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I have a groupie

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There is this lady at work, and she's really nice. She had surgery in 2010 - I don't know if it was lap band or what, but it was one of those surgical weight loss things. She looks great! She's still got some extra fat/skin she's trying to get rid of.

She is my groupie.

Anything I do, she wants to do. Running? She wants to do it. Lifting? She wants to do it. During our plank challenge, she did planks. She keeps asking me for advice on what exercises to do. I keep telling her to do squats and lunges. I've given her New Rules of Lifting for Women to read during her downtime. I've told her a little bit about the Paleo diet, and now she says things like, "I want a bagel but I'm trying not to be bad."

I mean, it's kind of cute. But on the other hand, she doesn't seem to be taking any of this to heart. Does that make sense? She just got back from having some cosmetic surgery for her extra skin and I am pretty sure she is cleared to exercise...but I'm pretty sure she's not really. She's talked about buying NROL4W but I don't know if she's going to.

This is kind of rambly. But I have a groupie. It's weird.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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What's "NROL4W" ?

Sounds like she might be jumping right in!

But I can see where you're coming from and I also see that she might be drowning in a few weeks...you know?

A quick google search says that it's a book called New Rules of Lifting for Women

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I have the same problem at work. It gets old really quick. I had started losing weight back in August when the business office held a small "Biggest Loser" contest. About 20 people in with some cash in a pot a paycheck for three months. I started doing interval training and cut bad carbs. I slaughtered the competition with 17% weight loss. The next closes was 12%. Long story short, marketing caught wind of this and now it's a *thing*. Everyone asks me for advise. If I turn a corner and see someone eating a chocolate bar they hide it and say "You didn't see that!" like I'm the food police. People are always looking over my shoulder at what I order in the cafe. People have told me that I'm their inspiration. That's a lot of damn pressure for someone who's kind of a private person! Sometimes I just want to bury my face in a chocolate cake. =/

In training to be awesome! :highly_amused:

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I can relate a bit. I work for a big company, and a lot of people see that I work out on my lunch break, avoid the office treats, and turn down lunch invitations. So I get a lot of people asking for advice how to start a fitness regimen. I just tell them to get moving is key, and that it's 80% diet. Not sure what else to say, since I'm no expert.

just keep on trucking...

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At least she seems to be soaking in some of the info right? When people ask me now I just say "I ate healthy and exercised. No sugar. Better carbs." They usually expect some cheat. I actually had a nurse reply "You mean you did it without drugs???" *smacks head*

In training to be awesome! :highly_amused:

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If I turn a corner and see someone eating a chocolate bar they hide it and say "You didn't see that!" like I'm the food police.

That was hard for me to deal with, too. I ate salads everyday for a while, and this woman took it as a condemnation of what she was eating. So then she would get a big-assed salad, too. Then when she got sick of eating salads, she tried to convince me to eat 'just a little' bit of this or that.

Shrug. I know I used to have big(ger) food issues that I probably tried to push onto others...


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

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"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



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Eesh. I can imagine how that would be weird. Well, try to stay positive, maybe she'll take some of it to heart. I mean, wanting to get large folds of skin taken care of surgically is understandable, at least. Although it's kind of unfortunate that she went for a lap band type thing in the first place. They really encourage small portion sizes and give a lot of advice and emphasis on health after those surgeries, though, so maybe she's being particularly conscious about it right now. Might be a good time to be helping her.

At least she seems to be soaking in some of the info right? When people ask me now I just say "I ate healthy and exercised. No sugar. Better carbs." They usually expect some cheat. I actually had a nurse reply "You mean you did it without drugs???" *smacks head*

Oh man. I have had this too. There's one girl in particular who is really unfortunate about it... I don't mean to be judgmental, especially because I know how screwed up her family act towards her about it, but... she's really very overweight. And yet when I first started, she gave me this huge thing of advice on "how to get stronger without building unsightly muscle" and all kinds of "creative and healthy" food ideas like packing a large tupperware box full of zucchini sticks and eating ONLY THAT, constantly, throughout the day. And now that I have lost a lot of weight, she goes "wow that's great how did you do it" and I don't think she really believes my answers. I offered to do C25K with her, but no go. I occasionally see her on facebook talking about how she's ordered a huge amount of senna tea and intends to survive on that and lemons for the next week. Bleh. I try to stay positive with her too. (Geez, this has turned into some sort of rant..)

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She definitely seems like a bandwagon jumper. She is sooo nice though...I hate to be mean about her. But she's drinking some kind of "green juice," and she brought in an entire gallon of alkaline water...and I was like...wtf is alkaline water.

Anyway it's just weird; I've never had a groupie before and I just kind of don't know how to deal with it because she doesn't seem like she's actually going to follow through with anything. She told me (before she came back from her surgery) that she was going to get Brazilian Butt Lift and she wanted me to be her trainer.....?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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She might just be jumping in at the deep end and isnt sure yet what she wants to do so is trying everything. Unfortunately if she tries tonnes of things in a week, by week two she'll have either burned herself out or gotten bored quickly! I think you should try to be encouraging and hopefully she'll find something that suits her and wont need to bombard you with questions, you never know, you two could end up sharing tips! Becoming the "food police" sounds like a drag though. You don't want colleagues acting like they have to be all secretive about what their eating around you!


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Aw, groupies. <3 Sounds like students. XD

I hope she does decide to stick with something! One of the things that *really* frustrates me is how people expect to find the magic pill, or the magic exercise, or the magic THING that will "melt off 10 lbs in a week!" <- quote from magazine I saw this week. *facepalm*


Like everything else in life. =_= All my stupid little piano students who DON'T PRACTICE, and then their parents' complain they aren't making any progress. Well, DUH. They're not *working* at it. "But they practiced for an hour and half before their lesson yesterday!" 1 1/2 hours is not going to counterbalance 6 days of no practice. Just like fasting for a day and working out like mad is not going to counterbalance 6 days of overindulgence, and sedentariness. =_= ...

Sorry. That ... kinda turned into a rant... Oops.

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Having said that, a copycat can get tiresome. Especially if its a colleague that decides to copy you by entering two half marathons in one month and then parade it around the office, collecting donations for the charity you were going to raise money for and completely overshadowing the fact that you're doing this huge challenge as well [/rant]


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Having said that, a copycat can get tiresome. Especially if its a colleague that decides to copy you by entering two half marathons in one month and then parade it around the office, collecting donations for the charity you were going to raise money for and completely overshadowing the fact that you're doing this huge challenge as well [/rant]

Wow. Just wow.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Having said that, a copycat can get tiresome. Especially if its a colleague that decides to copy you by entering two half marathons in one month and then parade it around the office, collecting donations for the charity you were going to raise money for and completely overshadowing the fact that you're doing this huge challenge as well [/rant]

Fail. :(

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Having said that, a copycat can get tiresome. Especially if its a colleague that decides to copy you by entering two half marathons in one month and then parade it around the office, collecting donations for the charity you were going to raise money for and completely overshadowing the fact that you're doing this huge challenge as well [/rant]

Run it faster than her.

Significantly faster.

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