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Everything posted by Mortimer

  1. I think you need to get somewhere where you won't be bothered and does your family respect the (room-doors-are-closed) privacy thing? One of the reasons I am working from home at my aunt's place is to avoid my in laws bothering me on how I food prep, run my life stuff. I felt no matter how hard I tried I was never living up to their expectations.Keep tabs on these few days that your family is out but I suspect you'll be much calmer for it. Anyway kudos for telling your family that you wouldn't be going to your uncle's funeral for your mental health. At least you're better then saying no to others then me 😃
  2. Sat: Covered around 30km some of it hiking because forest terrain is not runnable. Sunday: Ran 33km. Around 6:48 min/km pace. Runnin in the rain. I guess my only regrets was that I didn't bring my cap to keep rain off my glasses and I didn't apply lubrication (chafing in Soo many places now).
  3. The 88k route is out. There's a time limit of 18h to complete it in a single attempt, however there's a section you're not allowed to run. I think it should be doable. I previously fked up by reading it that you had to cover 88 in 14h elapsed time( it's for multiple run category). I will attempt to one shot it on 7 August 2021. Time to carb load + store energy....
  4. Tuesday: 10x10 1hs with 11.8kg dumbell 10 X 1 TGU with 11.8kg dumbell 20x 5 sets of burpees during lunch I seem to be blessed/cursed with finding Energizer bunnies everywhere...paired with another one, full of pent up energy from a week of no run. 10km speed intervals, there were breaks(1 min, 2 min, 3 min, water break at the end) but in the end I covered 10km at a 5:12min/km pace. Wednesday: Ran to aunt's place 5.5km 2 pull ups x 3sets 2 chin ups x 3sets 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Don't feel up to burpees today.
  5. Monday: 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips I can't do pull ups and monkey bars due to ripped callus. Ran 5.5km to aunt's place then did 20x 5 sets of burpees with 1 min break in-between during lunch.
  6. Sunday: 25km run-hike-walk run done. Took from 7 am to 3 pm including nom breaks since my run buddy is a greedy guts like me as well lol ^^ So food stops aplenty. Half a day of the great outdoors was damn nice though.
  7. Sat. 15.9km of sub 6 running followed by a cake and isotonic drink break and another 10.2km of sub 6 running. Aprox 26km done at sub 6. Surprisingly I don't feel very much achish or whatsoever though the run itself was rather rough.
  8. Friday: 2 pull ups x 2sets Last set 1 pull up 2 chin ups x 3sets 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Monkey bars to and fro Ripped my calluses on monkey bars again.
  9. Runners like carbs for a reason. I think it's a reasonable statement to say most runners are sweet tooths. Or how'd we stomach all those gels we eat.... And ultrarunners can get even more wtf with what they eat. I know people who run around on gummy bears and candy. My to go to item would be soy milk.
  10. Tuesday: 13km at 5.55 min/km pace. Chasing up with an (injured) Energizer bunny. She was nursing an ankle sprain. Even so, she's fast, and has this propensity to get lost. Was more like chasing up to her to make sure she didn't run in the wrong direction since I've been promoted to an officer in the runner group. Can is can...but of course it's tiring. I've done 5:40 pace for 15km. Bloody rough, but doable, at 7am in the morning. 10x10 1hs with 11.8kg dumbell 10 X 1 TGU with 11.8kg dumbell Days schedule too erratic to book gym. Weds: 2 pull ups x 3sets 2 chin ups x 3sets Went to the wrong gym so by the time I got to the right gym, squat rack and bars were taken. Deadlift: 40kg x 12, 3 sets Overhead press: 25 kg x 5,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x8, 2 sets, last set at x7 Front squat: 30kg x 8, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x 10, 3 sets No place to farmers walk so I did some monkey bars instead. Also, gyms are closed till 18 August due to covid. Again.
  11. Monday: 2 pull ups x 2sets Last set 1 pull up 2 chin ups x 3sets Deadlifts: Bar +20kg/set x6, 3 sets Back squat: Bar +12.5kg/set x 4, 3 sets Thank God I didn't try 15kg or I would probably have screwed myself over really badly. Overhead press: 25 kg x 4,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x7, 3 sets Front squat: No time to front squat today after loading deadlift bar and squat rack. Farmers walk:56s for 20kg.
  12. Sat: Recceing a new route for a outdoor adventure race so only managed to get about 7km of running/walking - we were supposed to look for points of interest so running is counterproductive. You go too fast to see points of interests. Sunday: Another 7km of hiking and getting stuck in mud(yep up to my thigh). Recceing the route round 2. Thank God for people passing me a pole to yank me out, though I probably would have gotten out eventually I think( Already unstuck myself in a muddy river once). But might have lost my running slippers in the process. The great outdoors pics: Rock climbing side is useful for doing this kind of thing. Replace rocks with grab tree... Though its getting down that is the hard part not going up, due to slippery.
  13. Friday(got to gym late, squat rack and bar taken up) 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin ups x 3 sets, Deadlifts: 40kg x12, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x10, 3 sets Overhead press: 25 kg x5, 2 sets last set x 4 Chest press: 30kg x7, 3 sets Front squat: 30kg x 8, 3 sets Farmers walk 45 s with 20kg weight. Ran 5.2km, 6.33 min/km pace. Walking downstairs is now a dull ache instead of sharp stabbing pain.
  14. Thursday: Real kettlebell 10 X 10 1h swings @16kg 3x10 TGU @ 12kg 7x 10 TGU @10kg Sorry, just can't handle 12 atm... Ran 6.5km at noon, 6:21 pace...flat ground. Oooh I can actually run! Though eh. Walking down the stairs is still a major pain...
  15. Weds: 2 sets of pull ups and chin ups at 2 each, then I ripped a callus >< Decided to skip the last set. 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips No monkey bars due to ripped callus.
  16. I did manage to combine both with help of runners group and went in for half everesting. Tuesday: 10x10 1hs @ 3kg sand bottle 10x1 TGU @ 3kg sand bottle yeah definitely not feeling up to things atm...I think this is the worst Doms I've ever gotten. Usually I bounce back fast, like within 48h of the event. Also I was celebrating my Birthday yesterday so I was up late and too late to go to gym in the morning. Just for challenge I tried grabbing the detergent bottle filled with sand from bottom instead of handle. It's doable but the balance is a bit weird...and my knees ache at the part when they contact the ground.
  17. Yes moving time is split. I started at 6.37am in the morning, including stopping every 10 loops or so to eat everything in sight on the refreshment bench, finished at like 1 am the following day so..like 19 hours of going up and down stairs. The event was kinda fun because I let myself loose and ate everything I wanted ( chocolates, fruits, pastries - if it was there, I probably tried it). But the aftermath...well I'm kinda screwed atm. Ahahha. I look forward to swinging cannonballs better now I actually can get my hands on cannonballs. Sunday: 10km of cycling to a scenic Mc Donald's outlet for a big breakfast deluxe Monday: 1 set of pull ups at 2, other 2 sets one each 2 sets of chin ups at 2, last set at one 5 sets of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Monkey bars to and fro I wasn't feeling up to full weights at gym. My calves and quads are killing me. Did 30 min of runners yoga for recovery.
  18. Sat: Half Everesting. To get 4424m in elevation in one sitting. My watch bugged out and I lost a couple of loops, and didn't officially get it..but here's the final result of the split run(as earlier stated, watch restarted):
  19. Oh okay it's just because I was wondering if my incorrect form or too heavy weights was causing me bruises (which I was worried could lead to more serious injury). Friday: 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin ups x 2 sets, last set x3 Conservation of ninjitsu....
  20. Weds(got to gym late, squat rack and bar taken up) 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin ups x 2 sets, last set x3 Deadlifts: 40kg x12, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x10, 3 sets Overhead press: 25 kg x5, 2 sets last set x 4 Chest press: 30kg x7, 3 sets Front squat: 30kg x 8, 3 sets No time for further exercise. Thursday: Ran 5.5km to aunt's place Real kettlebell. 10x10 1h swings @16kg 6x1 TGU @12kg 4x1 TGU @10kg Too busy at work for burpees last 2 days but on the flip side I am getting bruises on forearms from S&S. I think it's a grip issue with regards to my kettlebell... Also I haven't been very good with diet. Been eating cakes, peanut butter...blame work stress.
  21. Tuesday: Real kettlebell. 10x10 1h swings @16kg 10x1 TGU @12kg The swings are begining to get hard and I failed and had to redo the last TGU. I Really should read my notes and stick to this for another session. 9km @ 6 min pace at noon. Don't think I'll have time for burpees today.
  22. Thanks 😃 It's as close as a vacation we can get in these Covid times. I had a overpriced coconut but it was good. Plenty of juice and soft flesh, not to mention a proper metal spoon provided. Unlike mainland where I gave up trying to scrape the hard coconut flesh out with the flimsy plastic spoon and used my finger nails instead. Monday: Ran 5.5km to aunt's place. 2 pull ups x 1set, remaining 2 sets at 1 pull up each. 2 chin ups x 2sets, remaining set at 1 pull up Deadlifts: Bar +20kg/set x6, 3 sets Back squat: 25kg x10, 3 sets Too many people wanting to use squat/rack come deadlift area today... Overhead press: 25 kg x5, 3 sets Chest press: 30kg x7, 3 sets Front squat: 30kg x 8, 3 sets This time I cleaned 30kg...it's back. My 30kg clean is back! Woot! Farmers walk: 20kg weight in each hand for 56s. I always get Monday (pull-up) blues. But it's not due to a lack of energy etc because my gym work goes swimmingly well on Mondays... 20x 5 sets of burpees Anyone want to help me figure? (I do run a full marathon (or more) worth of distance over the course of a weekend though).
  23. I think carbs help your lifts. I find that after my impromptu refuels on weekends, my gym sessions are more productive. Well except for pull ups because I think the carbs add weight and screw up my pull ups, not to mention back to back long runs taxing my core strength...
  24. Sat:Ran 20km for sight seeing! Boat cruise to pulau ubin then running around there.
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