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The ARGH Thread

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Supposed to be competing in a kickboxing tournament on Saturday and in typical fashion I've gone and gotten my eye split open at training tonight. It's not severe but travel, accomodation etc. for this tournament won't be cheap and there's a fair chance that if I go either a) they don't let me fight to begin with or B) I get hit it the eye and get the cut reopened (which will likely mean pulling out). It needs to be booked up soonish so I'm basically left with a judgement call on whether I think my eye is going to have healed enough in 4 days to not be a problem



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Supposed to be competing in a kickboxing tournament on Saturday and in typical fashion I've gone and gotten my eye split open at training tonight. It's not severe but travel, accomodation etc. for this tournament won't be cheap and there's a fair chance that if I go either a) they don't let me fight to begin with or B) I get hit it the eye and get the cut reopened (which will likely mean pulling out). It needs to be booked up soonish so I'm basically left with a judgement call on whether I think my eye is going to have healed enough in 4 days to not be a problem


I know the eye area tends to heal really fast, so maybe you'll luck up and make your fight. Good luck!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Major problem with running: I spent the next hour uncontrollably dry-hacking and trying not to barf, because I somehow destroy my throat EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO FOR A RUN. Negative reinforcement, grrr.

I've never had this problem so I'm sorry if I sound silly (you can just quote my comment and have that be the ARGH comment of the day =P) but what if before running you drank some hot water with honey or some tea with honey? I've heard honey coats your throat so maybe that could help with some of the dryness? I know I'm going out on a limb here and really reaching but it was the first thing that popped into my head and if it should so happen to work I'd feel like a crappy person if I didn't say something. haha!

Fitocracy! | Running Trainer | Facebook | Twitter | Current Challenge Blog!

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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I will try that tomorrow! Tonight I had many little sips of water before I went out, not too many... but I ended up cramping up at the 25% mark pretty bad, had to slow to a walk TWICE. I have the shame. I didn't cramp because of the water, I dunno WHAT it was, but I just knew I felt like crap pretty much right when I started.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Minor argh - my bike went down this morning. There was a hose on the path, and I didn't cross it at enough of an angle, and my bike went sideways under me. Bit scary! But, I managed to land on my feet, just hit my shin off the handlebars a bit. And a passing cyclist slowed down to ask if I was alright, which was very nice of him. Still getting used to this "commuting by bike" business.

(I seem to have a lot of guys I don't know asking me if I'm okay lately. Probably because I keep being a klutz. Took a fly ball to the forehead on Sunday as well. D'oh.)

Supposed to be competing in a kickboxing tournament on Saturday and in typical fashion I've gone and gotten my eye split open at training tonight. It's not severe but travel, accomodation etc. for this tournament won't be cheap and there's a fair chance that if I go either a) they don't let me fight to begin with or B) I get hit it the eye and get the cut reopened (which will likely mean pulling out). It needs to be booked up soonish so I'm basically left with a judgement call on whether I think my eye is going to have healed enough in 4 days to not be a problem

Oh my goodness. Wincing just reading that. A cut? On your eye?! AUGHhghlble oh god

I'm glad you're okay. What a pain about the tournament. Could you contact the organizers and ask them about it?

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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Oh my goodness. Wincing just reading that. A cut? On your eye?! AUGHhghlble oh god

I'm glad you're okay. What a pain about the tournament. Could you contact the organizers and ask them about it?

It's not actually on my eye, it curves just around the eye on the eyelid and surrounding skin. It's healed up a bit today and I've got a black eye but you would probably miss the cut if you didn't know it was there. It will probably be unlikely that they won't let me fight if I go, simply because it just looks like a black eye at this point, but if the cut gets reopened in a fight they probably won't take any risks (what with the location) and I'll have to withdraw. Just have to see



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It's mostly the thought of sedation- it's never bothered me in the past, but the previous times I had anesthesia I was in so much pain I didn't have time or energy to worry. I've had the other two out at different times and I didn't have a hard time, but everyone keeps talking like it's going to be miserable this time and that makes my already twitchy self even worse- kind of like the Sneaky Hate Spiral except it's the Sneaky Nerves Spiral. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/05/sneaky-hate-spiral.html

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I wish people would stop looking at me funny when I'm practicing my kipping pullups (which right now is just kipping "using your core to get momentum" without the pullup) I do this at my regular 24 hour gym as I'm not actually pulling myself up on the bar it looks like I'm just swinging and people give me these annoyed looks like WHY YU PLAYING TAKING UP SO MUCH SPACE?!?

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I wish people would stop looking at me funny when I'm practicing my kipping pullups (which right now is just kipping "using your core to get momentum" without the pullup) I do this at my regular 24 hour gym as I'm not actually pulling myself up on the bar it looks like I'm just swinging and people give me these annoyed looks like WHY YU PLAYING TAKING UP SO MUCH SPACE?!?

The ONLY thing to do in that situation is to laugh manically. Preferably like the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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The ONLY thing to do in that situation is to laugh manically. Preferably like the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.


The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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@Thrillho, the cramping was probably due to improper breathing technique/trying to go too fast :P I'm not trying to harp, I promise! I just used to have this problem, is all. Part of the challenge of cramping is to breathe THROUGH the cramp...and if you can't/don't, it just gets worse :/

@Aurora - that sounds like no fun. I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out when I was younger and it sucked. But yours will probably be better than mine :)

@Centurion - I hope your eye heals. That sucks :/

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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My ARGH for the week - yesterday I went to swim laps for the first time in a looooong time (probably about 10 years since I raced!). The first mistake I made (pretty good form though, hooray!) was swimming like I was racing: way too quickly for not having done it in a while. This led to being out of breath waaaay too quickly, and then at around 500m, my toe cramped up! Uncomfortable. I tried stretching it out and swimming the rest of my distance, but no such luck - my whole foot then started cramping! Oh well. I got in a pretty good length for how long it's been since I last swam, and this just means I'll have to try again!

Level 1 Wood Elf Druid

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 1 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 3


First Challenge

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Major problem with running: I spent the next hour uncontrollably dry-hacking and trying not to barf, because I somehow destroy my throat EVERY SINGLE TIME I GO FOR A RUN. Negative reinforcement, grrr.

I hate that!! I physically can't do cardio without having water on hand. A few days ago I was sprinting hard to catch a bus -- I didn't think I'd make it, but I did -- but my water bottle was empty and I spent the entire ride home trying not to annoy all the other passengers with my uncontrollable hacking.

Argh for the day is yesterday was my husband's grandfather's birthday and i ended up eating waaay too much. One does not simpy refuse my grandmother-in-law's cake...

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To preface - I LOVE my friends and am extraordinarily happy that all of them are thrilled with their lives. The problem: Why do 3/4s of the things I see on Facebook have to be about marriages/relationships and babies? I know it's the place to share your joyness, so I shouldn't be this way.... I guess maybe I'm just jealous. I want all of those things for my life too and am usually pretty good at just living and ignoring the things I can't force, but sometimes I'm just bothered by seeing it all over the place =/ Makes me feel like a bad friend.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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To preface - I LOVE my friends and am extraordinarily happy that all of them are thrilled with their lives. The problem: Why do 3/4s of the things I see on Facebook have to be about marriages/relationships and babies? I know it's the place to share your joyness, so I shouldn't be this way.... I guess maybe I'm just jealous. I want all of those things for my life too and am usually pretty good at just living and ignoring the things I can't force, but sometimes I'm just bothered by seeing it all over the place =/ Makes me feel like a bad friend.

It doesn't make you a bad friend: It makes you human. At least I hope so, because I feel the same way.

I just got out of a really crappy relationship with my son's father and while I'm happy to be out of that manipulative, emotionally unstable, mentally abusive relationship I really feel alone. I miss having someone to lay next to me at night. Those lonely nights are really tough then I go on Facebook to make myself feel better and I'm surrounded by happiness. I'm thrilled for my friends, I really am. But I have nobody to be miserable with. =( I feel like when I try and talk to them about it all I get is "You'll find somebody, it's okay. Honestly, I miss being single. It's so free!" No, sweetheart, you don't. If you did you wouldn't be in a relationship. Now stop trying to make me feel better by saying that my life will get better. Just listen! >.<


Fitocracy! | Running Trainer | Facebook | Twitter | Current Challenge Blog!

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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It doesn't make you a bad friend: It makes you human. At least I hope so, because I feel the same way.

I just got out of a really crappy relationship with my son's father and while I'm happy to be out of that manipulative, emotionally unstable, mentally abusive relationship I really feel alone. I miss having someone to lay next to me at night. Those lonely nights are really tough then I go on Facebook to make myself feel better and I'm surrounded by happiness. I'm thrilled for my friends, I really am. But I have nobody to be miserable with. =( I feel like when I try and talk to them about it all I get is "You'll find somebody, it's okay. Honestly, I miss being single. It's so free!" No, sweetheart, you don't. If you did you wouldn't be in a relationship. Now stop trying to make me feel better by saying that my life will get better. Just listen! >.<


I know! I was trying to talk to my sister-in-law about this recently... and she just couldn't understand. It's been "easy" for her. She and my brother have been married for almost two years (they dated for almost five years before) and she's still almost blissfully in love with him. And she's convinced that if you WISH for something hard enough it will happen (She didn't even say hi to my brother in their college class, she was going to wait for him to talk to her. The only role she took in being proactive was to wish on her eyelashes ever morning. She got lucky.). I was just trying to explain to her that I don't want to EXPECT things to happen, because nothing works out the way you think it will. And then I ended up getting really upset because she wouldn't understand my meaning. She thought I was being defeatist and saying I'd never find someone. So then when I got upset and started crying it only "confirmed" that I was really emotional about the topic. Gaaaah! I don't MIND being single. Sure, I'd love to be in a good relationship with a nice guy, but I'm working on being happy with just myself and if someone comes along to join me, it'll be a bonus. Right now my only relationship goal is to find someone to make out with.... :P

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I know! I was trying to talk to my sister-in-law about this recently... and she just couldn't understand. It's been "easy" for her. She and my brother have been married for almost two years (they dated for almost five years before) and she's still almost blissfully in love with him. And she's convinced that if you WISH for something hard enough it will happen (She didn't even say hi to my brother in their college class, she was going to wait for him to talk to her. The only role she took in being proactive was to wish on her eyelashes ever morning. She got lucky.). I was just trying to explain to her that I don't want to EXPECT things to happen, because nothing works out the way you think it will. And then I ended up getting really upset because she wouldn't understand my meaning. She thought I was being defeatist and saying I'd never find someone. So then when I got upset and started crying it only "confirmed" that I was really emotional about the topic. Gaaaah! I don't MIND being single. Sure, I'd love to be in a good relationship with a nice guy, but I'm working on being happy with just myself and if someone comes along to join me, it'll be a bonus. Right now my only relationship goal is to find someone to make out with.... :P

Haha! I love the last part. That's what I miss. And cuddling. Everything else is whatever. I'm learning to love myself again because a lot of that got shattered and I need to focus on MY goals. But I wouldn't mind waking up next to somebody. lol.

Fitocracy! | Running Trainer | Facebook | Twitter | Current Challenge Blog!

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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Only problem is the only guys I ever hang out with are either married, in a serious relationship, or are my brother. I haven't been trying hard enough to find people to hang out with I guess.... Well, there were some guys that I knew through work last summer.... but they live 5 hours drive away. That's no good. Adding that to the list of things to do: find cuddle buddy :P

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Right now I'm staying with my dad miles and miles and miles away from all of my friends. That, and all of my guy friends are friendzoned and/or in a relationship/married. Gah! Haha. I currently lack a social life because all of my time is devoted to working out, finding a job, finding a lawyer, and planning my best friend's wedding. Double GAH! lol

I need a life.

Fitocracy! | Running Trainer | Facebook | Twitter | Current Challenge Blog!

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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Right now I'm staying with my dad miles and miles and miles away from all of my friends. That, and all of my guy friends are friendzoned and/or in a relationship/married. Gah! Haha. I currently lack a social life because all of my time is devoted to working out, finding a job, finding a lawyer, and planning my best friend's wedding. Double GAH! lol

I need a life.

I'd say it kind of sounds like you have a life.... might not be the life you envisioned, but you're keeping plenty busy I'm guessing. I always say I don't have a life, but somehow I never feel like I have time.... maybe I'm spending too much time on the NF forums... :P

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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