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What women love about men.

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There's this dude at my gym, when he walks, he doesn't look anywhere else but forward. Even if there's a girl in tight clothing screaming for attention - he'll walk right past her without moving his head to follow her jiggling tushie while she exercises (everyone else is looking, even me). I find that highly attractive. The very first guy I ever had a crush on was similar. He'd look straight forward and not gawk, only turning his head when someone spoke to him or a plane falls out the sky or something.


Weird thing to like about a dude - but it screams confidence to me. Like he knows exactly who he is, where he is, and what's going on around him.

Level 3 - Half-Elf Warrior, STR - 5 | DEX - 1 | STA - 6 | CON - 5.5 | WIS - 3.5 | CHA - 5

I know where I'm going, and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want. ~  Ali

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Ok y'all, I have a confession......... I have a GIANT crush on Henry Rollins, and I've been like this for a long time. And here's why:


He's passionate about topics he's interested in. 

He's intense. Everybody loves someone who is a fanatic about something. Pick something, love it, and be intense about it without shame!

His outward appearance doesn't match his personality. He's a buff, grizzled, tattooed old guy. But he's actually deeply compassionate, caring, sensitive. It's like the idea of a big huge guy who is really gentle with animals/kids/you.

He's fucking smart. And he doesn't have a college degree or a high paying job or membership at the country club.

He's actually kind of a kid at heart. If you've ever seen Henry Rollins make a joke or talk about his records, he gets all geeky and reverts back to being 14. It's great!


Obviously, not every can be Henry Rollins (sigh), but most of the guys that I know who are awesome have something in common. They're passionate, intense, smart and simultaneously immature, playful, giggly. Nothing makes my day like making my man double over in giggles.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I've seen him speak twice, once in Ireland and once in Belgium, and I got to shake his hand and thank him. He is in my top three "people I'd invite to dinner", an incredibly INTERESTED and interesting man and he tells a great story!


I was told once that if you are bored, that's because you are boring. However, I think I'm awesome and I'm often bored, which is why I find myself staying up past my bedtime watching Henry Rollins videos :P


But yes, the key is to be interested and interesting.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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bit of stubble.

intense gaze.

smart - about the his own stuff, but also about some of the same things as me. Actually, I like it better if we both know about a topic and can call each other out on incorrect information.

well-expressed, in either speaking or writing

softer facial features. I don't like the jagged/chiseled look.

his natural smell.  -- not cologne. and the way that smell lingers on his clothes.



Topping the list of sexy are:

 -- a man who can rock some Clark Kent glasses. please and thank you.

 -- SING! You don't even know how much of a turn-on this can be.

 -- positive interactions with kids... (this one gets me every time...a man becomes 10x more attractive when he can be silly, fun, and tender with children)


Yah! If a guy can meet a kid or be in a group of kinds and is able to interact and entertain them that is a big plus! Even if he doesn't have a clue what to do it's wonderful to see him try.


There's this dude at my gym, when he walks, he doesn't look anywhere else but forward. Even if there's a girl in tight clothing screaming for attention - he'll walk right past her without moving his head to follow her jiggling tushie while she exercises (everyone else is looking, even me). I find that highly attractive. The very first guy I ever had a crush on was similar. He'd look straight forward and not gawk, only turning his head when someone spoke to him or a plane falls out the sky or something.


Weird thing to like about a dude - but it screams confidence to me. Like he knows exactly who he is, where he is, and what's going on around him.


I do the whole head up, shoulders back, looks straight ahead thing because I am usually terrified that someone will make eye contact and want to have a conversation.  I have had lots of people tell me "you are always so cool and confident all the time."  I usually just say "thanks" instead of "I may look that way but actually you terrify me."




I also wish for a guy who wants to fight for me, to keep me around.  There are so many times in relationships where things have gotten a little rocky or whatever and they just kind of give up and say "oh well, poor me."  I want a man who will chase me to the airport to confess his undying love for me and then hop on the plane and come with me!  Or something wild and over the top like that....like in the movies....**sigh**

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I find it incredibly hot if a guy can brag that he tied his own bow-tie or can tie a full Windsor knot.  Ascots are also hot.  A well groomed man is incredibly hot.  Oh and don't forget vests.  I love vests too. I love suits like men love boobs.  Seriously.  I ogle men in suits, age matters very little if you are wearing a well tailored suit.  I'll even follow them around for a while if I'm taken by a man in a suit - I'm a dirty stalker chick :P


To me cologne is YUK.  I like plain ol' man smell. Soap, shampoo, and mild deodorants are nice, but keep the Axe away from me.


I used to think that I liked smooth chests, then one day I stopped and analyzed what all the men I drooled over (real life ones, not the pictures) had in common - thick chest hair. Now I'm an unabashed fan. 


Intelligence is also very sexy to me.  I used to go hang out with the PhD physics guys so that I could listed to their wonderfully erudite conversations which I could not utterly understand.  I'm pretty smart, I just REALLY don't get physics at that level.


No tattoos though please.  I like my men uninked.  No offense to those that have them or enjoy them, it is just that the opinion to the contrary gets heard so very little.  Sendin' my love to all you pristine fellas out there!


More things I love:

- Long hair

- The ass - round apple bums are great

- patient

- doesn't take himself too seriously

- holds doors open for me - properly

- dances

- can sing or play an instrument


Men are so awesome and straight forward.  Women are incomprehensible.  I don't know why you date us.

Veralis, level 2 Half Elf ranger

STR 3|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 4.5|WIS 5|CHA 3


Current Challenge

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I like a man with nice feet and by that I mean the he has actually cut his toenails at least once in the last month.  It makes my skin crawl when I see a guy with long jagged multicoloured toenails.  Pedicures aren't just for the ladies!  The same goes for hands...rough manly hands are ok sometimes, but nasty, dirty, scraggly nails are not ok.  


In November they opened a men only salon here, I love it because they have "Sports Pedicures" and "Heroic Man-icures" it's a very masculine place.  I am sure there are salons like this in big cities but it's pretty amazing to have one here out in the boonies!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Yah maybe not watching sports alllll weekend.  I enjoy watching sports but am not an avid follower of them as I don't have tv and haven't made the effort to do it online.  I like football over hockey.  I'm not in to baseball or golf...I am more of a contact sport kind of girl.


Damn it now I have a craving for chicken wings I looove hot ones!  Aaaaand now that you've mentioned tracksuit pants (those are like the tear away things with the stripes on the side?) I do like to see guys in sweatpants and t-shirts or just sweatpants.  I love them when they hang on a guys hips just right, sort of loose and baggy..........  During the summertime my cousin has all his buddies out to the lake on weekends, at night around the camp fire it's all muscles, sweat pants and t-shirts....too bad half them are already taken.  I can still look though, just no touchy touchy.


I like it when a guy can both dress up or down and look sexy either way.  

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Oh no, we call sweat pants tracksuit pants over here, not the pull off ones, anytime anyone I know wore them, they just got pulled off. Hot wings are the ONLY way to eat wings! OH YEAH!! I love me some hot wings.


I don't mean golf...although I do like it lately. Contact sports are the only sports worth watching all weekend, and good football(soccer) if you can find it! Lots of rugby this weekend sprinkled with football and I got to play a rugby game too. Solid weekend!!

Go BIG, or go home.

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Oisin, all this about hotwings is making me drool. Bad! It's too early in the morning for hotwings! XD


I also love when a guy can be bashful - and understand the "look, but don't touch" rule both ways.


My guy was out for a staff dinner and one of his coworkers was blackmailed by his SO to bring her. And my guy noticed she had dimples - which he found very attractive. He mentioned this to me in our phone call (to which I felt an intense pang of jealousy - not because he found something on her attractive, but because he likes dimples and I'm not sure if I have 'em - we think they may come out when I lose fat), and then the next day had to hold me close and apologize because he felt really guilty about finding another girl attractive! It was so cute. He kept stroking my hair, telling me he was sorry if he ever made me feel insecure and that I was his only one - and that it was crazy for him to feel so mortified that he had found a single feature attractive in another woman.


We both have a solid "look, but don't touch" rule - I honestly don't care if he finds another woman attractive as long as he doesn't run off and sleep with her or hit on her (neither are likely, because he's had his heartbroken that way and he sucks at flirting); it's best if what he finds attractive in her is attainable by me, because then I can give him what he wants. However, no biggie if no. 

The same rule goes for me - I can look or drool over another guy, but I can't touch. I'm fine with that - he's ruined every other guy for me. But he's okay with me looking at a cute waiter, or marvelling at some guy's definition. For one, I never want to go and run off with them; for two, the next topic after me saying "wow, that's not too bad looking" is "well, how can we get there?".

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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^^^ Love this and totally agree!  There are so many beautiful people in the world, men and women both, so it's nice to have a partner who won't jump down your throat for commenting on someone else.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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When I am with friends (male & female) I will sometimes say "Oooh look at him/her they are gorgeous/have an amazing body!"  It drives me nuts when they come back with "I don't know and don't look because I am not gay."  WTF it has nothing to do with sexual preference, just because I think a man or woman is sexy doesn't necessarily mean I wan to have sex with them.  Gee whiz crawl out from under your rock!  


I usually find my female friends are more ok with checking out other women than my male friends are with checking out other guys.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove men with long hair!


I also enjoy nice smiles and skin contact. Just laying in bed with my head on a bare chest is pure bliss to me.


Oh and being able to openly communicate. I was a complete and utter brick wall for such a long time and having someone like that is so difficult. If you can be open and honest about ANYTHING from the jump, you're pretty damn awesome.

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
STR: +0 || DEX: +0 || STA: +0 || CON: +0 || WIS: +0 || CHA: +0

"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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Oisin & Elder:

So agreed - and Oisin, I'm glad it's sexy - I constantly find women who are good looking. They're great inspiration, especially if they're in the gym or visibly active!



Oh, yes. Seconded on the whole skin contact. I sleep so much better when I'm lying on my guy's chest. He says its the only time he actually sleeps on his back, 'cause I'm like a heater when I sleep and he loves that I can warm him up.


And communication is fantastic

I love it when guys can talk about things like religion, sex, the prospect of children, pets and death without being scared or intimidated or assume that it equals "omg marry me right nao". While I understand it may be uncomfortable for some, at least for me, if I'm gonna commit to a long-term relationship (which, in my mind, should be the true goal behind courting) I need to know what the guy's long-term view is. If it's an irreconcilable difference, I'd rather know ahead of time than be several months in, or worse and figure out when we're expecting that no, the guy doesn't deal well with children at all.

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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