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Found 10 results

  1. pumazealy


    So that's pretty much the theme for this challenge. And it's as easy as every morning when i wake up i will do a 10 minute work out. Every morning - i get up at 5am during the week. My goal by the end of this challenge is press ups, crunches. I need to be able to do all three - i can't do any properly right now. I want to start Kick Boxing, yes i know i can go to kick boxing without knowing how to do these properly but i don't want to. I want to turn up and not struggle on the smallest of things. All going well by the end of this challenge i can start going to kick boxing at least once a week. So each morning i will do press ups, crunches, plank and one kettle bell circuit. Keeping it simple means starting at 1 press up, 1 crunch, a plank for as long as i can, and starting with 30 reps for the kettle bell. Each day i will add to it, when i can do 1 press up properly i will do 2, then 3... same with crunches. Planks will always be for as long as i can hold it. Each kettle bell exercise will start with 30 reps, the next time i do that same exercise 35, 40.... I will still go to the gym after work when i can, go back to my roller derby training, walk when the weather allows (becomming winter here now). I just won't be counting these against my pass or fail for my challenge. They are bonus. So that's my challenge this time. Keeping it simple. Building a habit so that i get to the point where i roll out of bed and do press ups, planks and crunches without even thinking.
  2. Hi... Heard about NF from Citizen Kane on Geekshowpodcast (NSFW! but hilarious) Now my friends think I am even more of a nerd whenever I tell them about the new workout I've found on NF. I am determined to be more active and less of a fatty. So much so that I turned my desk at work into a standing desk, joined a softball team, park as far away from my office as I can so my walk is about five minutes. Oh and I signed up for the Spartan Race in June aaand the Tough Mudder in September. I have run the Dirty Dash for the last three years, It's a blasty blast and i signed up this year as well. I have a Green Lantern tattoo on my leg and the Sword of Truth on my forearm. Looking for new ways to kick my trash and meal ideas as well as nerdy references and comradery.
  3. Alright, Geekshow peeps! Lets get ready to kick off another awesome challenge! Anyone interested in signing up can find the spreadsheet HERE. I will take the Humble Role of Team Leader for this challenge. Let me know what you guys want to focus on, we'll come up with some awesome boss fights for the challenge, too!
  4. My second challenge is about to start. I think I have built a good continues work out routine, and now that is starting to stay nice out in the morning, I can move part of my work out outside. So for this challenge i am going to focus on my diet. For the mini boss challenge, I am going to drop 5 lbs or a half of BMI point. Part of this part of this challenge will be to continues spell challenge right, as well as weigh myself daily and keeping my battle log up to date. I think this will help keep me on track as far as the diet goes. Good luck guys!!!
  5. I was getting ready for bed one night, and viewed myself in the mirror and was quite disgusted with the way I look. I have never been one to shy away from hard work. The one problem I have, is putting in that hard work into myself. I spent last summer working in the field and took that opportunity to start my physical fitness blitz. I came back from the field motivated to continue the increased physical activity and begin to incorporate a better diet. My biggest challenge with eating, is actually eating. I try to eat healthy, but I could definitely do better. I am hoping that using this sit will help me keep on track with my plan. I have given myself 7 months to not be fat anymore. Ready.... GO
  6. Agents May and Romanoff are my inspiration. Two ass kicking chicks who don’t need any help from anyone. As I continue to transform my body into a martial arts powerhouse I will focus on my weaknesses and prepare for becoming a full agent. I will become my own cavalry. Balance: Balance is important to an agent, and to a fighter. You never know when I will be walking along the edge of a building high over New York City. Strengthen my legs: Bad knee problems are not for agents. No. We jump, kick, climb, run. Strengthen my body: Strength overall is something I need to work on. There are no weak agents. Pull ups, press ups, planksanity. I need to do it all. You never know what an agents day will be full of, need to be prepared for anything. Stamina: Running, why is it always running? Towards danger or away from it. I need to keep up with the cardio. Agents ride bicycles right? There’s always stairs to run up too. How I will accomplish these goals: Each workout will be done at least twice a week. Balance circuit Cable machine circuit for legs Angry Birds Workout 30 Minutes of Cardio Walk up at least 3 floors of stairs at work I can pass/fail weeks by not reaching this minimum. At the end of the six weeks I need to have done at least 12 of each workout to pass. Life goal: Free the mind. Get lost for a few hours each weekend in a video game. Even finish some games for once. There are skills to learn from games. Tactics, stealth, fun times. Every hour of game play is a point, two points a week to pass my life goal. Spreadsheet for Points tracking and Angry Bird tracking here As part of being in the Knights of the GSPC i am setting myself two "boss fights" two goals i have to smash along the way. Mini Boss Challenge Core is key. Balance, strength - they rely on having a strong core. As part of my agent training you must be able to do a 60 second plank. I need to pass this within three weeks to continue my agent training Big Boss Challenge Agents test is big and bad. By the end of my challenge i need to be able to do the following - so i can proceed with my training and goal of becomming a SHIELD agent. 3 pull ups 90 second plank 100 squats
  7. The Druid life suits me. I feel that my approach to coming into tune with nature is through physical meditation. I have noticed that working out and exercising in general has been helping me sharpen my relationship with my surroundings and myself! I looked through my Pathfinder rulebooks and found a level 2 Druid Spell that I love! Aspect of the Bear grants the Druid a bonus to his Armor Class and Combat Maneuver rolls. Armor Class isn't necessarily how much armor you are wearing, it's more about how hard you are to hit. I'm not looking at physical combat here, more like Metaphysical Combat. I am at war with my old habits and lack of discipline. I need to be harder to hit, more evasive in the battles to come. I need to be able to slip out of the grasp of my old nature as I seek the path to my Grove. The specters of my old habits are many, and litter the road ahead of me with the bones of past attempts. I need to hone my skills to better fight them off! My Goals will be summarized by three spells that encompass what I am trying to learn. SPELL ONE: BEAR'S ENDURANCE Right now I am working to cast off the abuses of my old life and shed some fat. I am working on strength training, but the way I am approaching my workouts lends itself more to better Endurance. If I reach this goal, I will grant myself +4 to Constitution. Spell Components: 6 Day Split workout, divided between upper body and lower body workouts. A: Not skipping any workouts, and adding intensity to those workouts B: Not skipping any workouts C: Miss one workout D: Miss two workouts F: Miss three workouts SPELL TWO: SLIPSTREAM I am assisting my primary goal (fat loss and health) by increasing my cardio workouts. I started my quest earlier this year through walks and working on the stationary bike. Now, I will be adding daily Interval workouts to help myself travel more in tune with nature. If I achieve this goal, I will grant myself additional Dexterity and Wisdom. Spell Components: Couch to 10K training program A: At least 60 minutes of Interval Training/Cardio every day of the week B: At least 30 minutes of Interval Training/Cardio every day of the week C: Miss one day training D: Miss two days training F: Miss three days training SPELL THREE: ASPECT OF THE BEAR Since the beginning of December I have been focusing on how, and what, I eat. I have practically eliminated processed foods from my diet, and I want to continue this. Not eating my "trigger" foods of pasta, breads, and sugars has greatly reduced my weight, and is really helping me understand a lot about other aspects of my nature. By reducing my size, I will increase my Armor Class and Combat skills in general, making me better suited for battling the Specters on my path to the Grove. I am also focusing on reducing portion sizes by not having seconds on meals, if I am still hungry in an hour, so be it. Have an apple, dammit! Spell Components: Eliminate Processed Foods A: No processed foods B: One Day processed foods C: Two days processed foods D: Three days processed foods F: Four Days processed foods Spell Failure: If portion size exceeds one big bowl or plate, spell loses intensity and slips a grade. CAMPAIGN: The Lych King of Azum Ghul Thousands of years ago, there was a mighty sorcerer who, in his heart, was a Champion to the People. He could create amazing works and conjure objects of great beauty. Over time, the sorcerer grew arrogant about his power, and began to lose his connection with the mystical energy within the earth from which he drew his power. His body began to warp and distort, and his mind, now full of loathing and seething with hatred, began to snap. The People grew wary and fled his realm. Soon, he was a mere Shade of himself, and passed from the Mortal Realm. But his ravaged spirit lived on, and began to warp and twist the land around his crypt. The forest began to fester, and the ponds and rivers became stagnant and fetid swamps. The animals of the land started to avoid the Blighted Woods, and the peasants of the area began to whisper of evil spirits haunting those once sacred lands, now called Azum Ghul, or the Cursed Land. Adventurous souls took it upon themselves to rid Azum Ghul of evil, and were seldom seen again. Those that did survive spoke of terrors beyond comprehension, and roads littered with the bones of the dead. One adventurer claimed that he was attacked by these very same bones and barely escaped with his life. Another spoke of a bloodthirsty Gnoll that guards the path halfway through Azum Ghul and feasts upon the remains of those who have fallen before him. This is where I come in. I am an initiate in an ancient Order of Druids, and I have been entrusted with Hallowed Secrets about the true nature of Azum Ghul. I have been charged with a quest to enter these haunted woods and to vanquish those spirits that have sullied the land. My Order believes that a portal to one of our Sacred Groves lies deep within the woods, and only by restoring Azum Ghul to its pristine state will we be able to visit that grove again. I will have to face the Specters of those that have fallen before me, and face the true evil that has corrupted these lands to be successful. MINI-BOSS FIGHT: Rottgutt the Gnoll Rottgutt has grown fat over the centuries by feeding off of the corpses of the fallen. He lurks in the shadows by the road, using his knowledge of the land to trick his prey off the road, where they become easy targets. I will defeat Rottgutt by avoiding him altogether. I am going to go OVER him. Success: I will need to have much better upper body strength to pull this off. I will train daily to be able to do at least 4 full chin-ups by the half-way point of the six week challenge. Anything less than 4 full chin-ups is defeat for the week, I will need to defeat Rottgutt to move on to the Lych King's crypt. If I make this goal before the third week, I will continue to train chin-ups, since the more I can do the less likely Roattgutt will find me in the first place! BOSS FIGHT: Consumuerte, the Lych-King of Azum Ghul Consumuerte (the Eating Death) has made a palace in the twisted ruins of his crypt and the swamps around it. Facing the Lych directly is dangerous, since he can corrupt anything he sets his gaze upon. His crypt lies within a stagnant pool a little over 3 miles across. Consumuerte will attack anything that comes through the clearing, but he tires easily due to the enormity of his corpse. Success: Again, I am avoiding direct confrontation with the Fiend. I will cast Aspect of the Bear when I enter the swamps to make myself more effective at avoiding his attacks. I will then cast Slipstream to increase my speed over the swamps, and then Bear's Endurance to push my body farther than it has ever gone. If I can run through the swamps fast enough to evade the Lych King, I will be able to enter his Crypt and destroy his Animus Foci, which should hopefully break his Spell of Corruption over the land. The distance I will need to run is 3.10 miles. COMPLETION: The Portal If I make it to the Portal, I will seek guidance through meditation and communion with the land. I have no idea what lies beyond the Portal, but my Order needs to find our Grove soon. Only by completing my quest will we be able to find the answers we need! I have companions of a sort, a group of Knights that I have grown to rely on in times of need. They will not be joining me on this quest, but through the use of Waygates we can communicate with each other to offer encouragement and support. I think I will be relying on them more than ever!
  8. NERDS,GEEKS and FRIENDS!!! Lend me your audio sensors!!! I have done it, I have completed the first part of my 6 week challenge. I did it last week, but I was out of country and could not post about it. I am very proud of myself. I was worried about being able to pull this off. But I stuck to it and with the help and support of you guys and especially my fellow Knights of the GeekShow Podcast. I have accomplished this goal!! Thanks guys!! and keep up all the great work. Jeremy
  9. As a valiant member of the Knights of the GSPC, it is my sworn duty to help protect my fellow knights. We have come up with a plan to invade the dark empires bunker. My part of this plan is simple. The first goal I must accomplish involves covering a small distance in a small amount of time. There is a drainage pipe that Mangostike must use to sneak into the base to disable a security system. Before he can accomplish this however, there are a pair of sentries that guard this area, as it is a major weak point in their defenses. After scouting the area, it was determined that there is a 8 min window that is available for someone to approach a spot where they could remain hidden and ambush the two guards, preventing an alarm. They have grown lax and allow this 8 min window because a distance of a mile has to be covered in that 8 mins. Goal 1 / mini-boss / 3 week goal I have to be able to increase my run speed so that I can traverse this mile in under 8 mins. After dispatching the two guards in the area, I have to then work my way around to the other side of the base and take the place of one of the guards at the main entrance. The guards replacement has to be in place with in 24 mins or else suspicious will be raised. unfortunately, since I can not go through the base, I have to run all the around the perimeter, which is a distance of 3 miles. Goal 2 / boss battle / 6 week goal I have to be able to run a pace a 8 min mile for 3 mile, or a run speed of greater then 7.5 mph. My main quest. I ma getting ready for a new stage and adventure in my life. I am a relatively healthy guy, but I look at myself in the mirror and I can't help but chuckle and mutter Han ma boo-kee, keelee ka-lya dooka. Wadja da boolya ra Moydemand. So I vowed to get myself into visual shape, along with physical shape before I head of to my new adventure in about months. So the main quest for me is it drop down to a respectable 210 lbs. To accompany this main quest, there are smaller more specific goals that must be accomplished. My side quests. 1. I must continue to exercise in some fashion 5-6 times a week. This can include going to the gym, or hiking up a mountain. The qualifier is that I have to do something physically demanding for at least an hour 5-6 days a week. 2. Avoid the pitfall of snacking. I am busy person, I spend a great deal of time sitting in front of my computer or in a lab working. I tend no to take the time to stop and eat a meal, but will snack on things that may not be the best for me. So the second goal is to work on actively eating meal. 3. As part of goal 2. I need to get in the habit of cooking my own food, it is better for you and I can control what goes into the food better. So as the third and final part of this main quest, is to starting preparing my meals so that I have ready to heat and eat meals for the week.
  10. The fatty has some speed!! One of my goals for this challenge is to decrease my mile time to 8 min, but more over, increase my running speed to 7.5 mph, a respectable running speed. I am well on my way. Today I hit my all time low mile time with 8:32.00, Feel good and pumped to break the 8:00 mark!!!
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