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Found 5 results

  1. Bouncer walked into the mining town of Phandalin, the snowcapped mountains overseeing the mining town before her. She sighed with relief at the smell of the smoke from the forty to fifty small houses, warmth was here. Mountains were already tough, but in the winter with not enough equipment. She was surprised she had survived where she could find a town before freezing to death. Walking down the dirt road, Bouncer noticed among all the newly made houses and shops were crumbling stone ruins, signs that a much larger settlement was here beforehand. Bouncer noted how the town was small but bustling with activity, shop keepers giving her a smile to speculate how much coin she had to spend. The cheery busy workers, each one had a weapon that was easy to grab, which she found intriguing by the lack of walls or soldiers. They had a desire to protect themselves from something, but what? Bouncer looked down at her own rags that were barely keeping her warm in the mountains and her empty satchel, at least with the current coin she could find some new equipment and get some warm rest as she figured out what the new town had held before her. Quest of the week: One needs to make sure they have enough rest to be able to explore a quaint town. This week I am focusing on getting enough sleep, because I know I am fatigued. My desire is to start my bedtime routine at 7 pm, This has been a goal I’ve been working on forever, and I need to make it strong enough so it's a thing I do not a “ifs, butts and coconuts” thing I do. The result of getting more rest, the more Bouncer can get to know Phandalin. 0 - wasn’t able to explore due to not resting well enough, you are starting to look suspicious to the local town folk. 1-7 days: Each day I sleep, I can explore one key establishment (5 is the goal), with extra wins Day 1: Stop at the Inn for needed rest (Day 1 is enough to bump into a new random party member) Day 2: Stop at Lionshield Coster for new armor and weapons Day 3: Visit Barthen’s Provisions for extra equipment and Gear (I get to know enough of the town to choose my NPC party member) Day 4-5: Visit the other points, and I can make a Custom Party member race with random stats Day 6: Get to know the town enough to make a Custom NPC I want to make (may have bunny members) Day 7: Surpassed my own expectations and my party member has a loyalty bonus and maybe with an extra coin just for me FYI for behind the scene goals that are strong: Going to the gym twice a week for Coach made strength training workouts (Tuesdays after work and Saturday mornings), trying to find ways to have extra movement every day (goal is 15 mins a day.. This is meh). I meal prep every weekend, and eat a balanced plate. I’m also working on trying to make habits for cleaning my home with the Flylady system. Side goals I would like to get done this challenge: -Pickup my living room enough to move my table closer to the kitchen (unknown reward) -Do my taxes (1 gold piece reward) -I’ve joined a weekly group that requires me to show up Sunday (Add a new party member at the end of the challenge) -Going to my estranged family member's wedding shower in April... (reward Fairy trinket) Current life goals: -Get strong enough to have an easy move in June/July to upgrade my home for cats (also have a clean home to display for pre-move) -Get strong enough to enjoy a day at an amusement park with my long-legged brother (get a tad slimmer to enjoy the epic rides a bit better)
  2. Non scale goals for the next 5-6 months: (So I can remember) Be strong and mentally flexible for all the opportunities that jump my way Be strong enough to move into a new apartment, and adopt 2 cats simultaneously (fyi I haven't owned a furry pet in almost 10 year, and any breathing pet in 5+ years). Go to ValleyFair (local Amusement park) with no worries of fitting in rides and keep up with my 6'4 brother (I'm 5'11 but damn last year I had drink an energy drink or 2 just to keep up) This challenge goals: -Start bedtime routine 7/8 pm (I wake up at 5 am... so need the extra time to chill) -"Move the Body" - Workout twice a week, trying to get 15 mins of "meaningful movement" everyday -Balanced Plates /Weekly meal plan: Eat mostly from home with "NF balanced plate" All these goals I realize fall under self care. I also have the "meditation goal" but that right now ties with the bedtime routine. End of the last challenge I found I was having a harder time to go to bed at 7 pm due to the quiet brings up the trauma. I am working with someone on this, but doesn't help that some nights I am just broken. That I'm looking forward to getting cats to help with the loneliness that I've been dealing with. Cats are a bit delayed on owning due to needing to move to an apartment that allows them (the perk is also a bigger apartment for myself).
  3. March is going to be about getting my life in order and setting up a routine. I have a court case to go through and I'm returning to work after over a year on maternity/unpaid leave. It doesn't suit me to be particularly diet/fitness focused at present, so my goals are ones I think I can meet and will improve my overall quality of life and health. Internet sayz, when you get your life in order, your health improves as a result. Finding Resolution: Get Stuff Out After a massive acquisition binge in Jan/Feb, I now need to purge a heap of things (literal heap) from my home. I'm not the type of person that can just chuck stuff in the bin, so I'll be listing them on internet sites, posting them to charities etc. Specifically: Take photos of items to listPost items on ebay/gumtree/freecycle as appropriateDispatch or allow collection of items that other people wantMake decisions on stuff for charityPost stuff for charityFor electrical rubbish, research a safe way to dispose of itActually dispose of electrical stuffGet large cardboard boxes out of house (whether in parents' loft or in recycling is TBD)For things I ordered that don't work, contact manufacturer to resolveIf things haven't shifted by the end of the challenge, then I may have to consider a more drastic way of disposing of them. Finding Resolution: A Clutter-free, Clean and Tidy House I've made so much progress, but there is more to do! Vacuum regularly - once a week in all rooms with powerful vacDust/clean regularly with microfibre clothsUnpack all goods acquired and learn how to use them properly, including:new toothbrushoven Finding Resolution: Earlier to Bed I want to keep my current goals which have been to shift all the pre-bedtime prerequisites earlier in the evening. This month is a somewhat experimental goal, but I will try different things and regularly review to see how each approach is working for me. I need to figure out a way to limit internet/TV interference with bedtime. I also need to decide on what I think is an 'ok' bedtime, given that my "only-me-time" night starts at around 8pm. Exercise: Use Sling Regularly Goal is to use it at least 4 days a week for short walks. Will track that here. Mindfulness: Be Present When It Matters This is an 'edit' addition challenge. Today I was reading an article by Leo Babatu of Zen Habits that really rang home, about people who plan plan plan because they seek to control things and reduce their anxiety. I realise that I am very guilty of this; I recognise planning is my main coping skill, however I do it waaaaay to excess. So. Be present when it matters: Around babyNotice his beautiful faceNotice his cute little curlsNotice how adorable he looks in the outfits I have lovingly chosen for himNotice the cute little babbling noises he makesNotice the tiny little person he is nowAt workParticularly in meetings, I do well when I pay attention & badly when I zone outThere will come times where planning is all well & good, e.g. during my commute into work.
  4. As usual I have too much to do for just the requisite amount of goals per month, but unless I make great headway I'll never get anywhere so I'm making another big push this month. I also have to return to work in March so it's now or never! 1. Improve Diet Continue to eat soups/pasta/healthy pre-prepared meals/baked beans/omelettes for dinner at least 5 days/weekGet started on a joint meal plan, for me & baby.Consider how to limit snacking during this stressful period2. Exercise take baby outside at least 5 days/week - using sling where possible3. Posture stand up straight when following baby around, aim not to sit down during this time, or max sitting time 1 min every 154. Bedtime Routine finish eating by 8:30 pm (unless baby bedtime takes too long, but it's usually finished by 8)continue January task of doing housework to "reset to zero" right after eating, i.e. washing up, cleaning kitchen, tidying away toys etconce housework is done, get ready for bed all bar teeth cleaningclean teeth by 9:30 pm5. Forgiveness "To forgive is to release a prisoner, and realise that prisoner was you" After some stomach-turning betrayals I need to move forward with my life. Plan: there are 3 people I want to get started with; so that's an average of 1 / weekwrite a letter to them explaining why I am cross with themwrite a pretend letter back from them explaining why they are sorry (apparently this technique does actually work!!)6. Enjoy Time With Baby This is the most important one of all! This is the last month where I am not at work and he is not at nursery. This is linked to my "being present" tag. Limit mobile phone usage to only 1 min every 15No mobile phone during meal timesRead together every dayFind more baby activities in the area for himTake him to swings when possible6a. Sub-Goal: Deactivate facebook account I feel this will assist with the being present, and having more time to get on with things. 7. Tidying I moved house at the end of December into an unfurnished property. By the end of January I have made massive improvements to my living space, and some of the house is happiness-inducing nice. Other parts make me feel the weight of stuff to do. I have 28 items of house tidying that I want to achieve in Feb - there's 28 days in the month, and 26 days of this challenge, so averaging 1/day will work out nicely. In no particular order... Lounge get TV table assembledput up pictures throughout house (pictures are all currently boxed up in the lounge)wipe clean yoga ballwipe down all window sills (throughout house)Mirrored Room move stuff to donate/sell to spare roomwash all clothes that I will be putting in new drawers/wardrobemake decision on awkward clothingdeclutter corner of mirrored roomget rid of plastic boxes in mirrored roomtidy baby changing unitKitchen clean inside fridgeclean inside freezerclean inside repaired cupboardwash all items that had been in repaired cupboardrearrange kitchen organisation with extra cupboard to helporganise kitchen cupboards and drawers, buying organisers (that fit - measure first!) where necessarydeclutter and tidy counter topsresearch baby proofing items (for kitchen & for stairs)order baby proofing items (for kitchen & for stairs)consider a staging area for recycling and incoming mail/mid-processing mailBathroom declutter bathroom possessionsorganise bathroom possessionsclean bathroomBedroom unpack (and connect) printerput more curtain rings on bedroom curtainsget second memory box & start putting stuff in it (mem box ordered - trying out amazon prime "deliver this evening")Spare Room put up curtainsdeclutter stationary drawersgive clothes to charity that I no longer want
  5. Don't Overthink It Nerd Fitness Challenge #42 Main Quest: to relax This challenge is in the midst of a super busy time for me. I was going to skip it because I only have so much time but then I thought "don't overthink it. just relax." And it got me thinking (but not overthinking!) that in order for me to really focus on my responsibilites I need to make time to relax. Mini Quest 1: reflect 2x daily meditation. +2 STA, +3 WIS 2-5 minutes per session - calm.com. Mini Quest 2: reach 1x weekly yoga. +2 STR +2 DEX 7:30pm Thursday yoga at xfit amped or one of the yoga workouts from darebee. Mini Quest 3: record log food in journal instead of MFP. +3 CON MFP has been stressing me out so I'm going to log my meals old school style in my journal. Life Side Quest: routine add leave-on fluoride toothpaste to bedtime routine +3 CHA time for a new bedtime routine! face, floss, and now fluoride...
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