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Found 2 results

  1. Hi! Been doing IF for 7 days strict calorie control and macros. Day 4 woke me early with horrible stomach cramps. I ate carbs and egg with salt to resolve. Day 7 the stomach cramps came back and made me break my fast 3 hours early. Taking women MultiVits. Healthy 5"8 age 30 BMI approx 31 (Shy about weight!) Macros 40/35/25% prot/fat/carbs 156g/60g/98g 1500cal goal Light exercise: 2k jog twice this week Active job on feet Eating window is 13.30-21.30 Please help as I want to continue. I'm not feeling much hunger pangs but the abdominal cramps is awful. I'm worried that I'm harming my body. Has anyone had this? Thanks
  2. Hello! I'm looking for some advice please! I do intermittent fasting on 16:8 with my feasting window being 12pm to 8pm. I love to work out early in the mornings usually around 7/8 - I don't always work out this early but this is my favourite time to do so - I do purely weight training no cardio. I can't say after fasted training that early that I get particularly hungry waiting until 12pm to eat and I drink plenty of water (at least a litre just in the hour training session) so i'm all good on that front. However I don't know if say my training finishes at 8am if its detrimental to then wait 4 hours to till 12pm to then break my fast? There's unfortunately no wiggle room with my feasting window as I still live in the family house and dinner/tea is set at 8pm. Whenever I train within my feasting window I will have 2 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt before and after training to get my protein/BCAA's - just personal preference that i prefer to 'do it' through Greek yoghurt than protein shakes or BCAA powders. So finally if it isn't great to be waiting 4 hours after my fasted training to break the fast should I either just break my fast earlier that day and have a longer feasting period or should i just have the 2 tablespoons of greek yoghurt ONLY AFTER my training and then wait as normal till 12pm to begin my actual feasting period? Thankyou so much for any answers! Emmie
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