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Time to play Top 5!

Name your top 5 all-time favorite video games (If you can).

1. Zelda (Ocrina)

2. CoD (MW2) (MW3 atm)

3. Frogger/Galatica

4. FF7 (&11)

5. Super Mario :D

6. Oregon Trail (Ok its 6 but I loved this game when I was a kid and played for hours)

Oh and remember the game you could play in Microsoft excel when it first came out? Row 99?

And yes I feel guilty Mortal Kombat isn't on here but it'd be #7. In my defense I have the ringtone...

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1. Ocarina of Time - no question, absolute favourite game ever and, IMO, best game of all time. I think what makes this one for me is the combination of a fantastic game and nostalgic childhood memories (all my friends playing it at the same time and before anyone really had internet so we discovered all the secrets on our own or by telling each other what we'd found). Love Majora's Mask as well and I love the artistic style of it but I didn't play it until it came out with the Zelda Collector's Edition on Gamecube so it doesn't have the same attachment for me

2. Golden Sun - this was my first real forage into turn-based RPGs (with the exception of Pokemon) and I loved it. Again I first played this at a time when a few of my mates were also playing it so that added to the enjoyment. The sequel is also great (haven't played the DS one yet) and I couldn't really pick between them as they are essentially part 1 and 2 of a bigger game

3. Deus Ex - not quite sure what it was about this game that I loved so much, possibly just that it was so varied and you could tackle each level in so many different ways depending on how you wanted to play the game. Add to that a great story that utilised a number of conspiracy theories and I was hooked.

4. Banjo-Kazooie - another nostalgic game from my childhood. Banjo-Tooie was great as well but having played them both recently through XBLA there were more parts in BK that I remembered playing or gave me an "oh yeah, forgot about that"-kinda moment than there were in BT.

5. Mass Effect - any of the series so far (currently playing ME3 so will reserve judgement for when I've finished it). Absolutely loved the first one. The second one was fantastic as well but I think the combination of it being completely new and, once again, nostalgia make the first one my favourite

Honourable Mentions:

  • Bioshock - loved both of these and can't wait for Infinite but when it came down to it they just don't have the depth/length that some of these have
  • Arkham Asylum - really love this game and considered putting it in the top 5, I think it may well be in a couple of years once it has the added nostalgia factor

I'm sure there are some that I've just completely forgotten about



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Top 5

Really hard now that I think of it...

1. Its the first game that I think I really got attached to.

Ogre battle 64 -Person of Lordly Caliber

Why? The battle system, a cross between RPG and RTS. It worked, the world its self. Old gods, demons, corruption taking over, back stabbing, and not to mention customizability of your squads!

2. Chrono Trigger

Why? The characters, the story, TIME FREAKING TRAVEL, and a feeling of being apart of something truly epic.

3. Red Alert 2


4. FFT/FF9 (together because its Final Fantasy)

Why? FFT for the battle system, and the customizability.(SCREW THE ENDING still <3 it though, worst part is you know its coming)

FF9, Proves that Characters are the driving force behind any amazing game.

5. Borderlands

I think 30 hrs plus of play time talk for itself, and that was with out any add-ons.

Why? Looting, Guns, cool enemies, intriguing story(until the end bit), Clap-traps, Guns, four really cool classes (Who brings fists to a gunfight? Brick!), Flaming Fists, Amazing DLC (Zombies, Arena to the death, loot the big old base, CLAP TRAP REVENGE), Guns, and More guns.

those are the ones that come to my sleep deprived brain, maybe some more later on : D

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1. Metal Gear Solid

This was the first game I finished after I learned a bit of english, so I understood the story. And I have to admit it was so good it literaly made me cry at the end.

2. Fable: The Lost Chapter

I like the game mechanics and the story was so simple and fairy-tale-like that I simply love the game (and made my nickname from it).

3.Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

My favorite of PoP series. Best combat mechanics, best platforming, best bosses, everything was just right in this one. Something was always missing or didn't feel right in the others. (Prince of Persia from 2008 is great too, but it's completely new game with different story)

4. Warcraft III

Good story and I've spent a lot of time playing this. And then WoW came out...

5. Assassin's Creed series

I saw the

right after it came out and nobody even heard about it yet (only PoP fans propably). At that moment I knew it's gonna be epic game and will become so famous as it is now. The only reason why it's not in the first place for me it's because I've never played it.

Why? Because the first one was full of bugs, glitches and other bs I couldn't stand and I don't have nerves of steel. And because story is so important in this game I never even started to play any of the sequels. So I looked up the story on the internet and that's it.

My introduction My 6-week challenge

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I apologize for any grammar errors in my posts. English is a foreign language for me.

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ohhhh good topic!

just got offline from playing battlefield3, but as awesome as that game is it's possibly not in my top 5.

1. Battlefield 2, my first introduction into multiplayer shooters!

2. Grand theft auto vice city, I lost so many hours in this game. First sandbox game i really invested time in.

3. The Forza series, I love fast cars, modding cars... if you saw my real life car you wouldn't know it.

4. mass effect series, probably because I am playing the 3rd one right now, but I have loved the story line and the gameplay of each one.

5. Commnd and conquer, lots of time lost in the original red alert.

So many honorable mentions, like battlefield3, cod 4 and cod MW2, mafia 2, GTA 4, skyrim... I could think of more, but wont

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I'm a sucker for puzzle games....

1. Tetris (I'm a tetris master 'round these here parts, not to brag or anything.)

2. Paper Mario (The first game I ever completed 100%!)

3. Dragonage (My first RPG game, still working through it)

4. Portal (puzzles, cake, and a snarky narrator? yes, please.)

5. Super Mario

Level 1 Wood Elf Druid

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 1 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 3


First Challenge

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Awesome topic!!

1 - Final Fantasy III (VI)

- Best FF and RPG ever. Characters, storyline, epicness, 2 worlds, actual consequences for decisions...

2 - Chrono Trigger

- Second best RPG of all time. Multiple endings, awesome battle system, and again, Squaresoft story telling

3 - World of Warcraft

- Played FF 11 first and refused WoW for a long time. Finally caved, rolled myself a Dwarf hunter. Probably logged more hours in this game more than any other game out there, and I'm just a casual WoW player

4 - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

- Hands down, the best Castlevania ever made. Probably my favorite side scroller/platformer too. Once you think you are about to beat the game, you realize you're only half way there!

5 - Lunar: The Silver Star

- An RPG with a special place in my heart. Loved this under-appreciated Sega CD title. Played the whole game through with a friend back in middle school. Good times!

6 - All other Final Fantasy games

- Just because all of them deserve to be on a list (except Mystic Quest).

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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This is hard to narrow down:

1. Super Mario Bros. (grew up with this, great music, good platforming)

2. Gekkeuji Online (free MMO that I used to play and will play again when the totally new version comes out)

3. TMNT IV: Turtles In Time (love turtles and the cooperative multiplayer)

4. SSX Tricky (great music and controls)

5. Just Dance 3 (fun to play with my sons, though we have several dancing games that we rotate through)

Honorable mention: I used to always say Donkey Kong was my favorite game (great music especially the menacing intro, but more and more I get bored of the actual gameplay).

Level 26, Primal Ultra Trail Scout, Non-Binary Robot


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I can think of 40 different games I loved like remember the original Sims games building the cities, awesome. Area 51 classic and there were hundreds of hours spent on pirate games lol.

All in all videogames were and are a huge part of my life. Except WoW. I couldn't get into it which worked out cause its a soul sucking game :P

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Wake Your Dreams...

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Well I've pretty much given up my "gamer" ways, but back in the days here's what I consider my Top 5.

1. Diablo II - I've never played a game so much for so long. I bought Diablo 2 as soon as it was released in the Summer of 2000. However, it didn't peak with me until I got to college in the fall of 2001 and the LAN parties began. We would have whole dorm halls playing this game at MTU. Hacking and slashing our way through level after level of demonic goons. It doesn't get better then this IMO. Sure, it probably ranks highest on my list simply because of the fact it was with so many great friends from my college years, but we played this from 2001 and we were still playing during my final year in 2006 (not as much but it would still make an appearance for the Friday night fun fest every once in awhile) and it was still fun.

2. Final Fantasy VII - The first PS FF game. When that came out I remember being so enthralled with because it was so beautiful. Graphics were on a whole new level compared to what was on the Super Nintendo. I spent so many hours getting every single part of that game. I played it for months upon months. It had such a great storyline with [spoiler ALERT!!!] one of the main characters dying unexpectedly. I remember actually getting a little teared up out of shear surprise and anger at Sephiroth when he ran his giant sword through Aeris.

3. Grand Theft Auto III - Again, it was another "game changer". It was such a graphical marvel to have the huge world where you could literally just drive and drive and drive without a purpose in the game other then you just wanted to. All the GTAs that have come since have been great games, but none really enthralled me like the first made by Rockstar on the PS2.

4. Final Fantasy III (or IV) - Amazing super long intricate story, amazing battle system, super fun, addicting as hell. Great RPG. Even today, I have people play this first if they have never played an RPG so they can know what a great story is. You got involved in ALL the characters stories and there was a ton of characters in that game. Probably the all around best RPG ever IMO.

5. Gran Turismo 3 - I'm beginning to sense a trend in my game choices. Again, this was such a graphical marvel. The cars looked so real! The tracks looked authentic! You could configure every aspect of a car (gear ratios, suspension dynamics, transmission gearings, tire choices, engine parameters). Plus the shear amount of cars you could buy! Super fun... one game I've never gotten sick of (still playing GT5 now, pretty much the last game I play).

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1. Mega Man 2 - Classic / Nostalgia factor

2. Final Fantasy VII - For all the reasons everyone ever gives

3. I Wanna Be The Guy - beat it... once, lots of Pressing 'R' to Try Again :(

4. DoDonPachi - I love me some Bullet Hell SHMUPS

5. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Favorite game on SNES


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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Mario/Super Mario/Mario RPG/Paper Mario - Anything Mario I grew up with Mario

Galaga/Galaxian - I think I personally invested in the pizza place down the street because of this game.

Earthbound-just awesome

Puzzle Games -Tetris/Klax/Dr Mario

Sonic -the original Sonic games on the Sega.

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform. "-Mark Twain
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.†– Winston Churchill
“You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety.†– Abraham Maslow

Wood Elf Adventurer LEVEL 6.817
Stats: STR-18.62 DEX-8.22 STA-19.05 CON-29.72 WIS-30.26 CHA-22.73

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Might be showing my age here (although I am still a gamer) these games came to mind first so I went with them.

1. BurgerTime

2. Dig Dug

3. Qbert

4. Commandos

5. Robotron

“Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.†Horace

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I used to spend so many hours on Heroes of Might and Magic! I had actually almost forgot about it.

My top 5 are (series, and not individual games):

1) Tomb Raider - arguably the first game I ever played, and still play to this day

2) Assassin's Creed - I've only played 1 and 2 so far, but I loved them both so much

3) Spyro - nothing beats the simplicity of charging or flaming those enemies and looking for treasure

4) Legend of Zelda - admittedly I've only played Twilight Princess, but I plan to go back through them when I have more time

5) Final Fantasy - self explanatory, I believe

Honorable Mention: Dance Dance Revolution - stepping on arrows = dancing? Yes, please.

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