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New Year Gym Rush

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Hi All!


I'm bracing myself for this 'rush' I keep hearing about at the gym that comes with resolutions and the New Year. I remember seeing  a lot of posts from people last year to the effect of 


"UGH I hate how crowded the gym is, these resolutioners need to get off my equipment" 


It actually REALLY bugged me. I mean I understand disliking it's crowded at the gym but I really wished they'd encourage people to be....'regulars' rather than 'resolutioners'. The feeling of being unwelcome probably deters some people from going back and that bugs me even more. I called out a few of these people who generally try to promote health and wellness- I had a membership to my gym and part of the reason i didn't really start actively going until April was because of posts like this. 


So my question is are there any resolutioners out there who started going to the gym in Jan and stuck with it? Is there anything people did that you found annoying/aggravating almost made you stop going? 


Any suggestions on encouragement without being creepy/cheesy? 

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I think the biggest thing that helped me stick with it was that I started going to the gym in October.  Haha.  But seriously, had I started in January I probably wouldn't have stuck to it, but starting in October I got the habit formed before I got super crowded.


Other than that, I agree that we (generic) need to be more open and welcoming to newbies at the gym.  Personally, I love seeing a new person there.  I may or may not talk to them, depending on what's going on at the time, but it's great to see people coming in to better themselves.  

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This is not necessarily for the resolution time period, but pretty much any time you're in the gym...


I really dislike when someone feels entitled to equipment because they can lift more. Like if I'm just deadlifting the bar to work on my form, the guy waiting to deadlift 200 lbs doesn't have any seniority over me. I think that really intimidates newbies and it's not cool.

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Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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I believe the word you're looking for is "Priority;" unless he can lift more AND he's older than you, as well


I could be wrong


Yes! Well I don't know if "priority" captures the sense of entitlement to the machines/squat racks/whatever because he (or she!) will be using them to lift more weight. Just because you lift more than me doesn't mean your workout has priority over mine! :playful:

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Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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I am actually starting a new membership at a Crossfit gym this month; as a newbie member to it, it is very important to feel at the very least a safe haven to improve yourself without worrying about the judgment of others.  What will make resolutionist become regulars is to involve some community in the sense that at least one other person genuinely cares about some aspect of them.


My issue with most gyms is that you go in, ignore everyone else, get work done, get out.  Very little social interaction, very little motivation. In college, I worked out with my roommate (I occasionally worked out on my own, but the majority of the time I worked out with him).  As we graduated and went separate ways, I stopped going to the gym.  At first, I thought it was because I had no one to be accountable to (technically valid, but not root cause) but I realized that I really didn't have a dedicated spotter/motivator to help push me through some of the grinds.  A few of my coworkers recommended their gym and so far I have found the community I needed in the gym.


As a member who could be classified as a "resolutioner" on account of loosing interest of grinding gym workouts, my recommendation to the regulars who want to make other resolutioners regulars is to find a person by themselves and ask if they want a spot.  You can use that time to support them to complete the rep, push a bit harder, increase the weight, improve form, etc. and between sets you can discuss the topics of what they are looking for in the gym (getting stronger, healthier, sure, but what of the social aspect? Would they want a dedicated workout partner? a friend? a spotter? or just come in, do their thing, and leave?)


Of course, each person is different and may not want this, but as a self identified introvert, the best way to get me to talk to regulars is for the regulars to talk to me with very low risks questions (keeping it all related to the gym/workout as opposed to trying to find their life story).

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Half-elven Ranger

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I started going to the gym on my birthday (Oct 1). I think if I did it in January, I would of had harder time sticking to it.


We definably should encourage more people, since can be nice seeing familiar faces, even if you have never said more than two words to the person. Plus, we get more interesting classes out of it.

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Heheh, this is why (plus deluding myself that I am 'cool') I usually think "What would my resolutions be this year?" in early December, and then begin them then when no one can say "Oh, she is just doing that because it's a New Year's Resolution. It won't last"


I started Taekwondo like this in early December last year... and this year... well, here I am, posting on Nerdfitness in the first time since 2012 XD

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Heheh, this is why (plus deluding myself that I am 'cool') I usually think "What would my resolutions be this year?" in early December, and then begin them then when no one can say "Oh, she is just doing that because it's a New Year's Resolution. It won't last"


I started Taekwondo like this in early December last year... and this year... well, here I am, posting on Nerdfitness in the first time since 2012 XD

I like that idea of starting it now instead of in January
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“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

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I think that is the frustration that many of us that are pretty serious gym rats experience. If you want to work out, do it. Do it now. Don't come in with your 5,000 friends and wander around aimlessly while curling in front of the freaking weight rack!!!  


Don't wait until January-it's another excuse to eat a bunch of crap now that you'll have to work off later. I just had that 'reminder' yesterday. damn forks!!

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Yeah I can understand being annoyed when you have equipment that you can usually get to easily be suddenly taken (and at times used improperly) but I think it's all part of the experience. 


I had to reprimand myself internally yesterday as I caught myself saying exactly the opposite of what I said in this post- I got to spin a few minutes late and *gasp* someone had taken MY bike! (Regulars pretty much have assigned spots with how we stick to our preferred bikes). I was grumpy the entire class and even more so when the poor lady, who I had never seen before eased up on the resistance/speed for a break. 


Took a deep breath and decided I'd 1. have to get to class early to find a more suitable bike (the one I was on- guh, the gears/resistance were all messed up) and 2. I'd reach out and ask if they need help before class.

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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I think that is the frustration that many of us that are pretty serious gym rats experience. If you want to work out, do it. Do it now. Don't come in with your 5,000 friends and wander around aimlessly while curling in front of the freaking weight rack!!!  


Don't wait until January-it's another excuse to eat a bunch of crap now that you'll have to work off later. I just had that 'reminder' yesterday. damn forks!!

Hate when they are texting away on the equipment and they aren't doing anything.


If you guys want to start going to the gym (would start now), please please don't do that. The gym should be a time to ACTUALLY workout. Not texting your friends to tell them you are working out or whatever it is you text about.


Ok I'm done with my little rant. And good luck everyone.

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“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


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I'm actually not expecting a rush when I'm at my gym..it was created with the average work commuter in mind (I'll give ya a hint.. "Commuter" is part of its name)..and thus I've learned that if I show up around 10am (which is what I've been doing) the place is absolutely empty..I'm usually just the only one there.  The rushes are early morning and mid to late evening.

I would suggest experimenting with going at different times to your gym right now.  Find the slow periods, because even after the New Year gym rush begins these slow periods should remain the same and have the least amount of impact..and the busy periods..well, they will just be hell.

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I go to a university rec center so its New Year's rush happens the first few weeks of September. Right now things are pretty quiet due to finals and people going home for the semester break. I can't remember if it gets busy again in January right away or a few weeks later when the students return.

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I would suggest experimenting with going at different times to your gym right now.  Find the slow periods, because even after the New Year gym rush begins these slow periods should remain the same and have the least amount of impact..and the busy periods..well, they will just be hell.

When I first joined my current gym, I asked the manager what their busy periods are, and got a week free pass to check it out (and verify what he told me). It worked out great. I was able to find a gym that isn't crazy busy during my workouts and without 20 minute limitations on the cardio machines.

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This is not necessarily for the resolution time period, but pretty much any time you're in the gym...


I really dislike when someone feels entitled to equipment because they can lift more. Like if I'm just deadlifting the bar to work on my form, the guy waiting to deadlift 200 lbs doesn't have any seniority over me. I think that really intimidates newbies and it's not cool.


I don't believe in entitlement based on strength/speed/skill, but there are certain things that annoy me that I believe gyms should crack down on.  Not tied to any sort of prowess, but things that I consider breaches of basic etiquette, such as doing bicep curls in the squat rack, or leaving weights strewn all over the place.  Although generally newbies are pretty good about this, as they try to do the right thing(most of the time).


One of the "worst" times at my gym is summer - when high school/college kids are out of school and use the gym instead.  They actually bug me far more than the resolutionists, as they tend to be pretty terrible regarding the aforementioned etiquette breaches.  While the resolutionists make for a more crowded gym, most of them mean well even if they don't stick to it over the long run.  The high schoolers/college kids tend to leave the weights a mess, and I tend to observe a much higher frequency of squat rack curls and other such nonsense during times that they're around.  At least during the summer it's light late, and a larger fraction of my workouts during the warmer months tend to involve outside running.


As far as "coping strategies" go in my instance, I've found that Monday night is a night be be avoided unless you're willing to wait for benches/squat racks.  Crowds are always light in the morning, so this makes it an attractive time to get lifting in.  Friday night is also a quiet time, so that's a great time if you don't have plans for the evening(or even if you do, if they don't start until a bit later).  As an adult with a job and no children, for me the "early to bed, early to rise" strategy is the best one for avoiding waiting for equipment in most instances.

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If people have to wait for January 1st to change their lives, I don't think that change will last.

It should be anytime. If you need to feel bit better, start on the first if you like (I did that). First or Monday I always feel better about doing whatever it is I want to start.

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“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


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It should be anytime. If you need to feel bit better, start on the first if you like (I did that). First or Monday I always feel better about doing whatever it is I want to start.


I agree with this but Rookie also has  a point. If you're using the first of the month to start something and it happens to be Jan great. If you start Jan 1 because it's a resolution and this year will be magically different......it wont. People have to want to change for themselves and generally that's either a wake up call/work in progress not an arbitrary holiday where they get a 'clean slate' type deal. 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Hate when they are texting away on the equipment and they aren't doing anything.


If you guys want to start going to the gym (would start now), please please don't do that. The gym should be a time to ACTUALLY workout. Not texting your friends to tell them you are working out or whatever it is you text about.


Ok I'm done with my little rant. And good luck everyone.


To be fair, if you have long times between sets, texting to pass the time isn't the worst thing in the world.  I know if I'm lifting something heavy (for me) and I need a bit more of a break than usually I might shoot off a text or three (likely to Nerds to help with some motivation).  So by your logic, I'd be a guy not doing an actual workout... even though I'm resting to continue my workout.


If you see someone texting and doing nothing, you can always ask to work in with them/how much longer they suspect they will be on the equipment.  If they are a dick when you politely ask, then you are fully allowed to rant about them being a dick. (Note the politely.  I've seen people rather rudely ask these questions.  Then I'm firmly on the side of the texter/rester, who is well within their right to not accommodate a dick.  Wil Wheaton's Law.  Don't be a dick.)

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