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Newbie Kris

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Everything posted by Newbie Kris

  1. I didn't even know Nerd Fitness existed when this thread was started. (See. I really am a newbie.) Is anyone planning another meet up? Because I think that would be awesome!
  2. I need to try that. I also need to stay away from the bakery department of the store.
  3. Highlighting does sound good, but I'm afraid if I see food I shouldn't eat but love highlighted, I may want it. Mevre you are so right. If I can keep it out of the house, that's half the battle. Although I have been known to drive to the store just to buy a piece of cake. Believe it or not, this usually happens on the night Biggest Loser is on.
  4. Thank you Machete. I tried my fitness pal on my phone a while back. That helped some. Perhaps I should look into it again.
  5. Thank you Bearsquad! I didn't run the 7 miles. That was a walk, but it was uphill for the first half and actually had to hike part of it. Wanted to collapse, but going back down was easy.
  6. Hello All! I am new to the Rebellion and am hoping to learn and accomplish alot. I seem to sabotage myself whenever I try to lose weight or exercise. And I'm hoping that the motivation of Nerd Fitness will help keep me motivated. I enjoy walking and recently started running a bit, (a very small bit). I have signed up for a half marathon in January. Because I am doing it with a few friends and I have already committed to it, I am trying to prepare for it. I have done 5Ks and even a 7 mile event in the past few years, but this will be my first half marathon and I'm excited! I have a question and I'm pretty sure this has happened to others. It's regarding dieting. I have lost some weight and want to lose more, but right now am just struggling to maintain the weight I have lost. My question is, how do I stop myself from compulsively eating and craving things when I set goals for myself? As I said, I lost some weight mainly by deciding I would try it and not set a pounds lost goal, just a time goal. But then I found out family was coming to visit and I wanted to lose more weight and suddenly I craved everything not good for me and couldn't seem to control it. Consciously I knew I didn't need it, but subconsciously I had to have it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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