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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 3 @ 275lbs
  • 1 @ 300lbs 
  • 10 @ 190lbs

Pause Squat (5 second pauses)

  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 190lbs

Reverse Hyperextensions

  • 5
  • 5
  • 3

Overhead Squat

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 65lbs

Notes:  Overall solid day.  Was happy 300 went up.  Didn't seem to grind at all either.  So that's good.  5/3/1 called for me doing 5 sets of 10 at 190, but man I really wasn't feeling that after the first set, so I switched over to Pause Squats.  Then decided to practice some Overhead Squats when I was done.  Man, nothing will squash your pride like those babies.  "I just did 300!  Bwahahaha.... wait, I'm struggling with the bar?  What is going on?"  Yeah.  The first set of 3 was amazingly difficult.  Second set was better after locking things in place a bit more.  Third set was the best of all of them.  Wanted to do more, but was already running long on my lunch break so called it a day.  


Daily Macros

  • Calories:  2306 / 2472
  • Carbs: 162 / 155
  • Protein:  225 / 247
  • Fat:  54 / 96
  • Fiber:  15 / 41

Probably the closest I've been to my overall numbers so far.  Found out that a can of tuna with Frank's Red Hot Sauce actually ain't too bad.  Definitely a solid snack, considering it's a 125 calories with 30g of protein and on 1g of fat.  Gotta love fish.  

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2295 / 2280
  • Carbs: 138 / 143
  • Protein:  220 / 228
  • Fat:  84 / 89
  • Fiber:  10 / 38

Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2437 / 2280
  • Carbs: 209 / 143
  • Protein:  206 / 228
  • Fat:  63 / 89
  • Fiber:  17 / 38



  • 45 minutes of shoveling... :) 


  • 135lbs x 5 (DOH Grip)
  • 225lbs x 5 (DOH Grip)
  • 250lbs x 5 (DOH Grip)
  • 275lbs x 3 (Switch Grip, Right under)
  • 300lbs x 1 (Switch Grip, Right under)
  • 350lbs x 1 (Strapped)
  • 350lbs x 1 (Strapped)
  • 375lbs x 1 (Failure, Strapped)
  • 225lbs x 8 (Switch Grip, Left under)
  • 225lbs x 8 (Switch Grip, Right under)
  • 225lbs x 8 (Switch Grip, Left under)
  • 225lbs x 8 (Switch Grip, Right under)
  • 225lbs x 8 (Switch Grip, Left under)

Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2255 / 2280
  • Carbs: 134 / 143
  • Protein:  203 / 228
  • Fat:  63 / 89
  • Fiber:  19 / 38

Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2281 / 2280
  • Carbs: 115 / 143
  • Protein:  128 / 228
  • Fat:  87 / 89
  • Fiber:  17 / 38
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  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 160lbs
  • 8 @ 160lbs

Close Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 150lbs
  • 8 @ 150lbs

Farmer's Walk

  • 60 sec @ 45lb DBs
  • 60 sec @ 45lb DBs
  • 40 sec @ 45lb DBs


  • 5
  • 1 w/ 25lb DB

Notes:  Overall, workout felt good.  185 felt a bit rough at 5 reps, considering I just did 8 at 180 last week.  So not sure if that is just cut related or what.  Oh well... Otherwise no issues with the rest of the workout.  I think I'm going to start including dips at the end of this one all the time.  Just messed around with them yesterday and it felt good to throw a little extra tricep work in.  Think maybe 3 sets of 8, or less reps if I can come up with a dip belt.  Maybe I'll order one... :)
Daily Macros

  • Calories: 3299 / 2280
  • Carbs: 250 / 143
  • Protein:  205 / 228
  • Fat:  133 / 89
  • Fiber:  21 / 38

Picture seems very apropos as yesterday turned into a Cheat Day, although against my better judgement. Again, Monday night, hanging with the friends from Church.  Was already tired and grumpy and so food seemed like the best way to fix the issue last night.  Should have just skipped everything but damn that pizza smelled good.  Ended up gorging pretty well with 3 massive slices of pizza and 2 beers.  So yeah... I'll be paying for this one for the next week or so.  Such is life.  Move on and get back to it.

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  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 110lbs
  • 3 @ 125lbs
  • 1 @ 140lbs (Failed)
  • 1 @ 140lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs (Failed at rep 8 out of 10)
  • 10 @ 90lbs
  • 10 @ 90lbs (Failed at rep 10 out of 10) 


  • 1
  • (Negatives) 5
  • (Negatives) 5

Power Snatch Practice

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 2 @ 45lbs

Notes:  Lots of failures.  Wasn't happy that 140 didn't go up the first time.  Hence why I tried it again.  Was supposed to do only do 85lbs for my 5 x 10 sets, but felt lazy so left the 25lb weights on there instead.  Hence why it was a bit of a struggle towards the end, but felt good nonetheless.  Was excited to see that I could do a strict chin-up again.  Couldn't manage 2 though.  


Power snatch was just for giggles.  Video'ed out it and wasn't good at all.  Way over extended and brought the bar out way too far from my body.  Might post it the form check forum, not sure yet.  It's really really ugly.   :)


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2402 / 2280
  • Carbs: 112 / 143
  • Protein:  226 / 228
  • Fat:  96 / 89
  • Fiber:  13 / 38

Bit over on Fat and Calories, but overall pleased with the day.  Experimenting with food to see how it fits into the diet.  Finding I really need to make my breakfasts smaller so I can actually eat some food at night.  :)  

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2288 / 2280
  • Carbs: 108 / 143
  • Protein:  222 / 228
  • Fat:  77 / 89
  • Fiber:  7 / 38

Fiber sucked, but it was one of the first times where I've actively picked the healthy choice.  I was sitting there after dinner at about 190g of Protein and ~170 calories left.  I had the carbs for another beer and it sounded like a great option, but I choose to go with a quick tbsp of Light Mayo, some Frank's Red Hot, and a can of tuna.  Was overall pretty proud of myself and glad to see that my natural tendencies are even starting to buy into this IIFYM.  Now we just gotta find out if the scale agrees.  I do gotta start figuring out ways to get more Fiber in my diet though.  Any good suggestions are appreciated.  

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  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 205lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 10 @ 205lbs
  • 10 @ 205lbs 
  • 10 @ 205lbs
  • 10 @ 205lbs
  • 10 @ 205lbs

Notes:  Ugh... gassed.  Horribly horribly gassed is the only way I can describe how I feel.  Those sets of 10 are just killers.  Gotta keep doing them though as I'm not really do any other conditioning at the moment.  


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2433 / 2280
  • Carbs: 118 / 143
  • Protein:  180 / 228
  • Fat:  97 / 89
  • Fiber:  20 / 38
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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2250 / 2280
  • Carbs: 112 / 143
  • Protein:  263 / 228
  • Fat:  69 / 89
  • Fiber:  9 / 38


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2311 / 2280
  • Carbs: 93 / 143
  • Protein:  208 / 228
  • Fat:  69 / 89
  • Fiber:  5 / 38

Overall, weekend was so-so for diet.  I've been pounding cans of tuna.  Usually two a day just for that nice 200 calories, 0 Fat, 0 Carb, 40+ Protein boost.  That said, my wife had the great idea of doing March Beer Cellar Madness, where we pull a beer out of cellar every day in the month of March.  Makes sticking to a diet that much easier.   :)  That said, I'm all for it as I love beer and I'm finding it fairly easy to stick to calories and protein even with 1 beer per day.  More then that gets tricky.  


I weighted 208.9 this morning.  So down a bit.  That said, I'm re-adjusting the macros to go a bit lower now.  


Moving to 2062 calories, 129g Carbs, 80g Fat, 206g Protein, 38g Fiber.  


And for the peeps following along on this that enjoy beer here's what we had for beers from the cellar.  


Beer of the Day (March 1st)Deschutes Abyss (2010).  Very solid beer.  Ages quite well so this one was very smooth.  For those that don't know aging some beers (mostly Imperial Stouts) really smooths out all the flavors so they blend together much better.  It's very nice.  


Beer of the Day (March 2nd)Clown Shoes Bombay Berserker (2013) - Another very solid beer.  Smooth flavors.  Still have yet to have a bad Clown Shoes beer.  

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  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 190lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 170lbs
  • 8 @ 170lbs

Close Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 160lbs
  • 8 @ 160lbs

Farmer's Walk

  • 60 sec @ 45lb DBs
  • 60 sec @ 45lb DBs
  • 60 sec @ 45lb DBs


  • 10
  • 10
  • 5 (Failure)


  • 60 sec @ 3MPH
  • 60 sec @ 6MPH (30 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 8.5MPH (30 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 8.5MPH (30 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 8.5MPH (30 second rest)

Notes:  Another great day on bench.  The weight just keeps going up and I'm still feeling plenty strong.  Gotta quite a bit left before failure I think.  3 minutes breaks between sets as usual.  The Farmer's Walk were cut about as close as you could.  My left hand dropped the dumbbell as the second hand ticked over to 60 on the last set.  It was a super grind, but felt good to get that 3rd set at 45 lbs.  Moving on up to 50 next time around.  Dips were done with a 1 minute break between sets.  I think bumped up to 2 minutes, I could have easily pumped out the last set of 10, but I wanted to get on the dreadmill today and do some speed work.  
Obviously, as shown by the amount, very little work as my gas tank just isn't big right now.  But it's a start.  Something to build off.  It's time to start ramping up this cut.


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2124 / 2062
  • Carbs: 147 / 129
  • Protein:  183 / 206
  • Fat:  60 / 80
  • Fiber:  8 / 38

Gotta get more veggies instead of beer.  Had 2 yesterday.  Ugh.  Oh well... 


Beer of the Day:  Cigar City Marshal Zhukov's Imperial Stout (2010 Vintage).  Wasn't as good as I was hoping.  Had a weird bitter aftertaste.  Solid flavors up front and maintained carbonation pretty well for being almost 4 years old.  

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  • 5 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 7 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 6 @ 250lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 5 @ 275lbs (Switch Grip, left under, failed on Rep 5)
  • 4 @ 300lbs (Strapped)
  • 3 @ 325lbs (Strapped)
  • 2 @ 350lbs (Strapped, larger delay between reps then I'd like, but I'm counting it)
  • 1 @ 375lbs (Strapped)

Notes:  Today was supposed to be a light day with tons of reps, but I wasn't feeling it.  Wanted to move some heavy weights so decided to try a little pyramid scheme that I just made up.  Go up 25lbs, drop a rep.  Wanted to finish with 375 since I failed on that one last time I tried it so worked backwards from there to figure out weights.  Turned out to be a pretty solid workout.  Gotta keep working on grip though since that is what gave out in the set of 5.  Might have to have force myself to give up the straps for a few workouts just to focus on grip strength.  
Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2069 / 2062
  • Carbs:  88 / 129
  • Protein:  169 / 206
  • Fat:  101 / 80
  • Fiber:  16 / 38

Beer of the Day: Odell Brewing Co. Woodcut No. 06 Oak Aged American Ale.  Really really good.  

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 1986 / 2062
  • Carbs:  86 / 129
  • Protein:  189 / 206
  • Fat:  75 / 80
  • Fiber:  9 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Smoglifter by Brash Brewing Company.  Very nice milk stout.  Smooth to drink, with a hint of sweet, and a lot of cocoa.  



Overhead Press

  • 10 @ 45lbs 
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 4 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 6 @ 135lbs (Failed on rep 4)

Seated DB Military Press

  • 10 @ 40lb DBs
  • 10 @ 50lb DBs
  • 7 @ 50lb DBs
  • 4 @ 50lb DBs


  • 10 V-Ups
  • 25 Crunches
  • 20 second leg hold
  • 60 sec plank

Notes:  Had to get up early today as we are going out for lunch for work today.  Haven't done a morning workout in forever.  5 am came way too soon, but managed to get up anyway.  Felt good overall, but I think muscles weren't quite up to what they are doing a lunch workout.  But still had a solid routine.  Sort of made it up as I went since I forgot to look at what my program was before I got the gym.  Was going to try and do a pyramid at 135, but forgot before my first set and did 3 reps.  Woops!   :tongue:  Also, just ran out of gas.  Wanted to do 6 twice and work down, but that was just too much.  Should have stopped at 4.  Also, wanted to get some time on the dreadmill, but just ran out of time.  


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 1895 / 2062
  • Carbs: 69 / 129
  • Protein:  184 / 206
  • Fat:  91 / 80
  • Fiber:  16 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Bourbon County Brand Barleywine by Goose Island Beer Co.  Awesome.  Did not disappoint.  

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Dreadmill.  That's funny to me.  I don't know why.  You're doing great with your workouts, Rooks.  


Smoglifter is great.  I am a little jealous you have some right now.  Only beer in my house currently is the Dark Chocolate Stout from Castle Danger.  Haven't tried it yet, but it's on deck for this weekend.  Cheers!

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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Dreadmill.  That's funny to me.  I don't know why.  You're doing great with your workouts, Rooks.  


Smoglifter is great.  I am a little jealous you have some right now.  Only beer in my house currently is the Dark Chocolate Stout from Castle Danger.  Haven't tried it yet, but it's on deck for this weekend.  Cheers!


Yeah.  I have a buddy who does Iron Man stuff.  He calls it that whenever he does sprint work on it.  I liked it, so I stole it.  It's just a treadmill if the speed is below 6.5 MPH.  Goes above that speed for me?  It becomes the dreadmill!   :D

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2173 / 2062
  • Carbs: 130 / 129
  • Protein:  149 / 206
  • Fat:  85 / 80
  • Fiber:  14 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Syx by Surly Brewing Company.  Very potent at 16% ABV.  But very tasty.  



Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2366 / 2062
  • Carbs: 207 / 129
  • Protein:  156 / 206
  • Fat:  52 / 80
  • Fiber:  17 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Sweet Repute by Founders Brewing Co.  Oddly, tasted very similar to Syx, with just a bit more sweetness and no burn at all.  Good, but I preferred the Syx.  

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2358 / 2062
  • Carbs: 204 / 129
  • Protein:  127 / 206
  • Fat:  83 / 80
  • Fiber:  34 / 38

Beer of the Day:  World Wide Stout (2010) by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery.  Talk about boozey.  At 18% ABV, this one packed a bunch even splitting a 12oz bottle.  


Notes:  Last 2 days have been bad.  Starting to get off by too much and not caring enough.  Trying to re-focus a bit.  




  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 200lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 175lbs
  • 8 @ 175lbs

Close Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 165lbs
  • 8 @ 165lbs

Farmer's Walk

  • 60 sec @ 50lb DBs
  • 45 sec @ 50lb DBs
  • 30 sec @ 50lb DBs


  • 10
  • 10
  • 1 (Failure)


  • 60 sec @ 3.0MPH
  • 60 sec @ 6.0MPH (30 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 8.5MPH (45 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 8.5MPH (45 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 9.0MPH (45 second rest)
  • 60 sec @ 9.0MPH (45 second rest)


  • 10 V-Ups
  • 25 Crunches
  • 15 second Leg Hold
  • 15 second Leg Hold
  • 15 second Leg Hold
  • 30 second Plank
  • 30 second Side Plank (each side)

Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2198 / 2062
  • Carbs: 129 / 129
  • Protein: 181 / 206
  • Fat: 79 / 80
  • Fiber: 18 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Pepe Nero (2011) by Goose Island Beer Co.  

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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 275lbs
  • AMRAP @ 210lbs in 5 minutes

Notes: March 12. My day of birth 31 years ago. What better way to celebrate then with an AMRAP workout. First of all, what is wrong with you CrossFit people? Why would you want to do this multiple times per week? :tongue: Second of all, JDanger, I'm pretty sure you don't read my thread, but damn... the fact you did 62 reps of this is damn impressive.

My goal was to get at least 31 in honor my 31st birthday. Weighed in at exactly 210lbs. Idea was born from this here thread.

Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2130 / 2062
  • Carbs: 101 / 129
  • Protein: 203 / 206
  • Fat: 82 / 80
  • Fiber: 13 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Bois (Bourbon Barrel Aged) Ale by The Bruery.  It was so full of bourbon and oak flavor.  Amazing.  Spendy, but really really good.  Great Birthday brew.  :)  

  • Like 1
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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2141 / 2062
  • Carbs: 80 / 129
  • Protein: 220 / 206
  • Fat: 82 / 80
  • Fiber: 12 / 38


Beer of the Day:  Firestone 15 (XV) Anniversary Ale by Firestone Walker Brewing Company.  



  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 275lbs
  • 1 @ 315lbs (Fail)


  • 2 @ 225lbs (Switch Grip, right under)
  • 1 @ 275lbs (Switch Grip, right under)
  • 1 @ 315lbs (Switch Grip, right under)
  • 1 @ 375lbs (Strapped)
  • 1 @ 400lbs (Strapped)

Overhead Press

  • (Warm Up with some DB Military)
  • 1 @ 135lbs (Fail)
  • 1 @ 135lbs 
  • 1 @ 145lbs (Fail)

Notes:  Sort of a weird day.  Squat and OHP were off big time.  Squat I think I was still exhausted from Wednesday's AMRAP stuff as my quads were still nice and sore.  275 wasn't that tough so I thought sure I'd get 315 at least, but it wasn't happening.  OHP was off, I'm guessing, due to not enough warm-up.  I just wanted to be done.  Didn't even want to do it, so I just grabbed some DBs and pumped out 20 reps using various weights up to 40lb DBs.  Thought that'd be enough, but I don't think it was.  That said, the 2nd attempt at 135 blasted up.  Again, thought for sure I'd get 145.  Nope.  Wouldn't even hardly budge.  


All that said, the day was a success.  A 'Thank You Jesus' level of success.  The fact that I blasted through the plateau I've been at forever in DL at 385 and buried it with a pull of 400 big ones has me ecstatic.  I wish it was without straps, but I'll take it for now.  Grip will catch up eventually.  


Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2218 / 2062
  • Carbs: 122 / 129
  • Protein: 176 / 206
  • Fat: 60 / 80
  • Fiber: 10 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Lunker Barleywine by Steel Toe Brewing.  Was actually better before we aged it.  Was a little disappointed in this one.  Still good, was just hoping for amazing.  :)  

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Daily Macros

  • Calories: 2097 / 2062
  • Carbs: 127 / 129
  • Protein: 110 / 206
  • Fat: 91 / 80
  • Fiber: 10 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Kentucky Breakfast Stout by Founders Brewing Co. (2013).  Old standard for cellar-able beers, least in the midwest.  Tasty.  Interested to do a vertical of this (we have every year back to 2010).  



Daily Macros

  • Calories: 1940 / 2062
  • Carbs: 128 / 129
  • Protein: 136 / 206
  • Fat: 47 / 80
  • Fiber: 1 / 38

Beer of the Day:  Cuvee van de Keizer by  Brouwerij Het Anker (2011).  Yeah, I can't pronounce it either, but holy sweet crap was this beer delicious.  


Notes:  Ate like crap this weekend, where I only concerned myself with caloric intake.  Long as I as around my ~2062, I called it good.  Think I had about 8 beers total all weekend, so loads of liquid calories.  We'll see if it has any impact on my weight or anything.  

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  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 2 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 205lbs

Wide Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 180lbs
  • 8 @ 180lbs

Close Grip Bench

  • 8 @ 170lbs (failed on Rep 5)
  • 8 @ 160lbs (failed on Rep 7)

Farmer's Walk

  • 60 sec @ 50lb DBs
  • 60 sec @ 50lb DBs
  • 60 sec @ 50lb DBs

Notes:  First workout in my new home rack.  Also, did this early in the morning since I had a doctor appointment at 10:30am.  Not sure if that's what threw everything out of whack or if the weights at my work gym are that much different or what.  Everything on bench felt hard.  I was grinding the 205 set on rep 3.  No idea how I got 2 more up.  And by the time I got the close grip, it just wasn't happening.  That said, my home dumbbells were stupid easy to do farmer's walks with at 50lbs.  I'll have to check the weights, but I think it's partially due to the fact that the PowerBlock DBs sort of support your wrist.  I switched up where I was holding them for my last set and that did make it a bit tougher.  Either way, I'll just have to figure out where I'm going to do my workouts I think so I can accurately track progress.  


Daily Macros

  • Calories: / 2062
  • Carbs: / 129
  • Protein: / 206
  • Fat: / 80
  • Fiber: / 38

Beer of the Day:

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Oh man, I'm behind.  Happy belated birthday, I beat you to 31 by four days ha!  And congrats on the big DL PR, those are always great times.  And how did I miss the five minute challenge thread, work is killing me right now!  


Anywho, good job with the workouts, keep it up!  

The path to Swolehalla is paved with a lot of Swolehate, and you won't get there without being Swole of Spirit too.

Race: Fiendish Blue Extension Cord

Class: Warrior
Links:  MFP  Battle Log  Current Challenge

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Oh man, I'm behind.  Happy belated birthday, I beat you to 31 by four days ha!  And congrats on the big DL PR, those are always great times.  And how did I miss the five minute challenge thread, work is killing me right now!  


Anywho, good job with the workouts, keep it up!  


Likewise, I keep missing your challenge threads.  The one downfall of just doing a battlelog, you never look through the Challenge threads section.  I'll have to get over to your thread and check things out.  


Thanks for the encouragement!

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  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 235lbs
  • 5 @ 250lbs
  • 5 @ 270lbs (Failed on Rep 4) 
  • 10 @ 190lbs
  • 10 @ 190lbs 
  • 10 @ 190lbs
  • 10 @ 190lbs
  • 10 @ 190lbs


  • 10 V-Ups
  • 25 Crunches

Notes:  Couple things.  One, I'm getting really frustrated with my squat.  I can't think of the last time I didn't just hate every second of a Squat workout.  Probably when I was doing Smolov, which is weird, cause Smolov was torture, but I saw improvement.  Lately, I feel like my Squat has just going backwards and fast.  I mean 315 stapled me last Friday.  3 months ago, I did 345!  So yeah... not sure what the hell is going on, but it's start to get to me mentally a bit.  Again, had a failure today at 270.  Did the first rep, and my damn headphones caught on me knee in the 2nd rep.  Didn't stop the rep, but threw off my concentration just a bit, and made the rep a grinder.  Quick racked, ripped off my headphones, and un-racked, but could only manage 2 more reps.  Didn't even attempt rep 5.  Probably should have been just couldn't convince myself to go down with the weight.  


I did get through the torture part of the workout with the 5 sets of 10.  190 was surprisingly easy compared to the 205 I did back on Feb 28 (I did 205 that day cause I wanted to see if I could do it).  Still plenty gassed at the end as I made sure to do the sets much faster (usually only 1 breath break at rep 6 or 7).  


Another thing, I've realized I don't enjoy listening to music while lifting anymore.  When I was younger, it used to fire me up.  Now, it just irritates me.  Gives me one more thing to think about when I should be concentrating on the lift.  So don't think I'll be lifting with headphones anymore.  Maybe that'll help.  


I suppose part of the issue could be that I'm cutting, but given I've never focused on my diet at all before, I figured with actually trying to get to 200g of Protein a day, I'd be fine and still see gains.  I don't know.  Maybe more Carbs?  Ugh... so many questions right now.  Got some thinking to do. 


Also, I'm going to stop posting my Daily Macros for anyone that follows this (which I'm assuming isn't many).  If you want to see them, MFP should be public.  If not, let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.  Might also re-vamp how I'm posting workouts / results in general.  

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  • 5 @ 45lbs (DOH)
  • 5 @ 135lbs (DOH)
  • 5 @ 225lbs (DOH
  • 5 @ 295lbs (Strapped)
  • 5 @ 310lbs (Strapped)
  • 5 @ 330lbs (Strapped)
  • 8 @ 235lbs (Switch, Left Under)
  • 8 @ 235lbs (Switch, Right Under)
  • 8 @ 235lbs (Switch, Left Under)
  • 8 @ 235lbs (Strapped)
  • 8 @ 235lbs (Strapped)

Notes:  Wow.  Had plans to attempt the 50 rep challenge after this workout, but I was toast.  First time in a LONG time where my quads have ached after a deadlift work.  I was light headed, I wanted to lay down, and I couldn't have been happier.  Felt great to just pummel the weight that was in front of me.  Also, even with all the Strapped sets, my forearms were toast the next day.  





  • 5 @ 105lbs
  • 50 @ 105lbs

Notes:  First run of the season.  I told myself I was going to do it this weekend, and managed to crawl out of bed at 6:45am only to find out it was right around 10 degrees.  Oof... still did it.  Was pretty brutal.  Specially with the darn "Zombie Chase" feature on, where you just out of the blue have to sprint to avoid losing items.  Figure it's good for me though.  Need more sprint work anyway.  Lots of walking in the overall run, but it went better then I figured it would.  The 50 rep challenge actually wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I might even be able to pull it off at 135lbs, but I'm not sure if I want to try again.  We'll see.  

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