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Depression :(

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I'm all bummed out for a bunch of different reasons, some petty, some not-so petty.

I've been eating entirely too much sugar and other kinds of crap, and I haven't worked out for the last two days. I'm going to try to resume my regular workout today, but my energy level is crap as a result of not working out and eating crap.

The worst thing is that, when I get like this, I know what to do to make myself feel like me again- work out and eat better... but sometimes it's hard to get the motivation.

So, anyways, Just looking for a little support before I kick myself off the internet ( http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?9860-The-Procrastination-Demons ) and go the gym...


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



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Yeah... you know what it all is. Ups and downs, and we all fall off the wall once in a while.

The thing that's been helping me a lot lately is that somewhere it said, and I can't remember where, that one of the best measures of a program is how quickly you come back to the program after a stumble. That always makes it easier for me to come back.

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The thing that's been helping me a lot lately is that somewhere it said, and I can't remember where, that one of the best measures of a program is how quickly you come back to the program after a stumble. That always makes it easier for me to come back.

So true. In the past I would have said "I haven't exercised for two weeks..." not two days.

I heard this awesome quote about habits- to paraphrase, if we feed our bad habits, they get stronger, and if we feed our good habits, they get stronger. My good habits are definitely getting stronger, so that's awesome, and makes me feel better.

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“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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UNI baby...giving you a big hug....sometimes it's hormones and sometimes you have to treat yourself gently and give yourself a little break. We had a very upsetting thing happen this weekend (not to hijack your thread) where my daughter's mom died after her dad committed suicide 2 months ago...it put things into perspective for me sure, but kicking myself in the ass to do something when i feel sad or down or unmotivated isn't going to make it better...give yourself some love--give yourself a little treat (do you love nice hot baths or a face mask or a nice cup of tea with a silly movie? Wall-E always makes me feel better!

Also, if you are craving sugar and you haven't before now, maybe you are missing a nutrient in your diet. Try eating a very nutrient dense meal with lots of essential fatty acids and dark greens and see if that doesn't make you feel better...

big hugs--this is but a tiny bump in the awesome kick assed roadtrip that is your life!


The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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UNI baby...giving you a big hug....sometimes it's hormones and sometimes you have to treat yourself gently and give yourself a little break. We had a very upsetting thing happen this weekend (not to hijack your thread) where my daughter's mom died after her dad committed suicide 2 months ago...it put things into perspective for me sure, but kicking myself in the ass to do something when i feel sad or down or unmotivated isn't going to make it better...give yourself some love--give yourself a little treat (do you love nice hot baths or a face mask or a nice cup of tea with a silly movie? Wall-E always makes me feel better!

Also, if you are craving sugar and you haven't before now, maybe you are missing a nutrient in your diet. Try eating a very nutrient dense meal with lots of essential fatty acids and dark greens and see if that doesn't make you feel better...

big hugs--this is but a tiny bump in the awesome kick assed roadtrip that is your life!


Thank you! And I'm sorry to hear about your losses.

I'm craving sugar because I'm addicted to it- my brain loves the high and crash that it causes. Since I don't drink or use drugs anymore, sugar is my back-up drug. But I probably am missing some nutrients now that I've been eating crap for the last four or five days.

I'm finally going to get off the internets, right now, and I'm going to try to have a kick ass workout. I'm hoping to have a 1297 point workout, because then I'll be bumped up to Level 16.

Thanks for your encouraging words!


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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I hope you get through your depression soon. I'm prone to bouts myself, and I'm actually pretty hopeful about this exercise kick as it seems to counteract it a little. My approach at the moment is that, if I feel good, I reward myself with exercise. If I feel down, I punish myself with it. :beaten: Either way, I come out feeling great - at least, for a little while. It's just as much a drug treatment approach as a hit of sugar.

I'm finally going to get off the internets, right now, and I'm going to try to have a kick ass workout. I'm hoping to have a 1297 point workout, because then I'll be bumped up to Level 16.

I'm still very new to this site, so how does this points thing work? I consider myself still at level one (hey, I haven't even picked a class yet, though I have an idea which way I'll go). Points could really motivate me.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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I struggle with depression as well...it's tough! Something that helps me weather the storm is trying to remember that life is a series of hills and valleys...sometimes I'm high, sometimes I'm low. When I'm low, I try to remember "this too shall pass." If that doesn't work, I allow myself a day to wallow in my misery and then try to get on with my life.

When all else fails, NAPS. :)

*hugs* I hope you feel better soon!!!! Kick your workout's ass!

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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I'm still very new to this site, so how does this points thing work? I consider myself still at level one (hey, I haven't even picked a class yet, though I have an idea which way I'll go). Points could really motivate me.

Ooops, that's Fitocracy.com points. This site turned me on to Fitocracy, and I love it. I ended up doing a 1379 point workout, woop woop!

It's nice to meet you, and to meet another person who deals with depression as well. I agree that exercise does wonders! I feel a million times better.

ETA: if you want to give Fitocracy a try, you need an invite. Message me, and I'll give you my invite code.


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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Thank you everyone for your support! I really appreciate it :)

When I'm low, I try to remember "this too shall pass." If that doesn't work, I allow myself a day to wallow in my misery and then try to get on with my life.

"This too shall pass" is one of my mantras in bad times, too. The other day there was a guy next to me who had 'this too' and 'shall pass' tattooed on each foot. I got a kick out of that.


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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I've suffered with depression for awhile. I know what it can be like to not have any motivation to get things done. What really pushes me sometimes is to think about how much better I will feel when I get it done. Especially after a good run. The endorphins get pumping and I feel like a million bucks. Stick to it! It's better than any medication. Good luck!

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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=D as it passes eventually you'll get back into gear. I have had a bit of a down fortnight too.. I haven't been dancing in two weeks and only just went for a session at the gym yesterday.

This happens regularly, eventually I get sick of it and kick my ass back into gear and everything improves. Pretty sure the exercising puts me on the right track too.. it seems the more I exercise the easier it is to stay motivated.

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Depression is dangerous, i know, i'm battling it myself right now. It will put you in a deep pit, feel helpless, trapped, and that nobody or nothing can help dig you out. Most of the time, you'll know what you need to do, how to do it, and why you should do it. But for some reason, you can't will yourself to get it done, or move forward, and it's a terrible, heavy feeling

what you need to do is be able to FORCE yourself to either get up yourself, or finally accept the help from others. i'm struggling to do so right now, and if you want, we can tell each other how we are progressing, and try to motivate each other to keep smiling

mediaflare- LV 1 Half-Elf Adventurer

Strength (STR) - 2

Dexterity (DEX) - 2

Stamina (STA) - 1

Constitution (CON) - 2

Wisdom (WIS) - 5

Charisma (CHA) - 5

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what you need to do is be able to FORCE yourself to either get up yourself, or finally accept the help from others. i'm struggling to do so right now, and if you want, we can tell each other how we are progressing, and try to motivate each other to keep smiling

But it's soooooooooooooo hard... whine whine whine, ha.

My friend is in grad school right now and she's going to do her thesis on how to gain motivation when you're depressed. I told her that if she could find an answer I'd shower her with gold and cookies... BTW I added you.

I'm in something of a rut myself. My partner was asking me yesterday what was wrong. He doesn't understand and I can't explain. There's not really anything wrong, it's just... everything's warped.

Do you see a psychiatrist or therapist?


“If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.â€

-Thomas Edison

"I'm only at about 35-40%, and I'm surprised as eff."



[thread=16121]My Challenge Thread[/thread]

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Had a bad spell this weekend. It seemed to be partly caused by a lack of good sleep as I'm much better now.


I did not feel suicidal. But I did feel it was all pointless - that my life was empty and I had no reason to live. I felt bored, and tired, and restless, and nothing inspired me. Not writing, or computer games, or food, or friendship, or anything at all. I looked over a life of going to work and coming home and achieving nothing special because nothing seemed worth doing. A diagnosis of a terminal illness or something like that wouldn't be a good thing, but it would have been a satisfying end.


I really need to get more sleep. Roll on autumn and later sunrises; it should stop the cat waking me up at silly o'clock.


I have a list of basic things I check when I get depressed:

* Am I eating okay? Am I getting enough fruit/veg?

* Am I sleeping enough?

* Are there any specific issues getting to me?

* Am I overworked?

* Am I getting out enough?


It's amazing how often fixing these wards off depression.

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What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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I'm all bummed out for a bunch of different reasons, some petty, some not-so petty.

I've been eating entirely too much sugar and other kinds of crap, and I haven't worked out for the last two days. I'm going to try to resume my regular workout today, but my energy level is crap as a result of not working out and eating crap.

The worst thing is that, when I get like this, I know what to do to make myself feel like me again- work out and eat better... but sometimes it's hard to get the motivation.

So, anyways, Just looking for a little support before I kick myself off the internet ( http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?9860-The-Procrastination-Demons ) and go the gym...


Give it time, depression comes in waves. This one of those waves. It would suggest you stop eating the bad stuff immediatly and eat some spinach. Go workout. The easiest way that I've been able to deal with my depression is to stay with your routines that work. It always gets better.


The final chapter from my favorite book features a letter from one character to another, I use that letter to guide myself when I get really down it's a little long but read it and it may help:


As for you, Morrel, this is the secret of my conduct towards you. There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of living.

“Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget that until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,—’Wait and hope.’ Your friend,

“Edmond Dantes, Count of Monte Cristo.â€


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Goal Weight: 190 lbs


Starting Weight: 260 lbs


Current Weight: 250 lbs


My Battle Log: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/59640-strength-training-a-year-in-health-2015/

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