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I have a question.  I am 60 and took my first Deload week (5 days).  I won't be doing that again.  I am so stiff that everything is hard.  Leg press.  Can't get deep enough on my squat, etc.  I can really feel how much I've stiffened up.  Is it just me?  I did stretch and walk those days.  I can't imagine I'll be doing that again if that's the price.  I've been lifting about a year so I'd appreciate any thoughts from you more experienced folks.  Thanks!

I deload/rest when life forces me to.  Usually because of travel.  I definitely feel that if I stop, I'll have a hard time restarting.

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Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Might be something to the rest periods. I lifted heavy last Monday and Tuesday, then did light workouts during the week due to travel.  Slept a lot the last 2 days.  Today I was a beast in the gym....

  • Like 3

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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I was thinking about you this morning WR. Things have been quiet since the end of the challenge.

I hope you guys have a great Christmas. We have a big one this year, all the Lads various partners and prospective parent in laws!

How many does that add up to?

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Just come on here for a big blah blah moan - I've pulled a rotator cuff something or other in my shoulder - so I can't lift anything or put my arm over my head for a few weeks. This puts a big damper on my xmas project which was to floor the attic :-( My knee is ok ish, much better but I need to take it easy, so I can run a little, small bursts then walk. It's raining anyway, almost constantly and I wear glasses, so - no running because I can't see anything.


I did warn you this was going to be a moan.


So, I'm doing squats, running when possible, using the stairs more than I need (making 2 journeys instead of one)


Food is terrible - I really don't like xmas, it's all chores and pressure to me but even though I'm boycotting the family xmas and it will just be me and my 12 year old until after xmas I still feel compelled to buy and eat crap. Which I have been doing since for the past few weeks as practice, since the flu stopped me mid six week challenge - not being able to taste anything means I went for texture instead - aka bread. I got cold after cold and I'm just recovering properly now 4 weeks later.

So, I feel sorry for myself, I'm busy not feeling guilty for failing everything, could do with words of wisdom to cope with the shoulder injury which is pissing me off because little things like washing my hair hurt, and with the xmas hell.


  • Like 1
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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That's no good Scumspawn, but hey you're doing stuff to keep active, squats, stairs etc!


Hope you are feeling better about everything soon. 


I get the whole Christmas crap food thing. My Mother handed me a list of "To Bring" for Friday, if I wanted a sugar coma I would have just injected glucose into my veins! Since I'm doing the shopping gonna swap some of the crap out for better alternatives! 


Bloody hell we live in Australia and we have so much summer fruit here right now, why would you need artificial food? 

  • Like 3

Wait! What............?

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Just come on here for a big blah blah moan - I've pulled a rotator cuff something or other in my shoulder - so I can't lift anything or put my arm over my head for a few weeks. This puts a big damper on my xmas project which was to floor the attic :-( My knee is ok ish, much better but I need to take it easy, so I can run a little, small bursts then walk. It's raining anyway, almost constantly and I wear glasses, so - no running because I can't see anything.


I did warn you this was going to be a moan.


So, I'm doing squats, running when possible, using the stairs more than I need (making 2 journeys instead of one)


Food is terrible - I really don't like xmas, it's all chores and pressure to me but even though I'm boycotting the family xmas and it will just be me and my 12 year old until after xmas I still feel compelled to buy and eat crap. Which I have been doing since for the past few weeks as practice, since the flu stopped me mid six week challenge - not being able to taste anything means I went for texture instead - aka bread. I got cold after cold and I'm just recovering properly now 4 weeks later.

So, I feel sorry for myself, I'm busy not feeling guilty for failing everything, could do with words of wisdom to cope with the shoulder injury which is pissing me off because little things like washing my hair hurt, and with the xmas hell.



Hang in there, to doldrums do pass with time, I find focusing on small routine/boring items sometimes get me through. The holidays can suck.


Aneralled the level 6 Hound Archon, Warrior-Druid 

STR 11|DEX 4|CON 8.5|STA 10.5|WIS 4.5|CHA 4.5

I am a Nerd Fitness Rebel,       I don’t compare myself to others,        I know I impact those around me 
  and today is the first day            only to myself from yesterday.            with my actions, and so I must 
  of the rest of my life.                I shall not brag about successes           move forward, every day. 
I shall make no excuses               nor complain about my struggles,    I acknowledge fear, doubt, and
  and hold no grudges.                 but share my experiences and           despair, but I do not let them
I care not where I came from,       help my fellow Rebels.                        defeat me. I pledge my life and
  only where I am going.                                                                              honor for the Rebellion, for 
                                                                                                                         this day and all the days to come. 



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Is everyone ready/dealing with the new changes to the challenges? I'm stuck in indecision between doing something entirely new, ands just sticking with what's easy.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

I am eating all the chocolate biscuits now so there will be none left on Monday, does that count?

I'm not doing anything new, just sticking with what I know worked before and I really think 4 weeks will be easier than 6 http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/76151-scumspawn-focusses-on-being-healthier/#entry1751288

  • Like 1
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Ready to go! :)


I have to say I do like the 4 week format. Feasible, still challenging, and much less likely to fall into the "fifth week slump." In a way, it will keep us probably more on our toes than the six week format.


Maybe a little drawback is that there will be now so many short challenge threads, floating abandoned through space … I am toying with the idea of a general battle log, where everything is recorded and kept together. But then, it would be just another thing to maintain, and I have already a journaling goal in my challenge. 


I also stick with what works, just trying to get better at it. To be found over HERE





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I am eating all the chocolate biscuits now so there will be none left on Monday, does that count?

I'm not doing anything new, just sticking with what I know worked before and I really think 4 weeks will be easier than 6 http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/76151-scumspawn-focusses-on-being-healthier/#entry1751288

I'm on board with the plan to eat all the chocolate nowq.

As for goals, pretty much the same format for me. 

  • Like 1

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I think the 4 week Challenge just might be a good thing. I know I struggled with the 6 weeks.


I usually cross post, going from my DBL to my Challenge. I like the Challenge because of the like minded people all gathered with similar interests in fitness, I love the DBL for consistency and an array of different people who stop in and catch up. The best of both worlds! :) 

  • Like 1

Wait! What............?

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I think the 4 week Challenge just might be a good thing. I know I struggled with the 6 weeks.

I usually cross post, going from my DBL to my Challenge. I like the Challenge because of the like minded people all gathered with similar interests in fitness, I love the DBL for consistency and an array of different people who stop in and catch up. The best of both worlds! :)

I think they'll be a good thing, too.

I know what you mean about cross posting. Different audiences.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

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Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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Okay best of luck to everyone on this new challenge format! I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.

If you hadn't seen it yet, Spezzy posted that the servers NF uses have been under attack so the character creating thingy might not go live until tomorrow or Thursday. Is not directed at us, but at the servers we are on. They're working hard to get the ball rolling.

Also if you stepped into the Rebel Guild, they're doing some leader shuffle and there aren't any stickies yet.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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Hi all. I found the older women's training thread, then Granny Nogg invited me to pop in here.


I'm closing in on 63 and new to NF. I'm just learning my way around the message boards and trying to get acquainted. I've never been much of a gamer--but definitely a desk jockey for the last 20+years. So far, I'm really enjoying the positive energy here and look forward to making friends.


As part of a previous weight loss journey, I trained with barbells. I am terribly out of condition and I'm paying the price for it now. [Getting old is a hard job.]


Anyway, here I am and I'm in my 4th day of this challenge. So far, so good. I'm slowly working up to lifting heavy again. "Heavy" being a relative term, of course. I don't expect to ever be able to match my PRs from a dozen years ago, but that doesn't matter. What matters to me is functional fitness: getting up and down from the floor, fall prevention, and mitigating the age-related conditions that lie ahead.

(But...I still dream of someday doing weighted pistols or a bodyweight OH Squat.)

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Yay, you found us. And yes, I have the same motivations, though not the experience. But also love the positive "you can do it" vibe that NF carries.

Do share your challenge thread link if you'd like any followers.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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I just thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm 46, so not quite at the cutoff, but Wildross seemed to imply some wiggle room :)


And, just so that I'm not totally hijacking the conversation, I like the 4-week challenge as well. Plus, the general format seems to be a little more my speed.


Anyway, nice to see everyone!

Glad to see you here too.


There was a guy at the USAPL nations in his 70's setting national records.  Cline (another former member) quipped that his strategy appeared to be to let all his competitors die off....  I think she called it "domination through attrition"

  • Like 4

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Starting 16 weeks of marathon training in the morning. Not sure if my body is going to take it but I can't think of any other way to find out. Will be 48 next week. My goal is a marathon by 50. Shooting for April 30th.

  • Like 3

Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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Good luck


Aneralled the level 6 Hound Archon, Warrior-Druid 

STR 11|DEX 4|CON 8.5|STA 10.5|WIS 4.5|CHA 4.5

I am a Nerd Fitness Rebel,       I don’t compare myself to others,        I know I impact those around me 
  and today is the first day            only to myself from yesterday.            with my actions, and so I must 
  of the rest of my life.                I shall not brag about successes           move forward, every day. 
I shall make no excuses               nor complain about my struggles,    I acknowledge fear, doubt, and
  and hold no grudges.                 but share my experiences and           despair, but I do not let them
I care not where I came from,       help my fellow Rebels.                        defeat me. I pledge my life and
  only where I am going.                                                                              honor for the Rebellion, for 
                                                                                                                         this day and all the days to come. 



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Hey everyone, check in! How's your challenge going?

What are you finding the most difficult about your challenge so far? What's the easiest? Did you change guilds this time around, and if so, why?


sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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