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What women love about men.

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He doesn't speak for us all.

...so, you come here often? :D



How you doin?

I never thought the men would be the tease in the bunch!! LOL! 



hah made me cry I laughed so hard. 


Yeah, in it for the lulz! :D

Right! I've got to ask. Is this^^^^ really true? Because I'm just not convinced of it. I think it must be some kind of myth or urban legend. Or am I really that dense that I'm somehow missing it all?

I've seen it in action, but only ever in a negative context (That bitch! Did you see the way she was looking at me? Etc) and always from a certain kind of woman. I can't help but think this concept of "non vocal communication" is simply camouflage for competitiveness, the same way as when you get alpha-type males strutting around vying for position, these women are actually just reacting to another potential "threat" rather than anything else.

But then again. It might be that I really am just that dense... What do you girls think?

Damnit, you aren't supposed to be here for the lulz either! I'm much too dense to care about that. If I am looking at a guy, and then at the girl he is with, I'm trying to decide which one I think is cuter :P Its a toss up who wins...but its never a competition...maybe only petty young girls think that way? I have no clue. 


More likely it's just that us guys are so dense we have to resort to thinking girls do this to have any hope of rationalizing what they're thinking at any given moment.  


hah guys are no better. I never understand shit my husband says or thinks....but he is super emotional and nonverbally communicates a lot with people, soooooo maybe that's the problem? I really wish guys just wanted us to show up naked and bring beer....fucking life would be so much easier. 



No wonder so many of my texts are taken the wrong way... :-/


Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



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Yeah, in it for the lulz! :D

Right! I've got to ask. Is this^^^^ really true? Because I'm just not convinced of it. I think it must be some kind of myth or urban legend. Or am I really that dense that I'm somehow missing it all?

I've seen it in action, but only ever in a negative context (That bitch! Did you see the way she was looking at me? Etc) and always from a certain kind of woman. I can't help but think this concept of "non vocal communication" is simply camouflage for competitiveness, the same way as when you get alpha-type males strutting around vying for position, these women are actually just reacting to another potential "threat" rather than anything else.

But then again. It might be that I really am just that dense... What do you girls think?


While some people are better at reading others, in general I think women can read other women more easily than they can read guys due to understanding the female mind - likewise I think guys can read other guys more easily than they read women - as we tend to understand the male psyche.  I can definitely tell when a guy is interested in a woman much more easily than I can read whether a woman is interested in a man.  I think it's true the other way around too.  My girlfriend loves to remind me about how she thought I wasn't interested her until some point on our third date(despite kissing her at the end of our 2nd date), so this obviously can work both ways.


More likely it's just that us guys are so dense we have to resort to thinking girls do this to have any hope of rationalizing what they're thinking at any given moment.  


Yep, pretty much this.  I think lots of guys are just oblivious - though I'm probably worse than average.  I think back to a time when I was in college when a girl I had been in class with the previous semester came up to me in the cafeteria, touched me on the shoulder, and said "I miss my lab partner" (referring to me).  I didn't get it until the moment had passed, and needless to say, I was kicking myself.  Typical oblivious male, I am.


Although Im not quite so oblivious as to miss the thinly-veiled meaning behind "want to come over to my place?  I'll make you dinner," thankfully.

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"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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Yeah, in it for the lulz! :D

Right! I've got to ask. Is this^^^^ really true? Because I'm just not convinced of it. I think it must be some kind of myth or urban legend. Or am I really that dense that I'm somehow missing it all?

I've seen it in action, but only ever in a negative context (That bitch! Did you see the way she was looking at me? Etc) and always from a certain kind of woman. I can't help but think this concept of "non vocal communication" is simply camouflage for competitiveness, the same way as when you get alpha-type males strutting around vying for position, these women are actually just reacting to another potential "threat" rather than anything else.

But then again. It might be that I really am just that dense... What do you girls think?

I think people bring their own interpretation to the situation. I see it with students all the time, same words to a different student and it will be interpreted different. I have to watch for that all the time. One student sees someone look their way and it is a threat to be acted on, another student can laugh it off and be totally cool about things.



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I really wish guys just wanted us to show up naked and bring beer....fucking life would be so much easier.


OK, I live at...

Sent from my microwave.

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I really wish guys just wanted us to show up naked and bring beer....fucking life would be so much easier. 





I can't speak for all of them, but for the most part, that'll get you pretty much anything you want.  


Yep, pretty much this.  I think lots of guys are just oblivious - though I'm probably worse than average.  I think back to a time when I was in college when a girl I had been in class with the previous semester came up to me in the cafeteria, touched me on the shoulder, and said "I miss my lab partner" (referring to me).  I didn't get it until the moment had passed, and needless to say, I was kicking myself.  Typical oblivious male, I am.


Although Im not quite so oblivious as to miss the thinly-veiled meaning behind "want to come over to my place?  I'll make you dinner," thankfully.


Sadly, I am that dense.  I can think of at least 2 times off the top of my head when I had that happen to me and I totally missed it.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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I can bring beer, but would need to consume many in order to do the naked!

I'll supply the beer... :playful:


Sadly, I am that dense.  I can think of at least 2 times off the top of my head when I had that happen to me and I totally missed it.  

I think every guy has a few of those...

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Sadly, I am that dense. I can think of at least 2 times off the top of my head when I had that happen to me and I totally missed it.

Errrm... Does that mean you went round for dinner thinking she just wanted to feed you, or that you actually said "No thanks, I'm not hungry." Coz I'm laughing my ass off at that idea! :D

I like simple, straightforward communication. I hate it when people say one thing, but mean something else, or worse... When someone is upset with you about something, but won't tell you what the fuck it is, and wants you to play the guessing game. "Was it because I didn't wash the dishes? Did I leave a wet towel on the bathroom floor? Oh wait! I've got it!!! It's because I said your mother was the Spawn of Satan!!!!

Seriously? Fuck that shit! I really appreciate open, honest conversation.

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Errrm... Does that mean you went round for dinner thinking she just wanted to feed you, or that you actually said "No thanks, I'm not hungry." Coz I'm laughing my ass off at that idea! :D

I like simple, straightforward communication. I hate it when people say one thing, but mean something else, or worse... When someone is upset with you about something, but won't tell you what the fuck it is, and wants you to play the guessing game. "Was it because I didn't wash the dishes? Did I leave a wet towel on the bathroom floor? Oh wait! I've got it!!! It's because I said your mother was the Spawn of Satan!!!!

Seriously? Fuck that shit! I really appreciate open, honest conversation.


Wasn't actually dinner, per se.  Just a couple situations that were screaming for me to close but I didn't.  


I agree with the whole straightforward thing too.  There's a saying for us guys:  "Subtle hints do not work.  Obvious hints do not work.  Just f*^king say it!"

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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This. So much this.

But without a needlessly convoluted and circuitous tangle of easily-misinterpreted subtleties and misdirection, how will a woman know he's "the one"?

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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But without a needlessly convoluted and circuitous tangle of easily-misinterpreted subtleties and misdirection, how will a woman know he's "the one"?

That's gotta be the reasoning behind it all haha.

"The one" isn't necessarily gonna be the guy who has done his research on body language and can understand and cut through the bullshit that a woman is giving out. Sometimes it's the guy who is just totally oblivious to anything going on around him.

And before anyone jumps down my throat, yes I know it's not just the girls that do that. Some guys are just as bad if not worse :P

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