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Found 2 results

  1. Space here for stuff... Silks gym still not open. This song still is crying out to be silks-ed to. Challenges for this, uh, challenge (mostly repeated from last time, since that was such a stellar success. ): Flexy workPullups and Toes-To-Bar stuffConditioning, because who KNOWS how much stamina I have lost?No alcohol, just to prove I can. Since challenges are now <4 weeks (like 24 days? Yeesh) I'm going to get away from the # x per week goals and do a tally system instead. Also, I apparently need scoring, otherwise I do nothing and fail. Flexy work 8 sessions. -Some kind of yoga or dedicated stretching, at least 10 minutes. Pullups and TTB 3 sessions each. -TTB can be actual TTB; ground progressions; or other core or hip flexor things -Pullps are pullups, though if my elbow is being creaky, neutral grip is acceptable. Conditioning/Cardio 6 sessions -Hang from the pull up bar with engaged shoulders until I drop. Do this twice in a workout and that counts as 1 session. -20 minutes on the treadmill counts. 40 minutes continuous does NOT count as 2. -If (heaven forbid) I have to shovel my driveway due to terrible weather, this also counts as 1 session. -If the silks studio opens up mid challenge, some silks things can count under this section, too. No alcohol Seems pretty straightforward, eh?
  2. The curse of the Mad Hatter My name is Guybrush Threepwood Mad Hatter and I want to be a pirate burlesque/aerial/contortionist. But alas I have been cursed with a three-headed monkey on my back. It feeds me excuses and dark thoughts and it needs to leave so that I can finally begin my adventure. Goal 1 - Party trick I was recently challenged to a party trick duel and I'm ashamed to say I failed to perform. The monkey said I couldn't do it, and it might be right but I will never know for sure. For 3+ CHA and 2+DEX I will have a bendy party trick that I can perform solidly, even with too much grog in my system. To do this I will go to every scheduled acro/flex class plus one additional training session to solidify my skills. Goal 2 - Grog Speaking of grog, I need to fuel my body. Not the monkey. For 3+ CHA and 2+ WIS I will start tracking my diet again and I will not binge. Goal 3 - Dairy farmer Ouch. The monkey is telling the truth and it stings. I have become weak and need to start strength training again. For 5+ STR I have to do at least 10 sets per week of push/pull/leg/core and backbend exercises as I see fit. Life goal - Find shelter I travelled far and wide across the oceans and now I'm stranded in a cold island civilization. I need to find shelter, ASAP, before I can think of any other life goal. No reward except sanity. Just kidding, I already told you the monkey was on my back.
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