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Types of drinking water. If it is really good for you.

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Hello Rangers!



I've always been curious about the types of drinking water and if it is good for our body.


As you all know, water is the most essential element to our health. In fact, it makes 2/3 of our human body weight. Recently, there are so many different types of filtered water - Alkaline water, RO water AKA Pure water, Mineral water. Personally I would prefer mineral water over the first two kinds of filter water. Nonetheless, I realised many around me have been crazy over "alkaline filtered water". 


Yes, we know that we should consume more food that is alkalizing to our body. But does alkaline water do so? I've heard good and bad things about both alkaline and RO water.


What do you think? Would be great if you all can share your thoughts!  :redface-new:






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Honestly, the only one I've heard of out of the three is bottled mineral water, and I don't touch the stuff.  I turn on the tap, fill the glass with water, and I drink it.  Never been big on 'health' water, all sounds like a gimmick to me.  The stuff out of my tap works just fine.


If you're somewhere where the tap water isn't so great, a filter jug works.  In terms of preference for those, nope, none.  Generally whatever's cheapest for me personally.


A quick google shows a page that says artificially alkaline water is bad for you, and the reasonings they give make enough sense, but I'm not a scientist and there are no cited sources to back it up.  It's also by a company who makes a 'natural' alkaline filter, so I trust it as far as I can throw it.


Stuff like different water types reminds me of the newspaper articles like "eggs give you cancer".  So many supposed health innovations, when the old faithfuls work just fine.

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since trying to give up Diet Coke, I have started drinking different bottled water in attempt to satisfy that bubbly absence that is missing from my life.


I too started wondering about the health benefits seeing that you can buy  2ltrs of carbonated water from a super market for a mere £0.25 ... yet next to it is a bottle of San Perigrino for £2.00


Admittedly a lot of that price is because Mineral water companies are aiming there drink at the Coke market so can up the price ..... but is there any difference between a carbonated water and a mineral water. ???


Seemingly yes ... and its easy to taste this difference by buying a bottle of San Perigrino and leaving it 24hrs to go flat ... and wow when it does does it taste salty and stoney ... its like licking a mountain.


Is it good for you ? ...... might be ..... due to the Alkaline contents in mineral water, some tests have shown that in a controlled group of women drinking mineral vs tap water that those drinking mineral water had higher calcium levels in there bodies which = good.


but apart from that ... its all heresay to whether the extra minerals help if you have a varied diet anyway


The good thing though is Mineral water is definately NOT bad for you, bubbles dont destroy teeth or bones so it mostly comes down to taste, if you like a mineraly taste with soft big bubbles, Drink San Perigrino, if you like a less mineraly taste and with small bubbles drink Perrier ..... if you are cheap like me, drink carbonated tap water  :-D

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Hey guys,



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Agree with Eleanorsbee. Indeed, mineral water is good for us! And it is always good to replace those sweet carbonated drinks with mineral water.  :redface-new:


Nonetheless, at where I live now, most of us don't drink tap water(because it's really dirty), we drink filtered water instead. That is why we have so many different kinds of filtered water (ie. Alkaline water, Reverse-osmosis water aka Pure water, and of course, mineral water). Of course, the ones that shouts loud with HUGE advertisements at my area is RO water aka Pure water. But the trend is slowly dying because many says it's not really good for our health. While on the other hand, alkaline water is trending up (quite skeptical about this alkaline water, though some of my friends said it's really good - their skin starts to glow..etc).


Honestly, I was confused and curious about these filtered water. Then I decided to read up more about it, did a little research here and there on water. And to my surprise, reverse-osmosis water and alkaline filtered water is NOT GOOD for us.



I'm no expert in alkaline water, but RO (reverse-osmosis) is not good because (long story short), it actually "takes out" nutrients from our body, instead of giving minerals to our body (shocking, isn't it?). The water is so pure, it doesn't have any minerals in it. And because water naturally have minerals, without its minerals, the ions become aggressive, hence it takes our body nutrition to stabilised it.



Here's an article I found that may be useful or informational to you. Hope you like it! Tell me what you think  :redface:






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Tap water is safe here too but some countries may not have safe tap water. When I was in the Navy we were told not to drink tap water in some countries. Didn't want to tell every one to drink it and then someone in a country with bad tap water drinks it and dies. I would feel like a douche.

I meant Leanne... She said the tap water is dirty where she is.

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I have a water filter that's hooked up to the tap- basically a charcoal based sieve that removes excess particulates. I know plenty of people who fork out wads of cash for a reverse osmosis filter but I'm too broke for that.

As far as 'alkaline water' goes, it's all crap (as is any other diet or system praising the benefits of alkalising your system). Blood pH is regulated meticulously by your kidneys, the food you eat plays no part here. The real benefits people see from an 'alkaline diet' are the result of eating more fruits and vegetables and less processed rubbish- not some imaginary biological pH mechanism.

Take home point: Proper hydration is a big factor in long term health so make sure you do it. The minutia of how you accomplish the task isn't nearly as important as making sure you get it done.

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seconding the kidneys point. I drink water from the tap most of hte time, filtered some of the time (at work) and bottled when I need portable water over and above my regular water bottle can hold, in the middle of no where.

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As you all know, water is the most essential element to our health. In fact, it makes 2/3 of our human body weight. Recently, there are so many different types of filtered water - Alkaline water, RO water AKA Pure water, Mineral water. Personally I would prefer mineral water over the first two kinds of filter water. Nonetheless, I realised many around me have been crazy over "alkaline filtered water". 


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This has been a big question for me for years! The problem is, most water in the US has fluoride added to it. People say its good for us, but I prefer to choose whether I take something that's "good for me" on my own, thankyouverymuch! I consider it an atrocity that good water is being destroyed without the full knowledge and permission of the people. I drink RO water. It's the only processing besides distillation that removes fluoride. I add minerals to my diet with organic food, and Himalayan salt. I've heard that RO water can be detrimental, but fluoride is worse! (Read up!) I'd love to find a nice clean mountain stream to drink from... But I'm not sure we have any left. I'm a permaculturalist, and right now I'm studying about natural water purification so that we can all have clean food and water : ) Wish me luck!

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Bottled water sits in warehouses 100's of degree's. and learning this from an article I read:

Water is often bottled in #1 PET or PETE bottles (polyethylene terephthalate), which may or may not leach DEHA, a known carcinogen, into the water. Experts agree that you should not re-use #1 plastic bottles. Plastics numbered 3, 6 and 7 are worse; they contain Bisphenol A (BPA), which is suspected of causing neurological and behavioral problems in fetuses and children. BPA mimics the female hormone estrogen, which may have detrimental effects, including cancer of the brain, breast, and prostate, on the female reproductive system and the immune system in adults.


It's best to make a one time purchase of a BPA free bottle and refil using tap water. if you are cautious about your tap there are filter options available.

I myself use a pur 2-stage water system



Floride is not good to digest in large quantities (that's why you don't swollow toothpaste) but the amounts in the drinking water are so minute it does nothing. There is even contraversy to Floride being an illuminati thought controlling drug...but that's a discussion for another time.

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I honestly don't care about the source of my water, I figure growing up on well water for 20 years lets me drink whatever I want for a bit while I catch up to the rest of you.

And I have zero plans to pay for the over-hyped falsely advertised "water" you can buy at the local grocery store..turn on a tap, put a filter on it if you want to..but just give me some damn water. :tongue:



There is even contraversy to Floride being an illuminati thought controlling drug...but that's a discussion for another time.


For the love of God, do not ever hold this conversation.

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We really can't drink our tap water. Oh the fun of having well water and all the salt (and debris) getting into it.

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