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Knockin' Off Dust (Short Story)

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I shouldn't need to say that I'm brand new here. Or rather, we are, but he doesn't know it yet.

I like what I see here, and I'm once again excited to try something that might actually help us with our health goals. I'm also a little skeptical, not of the site or the community, but of myself - it's always been so easy for me to disregard the things I want in the long term for the things I want now, and for both myself and my husband, the thing we usually want now is FOOD.

We're both self-proclaimed foodies, and have a wide range of things we love to eat. He used to compete in food challenges in his spare time, and is a pro at making his own barbecue. I spent a year earning a culinary arts certificate, and I have a special talent for baked sweets. To make matters worse in the food department, I'm currently working part time at an ice cream shop. (I have a hard time with this, since I have a sweet tooth and am allowed two small scoops while on shift. My manager actually gave me a good tip once: no BLTs (Bites, Licks, or Tastes) if a diet plan is going to work, but when part of your job is to describe the ice cream, sampling is required... )

It would be okay if we were merely worried about our own health, but his job is on the line. He's a new member of the US Navy, but he's not gone out to fleet for the first time yet. He's always struggled with his weight and his health, and after boot camp, he was in the best shape of his life. But he's slipping again, since he has to schedule his own workout times and plan his own meals. I do my best to help him and myself, but (in accord with the founder's sentiments) I rarely ever make the time to plan healthy meals. He insists on heavy protein (lots of grilled/sauteed chicken and instant beef&bean burritos), and with his currently crazy schedule and our shared love of internet and gaming, we hardly ever sit down to simply eat together, unless we go out somewhere. His superiors have told him that with his body build (he's rather stocky and short), he would be best served to do body building exercises so that his thinner neck can catch up with his thicker waist, allowing him to pass the measurement portions of the fitness assessment. He also has the worst trouble with the running portion of the assessment - he is required to run a mile & a half in 13:30.

As for me, I'm in the label of 'overweight' according to the ideal weights for women in my age range and height. I'm aiming for the top part of that scale - 160lbs. - and want to really find an exercise I can dig my teeth into while getting myself fit and toned. The closest I've come is rhythm gaming, in the form of several dance games (Dance Dance Revolution has given me a fantastic set of calves!) - everything else I've tried has put me off. For example, I thought I'd found tolerance for running on the treadmill, simply by listening to my upbeat playlists and following timed directions that would help me eventually run a 3k successfully. But one day, some months back now, I hit the wall, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and my physical body felt the hard thud of it all. I broke down right there in the gym. A couple of weeks ago, I mustered the courage to try again, but even with telling myself I'd gotten back out of shape, the fact that I couldn't run as well as before left me depressed and seeking other alternatives.

Together we have cut out all beverages except for constant water (several 16oz bottles a day), occasional hot tea (we love several varieties sweetened with honey), occasional alcohol, and sugar&creamed coffee to help him keep awake on night shifts when needed. We rarely eat anything sweet anymore - our splurges are usually when we eat out, or we'll buy some low-fat froyo or sherbet from the store. We have a gym that we started out attending regularly and eventually shifted out of going when his schedule changed yet again. Both of us loved these 'work-out dates' at the onset - I would follow him from exercise to exercise, switching machines with him as we went, and always ending with a cooldown mirroring one another and a healthy smoothie at the tiny stand outside (the gym is located in a local mall).

I'm not ready to give up. I like curling up on the spot where I fall and crying for a little while, but I can't ever stay down - I'm too stubborn. I'm actually getting ready to try yoga for the first time, at a local yoga house which offers a once-a-week donation class for all levels. A few of my friends have raved about the exercise style, so I'm willing to give it a shot, and even drag my husband in on it if I find it enjoyable. I want to be able to encourage him to work out on his own, but verbal prods can only do so much - I'm hoping if I can get myself on track somehow, that I can be as much an example to him as he's been to me. But I know I need accountability to make that happen for myself, and I know I need it to be hardcore.

Sorry if this has been an awfully long introduction, but I wanted to be completely honest and open with where I stand - where we stand. Thanks for reading ^_^

TL;DR - We like food. A lot. We hate exercise. A lot. But he's military, so not being in shape could cost him his job. I'm on the get-fit train for my own reasons, as well as to support him, but we're failing. HALP.

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I'm cheering you on. You can SO do this! It's really beautiful that you're doing it together and helping each other, good luck :)


P.S. check out the six week challenge if you're up for it, it could help keep you focused and motivated

Itcha's Battle Log

Rebel Introductions


Goal: Lose 20 kg and look great by December 5th (a bet was made but don't tell anyone, it's confidential)



"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

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I think yoga will be a good fit for you - just take it slow and remember we all started somewhere, so it's important to not be discouraged as your body learns the stretches and gets stronger (it's a slow but incredibly rewarding process). 


He insists on heavy protein (lots of grilled/sauteed chicken and instant beef&bean burritos), and with his currently crazy schedule and our shared love of internet and gaming, we hardly ever sit down to simply eat together, unless we go out somewhere.


I read over your entire intro, but for some reason my mind was glued to this sentence.  If this bothers you or you wish to try to improve it, my suggestion is to sit down with each other and eat a (healthy!) snack first, before jumping into trying to sit together for an entire meal, if that is ultimately a goal of yours.  A snack can take as little as a few minutes to eat, but that few minutes of commitment can do a lot of positive in both of your lives - especially since it seems you miss your gym dates together.  And those few minutes may end up meaning the world to both of you.


It seems you're already on the right track and taking the first steps towards health and wellness, and those are often the most difficult - so I commend you!  I love your selflessness and have no doubt you will succeed at anything you put your mind to.

Level 3 Wild Elf. Druid at heart, with an Adventurer's soul.

STR4 | DEX2 | STA4 | CON7 | WIS7 | CHA5

Challenges: 1st2nd, 3rd | Current: --

*After a long hiatus, I am back and ready to work on myself!




"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Desiderata, Max Ehrmann



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It's awesome that you guys are going for it together.  Hopefully that will make it easier to stick to in the long run.  I completely understand where you're coming from about needing a workout you can really dig into.  I'm at the same place.  I don't mind working out but I haven't found the one that I just love doing yet or that holds my attention long term.  Good luck with the steps your taking and welcome!  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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