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The ARGH Thread

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Okay, I've seen these on other forums and they are great, but we don't have one here. So! Here's a place to post about your little frustrations and annoyances, somewhere to vent to sympathetic nerds without creating a whole new thread. :)


One of my goals for the 6 week challenge is to bring a healthy packed lunch to work every day. Last night I took the time to fry up some onions and kale with bacon and a little tiny bit of chili powder, it was lovely and tasty and I put it in my Robot sandwich box all set for this morning... then cleverly forgot it when I left at 6:30 AM. Damn. Not off to a good start.

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

Blog | Pinterest | Fitocracy

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I hurt myself during my workout last night. Like actually hurt myself. Not seriously but enough that I think I'm going to have a migraine by the end of the day.

How do you fry your kale? I tried pan frying it and it turned out...chewy. It was not easy to eat.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Guest guest4729
Okay, I've seen these on other forums and they are great, but we don't have one here. So! Here's a place to post about your little frustrations and annoyances, somewhere to vent to sympathetic nerds without creating a whole new thread. :)


One of my goals for the 6 week challenge is to bring a healthy packed lunch to work every day. Last night I took the time to fry up some onions and kale with bacon and a little tiny bit of chili powder, it was lovely and tasty and I put it in my Robot sandwich box all set for this morning... then cleverly forgot it when I left at 6:30 AM. Damn. Not off to a good start.

Don't you hate that?! I've been trying to make food in advance to take to work with me to cut out my biscuit eating habit. Funny story. Half the time I forget to even bring it with me. It's like a big egg and bacon thingy and I just cut out a section and bring it with me. Well it's no use if I can't even remember to bring it and eat it. lol

Also, my other ARGH is that like...weirdos at the gym. Y U NO STOP STARING AT ME? Leave me aloneee! :(

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Okay, I've seen these on other forums and they are great, but we don't have one here. So! Here's a place to post about your little frustrations and annoyances, somewhere to vent to sympathetic nerds without creating a whole new thread. :)


One of my goals for the 6 week challenge is to bring a healthy packed lunch to work every day. Last night I took the time to fry up some onions and kale with bacon and a little tiny bit of chili powder, it was lovely and tasty and I put it in my Robot sandwich box all set for this morning... then cleverly forgot it when I left at 6:30 AM. Damn. Not off to a good start.

Twice now I've cooked up huge batches of chicken breasts to bring with me for lunches. I've yet to actually bring any. They didn't go to waste, but still.

LOL... I do so many dumb things, this may end up being my favorite thread.

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LOL! Glad I'm not the only one who does this. :)


I hurt myself during my workout last night. Like actually hurt myself. Not seriously but enough that I think I'm going to have a migraine by the end of the day.

How do you fry your kale? I tried pan frying it and it turned out...chewy. It was not easy to eat.

I cooked it in the bacon fat, once I had the bacon and onions going a bit. I think it also must have been steamed a little bit, because what I did was grab a big handful of chopped kale, run some tap water over it to clean it, then plop it in the pan, let it cook until it looked a bit darker green and wilted, and repeat until I had enough.

It is a little bit chewy, but the bit I tried was very tasty. To me, at least. :)

Hope you feel better soon! Glad you didn't injure yourself too badly.

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

Blog | Pinterest | Fitocracy

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How about this one? Sorry, but the setup is kinda long.

Late last year I was feeling awful. No energy, my workouts sucked. Finally I came around to my diet and to the extra weight I was carrying, and did something about it. Now I've lost 20+ lbs, eat *much* healthier, and have energy to spare.

My fiancée has lost a lot of weight, dating back to long before I came around. However, clearly, my weight loss did not affect my fiancée well. 1. She likes big guys 2. It made her think I was cheating on her.

I think she's struggling with her own body situation right now (she doesn't talk about it with me). She does Weight Watchers, and *used* to really enjoy their forums, until she went on a cruise with a bunch of the women from those forums, and she found she didn't like them at all.

Now, I really like the idea of us working out together (she does really long elliptical workouts and then Body Pump, I do heavy lifts and throwing. Some elliptical.) And of course I *love* the boards here and the people on them. So, I mentioned to her about how much I like this place, and how she might like it. Okay, so now I'm probably already on the verge of making a mistake. She can already interpret this as, "You don't like the way I am." which is 100% false, and I try to tell her this regularly.

However, the true mistake was when I pointed out spezzy's transformation. *After* we went through the whole, "You're cheating on me." thing, where at the very least I should have figured out how insecure she was feeling. I never, *ever* said anything like, "Look how good she looks." (no offense, spezzy) or, "You should look like that." In fact, I was much more impressed about her lifts. Still... I showed her the photos. I am an *idiot*. She never has to lose a pound for me to find her the sexiest thing ever. But I suck at convincing her of it.

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Oops :( I showed my husband spezzy's picture, but I'm a girl. Still...I hate it when you try to show someone (especially an SO) something inspiring and they brush it off or it completely backfires and blows up in your face :/

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Oops :( I showed my husband spezzy's picture, but I'm a girl. Still...I hate it when you try to show someone (especially an SO) something inspiring and they brush it off or it completely backfires and blows up in your face :/

I do know what you're saying. Obviously I've read your other thread and know what you're going through, and can sympathize because I'm going through something similar. But my action was just insensitive. I don't think your SO can reasonably think that you're saying that he should look like spezzy :)

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You never know...ahaha.

Anyway communication is definitely so difficult in relationships...my hubby and I have come a long way but there's always more ground to cover :) It's sometimes hard to know when you're being insensitive (at least I have trouble with this) when you are trying earnestly to be helpful.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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I'm 100% with you. Obviously I've never learned the trick, or a 1000 other good communication skills, despite a lot of painful effort.

Bless your heart, you are a MAN! You (all) at best stumble through your relationships and at worst inadvertently destroy them with your emotional blundering.

Just tell her you're sorry, you love her, you were an insensitive jerk, you didn't mean it and you love her the way she is. Then...

Let her talk, until she's done. Don't interrupt, try to explain, or ask questions. Let her rant, rave, yell, cry, and work through everything she's got going on. When she's done, she'll be ready to either work on a way to fix things, or at least kiss and make up.

I've been married 15 years, and my husband still says something stupid every now and then, in a genuine effort to help me fix a problem that I just wanted his support on. The difference is that I see his efforts for what he I tends them to be, so I dont get as upset as I used to.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Bless your heart, you are a MAN! You (all) at best stumble through your relationships and at worst inadvertently destroy them with your emotional blundering.

Just tell her you're sorry, you love her, you were an insensitive jerk, you didn't mean it and you love her the way she is. Then...

Let her talk, until she's done. Don't interrupt, try to explain, or ask questions. Let her rant, rave, yell, cry, and work through everything she's got going on. When she's done, she'll be ready to either work on a way to fix things, or at least kiss and make up.

I've been married 15 years, and my husband still says something stupid every now and then, in a genuine effort to help me fix a problem that I just wanted his support on. The difference is that I see his efforts for what he I tends them to be, so I dont get as upset as I used to.

*blinks* *pauses* *opens mouth to speak* *stops*

Damn. Thank you. I know this. I *should* know this. But I didn't do it. I will.

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Injured my right knee playing volleyball a month ago, 2 days before a big snowboarding trip out in CO. Still went, and had a blast, and had another trip the very next weekend. Knee never had time to heal 100% and having begun SL 5x5 last week, discovered after performing barbell squats for the first time ever, it still needs more time. Stupid knee!!!

On a similar lunch theme, actually brought in a healthy lunch to work today. A coworker asked if I could help take his car to the shop, and he'll pay for my lunch as a thank you. Not going to pass on a free lunch, but that's my luck....now I'll be eating out today.

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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This has been driving me crazy for weeks now...

On the indoor track in the gym, there are signs EVERYWHERE giving instructions about which lane is for what. Lanes 1-3 are for running. Lane 4 is for walking. Very simple. Particularly useful for those of us doing Interval training. so STOP running in lane 4 and glaring at me when you have to move to the inside to pass. Also, this is not a place to walk 4-abreast with your friends and socialize. I would like to be running in that lane. If you want to socialize, there are stationary bikes/ellipticals/stair climbers on the inside of the track, go there instead and get out of my effing way!

whew, been needing to get that out for a while now!

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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Yeah, free food is always a problem. When clients visit there are always biscuits around the office, and of course during meetings everyone is very professional and self-controlled so very few of them actually get eaten... whole packs of them sitting around tempting me for days. Ugh.

I am totally with you and often have the same problem. i offered some fruits last time so it wasnt so bad to eat all the things that stayed when people left.

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God, the world would be so much better if people just knew how to read signs. Sympathy.


There were two guys running today. When they were running, they ran abreast in adjacent lanes. No issue there, they were running in the running lanes. If they came upon someone slower than they were in their lane, they would split around them, and continue running. No issues with them.

Then they stopped to walk and, holy cow, they BOTH WENT INTO THE WALKING LANE! These lanes are not 6" wide, two people can fit, although you can't be totally side-by-side unless you're super-friendly. I wanted to go give them high-5s for being able to follow directions.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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As a part of my training that I am taking part in, we are provided free lunches on tues/weds/thurs. This would normally be awesome but since the last few weeks I've been getting back on track with eating primal it is presenting a problem. So far the only places that they have been getting lunch from are all big carb places, sandwich shops, burritos, pizza, etc. It's driving me mad having to look like that guy every single lunch and order burgers in lettuce wraps or just plain pass on free food (madness!). Fortunately today after my crappy salad, another office function had leftover barbeque :love-struck:

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Major problem with running: I spent the next hour uncontrollably dry-hacking and trying not to barf, because I somehow destroy my throat EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO FOR A RUN. Negative reinforcement, grrr.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Major problem with running: I spent the next hour uncontrollably dry-hacking and trying not to barf, because I somehow destroy my throat EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO FOR A RUN. Negative reinforcement, grrr.

I know you want to decrease your mile time, but if you're having that much difficulty, try slowing down for a bit. I had that problem after I did some pretty intense intervals...my throat was scratchy for the rest of the day. It was intensely uncomfortable and I'd like to avoid that feeling again..so I'm gonna pace myself a little better the next time I try to do something like that.

Or, if you prefer commiseration, DUDE I know it sucks. Trying to look/act like a normal person for the rest of the day when you have school is very difficult when you are coughing/gagging every few words :D

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Slowing down doesn't really help, it's just the problem with breathing that hard for that long... slowing it down means I'm breathing hard for a longer time. Drinking water while I run doesn't see to do much.

Commiseration works :) I'm not gonna let it stop me.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I've never had much luck drinking water while running. I mostly just seem to spill it all over me. :D

I guess when I slow down I don't breathe as hard...so it wouldn't make my throat as raw. BUT if you stick with it, your body will eventually adapt so you're not breathing that hard anymore - you'll increase the efficiency with which you use oxygen so you won't need as much :) That approach will also work.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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