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Computer nerd signing up

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So, yeah. I'm pretty much a nerd and a slacker. I did the whole gym thing for a few months but gave up when I re-tore my ACL. I'm also quite skinny, 6 foot and about 155 on a good day. Anyway, I appear to be in shape to people because I don't have much of an appetite. The truth is, I'm in terrible shape. I smoked for 20 years, and still am working on quitting, and while I walk a lot, it doesn't really get the heart rate up. Plus, I drink... too much. Which I'm cutting back on drastically as of today, as in maybe a beer or two on the weekends.


Which brings me to fitness goals. Somehow, and I have no clue how, I find myself dating a Zumba instructor. She does all sorts of 5k runs and such, and I want to be able to keep up with her. I also want to put on about 20 pounds, and obviously kick the smoking habit for good. One big reason I decided to join a gym is because my neighbors are crazy meth heads who do really weird things in the evening, like paint bicycles in my driveway. So I want to get out of the house. That, I think is good motivation for at least getting me to the gym. I'm meeting with a personal trainer on Monday who will do some sort of evaluation, and get me on the right path. I'm also hoping that in addition to the health reasons, that quitting smoking will increase my appetite.

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Welcome to the Rebellion!

You´ll find great help hear with kicking old habits and getting new ones. I think your goals seems fine, but try and be more specific: How often do you want to go to the gym, how do you plan to quit smoking etc. Hopefully you can also get some helps from your personal trainer, but you´ll find a ton of stuff here as well.

Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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I'm trying the e-cig. It's rough in the morning, so I admit I still have 1 or 2 then, and maybe a couple throughout the day. 5 cigarettes yesterday as opposed to two packs if I was drinking a lot. I plan to go 4 times a week, MTTHF, and I do a Zumba class on Wednesdays. Does this seem like a reasonable start? I'm hoping the personal trainer will give me some better insight to if there is something I can do with cardio without dropping every single calorie I consumed that day. Any advice on that?

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Welcome aboard! 


I'm sure a warrior will chime in soon on the gaining mass but...if volume is a problem you could eat more calorie dense foods, less fish more beef or pork etc. They also make those calorie dense shakes to help you put on mass, I've never done them personally but my brother in law has had some success with them.

Level 6 - Scout


Challenges - Lost Diary of a Scout




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