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Found 2 results

  1. Main mission: Look fab in a bikini? Lose a couple lbs? tone up a bit? Summer is on full force in Austin! We have boat parties, pool parties, vacations, and just overall lots of great stuff going on. I am looking to balance my fun stuff with my health stuff...all culminating in Oktoberfest in Germany. Goal 1: Fitness: Workout at least 180 minutes per week PLAN MY WORKOUTS (this will be something I work on today and tomorrow) Make it to the climbing gym at least two times per week. Some form of hiking, climbing, yoga, kayaking fitness blender combo. A - 180+ minutes B - 150 - 179 minutes C - 120 - 149 minutes D - 90 - 119 minutes F - <89 minutes Goal 2: Fitbit Business I just realized my goal last challenge was to only get 55,555 steps and I just slayed it. My goal is to average 70,000 steps per week. A - 70,000+/week B - 65,000 - 69,999 steps per week C - 60,000 - 64,999 steps D - 55,000 - 59,999 F - 55,499 steps or below Goal 3: NO alcohol during the week. Not even a little wine. Also cool it on the weekends. Ain't nobody need to see me binge drinking. A - none per week B - one per week C - two per week D - three per week F - four per week Bonus: record all calories during the week and remain around 15,000 Bonus two: attend one circuit training class - I have been wanting to try but I am too intimidated Life Quest: My dogs need some serious training. I have four tricks I want to work on that will help her be more polite.
  2. Alright, party people. We talked about it, and now it's happening. I cannot take all of the credit for this idea. All rights reserved @ http://doughnutsanddeadlifts.com/ Basically we stand for and embrace the consumption of the most magical of all baked goods as a reward (in moderation, of course) for crushing some gnarly deadlifts. Go forth and lift heavy objects! Fuel your muscles with donuts!
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