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Awesome news!  Only suggestion I would give is sign up as soon as possible.  These meets seem to fill up super quick once registration opens.


I like your plan and goals.  I agree that incline is awesome, for me, I think it effects my press more than my bench, but in your case I think it makes way more sense than OHP.


As for the beer festival....super jealous.  That has been the shitty part about moving away from family, we can't drop the kid off and have a full night to ourselves.  Any date nights are limited to 1 or 2 beers while out.  How were you guys with leaving her overnight for the first time?

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Awesome news!  Only suggestion I would give is sign up as soon as possible.  These meets seem to fill up super quick once registration opens.


I like your plan and goals.  I agree that incline is awesome, for me, I think it effects my press more than my bench, but in your case I think it makes way more sense than OHP.


As for the beer festival....super jealous.  That has been the shitty part about moving away from family, we can't drop the kid off and have a full night to ourselves.  Any date nights are limited to 1 or 2 beers while out.  How were you guys with leaving her overnight for the first time?


Yeah.  Registration hasn't even opened yet for the meet.  I e-mailed the contact that USAPL had listed and he said it would be opening up in a week or so.  I'll keep my eyes open for that and register soon as I can.


Leaving the kiddo was fine.  Grandma was texting updates every so often the fact we knew she was having a great time made it quite easy.  Also, the fact that both of us were feeling quite "happy" by 8:30pm, worries weren't really an issue.  :P


sorry for not making Relentless. I'm really glad you went and it lit a fire under you!

My google-fu is weak, how did you determine what you need to lift for the state meet. 

I'll bug you. I'll bug the crap out of you. I'd even get together to train once every couple weeks.


Relentless was strange.  I didn't enjoy it but I think that was mainly because I watched half the guys up on the stage and I was thinking to myself "I can lift more than that guy.  Why am I not up there?"  


Qualifying totals, Gainsdalf did post them up in the thread, but also, it's here.  I'll be in the Raw division for 205.  


And right on sir.  We can definitely setup some workouts. 

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Relentless was strange.  I didn't enjoy it but I think that was mainly because I watched half the guys up on the stage and I was thinking to myself "I can lift more than that guy.  Why am I not up there?"  


That is a good question.  You're lifts are very impressive.  Glad you're fired up now.  

It was good to see you too, albeit for a short time.  I was going to try to get JessFit over to meet you, but she was also busy with some kids.  She was dressed up as Belle.  

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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That is a good question.  You're lifts are very impressive.  Glad you're fired up now.  

It was good to see you too, albeit for a short time.  I was going to try to get JessFit over to meet you, but she was also busy with some kids.  She was dressed up as Belle.  


HA!  I saw her walking around a bit.  That makes 3 NF'ers I saw just this weekend.  Haha...

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Qualifying totals, Gainsdalf did post them up in the thread, but also, it's here.  I'll be in the Raw division for 205.  


Gah! If I could pull off a 12lb cut & maintain weight I could pull off qualifying totals for the 163# class, otherwise I'd be in the 182 class and would need to get my lifts up.


Too bad I'm not seeing any USAPL meets nearby.  Lol this is why I changed over to Strongman, though I am intrigued and it would be great to say I qualified.

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Total Time:  80 Minutes

Paused Incline Press

  • 5 @ 160lbs
  • 5 @ 170lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs

Closed Grip Bench

  • 3 @ 195lbs (for 4 sets)

Spoto Press

  • 3 @ 205lbs (for 3 sets)

TNG Incline Press

  • 8 @ 140lbs (for 3 sets)


  • 1:00 @ 3.0MPH
  • 2:00 @ 5.0MPH
  • 2:00 @ 5.5MPH
  • 2:00 @ 6.0MPH
  • 3:00 @ 3.0MPH (with 15 degree incline)

Overall Notes:  Chest got nice and wasted.  Running felt much better today.  Hammies didn't ache at all.  Improvement!  Overall, felt really good.  

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Total Time:  45 Minutes


  • 5 @ 325lbs
  • 3 @ 350lbs
  • 2 @ 370lbs

Notes:  Had like 10+ warm-up sets as things just never felt right today.  No pain or anything, but just didn't feel explosive.  Was supposed to be 3 sets of 5, but just didn't have the tank to get 5 reps even on set 2.  Probably more related to diet since I've eaten like poop the last 48 hours.  My cut that was supposed to start April 1 has already fallen by the wayside for 2 days.  Just chalking this up to a bad day with a bad diet and going to get my ass in gear with cleaning up my diet a bit.  Did all of this beltless.  Attempted the last set with a belt and everything felt super wrong, so just ripped it off and got out at least 2 reps at 370.  

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It's getting real.  Warning... don't click on this spoiler if you are eating...

SBD Singlet and SBD Knee Sleeves.  Damn do these sleeves work.  Feels so much more rock solid while squatting.  I'm blown away and very excited to workout with them.  And yeah... I know I gotta get rid of some of that love handle.

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Total Time:  75 Minutes


Paused Bench

  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 195lbs
  • 6 @ 205lbs

Notes:  Stuck with around a 1 second pause here.  Felt great.  Wanted 7 on the last set, but such is life.


Double Pause Bench

  • 3 @ 185lbs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  3 second pause at the bottom and 3 second pause about 2" off the chest.  These got really tough.


Wide Grip Bench

  • 3 @ 185lbs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  Did these with a 1 second pause. 


Close Grip Bench

  • 5 @ 185lbs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  No pause.


Overall Notes:  Finished up the day with some curls and DB face crushers to get some extra arm work.  Felt good.  Upper body has been going great lately.  Hopefully the knee starts feeling better soon so the lower body can follow suit.


Finally, in honor of Most Loathed... my songs of the day.



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One other thing I forgot to mention was this was my first workout with my new weights and barbell.  Holy crap.  It's a whole new world.  First, I never realized how loud the weights were when until today.  Did most of my workout with the bumpers even though it was a bench, and damn.  It's damn near silent.  Very pleased with that as a side effect since workouts with a sleepy baby might now be an options (assuming I can get the J-cups to be a bit quieter). 


And as for the barbell.  Wow.  It's feels like a whole different item.  Everything seems so much better.  I don't even know how to describe it.  Very pleased with my purchase.  Going to have to figure out ways to get workouts in more often here.


It's getting sexy as fuck on a Friday night


You have a way with words my friend. 


Yes! The SBD sleeves. One of these days...

I can probably never go back to doing heavy squats without sleeves now. I've become spoiled.


I can see why.  All the reviews I read said the SBD's were far and way the "firmest" fit and seem to provide the most support with the downfall of being a bit of a bear to get on.  They were indeed, but I doubt I'll ever squat heavy without them anymore. 


Damn, I haven't put on a singlet in 19 years. You're bold.
For everyone who's coworkers think that they are weird, try telling them that you bought a singlet.
That said, not a lot of adults can pull off a singlet with just. Little bit of love handle. You're doing something right.


I told a few co-workers, but mainly ones I've already told that I'm going to compete in a PL meet so they at least understand that there is a reason.  I think it's been about 10 years since I last donned a singlet.  I was in a wrestling club in college since MTU (my college) didn't have a wrestling team.  Anyway, we got some singlets for doing tournaments as a club.  But I think I only ever did one tournament with them.  So yeah... been awhile.  That's for sure.  And had I put this on 3 years ago, it would have been a VERY ugly sight. 

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One other thing I forgot to mention was this was my first workout with my new weights and barbell.  Holy crap.  It's a whole new world.  First, I never realized how loud the weights were when until today.  Did most of my workout with the bumpers even though it was a bench, and damn.  It's damn near silent.  Very pleased with that as a side effect since workouts with a sleepy baby might now be an options (assuming I can get the J-cups to be a bit quieter). 


A quality piece of steel in your hands is really something that can't be described til you've experienced it. I still use my old bar if I'm supersetting two barbell movements but I never enjoy it. As for bumpers being quiet, yea, it's really nice. They get loud again when you start dropping shit from overhead though.

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My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Another new home gym purchase.  2 4' x 6' 3/4" thick horse mats.  $40 a pop at the local farm store.  Fear of cracking the basement floor prompted this.  Coupled with the bumper plates, I think we'll be fine for a long while.  So yeah... now I have a deadlift platform.  :tongue:


This will probably be the last gym purchase for awhile as the birthday money is starting to run out.  That and I still need to get an IPF legal belt. 

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I've got a pair of those and they've lasted me years and I'm not the first owner even. Money well spent.

A couple words of warning. They may stink up your basement in the coming days. There is nothing you can do about this except drag them outside to sit for a month. Mine were used so I didn't experience this but I've heard stories. Also, you may start to find little flecks of black rubber all over the basement. Get a broom, sweep it up and forget about it. It just happens with some of these.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Yeah.  The bumper plates did a good enough job at that already.  Haha... my wife was complaining for weeks that the house reeked of rubber smell after we got the bumpers.  Another few weeks won't be so bad.  :P


Hopefully the weather gets warmer and we can air things out a bit.  

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Total Time:  90 Minutes


Paused Incline Press

  • 3 @ 170lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 195lbs

TNG Incline Press

  • 10 @ 140lbs (for 3 sets)

Spoto Press

  • 3 @ 205lbs (for 3 sets)

Closed Grip Bench

  • 3 @ 205lbs (for 3 sets)


  • 1:00 @ 3.0MPH
  • 2:00 @ 5.0MPH
  • 3:00 @ 6.0MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 6.5MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 7.0MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 7.5MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 8.0MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 8.5MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 8.5MPH
  • 0:20 Rest / 0:40 @ 8.5MPH

Overall Notes:  Running felt damn near great today.  No knee pain what so ever (although I haven't had knee pain during running ever).  Nothing special about all the upper body work.  Was a lot of volume, but no aches or pains.  Turning into a full on bench bro.  

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Total Time:  60 Minutes


Paused Bench

  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 205lbs
  • 5 @ 215lbs

Notes:  First time I've used wrist straps and damn.  It feels wild.  Having your wrists just set makes pressing feel so much better.  Stuck with around a 1 second pause here.  Felt great.


Double Pause Bench

  • 3 @ 185lbs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  3 second pause at the bottom and 3 second pause about 2" off the chest.  These felt easy today. 


Paused Bench

  • 8 @ 185lbs
  • 7 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Just wanted a bit more volume so started hammering out AMRAPs.


Overall Notes:  Finished up with some heavy arm work, then some ab rollouts. 

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