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My clothes stopped fitting

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I've been reading LOTS of Nerd Fitness over the past week so get ready for lots of references and RPG talk.


I'm Eric, a twenty two (very nearly twenty three) year old male living in south-eastern Wisconsin. I've had touch and go relationships with fitness in the past. I was a heavy kid but high school stretched me out pretty tall and I spent a lot my high school and college years at 6'2" between 220 and 240 lbs. My diet is normally so-so but I tricked myself into thinking it was better than it really was. "Pancakes with 'light' syrup? I'M A PARAGON OF HEALTH!"


Now I'm just over 250. Shocker


My biggest wake up call was that clothes I used to wear don't button anymore. I'm really into clothes and fashion and dressing well. My goal is to shrink back into my own wardrobe and then a size down from that.


Mantra #1 - What a waste to be this well dressed and fat.


At 6'2" and 250lbs with a propensity for strong drink, a hearty pipe, huge slabs of meat, and my doughy middle. I'm a half-orc. I have VERY flat feet so most running wears on my knees pretty heavily. However, my goal is to be a monk/assassin hybrid (I'm pretty sure that's a ninja) so I have my work cut out for me. 


I'm working out for science right now. I'm getting my ass into the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for strength training. Big, compound movements with body weights, just the bar, or a light dumbbell as I figure out my forms. I'm also going to start trying yoga on Saturday. Once I feel sure of my form and am completing four sets of twelve for all of my exercises in a 45 minute window I'm going to start getting harder, better, faster, stronger.


My diet goals right now are only drink beer on the weekends, don't eat ice cream more than twice a week, cut grains down to one serving a day. 


I'm going to keep this workout and diet goal for a month then review. "Am I thinner? Am I stronger? Am I happier?" Yes? Win! Keep it going, maybe scale back the bad stuff even more. Maybe start adding some tougher moves to the work out.


Mantra #2 - I'm a F***ING SUPERHERO!


Seriously, it works. Right now I'm  just sort of a chubby breeze but soon I'll be The Fell Wind! I'll rush through my environment effortlessly only to unleash my howling fury upon my foes. 


I can't thank Nerd Fitness enough. I finally feel like I can do this. 

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lmao @ What a waste to be this well dressed and fat.



I concur with above good to have you on here and good on ya for getting back at it into the gym

“Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.†  Starship Troopers


“There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.†  Starship Troopers


“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms†  Starship Troopers


Follow and comment for my current challenge at this link:  



And this is my Battle Log


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Sounds like you've got a good plan.  Stick with it for a bit, and soon your clothes still won't be fitting, but in the opposite direction! 


(My current problem.  I'm basically wearing floppy hobo rags at this point.  I really need some smaller clothes)



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