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Found 2 results

  1. Hello All! I really want to start exercising at work. Mainly because, due to my commute I have very little time at home to work out. However, I have come across many obstacles. 1.) I work in a warehouse district with constant semi traffic. So walking around is not safe. 2.) I work at a Japanese company and doing little exercises at work is "frowned upon". So my question is....should I look for a new job? I am almost 300 lbs, I can not afford to be sedentary at work if I have the time. It will only make me bigger. I have done some research and I have found that other people in my field tend to have the option to work from home (which I would love! that would give me another 4 hours a day to get healthy!), I am a project manager. I have seen many many people on NF that work from home. If any of you could respond with your opinions I would be very grateful!
  2. Hello all, after dropping out of my first challenge about 6 months ago, I'm here to give it another shot. I've been married 7 years and I'm a stay at home mom to a 4 year old boy and a 19 month old girl. We've had some unexpected and tough things happen in the last 4 years and I haven't taken care of myself, resulting in being quite underweight and not living a healthy lifestyle at all. We've wanted to be better for along time, but just never did it. Now, I've come to my moment. I don't have a choice anymore. We found out in July that baby #3 is on the way, due date March 15. We are very excited, but I know things must change. I have had issues with preterm labor in the past, so I know I'm at higher risk this time around. I know some things are out of my control, but with what is, I need to give this baby the best chance I can give it. I guess I can say my main goal is to get healthy for Peanut so I can be in good shape for the rest of the pregnancy, delivery, and those first few months after. Ultimate goal- to have more flexibility, control, endurance, and strength than I have ever had in my life. 1. Do bodyweight workout 4x a week I'll be doing different groups each day, plan inspired by You Are Your Own Gym 2. Three solid meals a day. Snacking all day does not count. 3. ...I'm not really sure yet. I'll come back to it. Life goal: Retrain the brain- I haven't taken care of myself in any way. I've let my faith get weak and my attitude go to crap. No more negativity, complaining, excuses, or quitting. I don't have a very strong personality, so things like persistence and determination are unfamiliar to me. I have to find them and I will.
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