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Found 2 results

  1. Tiggs86Padawan pt 2 Hello everyone quick recap! I'm making 2016 the year of the Respawn! I started this year the heaviest I have ever been. I moved to a new city for a new job and the stress eating was not ok. My 30th birthday is August 7th and I want to lose at least 30 pounds by then. I have been a part of a weight loss program sponsored by a clinic back in my hometown. I know NF is anti-shakes and dieting, but I feel like I need the strict rules (and let be honest: convenience) right now. By the time the program is finished I'll be completely on grocery food and have the tools to continue a healthier lifestyle. I started Jan 2nd with these STATS: Starting Stats 1/3/16 : Weight: 187.83 lbs, BMI 32.24, BMR 1566.8 kCAL, BF 39.2%, Muscle 41.86%, Hydration 42.32 Measurements: Waist: 39.5, Hip: 42.0, Chest: 43.5, Thigh: 18.8, Bicep: 12.5, Neck: 13.3 1/31/16: Weight: 172.4 Ibs, BMI 29.59, BMR 1496.8 kCAL, BF 35.27%, Muscle 43.67%, Hydration 45.3 My last challenge I focused on sticking to the diet plan, running, and passing my certification exam required for work. I didn't get to amile as the week before the exam I focused on studying. I passed the exam (whoop!) but the same night my cat had an ER visit so I had to watch him as much as possible outside of work. He got to doing well then swallowed who knows what, so we are on high alert again to make sure he keeps "going" as he should. This challenge I want to work on bodyweight exercises, studying for my next exam (which is not required so HUGE relief), and continuing to stick with Profile. Goal #1 Follow Profile plan I will be going home a couple of times this upcoming month so supper probably won't be plan legal, but I can keep up with breakfast and lunch! I have my 1st in office check this upcoming Saturday. Hoping to get some measurements! Goal #2 Exercise 4x/week ​I think I'll see better success/difference if I don't focus on strength day or cardio day (at least to start) and just do whichever I feel like doing that day. Goal #3 study for certification exam (2/3) 5 nights per week Usually once I start studying I create a goal to get through before I'm done. I want to get through each module (1,2,3) per week and use the 4th week to review.
  2. My ultimate goal is to fit comfortably into UK size 14 trousers. To do that, I need to drop a dress size and I want to do this by losing fat. I feel like I've got a good grip on workouts and food / diet so this challenge is about getting through a stressful time at work by making good use of my spare time, looking after the basics whilst still indulging my creative side. 1. 200k steps! STA+2 CON+1 CHA+1 Strap on the pedometer, get up and walk around. A = More than 221k steps B = 211k steps to 220999 steps C = 200k steps to 210999 steps F = Fewer than 200k steps. 2. Powerpoint! WIS+4 My employers have provided me with an advanced course in Powerpoint, all paid for, but I need to find a few hours a week to learn it, practice it and take an exam. I aim to take my exam by the end of May. A = Learned, practiced and exam date set B = Still practicing, nearly there C = Still learning, not sure whether I could pass the exam but I will take it F = Nowhere near ready, will have to defer the exam. 3. Hydrate! CON+2 CHA+2 My body is showing signs of dehydration. This needs to change, since the weather is getting warmer and more water is needed. Also I'm aiming to lose fat and variations in hydration can affect measured body composition. I will be recording the amount of water I drink and making sure to drink when I am thirsty. My target is 3.5 litres per day. I'm treating this like a 30-day hard hat challenge for the whole of the 6 weeks. Pass = Never miss 2 days in a row Fail = Miss 2 or more days in a row. 4. Dolly garden! DEX+3 Does that sound rude to you too?!? My home storage facility (*coughs* - dollhouse - *coughs*) was built in June 2012 yet two of the rooms still are not decorated. Being an unconventional type, I want one "room" to be a garden. It needs paint, wallpaper, flowers and a fence at least. At the moment it's just a dusty white box which is full of random stuff. A = What a beautiful dolly garden! B = Mostly done but needs a little more work C = Shows signs of improvement but looks like a building site F = Still dusty and full of random stuff.
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