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Posts posted by maigrey

  1. Week 5 Day 5 [Friday]:


    Woke up at 3 am and couldn’t get back to sleep for an hour, so that was an awesome start to the day.  I dropped both the dogs off at daycare to get them some socialization, and had to swing by CVS to pick up some witch hazel for my laser hair removal later that day [it was no big deal, turns out].


    I managed to get my slide decks done for FP: It’s amazing how it takes 2-3 hours for a 2 slide deck that takes less than 15 min to go over. But that’s a sign of a good presentation, I think.  It went well, but we are in hold mode until the OTHER effing project settles out as it directly impacts my FP.  Yay!


    Took off about 3, got the LHR, then my nails done, and ran errands.  I went to Ulta which is right next to Costco where I needed to return things.  


    … I totally forgot to go to Costco.  On the way back I had a concrete for dinner (delicious), and then picked up the dogs.


    I am obviously really struggling with food lately.  I think a lot of this has to do with being seen as the ‘good girl’ by eating healthy, and I am tired of being the good girl.  Totally fucked up, I know, but there it is.


    I read this article in the last week, and it really spoke to me.  I think I need to just quit worrying about weight and food and just focus on getting in shape.  I’m going to Australia in January, and I want to be able to hike and keep up with people.  I want to be able to run around with my niblings and hike with them.  I don’t need to be skinny to do that. I don’t need to be skinny to love myself and realize I’m attractive as I am now.  I keep thinking men will only want me when I’m skinny, and I know that’s bullshit.  And I need to get that out of my head.


    And if I focus on lifting, and walking daily, that’s going to get me in shape. I mean, I have an awesome treadmill desk that I’ve gotten out of the habit of using, and that’s a shame. And as long as I don’t bring ice cream, peanut butter, and processed stuff into the house, I should be able to eat reasonably decently.  I can still prep meals and have a general template I use, but I am not going to beat myself up if I go out and have a scoop of ice cream.  Maybe if it’s not taboo, I won’t feel the need to consume ALL OF IT.  


    I know this challenge has seemed more like a battle log than a challenge, but too bad, it’s my challenge and this is how it goes. :)  So, I’m going to work on this - I’m going to lift 3x a week, do the 5x5 for squats only 3x week, and walk briskly for 360 minutes per week.  I’m not going to worry about sugar or carbs so much, but I will continue to log my food, and I’m going to start noting when I go off “plan†and why.


    Also, I found out today I can get 50% off of this: http://healbe.com/us/ , but OF COURSE it’s sold out in our stores and online.  I want it NOW! #firstworldproblems Even the BBC reviewed it and it seems pretty cool.


    … I meant to go to bed early last night, but got distracted by Alaskan cruises.  I might just go on one in August.  Because hey, bucket lists need to be checked off, right?


    Food Log:


    HOMEMADE decaf pumpkiniced coffee + ppow + smidge half/half

    1 starch/grain: oatmeal

    1 fruit - Cherries


    1 cup roasted/mashed taters (work was odd meetings around lunchtime and then I just wasn’t hungry and then had to run to 2 appointments which started at 3:30 sooo)

    (optional) Snack:



    chocolate cherry concrete from scooters


    NO alcohol

    4 glasses (8oz) water


    No sugar: 3/7

    No starchy/processed carbs after 10 am: 2/7

    1x week booze: 0/1

    Task list: 5/7

    Journal or blog: 4/7

    Event / Task List items completed: 5/7---finished the to-file pile!


    Food Plan for Tomorrow:


    before workout: HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + ppow + smidge half/half

    post workout: sbux decaf vanilla iced coffee, sausage sandwich


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 34 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies

    last of rotisserie chicken

    optional: 1 fruit


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 31 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies

    last of rotisserie chicken


    NO alcohol

    6 glasses (8oz) water

    Workout: rest day. Work out tomorrow!

    • Like 1
  2. I still haven't finished it... that usually means I didn't like it.

    It was boring. I read half of the first one and the main character irritated me. And I could see where it was going. Maybe if I get bored I'll finish... 44% on my Kindle.

    It was okay, I saw it as more of a light read / pallette cleanser. I can give you the synopsis in about 2 sentences and spare you having to read the rest.
    • Like 1
  3. Today was a weird day. I really didn't have much motivation to be at the gym, and the grey and rainy morning didn't help. Really wasn't feeling the barbell today, so I did something different for myself. I have been skimping on the accessory work the last few weeks, so I made my workout (almost) all of the accesory work that 5/3/1 prescribes. And honestly, I felt quite pleased with it at the end. Just enough to get my blood pumping and heart rate up.

    Chin ups: 5, 5, 3,

    Yea, I need to get these back into rotation pronto.

    Dips: 10, 10, 6

    Same here. By that last set my arms just revolted. Probably shouldn't have done them first.

    DB Press:

    30# x10

    30# x10

    35# x10

    Way too shaky for my liking. Especially at these lower weights. Going to blame the chins and dips on that. Yup. Totally.

    DB Row: (per arm)

    35# x10

    40# x10

    40# x10

    These probably could have been up to 45#, which is where I left off. Just was playing it safe. (And lazy.)

    Backraises: 15, 15, 15

    These still feel pretty good. In a brutally torturous kinda way.

    DB Curls: (Like a Bro)

    15# x10

    20# x10

    20# x10

    Honestly I was kinda shocked how easy these felt. Burned in the last few reps but significantly less than I remember. Probably a sign to up the weight.

    Goblet Squats:

    20# x15

    30# x15

    40# x15

    The only non-5/3/1 accessory movement here. I haven't experimented much with goblet squats, and I wanted a leg movement in this. So I went light. Wasn't until the last set that I figured out the best way (for me) to HOLD the weight. I know Goblet Squats are good training for front squats, but my brain was still too sleepy to realize that holding the dumb bell in a faux-front rack position might be a good idea. And I managed to get a mirror space so I could check form. I should have tried to turn perpendicular to the mirror to make sure my back was pretty straight, but at least the squat appeared to be at depth and my chest was kept up pretty well.

    Honestly, if actual front squats are half as enjoyable as these were, I may end up liking front squats more than back squats. Who knew?

    They are not more enjoyable. Sorry to burst that bubble. [emoji79]
  4. Carrots are not always a good choice because they are surprisingly high in sugar :)


    As for pickles, you did see the article I posted in chat about the correlation between pickle eaters and lower social anxiety, yes? :)


    Also hi, I'm here and all caught up. 


    But tired so I'm not going to read anyone else's thread tonight. 

    Re carrots:  http://whole9life.com/2012/08/carrot-train-to-crazytown/  :) basically, if I'm making choices carrots >>> eating pb right out of the jar


    Re pickles: No! I didn't see it - I need that link :)


    Also, haaaaiiii!


    What is this sorcery

    It is the magic of being AWESOME. 



    Week 5 Day 4 [Thursday]:


    I actually completed all of the tasks on my task list today!  But again, so tired.  I blame seeing the ENT and them sticking lidocaine and stuff up my nose so they can see in my sinuses. I did take the bus both ways, because it was only 10 min or so longer each way.  Plus, I got to do my journaling on the drive, and ended up eating my salad on the bus there, since otherwise it wouldn’t get done.


    However my food went into the tank after that. I really struggle with food when I am tired or under the weather.  But, today is another day and here I am!


    Food Log:


    HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + ppow + smidge half/half

    1 starch/grain: oatmeal

    1 fruit - Cherries


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 34 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies - cauli/brocc

    â…“  rotisserie chicken

    optional: 1 fruit

    (optional) Snack:

    too much PB




    NO alcohol

    6 glasses (8oz) water


    No sugar: 3/7

    No starchy/processed carbs after 10 am: 2/7

    1x week booze: 0/1

    Task list: 4/7

    Journal or blog: 3/7

    Event / Task List items completed: 4/7


    Food Plan for Tomorrow:


    HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + ppow + smidge half/half

    1 starch/grain: oatmeal

    1 fruit - mangos or blueberries


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 34 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies


    optional: 1 fruit

    (optional) Snack:

    1 fruit and NO DAMN NUTS or NUT BUTTER


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 31 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies

    last of rotisserie chicken


    NO alcohol

    6 glasses (8oz) water

    Workout: rest day!

  5. Week 5 Day 3 [Wednesday]:


    Mostly a decent day, I was exhausted in the afternoon, and decided to pass on lifting and take a nap instead.  It was a good call as I was out like a light and was still tired when I woke up. Unfortunately, that meant once I hit 9 pm, I caught a second wind.


    Food was meh.  it wasn’t horrible, but I definitely went overboard on the nuts.  I need to remember that I have PICKLES so when I am wanting something, to eat one of those instead.  The bag of carrots would be a great option too.


    Still not making my veg total, but I think tomorrow, I’m going to cook the veg, and then prep the rest of the meal.  I did pick up a rotisserie chicken (SO GOOD), so that will be good to add to salads this week.


    Food Log:


    HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + half/half

    HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + scoop ppow

    1 starch/grain: oatmeal + some half/half to rehydrate

    1 fruit - Cherries


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 34 g salad dressing

    ¼-ish Rotisserie chicken

    (optional) Snack:

    Way too many half spoons of PB + way too many cashews


    Not really hungry (surprise) so skipping this


    NO alcohol

    6 glasses (8oz) water


    No sugar: 2/7

    No starchy/processed carbs after 10 am: 2/7

    1x week booze: 0/1

    Task list: 3/7

    Journal or blog: 2/7

    Event / Task List items completed: 4/7


    Food Plan for Tomorrow:


    HOMEMADE decaf vanilla iced coffee + ppow + smidge half/half

    1 starch/grain: oatmeal

    1 fruit - Cherries


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 34 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies

    1.5 c beans OR can of soup OR 6 oz meat/fish: ¼ rotisserie chicken

    optional: 1 fruit

    (optional) Snack:

    1 fruit and NO DAMN NUTS


    4 oz salad greens, 4 oz mushrooms/tomatoes, 31 g salad dressing

    8 oz cooked veggies

    1.5 c beans OR can of soup OR 6 oz meat/fish: ¼ rotisserie chicken

    (optional) Snack:



    NO alcohol

    6 glasses (8oz) water

    Workout: none zzzzz….

  6. I don't know. I'm just kind of starting getting back into reading. I have a lot of personal development books on my list, so I'm good on that front. I'm looking for something with more of a story, where I can do mindless reading on the treadmill. I do thoroughly love me some Harry Potter; I also enjoy mystery novels quite a bit. Fantasy/Sci-Fi is probably a safe bet. Not a fan of romance novels. My amazon wish list currently has the following books/series so maybe this can direct you a bit:

    Girl on the Train was okay.  I fiftyith everyone's suggestions for The Martian. Fantastic book.


    also, i'm on the second book of A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness which i like a LOT better than the first. great writing and interesting story. i'm not history person but i bet i'd like it even more if i was.


    Finished the Night Circus back in February and that was really good as well. great writing and a really interesting story. I'd advise you NOT to read the jacket summary beforehand though. it ruined one of the plot twists for me.


    The Magicians by Lev Grossman was pretty good. it can lull pretty hard but definitely keeps getting more interesting. haven't read the third yet.

    Discovery of Witches was SO GOOD.  

    I liked both the Night Circus and The Magicians (the latter is kind of fluff, and I predicted many of the twists, but it was still fun)


    Other books I would recommend: [these are older, but they have survived the great moving purge where I only kept books I would read again. this is high praise since I rarely reread books, as THERE ARE SO MANY NEW ONES TO READ!]


    The Black Jewel series by Anne Bishop

    His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman

    Kushiel's Dart (and all the other books) by Jacqueline Carey


    I'm reading a lot of Steve Berry's Cotton Malone books - they're like the National Treasure movies in a book (a bit like Dan Brown, but I think these are better).


    Yea I'm gonna have to agree with the thumbs up for that one. My car is an absolute mess. I have no clue how people keep their cars cleans. Then it just seems like so much work to actually do it so it one gets worse.

    The trick is to keep a garbage can this one: http://www.amazon.com/Rubbermaid-FG238500WHT-Recycler-Wastebasket-14-Quart/dp/B000RNFEFQ


    That keeps most of the junk corralled, and it's easy enough to pull the grocery bag out and put in a new one.  My car used to be a total mess until I started doing that.  Now it's easy to keep clean!


    Wait, what happened to your oats? They should be salvageable with either more water or more cooking time... unless of course they've decided that they're going to burn and be stuck on to your crockpot liner for forever, because then I guess that is definitely the worst.


    Haha, yes! Mason jars ftw. I am glad your mason jar salads are now properly housed. I wanna see more protein on that food log though, my dear, especially with all this lifting you've been doing! 

    Oh, mah oats. I like a 1-3.5 ratio of oats to water, so I put a cup of oats in the crock pot.  I decided to do a double batch, so I put in 7 c of water.  I then added in this overnight steel cut oats which did not absorb as planned, which was 1/4 c oats to water&half/half mix.




    I had a pile of super soupy oats;  I suppose I could have drained off the extra liquid, added 1 cup more oats to it and set it to cook again, but I don't think well in the mornings.


    Yeah, I know my protein is low; I may need to consider buying and poaching some chicken boobs and adding that to the salad.  I also had INTENDED on having salmon for dinner, but it had gone bad :(  I've got some frozen that I might use soon.


    I'm also going to try and make iced broffee with my unflavored whey; that should help some.


    I wonder what would happen if I added ppow to my slowcooker oats tonight?

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