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Found 5 results

  1. This started initially as a goal in one of my challenges. Since then I've just been using it to keep track of my form changes and improvements.
  2. So, form check: 1/05/2015, Squats. Disclaimer: fat man in an ill-fitting tank-top. And apparently I need better shorts. Weight is 95 pounds. Yeah, I know, but I want to nail the form before ramping up. First video: shot from 11 o'clock, low. Second video: shot from 4 o'clock, low.
  3. So i finally did a video of my workout A rotuine. Think im getting the form fairly good but wonna know what yoall think needs some improvement. And i'm trying to do a row from stronglifts but its really hard with those small plates. This is part of my six week challenege as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d_DEPCqFOo - Squats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4q8hsE7B1o - Barbell Row https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN4gpp3EkTo - Bench press
  4. I'm making a second attempt at Stronglifts, and I'd like to start checking my form early on to catch any mistakes I'm making. All my starting videos will be at 45 lb, except for the deadlift, which will be at 95 lb. I'm gonna post the barbell row later, because after looking over the Stronglifts stuff again, I realized that I've been doing the barbell rows wrong (my back was at a 40 degree angle). Next time I do those, I'll fix my form and film it again. Squat Bench Press (side) (front) Overhead Press (side) (front) Deadlift Barbell Row, 55lb Once I hit 95 lb on my squat (or sooner, if I get impatient), I'll post update videos on my forms.
  5. I started doing Stronglifts at the beginning of this challenge. Here are some form check videos. Don't judge - I'm a noob, so let any feedback be kind Thanks!
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