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Everything posted by ChristineYells

  1. Guys. I'm having one of those oh-god-I-can't-do-this-I-have-too-much-weight-to-lose moments. Help.
  2. That happened to me too when I first started Paleo! You are probably just detoxing from all the processed garbage and grains and such. It might take up to 3 weeks but you will feel better SOON I PROMISE. Good luck!
  3. Thanks for the tips you guys. I really appreciate your input! I started calorie counting yesterday with an app on my phone called Lose It! which made it pretty easy, and I think I'm going to try cutting down the fruits (which breaks my little heart) and adding in some weight training with the NF beginner body weight circuit. I was toying with the idea of seeing a personal trainer a couple of times too, so maybe I'll just jump into that with both feet. I'll let you know how it goes
  4. I've been doing Paleo for 4 weeks now. I've been pretty strict and have only "cheated" once (s'mores while camping this weekend, mmm) and the only yucky chemicals I eat are in almond or coconut milk or occasionally condiments like ketchup, bbq sauce, or mayo. I eat lots of healthy oils (olive, flaxseed, coconut) and fats like avocados and nuts, plenty of protein (I think?), and vegetables, and lots and lots of fruit. We haven't totally switched over to grass fed/pasture raised meats because of costs but we do eat some so I figure that's better than nothing. I am about 5'6" started at 278 lbs down to about 263 lbs. I try to walk 20-30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week (but I don't always). I work in an office so lots of sitting. I'm aiming to lose about 100 lbs by next summer so that I am fit enough/much healthier to have a baby! The first two weeks on Paleo I melted off 15 lbs WHICH IS PRETTY DAMN AMAZING but it seems like I've stalled right around 17-19 lbs. I'm worried I'm eating too much fruit? Have I just not given it enough time? Do I need to exercise more? Should I add in weight training? What are your thoughts??? I figure I'll start counting calories (something I've never done before and am terrified of) just to get an idea for what I'm actually consuming, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or helpful suggestions or fun tips/tricks. Thanks for your help guys! ♥
  5. Awesome! What did you do to get that whoosh? I'm interested to hear about how you're eating on paleo and exercising. I've been on pretty strict paleo for 4 weeks and the first 2 weeks about 15 lbs just melted off me but I've sort of stalled now. Great work though, super proud of you ♥
  6. What kind of exercises do you guys do for posture? I'm just starting out and my back hurts ALL THE TIME (current bra size 44D) and I know it's because I have horrible posture and my abs and back muscles aren't developed. What are some easy, gentle exercises to start with? (Like I said I'm just starting out getting in shape from completely sedentary and I don't want to hurt myself.)
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