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Found 5 results

  1. Welcome to W.A.G, the Wolf/Werewolf Accountabillibuddy Group! With my own challenge this time being werewolf-themed, I noticed that I'm not the only one around here who loves wolves and werewolves. There's quite a few of you raging, full moon-loving beasties out there too! So, in order to keep all us lupine lovers on track with our individual challenges, I propose W.A.G., the Wolf/Werewolf Accountabillibuddy Group. Join if you want help and encouragement on your challenge. Or if you just love all-things wolf and werewolf! Rules 1. Follow this thread and other members' threads by clicking the red 'follow this topic' button at the top right of your screen. 2. Post a short introduction about yourself, what your challenge is all about and why you love wolves and/or werewolves. 3. Link us to your challenge so we can follow you. I will then add your name and challenge link to our list below. 4. Feel free to discuss anything and everything wolf or werewolf-related! (Favorite werewolf movie, your favorite literary werewolf, good werewolf music to workout to, etc.) Members 1. elinox = Werewolf Workout 2. Volki = Answers the Call of Cthulhu 3. Wild Wolf = Street Level Hero 4. Laghail = Uses the C-Word 5. DireWolfCurse = Wolf Cub in Training 6. Phoenix91 = 50 Points to Slytherin 7.
  2. The building was on fire, and it wasn’t my fault. - Harry Dresden, Blood Rites Sometimes the Wild Hunt appears in different forms. This time, purple flying monkeys are among the bad things coming for you. Terror grips you and you only have three choices: join, hide or die. Joining the hunt means competing again the best warriors of all time: Odin, Herne the Hunter, King Arthur, and the Erlking, among others. Hiding means you can only hope the monsters won't find you and kill you anyway; or if you choose to flee as prey to somehow outpace the horses. And dying...well, that's not really an option now, is it? If you choose to join, you are committing to working towards your challenges, whatever they may be, for the duration of the hunt (our 6 week challenge). Offering support to your fellow riders and being relentless towards your own goals. We will be dedicated and we will succeed or die trying! So what will you do: join, hide or die? Rules 1. Follow this thread and other members threads by clicking the red 'follow this topic' button at the top right of your screen. 2. Post a short introduction about yourself, what your challenge is all about and how it pertains to the Dresden Files. Members 1. elinox = La Serenita 2. Firedance = Runs Along the Branches 3. Erick the Red = Becoming a Berserker 4. Vinoex = Prepares to Hunt 5. PositiveBlue = Visiting the Mud People 6. TwinBear = Stalks in the Spring Wood 7. Fox59 = Finds Stability (or something) 8. Polgara = First Challenge 9. Absidey = Seeks Serenity
  3. Lightning flashes across a storm-ridden sky and you hear the call of a hunting horn as hounds bay for your blood. Terror grips you and you only have three choices: join, hide or die. Joining the hunt means competing again the best warriors of all time: Odin, Herne the Hunter, King Arthur, and the Erlking, among others. Hiding means you can only hope the monsters won't find you and kill you anyway; or if you choose to flee as prey to somehow outpace the horses. And dying...well, that's not really an option now, is it? If you choose to join, you are committing to working towards your challenges, whatever they may be, for the duration of the hunt (our 6 week challenge). Offering support to your fellow riders and being relentless towards your own goals. We will be dedicated and we will succeed or die trying! So what will you do: join, hide or die? Rules 1. Sign up in the official Accountabilibuddy spreadsheet. = there isn't one, so don't worry about it. 2. Follow this thread and other members threads by clicking the red 'follow this topic' button at the top right of your screen. 3. Post a short introduction about yourself, what your challenge is all about and how it pertains to the Dresden Files. Members 1. elinox = Do You Believe In Magic? 2. TwinBear = Winter's Deep Challenge 3. DarthChronos = DarthChronos Returns! 4. PositiveBlue = Traversing King's Port 5. Erick the Red = Full of Sound & Fury,Signifying...Something? 6. Firedance = Builds Up Her Strength 7. Remdawg = Seeks To Complete His Master's Training 8. Vinoex = The Wanderings of Vinoex
  4. Survival of the nerdiest! You know, a Zombie apocalypse might never happen... but if it does, we will be definitely ready! And what better way to prepare for the outbreak than training with fellow nerds cheering? That is why I formed this group, and I would love for you guys to join in the battle against zombies. It really doesn't matter what your fitness goal for this challenge is, as long as you're ready to have an awesome support team! As we've learned from movies, sometimes being the fittest is of no good use if you are not a good team player, so... NERDS OF THE WORLD, ASSEMBLE! Looking good and feeling great about yourself when looking in the mirror will be awesome, but being able to outrun a crazy "28 Days Later" zombie would be absolutely better! Besides we would totally outsmart them LET'S KICK SOME ZOMBIE ASS!!! Join the team here: Zombie Outbreak Survivors
  5. Hey everybody, Rogue Squadron is back in action. As always member list will be placed here in the OP, and be regularly updated as we gain members. Members: RogueWelkin: RogueWelkin: Episode IV - A New Hope KingLeeroy: KingLeeroy's Castle of Grind, Challenge 4. Wovercast: Wovercast Survives the Holiday Gauntlet Tateman: Tateman's Challenge #4 - "Run, Fatboy, Run... To Spartan Race!" SirHammerlock: Hammerlock's fourth time JohnnyShoes: Johnny Shoes can do all the things!! BruceHeat: Bruce is going to hit those numbers challenge! Kort: Kort's Conquering of the Never Ending Wedding Season Don't forget to follow this topic as well as your own topic and those of the other Rogue Squadron members. 80D
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