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I'm new here, and new to fitness in general. Glad to find a site that's taking a scientific (and nerdy) approach. So many of the Rules of the Rebellion resonate with me - making changes for life, training naturally, questioning everything, eating and training intelligently. Perfect!


Figured after working the academy for a week (now L2!), I'd share some of my story. If it's TL, DR :)


Having struggling with anxiety, alcoholism and depression for many years I decided two months ago to go to a doctor, who sent me to a psychologist, Trevor. Best thing I've ever done to date (although I'm hoping NerdFitness will rate up there). He taught me to take small steps, make permanent changes to my habits, how to stop expecting myself to fail, and to stop setting myself up to fail - themes I see in NerdFitness, although not all explicitly spelled out.


I'm one week sober today, and ready to go the distance. I didn't go cold turkey like I wanted to (and failed at so many times before), instead Trevor told me to journal everything (date, time situation, how I was feeling, how many drinks I'd had), set a limit of drinks, reduce the limit every day, and develop a sense of inspiration (sound familiar?).


Now I admit, I thought that was pretty hokey advice, but I took it. And to my amazement it worked. I took one week to get sober when I'd tried for 7 years. I'm not saying I'm not tempted when I have a bad day, but my inspiration is that I don't want to be who I was, guilt-ridden and ashamed. I haven't had reason in years to be proud of myself, and I like it enough to say no to temptation.


In the process of detoxing, I found myself with an insane amount of energy - I couldn't sleep, my anxiety was though the roof, I didn't know what to do. In desperation, I decided to use the elliptical that was gathering dust in my spare room, until I was tired. But going with my recent scientific approach to quitting alcohol (or what I dub the elixir of misery) I decided to go into it with an open mind - no allowing previous memories of unpleasant exercise or self-consciousness to affect me, just experience it as it was, analyse it and record the results. I cranked up my music, sang along when I had the breath, and just went for it. Wow! Dopamine-induced euphoria. I felt amazing. Totally new experience. I have always hated exercise. I hated getting sweaty, felt I looked stupid, and was ashamed of not being able to keep up with most of the class. Well, two out of three were invalid with just me there, and as for sweaty - I live in a city with 70% average humidity - about time I got used to it. :) (And it makes the shower after feel like bliss.)


The day I got sober (last Sunday), I knew that wouldn't be my final goal. My life's a mess, I'm just picking up the pieces. My experience exercising decided my next goal - fitness. I've hated how I looked since I was a kid - always chubby, never fit. Well, having done one thing I never thought I could do, I'm ready to take on another.


I've steadily been getting larger for years, eating whatever fast food was nearest and drinking 10-15 standard drinks - 2500-4000kJ (600-950 calories) of alcohol per night. My life is busy, but truth is I never made fitness a priority - and as an alcoholic I wasn't capable of making any changes to my life, I was just hanging on.


After discovering NerdFitness (thank you Google!), I weighed myself for the first time in years last Sunday and found I was 124kg (273lb). I've been eating as healthy as I could this week and exercising at least some every day (difficult, because I've been in a hotel room 4 days out of 7). This morning I had to weigh myself again to complete the "Take your Measurements" quest (I didn't have a tape measure last week) and I found that I am 122kg (269lb). I'm not going to put too much stock in that, but I have to say that I was encouraged (although I'm going to ignore the scale for a while, since it doesn't tell the whole story).


I already had a pretty good idea of what was healthy eating and what isn't (my parents are hippies) although the paleo thing is new to me (as is how to actually cook healthy food). But exercise is a whole other ball game. Having read through the Mindness and Nutrition modules in the academy, next stop is Fitness. I'm a little nervous, but definitely looking forward to it. I think the quest system is inspired, and I'm looking forward to leveling up my life.


I've never shared much about myself publicly, but I guess I wanted to share the beginning of my story because I've been really inspired by some of the success stories here (and how real they are compared to those from companies trying to make money off people's misery), and because I'm trying to live up to Rebel Rule 8. So for now it's goodnight from me. And it's goodnight from him.

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Thanks SevenofSeven! :)


I saw the Two Ronnies as a teenager on DVD - they were a bit before my time but I've always loved old British comedies!

Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Man reading your introduction I think you're immensely brave and smart to start this journey the way you do.

I think the psychological aspect is too often overlooked because you're right sometimes we have to heal from so many things before or while we making those changes we want to be permanent.

2kg is an amazing start! don't aim for more on a weekly basis. You want to keep it steady and smooth.

As for paleo one of the easiest way to consider it is eat real food drink water! Diminish high carbs food to learn your body to burn fat for fuel instead.

And maybe you were inspired here but you sure are inspiring too burning like that with the true fire of the rebellion.

By the way I absolutely love your nickname... please don't mind if I'm following you

Envoyé de mon RAINBOW en utilisant Tapatalk

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Winwaloeus, level 3 ranger

 STATS : STR 7 | STA 9 | DEX 2 | CON 9 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

My introduction is Here - My Battle Log is There - 6wc I - 6wc II - 4wc III - 4wc IIII (ongoing)

Main goal : lose excess fat down to 14% (currently, i look roughly like a : 20 to 25 -according to many sites offering pictures for comparison)

current 4wc progress :

Goal 1 : walk !!! (2h27 out of a minimum 12)


Goal 2 : Sprint (1 out of 4)


Goal 3 : Lift (2 out of 12)


Life Goal : History work (3 out of 12 )




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Thanks Winwaloeus (sorry I didn't respond sooner - didn't notice the "notifications" tab!), it's nice to hear I'm inspiring as well as inspired. Glad you like my nickname, and please follow away :)

Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Hey LeftRadical - love your picture. I must rewatch Red Dwarf! 


You are being so incredibly brave dealing with your baggage, and instead of just clinging on, making something so incredibly positive from it. I always try and imagine where I could be a year from now, looking back at myself and going, gosh, was that really where I was at a year ago? 


I'm really rooting for you. Looking forward to hearing all about your successes! 

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It's amazing what can happen with just a bit of an adjustment to the mindset you have when looking at a challenge. Look forward to seeing the rest of the story...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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You're damn right I'm following you!

So how are you doing Lately?

Envoyé de mon RAINBOW en utilisant Tapatalk

Winwaloeus, level 3 ranger

 STATS : STR 7 | STA 9 | DEX 2 | CON 9 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

My introduction is Here - My Battle Log is There - 6wc I - 6wc II - 4wc III - 4wc IIII (ongoing)

Main goal : lose excess fat down to 14% (currently, i look roughly like a : 20 to 25 -according to many sites offering pictures for comparison)

current 4wc progress :

Goal 1 : walk !!! (2h27 out of a minimum 12)


Goal 2 : Sprint (1 out of 4)


Goal 3 : Lift (2 out of 12)


Life Goal : History work (3 out of 12 )




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Hey everyone,


Thanks so much for your encouragement! I've been inspired to start a battle log. The first post is a bit TD;DR too, but brevity is something I'm still working on!


PotentialSlayer - Another Red Dwarf fan, awesome!


That's a great motivation! I'm going to do that - imagine where I will be in a year. I never imagined I'd be here two months ago, so who knows what feats we can accomplish in a whole year!


How are your ballet classes going? I'm signed up for Karate next week, and a bit nervous, but keen.


insanity - Totally. It's like a lightbulb just went on. Since I've been exercising regularly and enjoying it, I've tried to isolate why I thought I hated it before and I worked out that most of the times I felt the burn was when I was rushing somewhere because I was late. No wonder I had negative associations! Having a scientific approach to this has helped, but the main thing has just been giving myself a break - not expecting perfection every time, and realising I can learn just as much from my mistakes as my successes.


Winwaloeus - I'm doing great! How about you? Your 6wc stats look awesome!

Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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LeftRadical Red Dwarf is the source of my favourite ever insult!


A year away is pretty much anywhere in the world you want it to be. I went from asthmatic overweight lump who had literally never run in my life to doing weekly 10ks and loving it in a year. I'm already dreaming big about how smug I want to feel Xmas 2016! 


Ballet's fun. Fun but hard. I'm like the polar opposite of a natural (not least because I get left and right mixed up when under pressure *facepalm*) but after four lessons, I feel more like I'm sort of following what's going on rather than flailing enthusiastically as a response to watching other people dance :P


I hope karate goes well for you - what made you choose karate over all the other exercise possibilities? 

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Yes! The moment when Kryten succeeds in calling Rimmer a smeghead is burned into my brain as one of the funniest thing ever :) (That and Kryten's polaroids).

Wow! That's amazing and so inspiring.

Haha, you could always chalk an L and R on your ballet shoes. I remember ballet from when I was a kid (I did a semester or two of lots of different sports) and I felt like I was flailing for ages so I'm sure you'll get there. One of my friends who is now a professional viola player was never a natural but you wouldn't know it to hear her play now!

Karate was one of the things I did as a kid for longer than a semester and when I wasn't being self conscious I really enjoyed it. I loved the control, power and self-discipline it requires (or at least trying to develop those things ;) ). What interested you about ballet?

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Fairly similar things. I'd like the control over my body that you need for ballet, where every movement requires ultimate strength, flexibility, coordination and discipline. A physical grace and decent posture are also side-benefits I'd quite like to acquire! 


Like you say, I'm trying to tell myself that natural ability has little importance next to sheer effort and persistence... I'll see how it goes :) Karate sounds like a good call for you. It's a nice mix of stuff to be done in a group and stuff you can conquer alone, too.

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Winwaloeus - I'm doing great! How about you? Your 6wc stats look awesome!

Good! I'm going to check on your battle log!

Thanks for the compliment I'm amazed of how well things went. this site and community really did an incredible job to help structure my path and motivate me when I was down...and have great fun too! I have absolutely no doubt you will find here things that make deep sense to you and light your way!

Envoyé de mon RAINBOW en utilisant Tapatalk

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Winwaloeus, level 3 ranger

 STATS : STR 7 | STA 9 | DEX 2 | CON 9 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

My introduction is Here - My Battle Log is There - 6wc I - 6wc II - 4wc III - 4wc IIII (ongoing)

Main goal : lose excess fat down to 14% (currently, i look roughly like a : 20 to 25 -according to many sites offering pictures for comparison)

current 4wc progress :

Goal 1 : walk !!! (2h27 out of a minimum 12)


Goal 2 : Sprint (1 out of 4)


Goal 3 : Lift (2 out of 12)


Life Goal : History work (3 out of 12 )




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@PotentialSlayer - I can see that. Ballet would be quite a workout too :) I reckon just have fun with it. I mean I'm as competitive as most people so I'm going to have to try and take my own advice ;) but yeah I think Stephen King got it right (or at least I hope so :P): "Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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@Winwaloeus - Thanks! :) Glad to hear it was such a positive experience. I'm already discovering the awesome support community members provide around here :) Looking forward to doing a 6wc soon :)

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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there's a 2 week pause between each 6wc, so watch out for that second week of november !

Winwaloeus, level 3 ranger

 STATS : STR 7 | STA 9 | DEX 2 | CON 9 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

My introduction is Here - My Battle Log is There - 6wc I - 6wc II - 4wc III - 4wc IIII (ongoing)

Main goal : lose excess fat down to 14% (currently, i look roughly like a : 20 to 25 -according to many sites offering pictures for comparison)

current 4wc progress :

Goal 1 : walk !!! (2h27 out of a minimum 12)


Goal 2 : Sprint (1 out of 4)


Goal 3 : Lift (2 out of 12)


Life Goal : History work (3 out of 12 )




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Awesome, will do! :)

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Hey insanity, sorry I missed your comment. I'll take that as a great compliment ;) The thread title is actually a tongue-in-cheek reference to Galaxy Quest (a b-movie classic with Tim Allen as the annoying man and Alan Rickman being amazing as usual /fanboying)

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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So I had two stressful but good things today. And one less good thing.

Went to a psychiatrist, Andrew today for the first time in years. I need help with my anxiety. Sobriety is unfortunately making it more apparent. So he diagnosed me with Generalised anxiety, PTSD, social phobia and avoidant personality. And also with major depression and alcohol dependence in remission.

That's a few more labels than I expected but if he can help me he can call me a monkey's uncle. ;) He seems confident he can anyway so I'll continue with that. He's also really open to me having a say in what treatment I get which is unusual and much appreciated.

The other good stress was going to my first karate class in over a decade - it was really good. It's a different style so there's some unfamiliar stuff, plus a lot of practice to get back what I had but it was fun, the Kancho (like a Sensei but higher rank) was funny, relaxed and a good teacher, and the other students friendly.

The not good stress was my boss giving me yet another hint that I need to do more focused work and less getting side tracked not working. I brought up the possibility of having ADHD to Andrew and he thinks it's possible - but because anxiety can produce some of the same symptoms he wants to treat the anxiety first and then see.

I'm also getting back on the transition road. I'm trans and I've been off the hormones for about 6 years - I moved and my doctor got sick and it just got too hard. I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow though to start the ball rolling again. Maybe I do have ADHD, maybe not, but it's about time I harness my impulsiveness to work for me. :) Now if only I could find a way to use my lack of focus! :P

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Hey insanity, sorry I missed your comment. I'll take that as a great compliment ;) The thread title is actually a tongue-in-cheek reference to Galaxy Quest (a b-movie classic with Tim Allen as the annoying man and Alan Rickman being amazing as usual /fanboying)

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It is, you can't sing that song and not get motivated at least a little bit. So you're thread is now my motivation. :-)


So I had two stressful but good things today. And one less good thing.

Went to a psychiatrist, Andrew today for the first time in years. I need help with my anxiety. Sobriety is unfortunately making it more apparent. So he diagnosed me with Generalised anxiety, PTSD, social phobia and avoidant personality. And also with major depression and alcohol dependence in remission.

That's a few more labels than I expected but if he can help me he can call me a monkey's uncle. ;) He seems confident he can anyway so I'll continue with that. He's also really open to me having a say in what treatment I get which is unusual and much appreciated.

The other good stress was going to my first karate class in over a decade - it was really good. It's a different style so there's some unfamiliar stuff, plus a lot of practice to get back what I had but it was fun, the Kancho (like a Sensei but higher rank) was funny, relaxed and a good teacher, and the other students friendly.

The not good stress was my boss giving me yet another hint that I need to do more focused work and less getting side tracked not working. I brought up the possibility of having ADHD to Andrew and he thinks it's possible - but because anxiety can produce some of the same symptoms he wants to treat the anxiety first and then see.

I'm also getting back on the transition road. I'm trans and I've been off the hormones for about 6 years - I moved and my doctor got sick and it just got too hard. I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow though to start the ball rolling again. Maybe I do have ADHD, maybe not, but it's about time I harness my impulsiveness to work for me. :) Now if only I could find a way to use my lack of focus! :tongue:

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Well, good to hear you're on the path the recovery, or at least knowing what you're dealing with. Best of luck and I'd have no idea how to harness possible ADHD.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Hey insanity, wow I'm blushing - that's an awesome compliment.

Yeah, I really feel like I'm getting my life on track - slowly, sometimes one step forward, one step back, and I have to remind myself to enjoy the journey, but I am moving forward. It's lending me enthusiasm :).

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Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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Hey insanity, wow I'm blushing - that's an awesome compliment.

Yeah, I really feel like I'm getting my life on track - slowly, sometimes one step forward, one step back, and I have to remind myself to enjoy the journey, but I am moving forward. It's lending me enthusiasm :).

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One step at a time is all you need to do. Just don't go forcing yourself to move faster than you're comfortable with.

  • Like 2

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Thanks fitnessgurl, thanks insanity!

Level 0 Faun Adventurer

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Dumbledore

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro | Battle Log1st 6wc


Weight Loss Goal - Starting Weight: 124kg, Goal: 73kg, Weight Loss Required: 51kg total



Healthy Meals Repertoire - Stage 1, Learn 28 meals

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