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Hi, everybody.  


It's been quite a while since I posted in the forums.  I've been keeping up with working out and recently leveled up in that area, but I've been feeling like the rest of my health and fitness life is a bit out of whack.  It's my birthday today and I'm a big believer in using random dates as motivators.  So!


Though nothing really went wrong, I feel like running through the Academy again will get my focus back and I think I'll learn some new tricks this time around.  I've been a little...weird about altering my diet but I think I'm ready to work on that a little more aggressively now that I have a really solid workout habit in place.  I've been working out at least once a week but more often twice a week for the last year--a huge improvement for me. 


The things I'm going to improve this time: 

  1. I am relying more on my (paper) battle log to track the early mindset exercises so I can look at my big why and so I can journal when I am struggling.  
  2. I am going to pre-plan when I take progress pics/measurements. 
  3. I recruited my partner to do NFA with me this time.  I think that will help a lot with diet/meal planning/etc.  


Thanks for listening, and here's to having the best year of my life! 

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Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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I'm a little late to this thread (a very belated happy birthday!, lol), but I'm doing similar.  my birthday is right around the corner, and I'm hoping to use it as key starting point for me.  we'll see how it goes....

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there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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I'm going to be keeping some notes here from the respawn, just so they're all in one place. 


My Big Why

I want to feel happy and confident using my body. I want to feel strong, flexible, and capable in all areas of my life, and my physical health is the foundation of that feeling.  When I don't take care of myself, my body aches and I get injured more easily, which spirals into self-loathing and hopelessness (ah, we meet again!)  When I DO take care of myself, something like easily and painlessly crouching to take a photograph can make me feel great--I'm able to participate fully in the things I really love.  Exercise has been a big part of that, but I am ready to improve my diet to help my body in the quest for competence and autonomy. 

Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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Healthy Loot


Here's the thing: I don't believe in rewards.  I've thought about it a lot, tried a lot of rewards systems, and they are counterproductive for me.  I don't need to convince anybody else, and if rewards work for you, then great!  But for me, they don't work.  I'll often decide not to give myself the reward because I can't afford it, or it no longer seems motivating.  

That said, there are times when I do need a pick-me-up, whether as a reward or as a treat, and I don't always have good ideas for a productive reward.  Here's a list, in order from cheapest/least time-intensive to most expensive: 

  • Buy some of my favorite fresh fruit
  • Buy some fancy green juice
  • Go for a hike or walk somewhere beautiful
  • Take a long bath
  • Go to a dance class (pole or Sweaty Sundays)
  • Go to Daybreaker
  • Get a massage
  • Do a long stretching/rolling/restorative chilling out session
  • Buy new clothes that fit
  • Get a mani/pedi
  • Go to a Korean spa
  • Go snorkelling
  • Go camping
  • Buy a chin-up bar
  • Buy dumbells 
  • Go SCUBA diving

Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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My questing party: I'm relying on my sister and my partner for this.  My sister is pretty similar to me in terms of her goals and workout preferences; my partner is not but obviously I see him a lot more often.  I am also staying connected to the forums, and a few friends who are into health and fitness as sort of more distant accountabilibuddies. 


20 seconds of courage: I used this to sign up for Patreon. It's pretty small but I've been putting it off, so I think it counts. It isn't set up yet but I started! 


What inspires me: I have to spend a bit more time on this--nothing comes to mind immediately. But, it reminded me of my health-related pinterest board, where I'll keep the inspiring stuff I do find. 


I don't have time: This has been especially difficult lately.  I'm looking at moving from a (underemployed) freelancing schedule to a full-time job and I have to admit, I'm terrified of how much more work I will be doing. I already struggle to write and take care of my daily life, and it was really intense to write out "Writing isn't a priority".  But, I am aware of the problem and working on it.  I'm doing pretty good making time for health so that's a good sign. 

Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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Hack your sleep: I am definitely wanting to improve my sleep (although it is so much better than it used to be!)  I feel like mornings are sluggish and unproductive.  Last night I went to bed quite early and actually woke up thirty minutes before my alarm.  I went back to sleep, but didn't need to snooze (I did still snooze one time...old habits die hard!) I'm not ready to do all the things listed here but I am planning to keep my bedtime before 11 pm for the next two week


How to NOT dress like a slob: I am also SO much better about this than I used to be, but I would like to do another big clothing purge.  I'm looking for a new job so I'm going to wait until that happens so I can make sure the stuff I keep/replace fits that environment. 



Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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Finally took a minute to figure out my...

BMR: 1755.45 (5'10", 213 lbs, female, 33 years)

Total calorie needs: 2413.74 - 2720.95 


I fall between two levels of the Harris Benedict scale:



If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375

If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55


I work out 3 times a week, doing weight training--not sure what defines "light" and "moderate".  Still, since my overall goal is to lose fat, I think it's fair to err on the lower side and try to stay under 2400 per day. 

Traaki, Level 23 Half-Orc Assassin 

Current challenge: traaki gets some sun. Just a little. * Respawned on June 25, 2018

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