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  1. Ok, back in full time for this challenge. I've been kind of floating these last few months. I've also been way overeating, which makes it hard to lose weight I have my Nationals bowling tournament coming up at the end of May. I want to see if I can drop a bit more weight and be in better shape to give everyone that shock and awe. A few of them I only see once a year. Plus, I have been in this rut now, and I need to get out of it. I need to get in some bowling practice too, so maybe this challenge, or next I will start it up. Goal#1: Food tracking and Intermittent fasting I have been off and on with this over the last month or so. I want to get back at it. I want to get fasting added back in with my tracking. 11 AM to 6 PM is my planned eating window. I can go longer before my first meal, but no eating after 6. I want any temptation for snacking to go away again. Track all the food in cronometer. I have an idea of where my calories should be at, but I will run some calculators too to get an idea as well. I'm sure not over 2300 depending on how hard I am working out, and running. Tracking + fasting = 2 points per day. 14 total for the week. Goal#2: Get in the rest I have been really bad with this. Sleep pattern is all over the place. I feel tired, and it makes for worse decisions during the day. I need to get my routine back, and get my much needed resting in. 10:30 PM off the computer/TV/whatever. Get to reading. 11:30 PM off to bed. Forgot to add that I do let myself have a gaming night with friends on Saturday. So I will not count that one night. 5 points per day, 30 points per week. Goal#3: Move it! I want to continue to get my running in. I had some setbacks with being sick. Starting back on Week 4 Day 1 on Monday for C25k. I also want to get in workouts. Last time I tried, I think I tried to pile up too much. I am doing it somewhat this challenge, but changing things up. Run days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Workout days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Sunday is rest day. I want to also make sure I hit 10,000 steps on my fitbit. For my workout days, I want get get myself into the gym, but give myself many options as well. One time per week, I want to get to the gym to workout. I can go all 3 times if I wish, but 1 time per week for sure. I've been watching Celtic Warrior Workouts (Sheamus from WWE) and his series of Brave Change workouts. He is doing whatever workouts, just getting outside his comfort zone. As a wrestling fan, it is kinda cool to see him interact with the others too. Plus, you think some of the workouts are not bad, but you see how much they kick even his butt. Now, I am not doing these workouts myself.. yet Still though, kind of inspiring. I am going to look up a few different workouts I can do, and switch things up each time. That way I can keep things fresh. Running day 5 points. Workout day 5 points. 10k steps each day 5 points per day Sunday is rest day. 60 points per week. Goal#4: Check in! I have been no been checking in as much as I should have. This first week is minimum days at my son's school, so I will probably be sitting there all day. (other then running and walking around a bit) No excuse to not be able to check in here then. I am going to add points, just to make it more that I will want to do it 1 point per day. 7 points per week. Points: Week#1 (3/18 - 3/24): 92/111 = 82% Week#2 (3/25 - 3/31): 108.5/111 = 97% Week#3 (4/01 - 4/07): 0/111 Week#4 (4/08 - 4/14): 0/111 Measurements: (probably only weight this time) Weight: 269.9 lbs /
  2. The beginning of this year has been rough. We moved to North Carolina, which is not a nice place to live. It has work and schools (an hour drive away), so there's that. Hopefully I can make the end a lot better, because I'm getting married in October! I'm not certain that I do a lot of Druidy stuff, but I plan on using yoga to attempt to rehab my shoulder. It's not that physical therapy doesn't work. I'm going to school to be a therapist, so I obviously believe in it. However, the VA will only pay for a couple months of therapy, and it takes more time that that to even get an appointment. Last time I went in thinking that it would be a final step to getting well, but we found some pretty severe inflammation in the joint, so it was back to square. I let moving totally disrupt my workouts, so yet again, I have to start over. I'm hoping that yoga will help with mobility and strength in a more gentle way than pushups. 1. Yoga/PT 5 times a week 2. Food journal in Cronometer (gotta fit that dress!) daily 3. Floss! daily
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