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Everything posted by Mortimer

  1. Thursday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 1x1TGU @11.8kg 9x1 TGU@10.8kg Yep pulled deltoid don't like me... 20 x5 sets burpees, 12 min 30s, including 1 min rest/set Friday: 2 pull ups x2 sets 2 chin ups x1 set 3 chin ups x 1 set Final set of 3 pull ups and 3 chin ups
  2. Weds: 2 pull ups x2 sets 2 chin ups x2 sets Final set of 3 pull ups and 3 chin ups 😃 4 sets total of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats(yoo hoo pole!) on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips To and fro once on monkey bars No rest between exercises -doing full circuit mode. Decided to skip bucket brigading since I think I pulled my left deltoid somewhere in the shenanigans. I think all that hollow body hold is helping with my pull ups.
  3. Monday: 2 pull ups x3 sets 2 chin ups x3 sets Bonus chin up is back. I wonder if I should try for bonus pull up...but that's a totally different ball game. 4 sets total of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats(yoo hoo pole!) on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips To and fro once on monkey bars (figure I should use my pull muscles a bit more). I'm far better on monkey bars with right hand (dominant hand) leading then my left. No rest between exercises -doing full circuit mode. I tried to bucket carry in the bath but didn't get very far. Probably tired after earlier entertainment. Tuesday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x1TGU @11.8kg Business as usual, I have a biib pre run for minimum 3km so I will try to squeeze a run in tonight.
  4. Sunday: Walk ran 7.2km with a buddy then properly ran 7.2 back home. Pfft. 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 2x1TGU @11.8kg 8x1TGU@10.8kg Not surprised with TGU issues, wanted to do them yesterday but decided it wouldn't be a good idea. Probably still having after effects from da long climb.
  5. Then I did this thing walking from evening till near 3 am. The loops took longer then expected. I was doing 5 loops/h on a run-walk combo. I'm slightly disappointed Strava records show only 2130m elevation gain but I am likely going to submit my gamin side by side with my Strava and cite an error cos I remember doing 39 loops. I was practicing this because I want to go for the 100km 24h type of races and I need to know if I can march a whole night without falling asleep on my feet. I have no illusions I can run up such a steep hill thus did a run-walk combo. Every 5th loop I'd run all the way uphill and try to run up the stairs as well. Then I'd start to again from road mirror + 1 lamp post,next loop do road mirror +2 lamp posts. It was a way to stave of boredom and break the monotony of the run and help me keep track on the number of loops done. I also ran downhill but slowly. Didn't want to run into knee issues.
  6. 2 pull ups x3 sets 2 chin ups x3 sets Lockdown again... https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/covid-19-phase-2-dining-in-work-from-home-tightened-measures-14808382 Sigh. Anyway no strength workout today, gonna do some massive hill climbing. Aiming for quarter Everest in elevation (2248m).
  7. Tonight I'm going to do shitload of hill climbing. Stairs climbing is a good workout too. I had same issue with you with covid-19 jab side effects but it didn't affect my ability to run 30k any...
  8. Ah sore arm....imo it's a good time to brush up on your running skillz 😃 Or squatting skillz. I also got a sore arm and decided to devote the next day to running lol.
  9. Thursday: Dragged hubbie out cycling for 32km lol. Now he complains his knee and butt hurt. I'm fine of course...even if I'm not a real cyclist. 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x1TGU @11.8kg
  10. Wednesday: 2 pull ups x3 sets 2 chin ups x3 sets 20x5 sets burpees 1 min rest interval per set. 12:38 3 sets total of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats(yoo hoo pole!) on each leg 1 min hollow hold 20 pike push ups 3 dips Whole workout took about 17 min or so. No breaks though so it was continuous action all the way. A bit short for my taste. Maybe I really should try for 4 sets...or maybe add some swinging around monkey bars.
  11. Uhhh for some reason I can't do 15 min if push ups and Id rather try 15 min of burpees, but I'd still not like to do 15 min of burpees...lol. But yay for getting back on the exercise bandwagon =D
  12. Monday(first of no gym day): 2 pull ups x3 sets 2 chin ups x3 sets 3 sets total of the following: 20 divebomber push ups 5 assisted pistol squats(yoo hoo pole!) on each leg 1 min hollow hold 3 dips Originally wanted to do some monkey bars but still have that blister, so.... Workout was a bit short next time I will probably go for 4 sets though towards the end the hollow holds and assisted pistols were killing me. Also messed around with handstand work. Walked randomly around with my soapy bucket but forgot to hit timer so no idea how long. Tuesday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 2TGU @11.8kg 8TGU@10.8kg I think messing around with handstands etc did affect my TGU capabilities.
  13. Check your activity as in steps/day. I have issues hitting 10k steps on workdays so I live with like <1400 cals/day =o Again I'm like 2/3rd your weight.
  14. Ouch eating is important! How's your new car coming along?
  15. Sunday: 5k time trial. I managed 24:28 with pacer help. Then I got a lesson handed to me for arrogance. I decided I would go rackey a new biking route (so I can bring my husband cycling) after the time trial, and ran for 24.65km at 6:23 pace on 30 degree Celsius until noon, and ran out of steam and ended up walking 7k under the noon day sun before reaching the end point. It appears drinking your fill and bringing 1l of water with you is NOT enough for 15km under the noon day sun. I had no control over the pace I was running. I knew I was going too fast but I couldn't slow down because there was no shade and I wanted to get to my destination as fast as possible. But this run was an insightful one. Apparently another thing that can make my heart rate hit above 150 is doing 6:30 pace and below at noon with no shelter. Also it seems this week is screw myself over week lol.
  16. Friday: 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin up x 3 sets Bonus chin up came back^^ Couldn't go to gym due to work so coughed out 100 burpees in 12 min 38s Sat: Conserving run energy for tomorrow's time trial and 36km run. By the time I add both distances together it will nearly be full marathon. I pray it rains like it has been for the last few days close to noon or the last 15km without water is gonna suck. I went swimming for about half an hour or so messing around with settings on my gamin watch. Strangely swimming does get my heart rate up. Around 110-120. I also messed a bit too much with monkey bars, I did one to and fro set, skipping bars and going hey, this is easy despite not practicing for a month, did a second set, decided I was still fresh and did a third. When I got home and took a bath I realized I picked up a blister. Ooops! I think doing free style and butterfly in the pool helped with my monkey bars shoulder mobility check. Sat evening: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x 1 TGU @11.8kg
  17. Weds: I woke up 2h late because I forgot to set my alarm and had to take cab to work. I chose to cook my food and bring to work rather then rush off without cooking or having breakfast(I could still make public transport). 6 pull ups done randomly over the day on the toilet door. (yes you can, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could grab the toilet door then pull myself up till my head peeked over it lol) 2 chin ups x3 sets Deadlifts: 40kg x 12, 3 sets Back squat: 10kg/side +bar x 8 12.5kg/side +bar x 8 15 kg/side +bar x4 Last rep nearly killed me and I thought I needed to bail. Overhead press: 25 kg x 7,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x6, 2 sets 30kg x7 last set Front squats: 30kg x8, 3 sets Farmers walk : 46s with 20 kg weight plate. Thursday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x 1 TGU @11.8kg State of mind and an empty kitchen does wonders...
  18. Tuesday: I couldn't find time to do it in the morning. There was a train delay so I was half an hour off schedule. I did it at night, and my brother in law decided to bring his wife and my niece over. Right while I was doing simple and sinister in the living room. My in laws were so excited to see my niece they were walking dangerously close to my workout area, to the point I was telling them NOT to step on me. Geez do they have any sense of safety awareness or what? You mean you'd walk near someone who's busy doing TGUs with an 11.8kg weight? 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 8x 1 TGU @11.8kg 2 x 1 TGU @10.8kg I think my state of mind affected my TGU capabilities. Wanted to finish it as soon as possible before someone might bring my toddler niece out into the living room or something stupid. Also. Bad news. Gyms will be closed from 8th may onwards due to increase in covid-19 cases. Now I need to work out body weight replacements for the following exercises: Deadlifts Overhead press Bench press My bodyweight circuit will consist of pull ups, will try to eke out some dips(maybe 2 per set for 3 sets), will practice assisted pistols squats with a pole/door frame and do 1 min hollow body hold (hope I can repeat 3 sets). Considering if I should do any push ups since if I have time during lunch I belt out 100 burpees. Taking suggestions on replacing the above exercises.
  19. Okay glad to hear you're fine because I've heard of some accidents even though immediately there didn't seem to be any issue, but later driver realized he got some sprain, whip lash, slipped disc etc.
  20. 2 pull ups 2 chin ups 1 pull up, 5 assisted pull ups 1 chin up, 5 assisted chin ups 1 pull up, 3 assisted pull ups 1 chin up, 3 assisted chin ups Sigh it looks like Monday blues... Deadlifts: 40kg x 12, 3 sets Back squat: 25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset Overhead press: 25 kg x 7,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x6, 2 sets, last set I did 7 Cleans: 30kg x4, have to take a break every 2-3 reps. Well it was better then the last time I had to take a break every rep.... Farmers walk :38 s with 20kg weight plate. I blame Monday blues. There was a shuttle run challenge in my gym, so I decided to do it heh. After weights. So it's every 10m you turn and touch the floor. I managed 38 x10m in 2 mins. Current record holder did 42. I guess I have some way to go. It's actually rather tiring because your turning leg will get tired, not to mention you're running as fast as you can for 2 min.
  21. Sat: 5k time trial -26 min 6 secs. I think I have further potential - I didn't get stitches towards the end which seems to indicate I could probably have pushed further. But again unfamiliar route and I felt it was slight downslope on the first part and wanted to conserve some energy for return trip. Ran another 11k with my run group, had a picnic and ate too much later=P Hey, those no bake peanut butter protein balls were good! Sunday: Ran around 14km, some parts slackadociously( with a friend who just started running), parts where I was alone, not so, since I pushed for a semi decent pace. (6'30 and below). Also messed around with date bars(I intend to use them as gel/tailwind replacements for long runs to be taken every 10km): Unfortunately as of 12h in the freezer they haven't set yet. I may need to add coconut oil to help it solidify (perhaps I shouldn't have added water to the dates when I blended but the blender was making awful noises). I am worried that by adding coconut oil the fat content goes up to 37% of energy value and may slow me down when I run.
  22. Fri: 20x5 sets of burpees ,1 min break 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin ups x 3 sets Bonus chin up is back =D Deadlifts: 17.5kg /side+ bar x 8 20 kg/side + bar x 8 22.5kg/side +bar x6 Back squat: 7.5kg/side +bar x8 10kg/side +bar x8 12.5kg/side +bar x8 Overhead press: 25 kg x 7,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x6, 3 sets Front squat: 30kg x8, Farmers walk :53s with 20 kg weight plate.
  23. Holy shit Aramis are you ok after the whole incident? Any sprains etc?
  24. Thursday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x 1 TGU @11.8kg 20 Burpees x 5 sets, 1 min break, total time <13 min Went to a friend's bdae party cum hiits session and did an hour and ate too much cake and bread =P
  25. Weds: 2 pull ups x 3 sets 2 chin ups x 3 sets Deadlifts: 17.5kg /side+ bar x 8 20 kg/side + bar x 8 22.5kg/side +bar x4 Back squat: 25 kg x 8, 3 sets, superset Overhead press: 25 kg x 7,3 sets Chest press: 30kg x6, 3 sets Cleans: 30kg x4, 3 sets had to rest between reps Farmers walk :33s with 20 kg weight plate. Did I not grip it right or what? Thursday: 10x10 1h swings @11.8kg 10x 1 TGU @11.8kg
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