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So this is where introductions go eh? Well I'm not sure where to start so I am just going to belch out as much info about me as possible and it'll have to do.


My forum/character/WoW character/etc name is Baxtan.  Real life name is Dennis and I am a 33 year old that works in the Justice department of my Province.  I am from Brandon, Manitoba, Canada and have a 5 year old Husky/Malamute/Direwolf cross named Kodi.  


My fitness journey started back in 2012 when I adopted many principles of the Paleo diet/lifestyle and began working out regularly.  I went from 242 lbs all the way down to 190 lbs in approximately 6 months.  I continued that journey for the next year or so and then started listening to all the haters.  They said that I wouldn't be able to keep eating a paleo inspired diet, that eventually I would have to start eating more AND eating grains again in order to fuel my workouts properly.  Well this lead to me gaining back a bunch of weight, which lead to me feeling shitty, which lead to me not working out and eating whatever I wanted again.  Now I am back around 230lbs and starting over.  


Luckily enough I have a awesome Crossfit gym that is local to me, with an awesome coach that I am pretty comfortable at.  I am just not sure where to start diet wise.  I kind of want to go back to a paleo'ish diet and just say "fuck the haters" and do what I know works.  Reach my goals and make small adjustments at that point... if necessary.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I believe the last time I lost the weight I was hitting roughly 2000-2200 cals a day, with always at least 160g or protein and roughly 100g of carbs.  


I'm also struggling with the fact that my mind keeps dragging me back to when I was "in shape" and the things that I was capable of back then.  I mean at one point I went for a 5k run just for the heck of it because I was bored on a Sunday morning.  If I tried to do that now... well let's just say that it wouldn't be pretty.  Guess I just have to focus on where I'm at now and regaining the strength and endurance that I have lost.  One day at at time. 


So that's me and my fitness journey in a nutshell.  Somewhat unorganized and a bit of a rant, but hopefully it gives all you nice people an idea of where I'm at and where I'm hoping to go! 


Looking forward to getting to know all of you.  



Hitting the reset button! Let's GO!


Previous Challenges: 1 2

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Welcome to the Rebellion against the Hatempire. No, not Hat Empire. That would be silly.


Anyway, it sounds like you mainly need some encouragement! You know what works for you, and we're here to cheer you on!


Also, yay huskies! I have a five year old purebred named Banshee (who earned the crap out of her name).

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Rangers, ho!


My Character and Epic Quest

My current Challenge

Previous Challenges: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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It's hard when you've been there before and then you feel like you're starting all over again after life knocked you down. I'm in the same boat and am learning to go easy on myself, because the reality is that I can't do those things that I used to do right now. But I want to, and I'm working on getting back to it. 


I don't know if this will help you or not, but it seems to be working for me so far. I decided to completely start over with a blank slate for all new PRs. It's not good for my brain to be feeling like, "Oh, I only lifted XX today when I used to be able to lift ZZ," and I think it tends to be easy to feel like that when you're starting over. Instead, I'm celebrating the fact that I lifted XX today when I could only lift XX minus 10 last week. 

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Welcome to the Rebellion!


Diet-wise, you'll find folks here who are vegan, Paleo, pegan, as-long-as-it-fits-my-macros, calorie counters, carb counters, and everything else that you can think of. There are several nutrition-related forum threads where you can find information, advice, and recipes for pretty much any eating plan might want to try.


My suggestion is to start with what you know from experience works for you and go from there. When you were eating Paleo-ish, what were your favorite meals? Resurrect a few standbys. Then hop on over to the 4-week challenge threads and start a diet-based challenge - something simple like "prep my lunches on the weekend" or "eat a vegetable with dinner." We are just starting on Week two of the current challenge, so your timing is perfect for a practice run.


As for the haters ... my technique is avoidance. I just don't talk about what I'm eating or why. If someone asks what is that weird concoction I just nuked for lunch, I shrug and say "Just leftovers." If someone offers me a slice of office cake, I'll say that I'll get one later. Or if I think that they'll be the pushy type, I fib and say I already had one. A simple, minimal response usually satisfies idle curiosity.


As for those who feel the need to start attacking success (and why do so many feel the need to do so?) with the "you'll never be able to stick to it - it's a fad - all your weight loss is just water - but you NEED grains for energy" nonsense, don't engage. Keep your response short and non-committal, like "Maybe so." People like that are looking for an argument. Don't give them one.


I hope that helps a little. Good luck on your journey!

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"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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On 10/3/2016 at 3:46 PM, imprimis5 said:


Also, yay huskies! I have a five year old purebred named Banshee (who earned the crap out of her name).


Yup my Husky "talks" a lot too!  Always entertaining and never a dull moment hah. 


On 10/4/2016 at 10:51 AM, Blueberries said:


I don't know if this will help you or not, but it seems to be working for me so far. I decided to completely start over with a blank slate for all new PRs. It's not good for my brain to be feeling like, "Oh, I only lifted XX today when I used to be able to lift ZZ," and I think it tends to be easy to feel like that when you're starting over. Instead, I'm celebrating the fact that I lifted XX today when I could only lift XX minus 10 last week. 


Tbh I have never thought about doing this before.  I am so used to thinking "this WOD would've never killed me like this before"  and "how embarrassing, I can't believe I'm this tired".  That's a good idea... starting over with a blank slate!  I will definitely do this.  Now just gotta get around the idea that others are judging me for not being totally committed to working out this past year and a bit and sliding so far lol. 



Anywho thanks for the advice everyone! It's much appreciated!  I am already starting to feel the positive vibes and wanting to get back to the gym ASAP. 


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Hitting the reset button! Let's GO!


Previous Challenges: 1 2

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