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Madcow Wednesday Week5 15.06.2016


Warm Up:

Fully kitted out in long sleeve shirt and singlet, leggings and shorts, knee socks, knee sleeves and the chucks! Feeling kinda fine and funky! First song on playlist Outkast and HeyYa! Gotta be happy with that. So skipping, stretching, pushing the quad to try and get it started for Son7 then more stretching and warm up sets for squats.











1x5@40kg ( no push press today! Eggs cooked in chop grease gives you all the gains! )






1x5@115kg ( this right here was an awesome fucking woot! No belt, hook grip and just strong ) 


Pretty happy where this was at. Managed a few core and stretching afterwards but nothing to really write about. So seriously needing to get those bloody accessories happening! 


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OMG I have a food baby in me! I feel absolutely stuffed. That will teach me for making errands more important than lunch and then trying to scarf it all down in one sitting. I hate chocolate pudding, but had it to just get over the line! 


2280 cal goal - 2109 cal actual - 171 cal left. Not too bad.


Breakfast- 3 egg scramble with Worcestershire sauce, 2 pcs wholemeal toast, 1/4 broccoli, white coffee.

Post Workout- musashi protien shake, white coffee.

Snack- white coffee, 11 almonds, 11 cashews, raw!

Snack- Blue V, serving of TeeVee snacks.

Dinner- 1/4 chicken, 1/2 yellow capsicum, 1 medium tomato, 1/4 cucumber, 1/2 avacado, chocolate pudding, white coffee.


Blergh! :blue:

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Just catching up, oh my gosh, so tired and it going to end yet! 


Foods just no, it's been a blur. Not going to be much better today, Son6 turns 13 and we're off to Bunbury for a meal out, and just no.


I ditched my Saturday workout because I am tired and today is no better, but that's ok, going to repeat Week 5 because I can! :)


Measurements done in a hurry, (brackets) measurements for 12.06.2016

Weight: 108.4kg, (no surprise here about adding a kilo since last time)

Neck: 40.5 (same)

Chest: 118cm (122cm)

Waist: 107cm (105cm)

Abdomin: 121cm (117cm)

Bellybutton: 115cm (115.5cm)

Hips: 118cm (118cm)


R Thigh: 62cm (65cm)

L Thigh: 65cm (67cm)

R Calf: 41.5cm (41cm)

L Calf: 40 cm (40cm)


R Bicep: 40cm (40.5cm)

L Bicep: 41cm (42cm)

R Wrist: 18.5cm (17.5 cm)

L Wrist: 18cm (18cm)


BF% 32

34.6kg fat

73.4kg lean muscle, bone, water.


Nothing surprising here. So moving on with life.

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Big, big, big day in the ambulance yesterday. 9 hours all up in the actual van! The second trip I kinda got angry at our nurse escort because on the trip home she informed me that our PT we just unloaded at the city hospital presented with a problem way worse than I was told from the outset of our transfer. So if things had gone South I would not have known the reason why.........grrrrr. Then it finally clicked why we needed a nurse escort for a job we would normally handle ourselves. Full disclosure people for fucks sake. Then we got to cover for the emergency crews until their shift ended.......luckily all was quiet.


Son1 was with me all day, he was my driver. By the time we got home, we had basically eaten nothing, he had a pie and coffee at 7.45 in the am with coffee. We then had another coffee at 3.30pm. That was it until dinner time. He invited us to dinner, so I said cool ok, not knowing his bloody GF/Fiancé had invited her mother and two siblings. So Son1 ends up cooking for 11 people after coming off a pretty full on, tiring day. His GF/Fiancé sat on her arse on the couch with her family and did not lift a fucking finger to help. I did dishes, ran down to the shop to grab extra stuff, and she just fucking sat there. They needed cooking oil and as I walked out the door, her smart arse shitful sister says get peanut oil, I looked at her and said why, don't you like Son1? She replies with a laugh and says let's see what happens. It took all my effort not to walk to the couch and throat punch the little bitch. Everyone knows Son1 is anaphylactic to all nuts. Not exactly what I need to hear while your fucking meal is being made by that very same person you are laughing at.


We finished dinner, (I ended up with a bowl of rice because he underestimated a little on the volume of food he needed), GF made her Mum and herself a coffee, did not ask me if I wanted one. We finished the dishes, cleaned up and came home. I was so tired and upset. Not feeling very happy about the impending wedding next year..........


still fucking crying over it! Shit!


In retrospect, my Lads and a +1 were happily sitting around the breakfast bar, bantering with us and having a laugh in the kitchen area, Son7 and GF's brother were playing happily with puppies, GF, sister and Mum sat on couch and played with phones.......


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What a bloody nightmare.  She must have something going for her if your capable and sensible son wants to marry her, right?  (I hope???)


That nurse not telling you about the patient's problem sounds rather dangerous!  I'd be furious if I'd had that sort of thing happen to me!  (Does happen to us on occasion, when an emergency department doctor decides to admit someone under our team without telling us the whole story... then we end up running around chasing more appropriate units to manage the *actual* problem...)

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Had a better day. Great workout, then into town to help Son1 clean up old house and move into new house. GF did very little to nothing to help but you know what, fuck it. I'm not doing it for her. So my bobble head impersonation came out full force. 


Cooked dinner for for everyone then went to Ambo training. Hahahaha, guess who got the highest score on our medications exam! :bee:, got a block of 70% dark chocolate as reward! 

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Madcow, Week5 redo. Monday on a Wednesday. 22.06.2016


Warm Up:

Lots of shit, trying to get warm and warm up! 







2x3@100kg smashed these out, little high on the first set but totally felt fantastic on the second set. :)







1x5@60kg YESSS!!!! :)


Seated Rows:





1x5@50kg Easy.

1x5@50kg BOR. EASY! 


Felt better with some iron therapy to start the day! :) 

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2 hours ago, Kiki Dee said:

What a bloody nightmare.  She must have something going for her if your capable and sensible son wants to marry her, right?  (I hope???)


That nurse not telling you about the patient's problem sounds rather dangerous!  I'd be furious if I'd had that sort of thing happen to me!  (Does happen to us on occasion, when an emergency department doctor decides to admit someone under our team without telling us the whole story... then we end up running around chasing more appropriate units to manage the *actual* problem...)

The younger Lads asked the same thing. 


I am hoping that it was just an oversight................

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Going back a few pages...

I am also a supporter of home schooling.  People are often surprised to hear me say that, because I am also an educator, and was a public school educator for a decade.  But I *strongly* believe in choices.  


Sometimes public school is the best choice, sometimes it isn't.  I trust parents to make that decision.  I *always* stick up for home school parents.  Some folks are quite vicious about it, and I don't really know why.  Job security, maybe?  

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Level 13 Warrior

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1 hour ago, Emerald_Dragonfly said:

Going back a few pages...

I am also a supporter of home schooling.  People are often surprised to hear me say that, because I am also an educator, and was a public school educator for a decade.  But I *strongly* believe in choices.  


Sometimes public school is the best choice, sometimes it isn't.  I trust parents to make that decision.  I *always* stick up for home school parents.  Some folks are quite vicious about it, and I don't really know why.  Job security, maybe?  

The institution of school is safe! ;) people still have a fear of the unknown. People who are unaware of what homeschooling can be still categorise it as one of two groups of people, crunchy, tree hugging, patchouli sniffing hippies or religious nuts who are afraid Satan lives in every dark corner of the room. There are so many more reasons and ways of teaching today.


I take my hat off to those brave people who want to educate the masses. The amount of abuse, both physical and otherwise directed at teachers from students and sometimes the parents is scary. The amount of rampant bullying, in person and on line, of children and teachers. You would almost need a military background. However there are kids who want to learn and teachers who want to teach, and I hope that society on all continents gets it right.


Believe me though I have met some homeschooling zealots who would totally disband govt education and hunt down teachers and administrators if they could get away with it. I try not to make eye contact with those ones, they scare the shit out of me. :culpability:


Good and bad in both educational institutions. You are totally right, choice!



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on homeschooling...  I don't like it.  Not because of the schooling part but because of the lack of a school.  Most people, if they put in the effort, can teach most things.  sure, one person will be better at it than the next but we all can attain a basic level.  The extra value that a school offers is that there are lots of people, with lots of different ideas.  You want your kids exposed to as many ideas and lifestyles as possible.  I want your children to be exposed to that.  because one day they will get to vote.  If you,re only exposed to one set of ideas, you're more likely to become narrowminded.  Be it tree hugger, religious nut or mr average.... narrowmindedness is bad, no matter what kind it is.  Schools offer something that almost no other institution or community offers: a level of randomness that you won't find in most other places.  You are forced to interact with people with whom you may appear to have nothing in common except the general area where you live.  That to me is the real value of schools.


My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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7 hours ago, Igaduma said:

on homeschooling...  I don't like it.  Not because of the schooling part but because of the lack of a school.  Most people, if they put in the effort, can teach most things.  sure, one person will be better at it than the next but we all can attain a basic level.  The extra value that a school offers is that there are lots of people, with lots of different ideas.  You want your kids exposed to as many ideas and lifestyles as possible.  I want your children to be exposed to that.  because one day they will get to vote.  If you,re only exposed to one set of ideas, you're more likely to become narrowminded.  Be it tree hugger, religious nut or mr average.... narrowmindedness is bad, no matter what kind it is.  Schools offer something that almost no other institution or community offers: a level of randomness that you won't find in most other places.  You are forced to interact with people with whom you may appear to have nothing in common except the general area where you live.  That to me is the real value of schools.


Thank you for your opinion.

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Big day today. We had a call to a couple where my heart drops every time we need to attend them. Did have bit of a laugh though, when we put our PT on the hospital bed, they had half a bale of hay with them! :)


Filling in for another officer tomorrow so another early morning late night...........where is the lifting?

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Madcow Week5 (again) Wednesday on Sunday.......26.06.2016 


Warm Up:

Skipping and skipping and stretching and stretching and skipping, soooooo fucking cold in the shed.











1x5@40kg (these were not at all nasty, so pretty bloody happy with them!)






1x5@115kg (hook grip......yah! Beltless.......yah! Definitely more fatigued, I think I like mid morning lifting)


This felt rather nice and definitely needed it! Going to start Week 6 tomorrow, regardless of not completing week 5, back on track it is without Challenge pressure.


I need $645 for a two day powerlifting coaching course. Not to coach but to educate myself. But it would blow out to at least $1000 for the two days with fuel, accomodation and foods. If only.............


My gym buddy recommended if I took up the coaching idea to do it at a little, little town just 10km from here, but the hall we would use is 100 years old and I said I don't think the shire would appreciate us deadlifting 100's kilos on a jarrah wood flooring, no matter how many mats we could accumulate! Her enthusiasm was pretty cool though.

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Well that is odd, Mother has just invited us to dinner tonight.............hmmmmmmmm, what does she want.


So started this post this morning, came into Mum's just now and she wants an iPod for her car.............


Feeling pretty crap about myself at the moment. Found out one of the senior officers was at the hospital today quizzing nurses about my jobs on Saturday. Not sure why, but, does not make me feel good about myself.

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Madcow, Week6, Monday on a Tuesday 28.06.2016


Warm Up:

Lots of all sorts of things but plenty of skipping.
















Seated Rows:







Seated rows because Deadlifts tomorrow and didn't want to do BOR's. Pretty fast and furious but I was happier with squats tonight, a lot better than the last 100's.

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