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Found 7 results

  1. Playing catch-up: 1/12/2016...Weight: 180...Daily Calorie tracking continues...Shoulder workout today 8x4 (110 lb military press, 30 lb (ea) side raises, 25 (ea) lb front raises (both arms), 35 (ea) lb bent over raises, 90 lb arnold presses...15 min Spin.
  2. I missed the 6-week challenge, but I've got my own 8-week challenge that I started last week. And like the board says: "Nothing says accountability like letting the world read what you're doing." So here goes nothing! I plan on posting raves, rants (damn you, Taco Bueno), and just any general thoughts that may come to me while I go on this journey. I'm always open to any words of encouragement from my fellow Rebels! Fitness Goal Average Weight on 8/3: 168 Workout Plan Heavy Weights, 4x per week Fasted workout Nutrition Plan Intermittent Fasting (at night) Life Goal Save for Trip to DC Average Weight on 6/9 (Start Date): 174 Now it's time to really be brave. Here's a pic. Hopefully after 8 weeks, we'll see some improvement.
  3. Does anyone here attend A-kon Anime Convention in Dallas, TX?
  4. Greetings fellow Rebels! I've been following the NF blogs for a while, but this is my first post. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. I have one "simple" goal: I turn 50 in March and I'm determined to be in the best shape of my life by then. My primary focus is weightlifting because it's what I enjoy and it gets me to the gym at least 4x per week. Diet is definitely my weak spot. I'd love to get advice in both areas because I'm still learning. May the Force be with us all!
  5. I was just curious, is anyone planning on going to the Dallas ComicCon: Fan Days this weekend? My wife, daughter, best friend, and I are going to be going (for the first time ever) on Saturday. We won't be dressed up, but I'll certainly be wearing my NF shirt around the place.
  6. Who will attend the big Parkour jam in Dallas in a couple weeks? http://www.wherevent.com/detail/Matthew-Thomas-DFW-Massive-Jam
  7. A little history before my questions: Started taking running serious in February 2012 - averaging 4mi./run and 15mi./week.My paces on these runs got to about 8:45/mile, but I didn't run in any races.I injured my lower back in May while running on a treadmill.Turned out that I had hereditary spinal stenosis, but eliminated the pain with a steroid injection.Back running in December 2012 - averaging 5mi./run and 20mi./week.Pace is around 8:30 to 8:50 and I've run in 2 5ks.Longest run is 13.1mi. in 2'01" I'm planning to run the Dallas Marathon in December and will train using a 20-week plan that begins in mid-July (4-5 weeks of 3 runs/week, then 16-15 weeks of 4 runs/week). Until mid-July, how should I focus my training? Should I spend more time in the gym and focus on shorter runs or maintain my current run schedule?
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