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  1. Safe on the other side of the ravine, Vixen decided to make camp. Building the fire was no problem, and soon a pot of water was boiling merrily away for tea, but putting up the tent was a bit more of a struggle. "If only I had someone else to help me," Vixen grumbled, before clapping her hands together in delight. That was it! She'd struggled on the vines because she didn't know what she was doing, so why not invest in some help? Before you could say 'product placement' Vixen had signed up to the NF rings and handstands courses and was flicking through the pages on her phone. The terrain ahead of her though... hills and mountains. She wanted to learn how to swing on a vine, but for the road ahead, what she really needed was a Ranger. She looked back down at the phone in her hand. Time for a team up. So I'm still going to be working on my goals from last month, but I'm also going on a walking holiday in North Wales over Easter, so I wanted to incorporate that into my story, heh. My Ranger is one of my BFFs, she's working on her mountain leadership qualification, and she's agreed to do some truly gnarly ridge walking with me. It's still too cold to climb outside. In my soft southern opinion. Hang Glide When I was little I said this was my life ambition. I've decided to actually just do it this year. Because there's no time like the present. Hang glide this year was my 2018 New Year's Resolution. E-mail to ask when the deadline is for booking in June Book onto a tandem hang glide session in June Become a Gymnastic Ring Aficionado I'm on the last level of the bodyweight path in the NF Academy, and I'm ready to take it to the next level. I've just bought the NF rings and handstands course, so time to work that out. Read through both courses Create a workout plan Strength train x3 a week (except for holiday week) 1 2 3 Become Proficient at Aerial Hoop Hoop is my new favourite thing in the world. I love it. I want to do it MORE. Schedule classes for the month except for holiday week Practise once a week 1 2 3 Write First Draft of a Story Another one of the things I always said I would do. I went on an OU creative writing course last year, now to start putting it into practice! Vixen is a character in one of my WIPs, btw. Schedule in one writing session a week (except for holiday week) Write once a week 1 2 3 Find a New Job My other half is a doctor, and we will be moving for his work in August. I'm trying to put in the groundwork now, so I can find a new job that I like! Job interview prep - read their websites - familiarise yourself with their research - answer the sample questions S gave you Apply for at least one other job Complete Care Certificate SIDE QUEST: The Misty Mountains Going to Snowdonia with a crowd of my bestest buddies, and I want to go walking with my favourite Ranger/Hobbit Make a kit list Finalise travel plans Find two really challenging walks that I want to do Liaise with the Ranger about how feasible they are WALK
  2. Vixen pulled herself up and over the edge of the cliff, carefully stepping away from the edge before turning to look back at the way she came. Her training on the bouldering walls back home had prepared her for the climb, but it hadn't been easy, and she was thankful to be back on terra firma. The satisfied smile on her face soon fell however when she turned to look at the path ahead. True, she had scaled this cliff, but it fell sharply away again to rocky, dangerous gulley. The edge opposite her was tantalisingly close, but climbing back down and up again would more than quadruple the distance she had to travel. Looking up, she saw some vines hanging from a sturdy tree branch, which all but traversed the gully. Could there be another way across? First full challenge in several years! Here we go! I went through the guide to setting smart goals, and came up with the following five areas in bold. These are long-term goals (to be achieved over a year). I've broken them down into SMART goals, and I'm setting a few of those for my challenge. Hang Glide When I was little I said this was my life ambition. I've decided to actually just do it this year. Because there's no time like the present. Hang glide this year was my 2018 New Year's Resolution. Research places to do it, and best time of year to go. Make a spreadsheet with all the places & times & send to partner in crime Become a Gymnastic Ring Aficionado I'm on the last level of the bodyweight path in the NF Academy, and I'm ready to take it to the next level. My other half isn't keen on me buying the rings/handstands course, so I'm researching what I can do on my own first. Schedule BW workouts for the month. Strength training x3 a week (includes climbing/hoop) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Build up a bookmarks folder of ring training advice Become Proficient at Aerial Hoop Hoop is my new favourite thing in the world. I love it. I want to do it MORE. Schedule classes for the month. Hoop class x1 a week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Yoga five times a week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Write First Draft of a Story Another one of the things I always said I would do. I went on an OU creative writing course last year, now to start putting it into practice! Vixen is a character in one of my WIPs, btw. Schedule in one writing session a week for a month Write once a week as above! Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Find a New Job My other half is a doctor, and we will be moving for his work in August. I'm trying to put in the groundwork now, so I can find a new job that I like! All written work for care certificate completed E-mail technical lead and network/ask about jobs - this is no longer relevant as I'm not going to Glasgow E-mail Phys Soc contact and ask about research in Liverpool Whew! I know that seems like a lot, but I don't think it's too bad. The workout stuff is mainly at the level I'm already working at. I just finished the 30 days of yoga challenge, so missing yoga a couple days a week is almost a step back... and I'm head over heels in love with hoop so I'm sure to get to classes (famous last words?). It's more all the admin stuff I'm going to find harder, because ugh, speaking to people. Introverts unite!
  3. Alrighty...this is my first challenge back since...oh July of last year. Crazy life changes have happened, and now that I'm pretending to be more settled, it's time to take control and make shit happen. I feel what I really need and want out of this challenge is to Make Fitness a Priority!! just for good measure, I went and re-read this article from Steve....https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/01/26/why-you-need-to-be-selfish-and-put-fitness-first/ My short-term goals include performing at the aerial showcase at the studio where I teach fitness classes in the fall/winter and absolutely slaying. I've put on fat and lost strength since last summer and I'm not happy with the routine I could put together at this point in time. This is my performance from earlier in the year, which I'm happy enough with, but I definitely wasn't strong enough to do the things I wanted...and I *might* have only put this together 3 days before the performance. My goals from now until the end of 2016 are largely gaining strength while lowering my bf%, and improving my flexibility. I know that it can be hard to work on strength and flexibility at the same time, but I figure I'll give it a whirl and see what comes out in the end. Missions: 1) Practice aerial hoop 1x/week - this should be easy enough because I can practice after teaching my conditioning class Thursday nights. I just need to make myself do it!! 2) Go to the gym 2x/week - Ideally Monday/Wednesdays, but it'll depend on my work schedule. I just started a new job, and right now the hours are a bit all over the place. 3) Stretch daily - even if it's just a couple of sun salutations in the morning/evening. I want to work on hip mobility and hamstring flexibility working towards full splits, and also back bends. I do have starting photos from a bit ago: Food: 1) Eat clean - "pretend" like I'm doing a whole30. Basically I'm going to follow whole30 guidelines as much as humanly possible while living in a house that makes things difficult to do so. To put systems in place for this I need to meal plan/shop/cook every week. Life: Reconnect and make more NF friends around here. I went to camp last fall, and with the camp Facebook group being active, I haven't spent much time around these parts anymore. I want to check in with my own thread and other people's at least 5 days/week. And here. We. Go!!!!!!
  4. During my last challenge I established some strong workout habits by giving them major priority and it was awesome. Daily exercise is truly magic for me Working out a lot took lots of time, but I got confirmed again that where there is a will there is a way.... Now there is a lot of things I'd like to get done with and for my family, some of them uncomfortable, some of them urgent and important, all of them would improve life quality for us, lots of things I'd like to get done for our house and garden and last but not least again for the most important home I have - my body, so this challenge will hopefully see me do it all: Lucky fire dragon takes good care of her lair and family 1. Taking good care of my dear ones Not sure yet how to structure this best, was thinking of points but ended up with a list instead, will include the regular things in my weekly spreadsheets and cross out on the list right here Regular tough and tender love: - check both A's and T's homework every single school day (total of 10 due to holidays) - make sure T practices her drums and recorder daily (total 28) - read a short section in diary of a whimpy kid with A daily to improve his English skills (total 28) - tidy up T's room with her once every week (which is a major adventure for both of us and I am hoping doing it more often will improve that. I told her I will give her an hour for that every weekend - more tomorrow as we will have to sort through a lot of things then - and if we don't need the full hour because she kept it neat herself we can play a game instead or go roller blading hope that helps as incentive) total of 4 - study with A for his school 2x 30 minutes every week (total of 8) List of other goodies and/or necessities to be taken care of this challenge: - get R good sun glasses - take R to skin doctor for funny toe nail - sign R up for driving lessons - cancel the saving contract we have running for her in order to fund said driving lessons - take R shopping for clothes - look through A's clothes and take him shopping - look through T's clothes, hand on what's too small, try out waiting things, shop if need be - get A's bike lights fixed - get T's bike lights fixed plus new bell for bike (don't what it is about those lights, ugh) - go roller blading with T (at least 3x throughout challenge) 3/3 - play with A on trampoline or go roller blading and him on waveboard (at least 2x throughout the challenge) 2. Taking good care of house and garden - Tend garden and/or unclutter something in the house for 100 min / week (which one it is will be depending on weather and urgency) - plant strawberries on balcony with T - wash and clean car inside and out - get summer wheels on - sort through own clothes and hand on things not worn any more 3. Taking good care of my body and mind Adapted Goal - Continue daily exercise first thing in the morning, for week 1 I will do: - follow Integral Strength Training by GMB (currently 3 sessions per week) - Ring workout is optional whenever I want to (and have strength left from IS and pole ) Continue pole training 4x / week Add rope skipping 3x/ week Add 5 min hula hoop every day (only when the mood strikes) Walk at least 3000 steps every day (I know that is ridiculously little for most of you here, but for me it can be challenging on many days as I work from home and spend most of my time in the house) Journal or meditate 10 min/ day Keep up French lessons with Memrise, Duolingo and/or other means - no time goal here, as mini challenges pushes me plenty as is 4. Taking good care of my skin and nails These usually get so neglected with and it's time for them to get spoiled a bit more and shine so they get their own goal... 5 minutes/day taking care of either nails or calluses (can even be just one or two nails as long as something gets tended) For most of my life I used to bite my nails super short and while I don't do that anymore, they don't get much care yet either. I cut them short now and don't smoothen them afterwards, the nail polish I put on my toes in February is still on in remnants... you get the picture. It won't take that much time to do better here and a little bit every day will go a long way. My hands have developed some calluses from the hoop and ring training (funny enough pole doesn't create any) and one tore open a few days ago. Fortunately I discovered that I had bought one of those rough stones to use on callused skin a long time ago (when I intended better skin care as well lol) and found out that smoothed all the rough edges on the torn callus perfectly so now it won't rip any further, yay. So treating the calluses from time to time with that stone will probably prevent them from getting ripped in the first place, or at least I hope it might. 4 peeling massages over course of challenge This will be a whole new experience, I have never ever done any peelings before Somehow turning 40 made me think of all kinds of new stuff, like I gotta turn into a classy lady or something lol, but I think it will be real nice for my dear skin 4 salt baths over course of challenge 4 nights with wet socks (socks soaked in warm salt water, dry woolen socks over plus towel and wham comfy detox cleanses overnight ) can also be replaced by a salted 15 min foot bath Spending at least 10 minutes / day outdoors Come rain or shine, I have to get out there. Am pale like a sheet at the moment and won't wait for perfect weather to change that. Plus oxygen... never to be underestimated!! This can happily be combined with goal nr 2 (gardening time) What else is new? Oh yes, I got a fitbit charge hr for my birthday so I am now all distracted by checking how my heart rate is doing, how many steps I've taken, what it counts as exercise and can't wait to see what it thinks of pole training (have slacked this week zero, but Sunday will tell!!) and I guess it would give plenty material for more challenges.... but considering how full this one is right now (and believe me there was more that could have come in lol, but I'm shshing it ) I decided to wait on that... As is I'd be one suuuuuuuuuper proud fire dragon if when I managed all of the above this coming challenge!! Won't beat myself up if for some reason I don't but boy would it be cool if I did it, squeeeeeeee What helped me last time tremendously was @mr_willes pushing me on in a PvP that had us report on each other's threads how far we were along with our workouts. So if anybody would like to try that out, I'd love to do that again! But be warned, I might not be as nice to you as you know me I can be quite competitive when it comes to it. In the end I'd love to see both of us have straight A weeks though, of course. That is the very best feeling for sure. Let's do this thing For tracking: homework check T 10/10 homework check A 10/10 music training check T 11/28 get room shiny T 4/4 study with A 6/8 read dwk with A 5/28 roller blading fun T 3/3 waveboard fun A 3/2 tend garden (or unclutter house) 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 meditation 20/28 Integral Strength 10/10 pole training 12/16 > 3000 steps 27/28 nail / skin care 23/28 peeling massage 4/4 salt bath 5/4 > 10 minutes outdoors 24/28
  5. lucky fire dragon takes good care of herself After a rather wobbly challenge last time I was lost for about a week as to how to go from here. Aiming for all the things is not going to happen right now and also seems not the best approach for me, so I'll go back to my main passions with pole and hoop and having enough ease and fun in my life that decision feels so good, probably combined with the restful 4 day vacation last weekend, I am climbing up on top of my world again and getting EXCITED Add the new mini theme, ooooooooh well, you have me excited a whole lot more and it goes so well with the theme that finally took shape this morning between work sessions and household catching up: This challenge I will be REALLY good to myself and take the best care, because I am worth it and because it will enable me to have even more fun and because you have to be in tiptop shape to help destroy a ring in Mordor So let's get with it Goal 1 Good fuel and Hydration - moooooar veggies!!! Looking for variety and want to up that part of my meals as it has bored me for a while and now I notice that that is not good - less carbs and sugars! Meaning less pasta, rice, etc... less sugary or alcoholic drinks and rather - mooooooar water! Minimum of 2 Liters / day, aiming for 3-4 days / week again with 2,5 liters minimum The water will help with all the rest as I know from the past. Hobbits and dwarves had not much else on their journey either, except at rare rest places and celebrations. Those times are restricted to one evening/week where I can indulge in anything I want to, granted I had my minimum water As for my meals, I will list all intake here and hope that will motivate me enough to keep things healthy Also it might be a good reference point for any hindsight. Will see, have never tracked any food before, am curious on any result, sure it can only be progress Goal 2 Get stronger Frodo really wouldn't have got far without Sam! And why? Because Sam was not only true and wise, he was also strrrrrrong!! I want to be too. In order to give this a nice structure, yet flexible, I will adapt Steve's Angry Bird Workout a bit - I love that workout structure Workout will consist of x reps of deep bodyweight squats x reps of pull ups on hoop or pole x reps of chin ups on hoop / pull ups with other hand up on pole x reps of sit ups on hoop / hang back sit ups on pole x minutes of plank x minutes of side plank each side Will do my first workout tomorrow to determine how many reps of each. Will see how many I can do over 3 sets, use that number as a starter and once I can do them in 2 sets or less, will up the number of reps. Will do the whole workout with either pole or hoop 3x/week With a nice stretching session afterwards, I will be flying again in no time Talking about flying: aiming for 2 pole and 1 hoop training at home in addition to the weekly classes Tentative schedule: Mon run training, Angry Bird on hoop plus train a bit Tue* Angry Bird on pole plus train Wed run training, hoop class at night Thu pole class at night Fri hike or chill with hubby during morning Sat Run training, Angry Bird on pole plus train and dance Sun rest day * Tuesday might end up a rest day from time to time, depending what is happening around me and how my body is doing. I want to leave enough play for it all to be good long term and no stress. After all I want to take good care of myself Goal 3 Having fun There is a lot going on in my life right now with work, family and the awesome sports stuff, that it's easy to get into a mode of working hard and forgetting when to stop and smell the roses. So I will schedule those times - again, that is, I have had this element before in a challenge and it was simply beautiful: 2 plan free afternoons / week. No appointments, no tasks set, just free time to spend however I want to. If I want to be productive on something that tickles me, I can of course, but the beauty is to not have to A win for this goal is also every time I get inspired instead of escaping into mindless distractions that don't really relax me in the end. For instance watching "Got to dance" inspires me, watching little youtube movies on facebook distracts me but doesn't relax me. Proper relaxation like a delicious hot bath, or lying with my legs up the wall, or meditating and breathing are fabulous wins, too, of course. Will see how many wins I can collect over the course of these weeks Side goals: - stick to my training schedule for the 10 mile run on October 11th - finish said run honorably, personal goal is to finish in 2 hours 10 min - another translation project for work, that I have kept for procrastination savoring and that I will track with a progress bar in signature. Those are just so cool That's it for now. Will draft some spreadsheets still for easy tracking progress. No before and after pics, rather some hoop and pole win pics during the challenge No rewards as benefits from all this will be super rewarding in themselves. No stat points as I lost interest in them and this way is simpler. Oh yes, that is another side goal: simplifying my life
  6. Hi everyone, I am a lucky go happy fire dragon, who has developed such a curiosity for life and all its goodies, that it is time for some time management and discipline in order to get all the fun into the 24 hours a day has... I love particularly pole dancing and aerial hoop, but am excited about other bodyweight and dance arts too. I enjoy yoga and meditation, love traveling, reading, hiking, funny movies, the work I do and of course my gorgeous family. This is a challenge in which I am trying to do all the things and still aim to be On Top of my Game which feels a little bit like this at times and actually I am aiming for THIS: So, how can I get to this level of Ease, Grace and general being on Top of my Game?? Simple, I will have to be a) strong b, balanced c) flexible d) connected e) clear and focused For my STRENGTH I will continue my hoop training, which is easy as I have lessons once a week, but also keep up with my pole training at home until my next set of lessons in September again. This will increase my strength beautifully and be fun when I can do better on things and be all up for the new course when it starts. a) Pole training 2x / week (+ 3 STR) have drafted a checklist of moves I would like to improve on and put it here, it is not necessarily complete also could be a move gets neglected... just gives me ideas and motivation For my BALANCE I will revive my handstand training (thank you, Mad Hatter ) Had done most of a 30 day challenge on those in January and will give it a new go in some way. Not sure yet how my training program will look like exactly, but aim to train daily at least a few minutes and do once a week progress videos. Getting into a Handstand if ever so briefly off the wall would be sooooooo cool! Also want to include training for the wrists (thank you, Elastigirl ) for the spreading of the unbreakable wrist trainings b, Handstand training (daily) + 3 STA - unbreakable wrist training - 5 min walk up, kick up or press up training, - headstand alternatives okay on 2-3 days/week - wall plank for 1 min of training - progress video once a week For my FLEXIBILITY I'd like to train on the splits this time. There, I said it. Now it's official and I will finally have to do it Looked today and am better than I thought I'd be but still wayyyy away from that dear floor... am very tempted to get myself the GMB focused flexibility course for it... will see, otherwise see plan below c) Stretches for Splits (4x / week) + 3 DEX: - both knees bent in long, low lunge - front leg straight - both legs straight - splits - center splits - progress pics once a week For my CONNECTIONS to the dear, dear world around me - meaning my family - that often gets neglected between work, house chores, fitness and other things... my goal is to give them a LOT more time. Related to that in a big way is the next goal, but I know if I don't set these things in my diary, I might end up working anyway and time flying past... NOT ANYMORE This should work well as my kids have only one more week of school and then it's six weeks school holiday. My hubby is visiting his family in SA for four weeks, so I promised I would give the kids a good time here and will! Apart from ice creams and movies etc I will include them in my workouts which is great fun for them and for me, yay. That first point I'd like to keep going after the holidays as well as a healthy habit. d) Training and outings with kids + 3 CHA - do warm up or short workout units with kids and/or go roller blading once a week - Take kids for swim or another fun outing at least twice a week My CLARITY and FOCUS will be a most crucial part of staying On Top of my Game! If work eats up too much of my time, the other important areas in my life come short... if I neglect work I fall behind on that and it doesn't feel good either. I love my work, but am learning to delegate more and more (big woot on that one) so my new goal is to slowly shift my general work schedule to mornings only plus 1 max 2 hours in the evening. This would be heavenly, to have ALL afternoons for kids, house, fitness and fun, woweeeeeeeee, would that be awesome Here is a list of things, I'd like to keep on top of workwise, mainly as reminder to myself The other part of this goal is literal clarity. With sitting a lot in front of a screen, be it for work or relaxation, I want to give my eyes a break in between and pamper them with some relaxation again. Will want and need them to see literally clear for a long time still Eye exercises - do 3 min per hour at computer, set timer - rolling, up and down, crossing, far-near, rub hands and hold - can also be combined with relaxation pose e) Eye exercises and work schedule + 1 CON + 2 WIS BONUS PART What, this is still not enough?? Well, when I look at some of the other challenges, this looks like peanuts to me, but to be honest, it is A LOT for me and I am a little nervous if I can manage... on the other hand, it's all things I really, really want to live daily, so.... Well, assuming I can manage there is one more thing to be a big help in staying On Top of my Game: uncluttering The less stuff there is about, the less fuss I have, right?! This may be a cluttered drawer or a room in the cellar that needs to be cleared and both can be equally intimidating. So REALLY AWESOME would be, if I could unclutter one area of the house per week. Be it one draw or shelf or an entire room, just something that is clear and neat and fresh again so that I have some space to fly.....
  7. Last round I had a delicious "un-challenge" that clearly showed me how much I treasure exercise and using the muscles and joiynts of my body every day. Really, if I do too little for just a few days I don't feel good any more and that is relatively new for me, but of course totally good 3x pole training per week are going well, but not enough (?!?! when did that happen??) Spontaneous craziness had me sign up for an aerial hoop course over the next 5 weeks as well as (meaning hoop class on Wednesdays and pole class on Thursdays, plus 2x training at home on the pole) I am both super excited for it and a little terrified. But I'm sure it'll be great fun But as I do need some form of exercise every day and maybe not always full, full power I decided to tempt myself with little goodies spread out. Thanks to the game of pawns mini from last challenge I learned that if I do little snippets of something spread over the day, I can do a lot more than I would have thought and that, too, does feel realllllly good. Sooo this time I will make this "un-structure" my structure for 5 weeks and see how I go with it. Hopefully I will grow with it, gain strength, balance and flexibility with it and let it all bloom into a luscious garden of human heaven on earth In order to plant this garden I will: A, loosen the soil (+ 3 STA) do anything that gets me to loosen up from sitting or standing too much such as jumping jacks, rope skipping, trampoline, non-habitual dancing, quadrupedal movements,... aiming for 90 minutes/week and ideally doing something every day B, plant the bulbs and seeds (+ 3 CON) do things that get my hands on the ground such as headstand, handstand, cartwheels (or attempts of them), down dog, crow pose,... aiming for 20 minutes/week and ideally at least 2 min a day C, let them grow (+ 3 STR) get them to go UP by doing things like pull ups, chin ups, leg raises, push ups, sit ups, bulgarian split squats,... will count in units, 1 unit being 8 pull ups, 10 chin ups, 15 leg raises, 30 push ups, 30 sit ups or 20 bulgarian squats each leg aiming for 10 units/week and of course ideally at least one day D, let it unfold and bloom (+ 3 DEX) this means stretching, either active or passive and relaxing into the stretch totally counts as well, point here is to give time - you can't rush the unfolding of a rose bud either - so at least 1 min per pose aiming for 30 units/week and ideally at least 2 or 3 every day E, give water and rest (+ 2 WIS, + 1 CHA) inspired by other's early up challenges and enough sleep during night hours I will go for 5 days/week of bed time before 10.30 pm and rising at 6.30 am or earlier also have been generously given some colloidal gold, which seems to be quite a powerful support for all kinds of good things in the body, so I'll see if I will turn into a golden dragon then and have a spoon full every morning before breakfast plus as plants like things really fresh, clean and pure I won't have any alcohol over this challenge either Plants respond very well to kind words and attention, so my bonus will be to feed myself with nourishing questions throughout my days: If I wouldn't HAVE to do anything today, what would I love to do? (and do at least one of those things, it IS possible any day!!) How can I be happy while this is in progress/while I do this? What do I want to celebrate first/soon/today? What amazing thing could happen today that I have yet no clue about? What am I excited about today? What would I love to have happening for me right now? Apart from this, I WILL keep up better with my updating *super determined* and have already printed a spreadsheet for tracking my gardening activities (thank you SymphonicDan and Elizevdmerve!) And I WILL lurk less in the shadows of your threads and speak up more, maybe dropping some magical flower dust while I am there What else... won't do any before and after pics this time, can do it next time again, it's not all that important. I can see that I am getting slimmer and stronger so that is what counts, I am happy. Oh, yes rewards! Depending how well I do on my gardening I can unlock different stats and eventually rewards as follows: A status reward 0 - 90 min done hard as rock 91 - 180 min for very tough plants only 181 - 260 min for tough plants only 261 - 330 min for pioneers of all kinds 331 - 399 min for bountiful mixtures massage from hubby (his suggestion, so yay to that ) 400 -450 min soil of Eden another massage from hubby B 0 - 24 min done scarecrow 25 - 40 min leprechaun 41 - 55 min bulb buddy 56 - 70 min dances with earthworms 71 - 85 min master planter new yoga mat 86 - 100 min rooted in heaven barefoot shoes C 0 - 10 units witch of the waste 11 - 20 units droplets of green 21 - 30 units sprouting strength 31 - 40 units fields of growth movie night out (for assassiny inspiration) 41 - 50 units fields of gold new pole shorts and top D 0 - 34 min broomstick 35 - 59 min bud baby 60 - 94 min blooming rose 95 - 120 min wind in the willows special body lotion (something yummy, not sure yet what) 121 - 150 min bendy as ivy extra spa day with hubby E 0 - 9 days sleepy and hollow 10 - 13 days breaking dawn 14 - 17 days morning glow 18 - 21 days morning star shine chocolate pralines (because chocolate!!!) 22 - 25 days shining bright restaurant night out with hubby For accountability and extra motivation I will put my stats into my signature, so you can all see right where I am at This program is quite ambitious for me at present, but that is deliberate as firstly I had a yummy unchallenge AND a lazy, laaaaaazy two week holiday just now. Secondly some of the rewards do cost quite a bit of money and I want to feel good having "earned" them. Last and foremost, I do want to get stronger, more nimble and keep a good balance overall and if I really do all these things, chances are gooood
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