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Found 2 results

  1. This is going to be my most ambitious challenge yet. I am probably doomed to fail, but as long as we learn from our failures they aren't really failures are they? First, I am rolling my exercise quests from last challenge into one: Exercise 4x per week, ideally 3 lift, 1 sprint. But because I am going into my busy season at work I might have to sacrifice my normal workout time and will be forced to improvise. So any workout counts. Second, stepping up my diet goal again, 2500 cal max, 180g protein min, every day, with the exception of June 2-5, my birthday weekend. I am still going to try but I am not going to score it. Third, My Etsy shop, The Tower of Or and Sable has been stagnant for too long. I am going to attempt to breath new life into it. Mini goals in this quest include getting my books in order, promoting the shop on social media at least once a week (this doesn't count), reviewing/updating my existing listings, and creating 2 new listings or products. Fourth, I need to start getting my finances in order starting with a will and college funds for my kids. Side Quest: Yep, still the Doll House. This time I am going to include posting a picture in the quest. Maybe then I will actually do it.
  2. So, I have an Etsy shop - have had it for over a year now - and was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks to get it going? I've got the business cards, branding, etc all set up, but short of shelling out FAR too much money for Facebook ads, sponsored listings, etc., I'm really not willing to sink any more money into the shop for anything other than materials. Has anyone else found success setting up an income stream on Etsy? If so, what worked for you?
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