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Everything posted by Mortimer

  1. 3 days of cycling support, tons of pacers and support from X-trailblazers later...and my running Buddy did it! He has now been inducted into the Hall of Insanity! On the exercise side I probably cycled like 60km on Friday, Sat and Sunday carrying runners supplies in my backpack. Did pace him myself for about 11km around Nanyang Technology University and Jurong area.
  2. Went running with my apprentice yesterday around 5k. Toe has less bruising and swelling but is still painful to walk on. I'm busy planning a running buddies 200 miles Ultramarathon support and will spend most of the weekend cycling close to him to deliver support so I am under conservation of ninjitsu mode and saving energy. I don't expect I'll be getting much sleep over the weekend as I'm coordinating support. I'll be cycling at a turtle pace so I don't forsee any issues with my toe on that one..cycling is easier on feet that running is. Added benefit of being able to carry more supplies too.
  3. Sorry you're going through a rough patch. Just hang around. You don't even have to close this thread/respond etc, just pop back when you feel like it. We'll be waiting.
  4. Anyway it's time for me to get sidelined...seems the toe I stubbed yesterday was worse then I thought. It's painful to walk on but I'm sure it's not broken as I can still flex my toe.
  5. Sat: Ran around 29km Sunday: Ran around 23km. Also had a breakdown because my mother in law told me she wasn't eating lunch at the last min(Sat night), so I told her to takeaway lunch since it would be already prepped at 4 am before I go out for my run. When I inspected the food remaining when I got back from the run, I felt it wasn't done. (I think it might have been, but just she didn't take enough imo). Added to my husband happily playing Final Fantasy 14 when I had to keep the clothes on Friday and getting less then 5h sleep so I could make it for Sat run, and him promising to help me buy milk and it wasn't done, I blew my top. I really do not understand how hard it is to keep to your word. My word is bond. If I promise something, hell or high water, I will deliver. Whatever personal cost. Yet all this time I've been making sacrifices of my sleep, personal time and people are just expecting it of me, not showing an ounce of gratitude(and I'm wrong apparently to expect any. I'm supposed to be all noble and self sacrificing so they can sit around and fiddle with their phones and play computer games).
  6. Come on, is it that bad you can't eke out 20 burpees/day? It'll take only 3 min I swear!
  7. Friday: 10x10 1hswings @14.8kg dumbell 10x1 TGU @ 10kg kettlebell Ran about 11.8km. Weds: 1 pull up x 3 sets 1 chin up x 3 sets Deadlifts @ 40kg x12, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x 10, supersets, 3 sets Overhead press: 20kg x 8, 3 sets Bench press: Bar +5kg/side x 5, 3 sets Front squat 25 x 8, 3 sets Farmers walk: 52s with 20kg weight. Ran about 4.9km
  8. Tues: 10x10 1hswings @14.8kg dumbell 10x1 TGU @ 10kg kettlebell 20 burpees x5 sets with 1 min break in between. Ran about 12km. Weds: 1 pull up x 3 sets 1 chin up x 3 sets Bar +20kg/side x 6, 3 sets Back squat: Bar +10kg/side x 4, 3 sets Overhead press: 25kg x 3, 1 set 25kg x 4, 2 sets Bench press: Bar +5kg/side x 5, 3 sets Front squat Bar +5kg x 8, 3 sets Farmers walk: 55s with 20kg weight. Ran about 5.2km
  9. This is depressing. I've lost my pull up and even chin up abilities. That being said, other weights are going better then last week. Monday: 7 assisted pull ups 7 assisted chin ups 5 assisted pull ups 5 assisted chin ups 3 assisted pull ups 2 assisted chin ups Deadlift: Bar +15kg/side x 8, 3 sets Back squat: Bar +7.5kg/side x 8, 3 sets Overhead press: 25kg x 5, 3 sets Bench press: 30kg x 4, 3 sets Front squat 30kg x 8, 2 sets Farmers walk: 1 min 30s with 15kg weight. Ran about 6km or so. While carrying 5 kg worth of stuffs.
  10. Sat: Escort duty. According to my escortee who took better records of things, we were doing 6:08 min/km pace for 28.9km. I didn't expect my escortee to be that fast - I wasn't holding back except towards the last 3k or so. I had a backpack malfunction so I passed my water bladder to the slower group at the back. Again post ultra drain so even though I've mostly recovered, I still don't have my full powers(max speed is compromised some). Sunday: 15k at 5:59 min/km pace. I guess I still have it in me to run pretty quick. But I feel that it was more of an effort this time round.
  11. Thursday: 10x10 1hswings @11.8kg dumbell 10x1 TGU @ 11.8kg dumbell Ran 10.6km on hilly terrain, 6.42min/km pace. At least that wasn't too shabby. Friday: Deadlift: 40 kg x 12, 3 sets Overhead press 25kg x4, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x 10, superset, 3 sets Bench press: 30kg x 3, 25kg x 5 sets 25kg x 8, 2 sets Front squat: 25kg x 8, 3 sets Farmers walk: 15 kg/side, 1 min 6s
  12. Wednesday: 1x 2 sets of pull ups 1x 2 sets of chin ups. Talk about crappy weight days. Deadlift: 40 kg x 8, 3 sets Overhead press 20kg x8, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x 8, superset, 3 sets Bench press: 25kg x 8, 3 sets Front squat: 25kg x 8, 3 sets Farmers walk: 15 kg/side, 1 min 21s. Basically I decreased the weights by 5kg for most stations but increased the reps. Those I did not decrease the weights off I decreased the reps to compensate for my shabby condition so I don't screw myself over.
  13. Sorry about your kid getting a dislocated arm, ouch. That's one crappy thing to happen at any time. Did the doctor tell you how long his recovery time would be and what he should/should not be doing?
  14. Monday: No pull ups or chin ups got done. Hanging on the bar was a nice stretch though. Actually felt pretty good. 3 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Tuesday: 10x10 1hswings @11.8kg dumbell 10x1 TGU @ 9.8kg dumbell Tried 11.8kg but no go. I'm not surprised.
  15. For runners we aim for around 200 cals/10km. Which I suppose is 50g of carbs? Not sure if there's any correlation.
  16. And it is done. Friday night to Sat noon. It was all fine till around 47km when my left inner thigh started cramping and I couldn't run. Was more or less forced to powerwalk the rest of the way. Still made the 18h cutoff though. I suspect the cramp was due to an electrolyte imbalance - insufficient sodium. Even though I did bring more oral rehydration pkts with me this time round.. I'll soon be a proud owner of a 88k Finisher shirt. Sunday: 30min runners yoga I tried to book gym on Weds but it's all booked up>< Also, I can't stand for extended periods of time and even old grannies walk faster then me atm...
  17. I would need to find a piece of Strava art someone has done before of a cake, then attempt to follow it lol. But yes, one of my dreams is to have my name in the Gila Hall of Fame. https://www.running-guild.com/p/gila-100km.html?m=0
  18. Sunday: 30 min of runners yoga Monday: 1x 3 sets of pull ups and chin ups. Ah well. To be expected. 4 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Had a headache the night before so things weren't very to scratch. Tuesday and Weds: Sick with stomach flu so nothing got done except some walking. I tried on Weds for pull ups but it made my abdomen a little twingy so I passed. Thursday: Slacking around again. I've got a long way to run on Friday.
  19. Yes because I was storing up for this: Friday night: Happy birthday Singapore! Some context: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlion We were trying to paint the Merlion head using our bodies as a brush on Strava. None of us managed the full 88.88km route( yesterday's noonday heat was 32 Celsius), and we got started at 10.30pm on Friday night. On hindsight we should have started earlier. Last part my partner and I were down to walking due to the heat, and when he decided to throw in the towel, I joined him because he was doing most of the navigating. I could still brisk walk but I doubt any productive painting would have gotten done cos I have one shitty sense of direction.
  20. Tuesday evening: Speed intervals, 11km worth - last run for the week till Friday night. Weds: 2 pull ups, 3 sets 2 chin ups, 3 sets 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Raining and I can't handle wet monkey bars Thursday: 10x10 1hs with 3kg sandbottle 10 X 1 TGU with 3kg sandbottle Trying to catch up on more sleep, woke up late so had to do simple and sinister with what I have at my aunt's place.
  21. Monday: 2 x 1 pull up 2 x 1 chin up Followed by 2 more sets of 1 chin up and pull up each. Sighh...pull ups are going down the drain. 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips I don't trust my calluses on monkey bars yet. They hurt a bit while doing pull ups. Ran to my aunt's place, 5.5km Tuesday: 10x10 1hs with 11.8kg dumbell 10 X 1 TGU with 11.8kg dumbell 20x 5 sets of burpees during lunch
  22. How heavy are your kids? You can attempt overhead pressing them...the thing about kids is they'll ask you for more! More! More! I've been trying to handstand for long long time without success. Can't kick up to handstand, some days crows are better then others....
  23. Okie Aramis! Enjoy your vacation! Hopefully you find some place you can hang from so you can do pull ups 😃 Or that being said you could mess around with assisted pistols/full pistols, box jumps, hollow body holds and push ups of multiple varieties. Run out of inspiration and there's always the burpee 😃
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