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About rachelmachel

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  • Birthday 05/02/1980


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    Dallas, TX
  1. Back from Cabo -- the internet was horrible at the resort, and I was rarely online anyway. Update -- eating was bad, but I got a TON of walking in -- just regularly getting around, and I also made it a point to go on a morning walk on two occasions. This week is all about getting back in the routine and sticking to it. And taking that day off -- I need it. I really do. THANKS!!
  2. Thursday: 4 hrs of being on my feet cleaning. I had to use a heating pad that night! Friday: 20 mins Wii Fit Saturday: Found Jillian MIchaels' 30 Day Shred -- did 1 circuit. Sunday: Same as Saturday. The eating has been all right. Obviously I'm inconsistent about tracking my food -- it's something I swore off at one point because I tend to get really nitpicky and obsessive about it -- that's not healthy. The goal here is to be mindful of my eating and make better choices. So, we still have those damn cookies left (since I haven't been eating 6 in a day) -- I had 2 yesterday, but said "That's it for today." So that's what I did. I was proud of that. Decisions, in general, terrify me. I hate making them sometimes, but that's my insecurity getting in the way. I make a lot of good decisions all the time and need to recognize that. I AM sticking to eating one clean meal a day. The other meals aren't horrible, either -- we're in a pinch right now (about to leave for vacation) -- so we're trying to eat what's at the house. So far I'm pleased with my progress. I'm staying vigilant, staying dedicated, with minor slip-ups. I have to remember it won't all happen overnight.
  3. Yesterday's food: Strawberry banana smoothie Annie's Mac and Cheese Yogurt with honey and granola Dinner at family's: fish, brown rice, salad and flan Not the greatest. I'm also going to stop eating sugar. I know there's sugar in some dressings or sauce or whatever -- what I'm talking about more is dessert or pastries. I can't have them around, or I eat them. Yesterday was an "off" day - today I work at this lady's house and do a bunch of cleaning and running around...so I might consider that a workout -- but I'll see if I'm okay. Last week I was on my feet so much that I had to rest the next day. But we'll see. I sound so old! Actually -- I'm just sedentary if I'm not working out, really. I'm thinking I'll start standing more while I work throughout the day. Or start using the exercise ball.
  4. I think I might need to tweak my goals to start writing down my food. Disclaimer: there might need to be a trigger warning here, but I'm not sure. I've struggled with overeating (and undereating) over the years and I've never been totally confident about how much I eat, what to eat, etc. Except having tried ALL THE DIETS and ALL THE PROGRAMS, I realize something -- I DO KNOW how to be healthy. I just doubt myself all the time. I do need to stay accountable here, though. Because while I've been eating more clean meals here recently, I also made a batch of cookies the other day. I ate six of them yesterday. Not in one sitting -- just over the course of the day. I need a little more structure, it seems. I DON'T think it's a big deal for people to eat cookies (especially the kind I made -- all organic/unrefined ingredients) -- but for me, the issue is how I eat them. They're sitting there, on a plate, and I can't not eat them. So I'm taking the rest of them over to my family's tonight, for one. And today's a new day, so I get to start over and try again. I'll post my food here later today.
  5. No criticisms here -- I think what you're addressing is important and, while I don't know how "bad" fruit really is, I do have experience with my own addictive behavior. If that's what you need to explore, go for it. I can really relate to a lot of what you're talking about here.
  6. I walked yesterday and that was great -- I even got my husband and the dogs to join in. Today, it was super wet and rainy, so I did a 38 minute routine on the Wii Fit. I might do something again later tonight, because I think I can handle it. I really miss the walking, but I'll try again tomorrow.
  7. Thanks so much to everyone for chiming in -- I haven't checked in here in a while and didn't see my older posts!! My goals for this 6 week challenge are here: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/22761-rachelmachel-and-her-6-week-walking-challenge/#entry373017
  8. Thanks Lydieboo!! Yes, I guess I wasn't specific enough. And I do think giving myself a day off could be helpful. I'll definitely consider that. I'll be editing my goals, then! Thanks again
  9. First time to sign up for a challenge. I've just been a little too overwhelmed here recently to post or join any of the challenges. Well, my job requires me being online all the time, and I've started out the New Year with ONE resolution (of sorts) - I want to build one good habit this year. Since I'm online all the time, I realized I just NEED to do this. No excuses. The problem is that I hate setting goals. They scare the hell out of me. It means there's an option to fail, and I really fear failure. But I realized that to develop a habit (any good habit), you have to be patient with yourself. I can't expect to be 50 lbs lighter in a month, stronger and have a perfect eating plan without starting small and screwing up a little bit. So I've already started off slowly this year -- I do something active everyday. I missed a day last week because I spend the two days prior moving and running around, and I gave myself a day off (and forgave myself for "skipping"). For this challenge, my goals are: 1. Walk at least 2 miles 6 days a week. If I don't walk, fit in the Beginner's Strength workout here on NF, or do something on Wii Fit. One "off" day a week is okay, Rachel. 2. When I'm on vacation (woohoo Cabo!), enjoy myself -- aim for 4 walks that week. Vacation is January 17-24. 3. Eat clean for at least one meal a day. This means nothing processed, ideally meat and vegetables. My Level-Up goal -- just getting through this six weeks. It's a big fear of mine that I'll just up and drop it less than halfway through. If y'all have any ideas about how I could tweak my goals, let me know. I'm starting out slow this time.
  10. I've started so many times, been all gung-ho about a new project/goal -- and then it seems I'm doomed to backslide and fail. I can't let it happen again. I've been through quite a bit in the last year or so. I'm really looking forward to maintaining the momentum that I've been building up and proving to myself that I'm totally capable of accomplishing my goals. A little history: I've been an on-again, off-again (slow) runner. I've gained and lost weight, multiple times over. I've been through a 12 step program for overeating and seen therapists to discuss food issues. I'm just kind of .... tired. I want to take the food and body images issues that I have and show them the door. I want to take control again...and keep it. So, I guess I'm posting here for accountability. I know I'm not doing this alone, and that's a big comfort. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Nerd Fitness, and I've been lurking for awhile. It's time. Time for me to be the superhero that I know I can be. I've been doing the couch-to-5K program for the last couple months, and I know I can stick to it. I also know that I can develop good eating and meal-planning habits and stick to them. It's time to actually meet my goals (once I set them -- I'm scared of setting goals) -- no more fearing what happens if I fail. If I fail? I get back up and keep at it. There's not really any failing...I just keep on trying my best.
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