any harder then the last time around in Bench.  All the benching felt pretty easy.  Pauses were solid even on the 215 single so that's a positive.  DB Pulls were strange.  Not sure if my left arm is weaker then my right or just more tired, but sets were much harder on the left today.  Still got through.  Might have started to use momentum a bit on the end few reps.  Farmer's Walks didn't see any improvement.  I was hoping to get to 45 seconds on the 2nd set.  

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I know she's still young and doesn't know what's going on, but have a fun first Christmas with your daughter, Rooks!


Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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  • 45 minutes of shoveling snow


  • 8 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 280lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 3 @ 320lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 1 @ 355lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)

Rice Bucket

  • 5 minutes of work

Notes:  Just worked out that my Christmas day workout was my Deadlift day and that meant I could actually do it at my own house (I have a barbell and weights, just no rack or stands).  So yeah... shoveled out my stuff and then the neighbors front walk, and 1/2 the other neighbors front walk, and then went in to workout.  Straps were money.  I'm going to keep practicing on my hook grip in the mean time as I'd like to get to the point where I don't need straps.  


Anyway, cut the sets 2 short on DL because I was in a bit of a rush, and had to cut the hanging leg raises since I don't really have a spot to just hang from.  I did throw in 5 minutes of rice bucket work which was plenty enough to have my forearms feel like they had been injected with concrete for a few hours.  So overall, it was a good workout.  Granted I then went and engorged myself on lamb chops, ham balls, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, cheesy potatoes, etc... so yeah... might have to seriously start this cut here soon.  

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  • 2:30min @ 3MPH
  • 5:00min @ 6MPH

Overhead Press

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 1 @ 145lbs (failed)
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs


  • 3 Negative Chin-ups
  • 3 Negative Chin-ups

Farmer's Walk

  • 1:30 @ 35lb DBs

Notes:  Bummed I failed on the single heavy.  1st Chin-up wasn't pretty so I switched it over to negatives.  Farmer's Walk felt good and I was in a hurry so I just did a single 90 second hold.  Glad that seems to be improving already.  

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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 205lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 240lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs
  • 10 @ 175lbs

Reverse Hyperextension (on Balance Ball)

  • 10
  • 4

Notes:  Squats were done fast.  No more then 2 minute breaks between sets since it was a super light day.  Swapped in Reverse Hyperextensions for Leg Curls.  Happy I did that.  Seems like a much better exercise.  

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  • 2:30min @ 3MPH
  • 2:30min @ 6MPH

Bench Paused

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 145lbs
  • 5 @ 160lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs
  • 10 @ 115lbs

1 Arm DB Row

  • 10 @ 50lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 50lbs (each arm)
  • 10 @ 50lbs (each arm)

​Farmer's Walk

  • 65sec @ 40lb DBs

Time:  30 minutes


Notes:  I flew through this workout.  Mainly cause I want to get home since it's New Year's Eve.  And because it's a light Bench day.  Finished all 10 sets in around 18 minutes.  Last set was a bit tough, but it went up.  Dropped down to 50lb DB for DB Row because I felt like I might be swinging too much with the 55, using too much momentum.  50 felt tough and I was feeling it, so I think that was the right call.  Moved up to 40lb for the Farmer's Walk just to see how it went and went well.  I think I'll use 90 seconds as my bench mark for moving up weights in that.  


Have a Swole New Year's!



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  • 8 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 245lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 5 @ 265lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 1 @ 295lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 1 @ 375lbs (DOH w/ Straps)
  • 1 @ 390lbs (DOH w/ Straps) (Failed)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip, Left Under)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip, Right Under)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip, Left Under)
  • 8 @ 190lbs (Switch Grip, Right Under)

Rice Bucket

  • 5 minutes of work

Notes:  Got super busy yesterday at work, so pushed my DL workout to today at home.  Decided to try some heavy singles after the working sets to see what I could do.  Happy to see I can still pull my PR when grip is taken out of the equation.  A little bummed I couldn't get 390 given how easy I thought 375 went up.  Maybe next time.  Overall felt good.  

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Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 85lbs
  • 5 @ 90lbs
  • 5 @ 100lbs
  • 5 @ 105lbs
  • 1 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 145lbs
  • 1 @ 150lbs (failed)
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs
  • 10 @ 75lbs


  • 3 Negative Chin-ups
  • 3 Negative Chin-ups
  • 3 Negative Chin-ups

Farmer's Walk

  • 1:10 @ 40lb DBs

Notes:  Threw in some heavy singles.  Just for fun.  This light week got pretty boring, but it's over.  Taking the rest of the week and starting up a new program next Monday. 

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Front Squat

  • 5 @ 35lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 185lbs
  • 1 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 250lbs (failed)

Notes:  Been in a bit of a funk lately, between work getting busy, home live being busy and all the rest.  Anyway, decided to hop into the gym quick and see if I could set a new Front Squat PR.  Got too aggressive on the PR as I'm sure 235 or something like that would have gone up.  Oh well... maybe some other time.  


Plan on doing my 1RM Big 4 test out on Monday for the Virtual Lift Meet.  

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The Tenacious Test of Toughness 2014




  • 2:30 @ 3MPH
  • 2:30 @ 6MPH


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 2 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 275lbs
  • 1 @ 325lbs
  • 1 @ 335lbs (failure)

Notes:  Really disappointed.  Everything just felt off at 335.  Re-adjusted like 3 times with the weight on my back (as you can see in the vid).  Felt super heavy.  Disappointed since I just did a 330 as part of my working sets 3 weeks ago.  Did 345 6 weeks ago.  Not sure if it wasn't enough warming up or possibly not enough time between sets.  Guess my 2 weeks off hurt me more then I thought.  Didn't attempt a 3rd as I felt frustrated.  



  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 185lbs
  • 1 @ 205lbs
  • 1 @ 215lbs
  • 1 @ 230lbs (failure)

Notes:  Went very conservative here.  Didn't think I'd have a spot, until the last rep when a guy showed up, but I wasn't clear enough when telling him how to spot, so while I think the rep would have went up, I'm counting it as a fail.



  • 7:00 @ 3MPH


  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 315lbs
  • 1 @ 335lbs

Notes:  Didn't attempt a 3rd as I was running long with my workout and I was doing this over lunch.  Plus I doubt my grip would have handled anything heavier.  Had to delay (hence the 7:00 minute treadmill walk prior) as the guy who spotted my final set of bench wanted to bust a couple sets of bench and I didn't want to hog the only bar for a full hour and half.  Once he was done, I got back to the bar, and grip was exactly the limiter I thought it would be.  No surprise given the previous workouts (pulled a 375 with straps pretty easy).


Overhead Press

  • 1 @ 135lbs
  • 1 @ 145lbs
  • 1 @ 150lbs

Notes:  Hammered these out pretty fast.  Happy about what I did.  Been consistently at 145 for the past year or so.  Given my bench hasn't changed much either, it's no surprise this hasn't really changed.  

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Bench Press

  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 10 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 160lbs

Narrow Grip Bench

  • 10 @ 135lbs
  • 10 @ 135lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 10 @ 135lbs
  • 10 @ 135lbs

Negative Chin-ups

  • 3
  • 3

Farmer's Walk

  • 60sec w/ 40lbs DBs
  • 60sec w/ 40lbs DBs
  • 30sec w/ 40lbs DBs

Notes:  Overall, just sort of a feeler day as my actual program starts Monday (with pretty much the same workout).  Wanted to see how the variations of bench actually felt.  Overall, happy with how things went and how things felt post workout.  Little bummed about the fact I couldn't get the last 30 seconds of Farmer's Walk in to bump up to the next weight, but oh well.  


Next week, I'm going to try and start tracking my macros as well.  Just to see where I am.  Hopefully, it'll help me curb this ever growing number on the scale.  Using the IIFYM Calculator, my numbers appear to be:

  • 152g Carbs
  • 220g Protein
  • 88g Fat
  • 44-55g Fiber
  • 2280 Calories

Posting them here for easy reference.  Will be trying out livestrong.com for tracking purposes.  We'll see how it goes.  Also, plan on taking measurements and photos this weekend.  

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This was tough to see.  Didn't think I had changed that much, but after having the wife snap the photos, it's hard to say that is a healthy body.  But it's finally time to start seeing how things are going with the diet and trying to clean things up.



  • Biceps = 14 inches
  • Thighs = 26 inches
  • Waist = 45 inches
  • Hips = 41 inches
  • Weight ~ 220 (forgot to weigh myself this morning since I was running late)



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Bench Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 160lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 10 @ 135lbs
  • 10 @ 135lbs

Narrow Grip Bench

  • 10 @ 135lbs
  • 9 @ 135lbs (failed on the last rep)

Farmer's Walk

  • 60sec w/ 40lb DBs
  • 60sec w/ 40lb DBs
  • 30sec w/ 40lb DBs (30 second rest)
  • 15sec w/ 40lb DBs

Mobility Work

  • 15 minutes

Notes:  Timed everything strictly today.  Did 2 minute rests between every set.  That was a bit too aggressive for the plan I'm starting today (as noted by the last rep failure), so I'll bump it up to 3 minutes next time around.  Overall, I love this workout and it's definitely burning by the last set and it seems to get my chest real fired up.  Curious to see how much (if any) growth I see in the weights I'm pushing.  



So Day 1 of tracking was definitely telling on why the numbers have been going up.  Going to have to clean things up.  First week is much more about tracking, then I'll start working to clean things up in Week 2 and beyond.  Protein intake was good, but my problem is everything else.  It's just not a clean enough diet.  

  • Calories:  3504 / 2280
  • Carbs:  252 / 152
  • Protein:  220 / 220
  • Fat:  189 / 88
  • Fiber:  30 / 50
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I feel ya on the tracking.  I didn't realize how much  fat I was taking in until I started tracking everything.  What are you using to track your meals with?  


Also, I'm following this now.  Good luck  

The path to Swolehalla is paved with a lot of Swolehate, and you won't get there without being Swole of Spirit too.

Race: Fiendish Blue Extension Cord

Class: Warrior
Links:  MFP  Battle Log  Current Challenge

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I feel ya on the tracking.  I didn't realize how much  fat I was taking in until I started tracking everything.  What are you using to track your meals with?  


Also, I'm following this now.  Good luck  


The macros that I'm going to aim for I got by using IIFYM Calculator on a 5% cut.


The tracking I'm doing through LiveStrong's MyPlate tool.  I've used it previously and it's got a nice big database behind it.  I was actually going to ask around and see what others had used to see if there were better options out there.  The one thing I wish I could do with LiveStrong is to change what they think my caloric levels and macros should be (which you can, you just have to pay for it).  

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The macros that I'm going to aim for I got by using IIFYM Calculator on a 5% cut.


The tracking I'm doing through LiveStrong's MyPlate tool.  I've used it previously and it's got a nice big database behind it.  I was actually going to ask around and see what others had used to see if there were better options out there.  The one thing I wish I could do with LiveStrong is to change what they think my caloric levels and macros should be (which you can, you just have to pay for it).  


I've been using My Fitness Pal, they'll let you change your percentages of each macro and total caloric intake.  They've got a big database of foods too, but it can be hard since similar foods are so wildly different depending on what source you use.  

The path to Swolehalla is paved with a lot of Swolehate, and you won't get there without being Swole of Spirit too.

Race: Fiendish Blue Extension Cord

Class: Warrior
Links:  MFP  Battle Log  Current Challenge

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